Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oysters Will Help Your Hyperdrive - [Silver Jedi Dominion of Mon Calamari]

Connor Harrison

OOC: Short post just to keep things moving, sorry - busy in RL today! Grr.

Location: Dac
Current Allies: [member="Nagate Hei"] | [member="Yura Fontaine"]
Objectives: Repel any hostiles on the ground

As Connor hit the shallows, water splashing over him, the call came through from [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] -

"Take your time Thurion, it seems a little quiet here...which probably isn't a good thing. I'll keep my beacon active so you know where we are. Don't get blown out of the sky please."

He moved forward but before he had time to survey the area, the next call came from [member="Coci Heavenshield"]. Connor frowned.

"What? What kid. For the love of...on it."

Clicking off, he turned and searched the their wayward Padawan [member="Zak Dymo"] in the water. Turning to [member="Nagate Hei"], Connor issued the order.

"Nagate! Can you find Zak and reach him? Your speed and agility is your strongest ally."


| [member="Ikki Ike"] | [member="Darell Irani"] | [member="Quinn Michaels"] | [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] | [member="Kaitlyn Solay"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Kei Amadis"] | [member="Taiden Keth"] | [member=Gwrtheyrn] |
Post 3 of 20.
Location: Mon Cala fine dining The Ocean, in the appetizer section...
Enemies: Krakana, teeth, Krakana, pincers, Krakana...
Objective: Explore / Medical Supply Delivery Just keep swimming, JUST. KEEP. SWIMMING!
He needed a lightsaber.

With a bi... bifur-whatever-thingy-ma-thing that made it work underwater.

Yeah. THAT.

And an adult. He needed an adult. Preferably one with gills. If no gills were available, at least someone who could hold their breath REALLY long underwater. Or someone with an A99 rebreather and strong swimming skills.

...and lightsabers, that worked underwater.

Pulling his arms by his side, the child twisted through the water as he swam with everything he had. Legs. Arms. The Force. The shadow of the Krakana was constantly moving in response to his actions, creating a game of cat and mouse.

And, SPOILER ALERT, Zak was the mouse.

Pulling sharp left, the boy got a glimpse of a maw of teeth as the two narrowly avoided one another. In the grand scheme of things, from a completely detached perspective, the Krakana wasn't any larger than seven or eight meters. About the same as a large Great White Shark. But from Zak's eye level? This thing was the Death Star with fins.

Forget adults or lightsabers, he needed the REPUBLIC MARINES!

The sea grass parted from the displacement created by the boy's rapid passage through the water, as the Nautolan swam out over the reef. Skirting close to the corals, the child hugged the contours of the sea bed as his eyes and tendrils each worked to try and track what had happened to his shadow.

It couldn't be beneath him. It wasn't above him... was behind him, wasn't it?

Ducking lower into the sea, the youngling diverted into a coral ridge which formed a kind of valley along the sea floor. A coral formation, like a bridge, created a narrow eye through which the boy darted through.

He heard the impact a second later, turning in time to see the cloud of sand and coral particles billowing up from where the krakana had run head-first into the coral mountain in pursuit of the Nautolan.

Soaring over the reef's end, the child stared down into the inky darkness which waited at the bottom of the drop-off. The light was fading as it stretched down the continental shelf to reveal the face of the undersea mountain. Taking a large gulp of water, the small Nautolan plunged. Hugging the contour of the sheer face, the child sailed down the mountain in a vertical decent. The pressure mounted as one meter became three, then three meters became ten. The light faded into darkness, as the temperature dropped sharply and the salinity changed.

Zak was cold. Even he needed a wetsuit at these temperatures.

One bonus to swimming underneath the thermocline, sound traveled four times faster. And Nautolan hearing in water was quite extraordinary. Remember the whole 'oh look, the non-human doesn't have ears' thing? Those fourteen head-tendrils were seven pairs of ears, listening for salinity changes, pressure changes, sound wave promulgation, and a host of other things that were transmitted in water. He could even smell with them.

Head-tail sonar picked up the sound of the water displacement even before the whole Force Sense thing gave him another of those bad feeling. Pulling up sharply, the child planed out and away from the mountain face, as his shadow returned to pass behind him.

Apparently Nautolan was the other green meat.

Twisting back in the water, the youngling plunged down ward again in a corkscrew dive.

He was in the open ocean. No where to hide.

As the child's eyes explored the contours of the undersea mountain, an opening caught his eye.

New plan: Swim for the cavern!
Location: Coming towards pirate Ship
Objective: Take it

The honorable rolled as Ikki was bringing it around towards the hangers, she had been glad to come out of hyperspace close enough and with the oswaft she had been training under. The translucent skin and massive size let it fly towards them and it understood. At least from what she had been able to tell it... In pictures. The silvers were friends and the ones attacking them. Bad guys who were dangerous. It wasn't great but it was enough for her to get him to voice stream open the hanger bay of the ship as she landed the honorable and the emergency shield came up. She was looking at the hanger and while the sounds of another voice stream came it impacted a section of the ship. She held a small smirk sliding out and holding her headpiece for a moment until she slipped it with hr gloves on. The carbonite tips sliding out a little so she had the starts for the slicewire.

Location: Head First into the Drink
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Zak Dymo"]
Objective: Rescue Zak

Nagate turned and ran, aided by the Force and leapt for off into the water. The distance was great enough for him to dive in and head straight down.



Nagate placed a rebreather into his mouth and propelled himself down into the depths of the ocean world. As he swam, he reached out to locate the youngling. He was a small boy, it would be hard to locate him. But te increase in the boys output gave Nagate a heading. He could feel the fear and despair from him, it wasn't rooted in the Force, but an emotional response to something that wasn't nice.

Pushing himself with the Force, Nagate's feet kicked harder to get closer. From the depths, large amounts of bubbles rose to meet the Padawan. It was getting darker the further down he went, then he saw it. A mad dash for safety and a beast unlike any Nagate had ever seen. It was not a pretty creature, but all predator and very hungry for Nautolan. Nagate did know his saber was usless down here, so he'd need his knife and some luck to prevail. With a quick push of his thoughts, Nagate made Zak aware that help had arrived...

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Mon Eron
Mon Cal Hypernautics
[member="Venussia Sasko"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"]

Beneath them the construction process continued to formulate itself, they had been caught unprepared really, nobody had been expecting these lunatics to appear out of nowhere and start harassing the proud members of the Mon Calamari nations. But sometimes you were surprised and had to do with the best that you could, Irani had counted on the Mon Cal fleets to suppress or at least keep the pirates busy until the Silver Jedi Order would arrive.

Though as he calmly listened to the Grandmaster of the Order, it seemed that such was not in their luck, which was… well it wasn’t entirely fine. But it wasn’t entirely as grave as suspected at first glance, foremost because they weren’t building on Mon Calamari yet.

A pointed look was shot at Marek, basic underling of the fact that his business decision to start building on Mon Eron was paying off right now.

Master Jedi, I thank you for the warning and for the aid you are sending.’ Darell calmly responded, while monitoring the approach of Cutter’s fleet towards their location. They would arrive here, but between the distance there was and the Mon Cal still harrying them at every turn? It wouldn’t be as easy as that.

Not to mention that they weren’t exactly defenseless, simply… inadequate in an assault-position.

Sadly we are not in a position to evacuate without leaving personnel behind.’ and valuable equipment and assets which these Pirates would love to have or destroy. But I have already ordered for defensive positions for the few battle-ready ships we have.’

A scratch of the chin.

By our calculations their fleet will hit firing-range in about forty minutes.’ sublight speed was a joke and he doubted the pirates had enough guts to micro jump it. ‘We will hold the line until you arrive with aid.’

Irani looked at Sasko, then looked at Starchaser and then winked at both of ‘em.

If he seemed confident, they would be confident too.


Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Mon Eron
Mon Cal Hypernautics
[member="Darell Irani"] and [member="Venussia Sasko"]

4 posts for the Post God

See? There was a war here. Marek didn’t even get involved in wars that were going around for the Techno Union. He paid for battles to be won, contract killers, droid armies and getting people to go elsewhere and live comfortably, rather than fight the war. Running his hand through his hair, he listed to the Jedi and Irani speak. Well, this was going to be fun.

“So, did you bring a pool table to be installed here?” Or was Marek supposed to bring the table? Because defense? They paid people for that, right?

Then the Jedi would come in, be the super heroes they were and all would be well.
Mission: Defend the shipyards and the medical frigate.
Status: In deep!

Another one of the pirate's frigates went up in a bright shockwave, but not without taking a few fighters with it. It didn’t look good re-looking at the plan, “the rest of the fleet are still an hour away?” Kei remarked to the colonel, breathing deep of the force, “alright we need to pull back, how are the medical frigate’s engine’s doing?”

“They need another fifteen minutes,” Koltec looked out as the growing number of flashes outside the viewport, the sign of the furball heating up.

“Any response from the engaged fighters or battleships?” Kei asked, scratching his chin.

“Not yet, they have their hands full” Kotec looked over the display, it seemed it was a close call the silver fleet part in hyperspace, part engaging, was putting things at a stalemate now, and some of the routing pirates were deciding to turn back to face them, recalculating their odds at winning.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]: Receiving Coci's update, he nodded, "Received Master, we'll do our best." They were already stretched pretty thin! Who was fast enough to break contact....

“Hail Taiden tell him to break to cover the shipyards, and we’ll put ourselves between the medical frigate and their fleet. Give me a fighter screen on the flank, and a suppressive firing solution forward, firing for effect, not for damage here colonel. Don’t let anything else get through to the medical frigate.”



Kei braced his hands, it was going to get rough, holding out for another hour? Force help them. The first sparks on the outside of the shields, as large thuds began to detonate against the hull, the sign of missile impacts heading their way, he hoped the old girl had it in her to hold together. Hopefully.

SJO Support Fleet

1 x The Beacon a modernised Interdictor Class Cruiser – Covering Medical Frigate - Shields at 65%
1 x Class_C_Frigate (Hospital Variant) – Being Covered - Shields at 60% *Engines Down
12 X Thyrsus Hearts – Moving to support the shipyards.
1x High Cards Crack Pilots, Squadron of E-Wings (12/13 Ships) – Screening Support Fleet
2 x Squadron of Retro Fitted Modern Y-wings (22/26 Ships) – Screening support Fleet
7x Gamma Class Assault Craft - Docked
10x Droch Class Boarding Craft - Docked
3,000 x Wildcard Special forces, Two Battalions - Spread across the fleet as boarding defense, extra security and reinforcement.

Location: Space
Objective: 2 (Form Fighter Screen)
Allies: Silver Jedi Order, [member="Kei Amadis"]
Enemies: Pirates

I pulled the fighter through a barrel roll, jostling the etheric rudder back and forth to drastically reduce my speed. Sure enough an ugly zipped by me seconds later, trying its best to slow itself as well. Finishing my roll and leveling out, he fell into my targeting reptical only a second or so afterwards, azure laser bolts lancing into his shields, collapsing them rapidly. As the blue energy bolts washed over his shields he tried to jink to the left, but I only missed him for a fraction of a second before I was all over him again. His shields died with a static pop and his cobbled together craft came apart in a fiery explosion as the next bolt beamed through it. "Blue Squadron, Beacon is calling for a fighter screen, we're it. Pull north of the engagement zone and haul over to them to cover them from enemy starfighters." The captain's voice came over the comm, calm and reassuring to the rest of us. If he could remain calm in this firestorm it couldn't be as bad as some of us thought. "Blue Leader, what if we pull some of them with us?" my wingmate asked, already having one on his tail as it was. "Handle him in transit, but do it fast Blue Eight. Over and out."

Double clicks echoed through the comm channel as the rest of us acknowledged without problem. My wingmate had a tail that was trying real hard to get a missile lock, and I wasn't going to be able to kill the ugly off before that happened. Instead I fell in behind him, sliding through the enemy fighter pilot's targeting screen, throwing it off, even if for only a second. My wingmate pulled up hard and to the left, going to loop-de-loop behind him, while I continued low and to the right. The enemy fighter reacted to me, so I leveled off. It would be a long loop for my wingman but he would have a clear shot once he got through. I continued jinking and jiving, buying him a couple of seconds, and keeping myself alive. Blue laser bolts zipped passed me, "Got him," came over the comm, informing me the new fireball behind me was the enemy fighter. "Following you Blue leader. Looks like Beacon could use all the help it can get," I said over the comms, free and clear from the dog fight.
Post 4 of 20.
Location: Bob's Fish Mart
Allies: [member="Nagate Hei"]
Objective: Explore/Medical Supply Delivery

Looping down through the mouth of the chasm, the Nautolan's head-tails whipped about in a flurry of activity, as the boy furiously searched for something. A place to hide. Something he could use against the krakana. Mining equipment.

...wait, mining equipment?

Pulling up, the boy narrowly skirted the maw of the large predator. As he did, he caught sight of a humanoid swimming down toward him.

Yay, he had an adult!

...and a krakana. Don't forget the krakana.

Twisting, turning, spinning, diving, the Nautolan continued the intricate dance with the sea monster. As he did though, the boy was trying to tell the other Jedi about the mining equipment and explosives that were in the cavern just a few feet away. The problem was, Zak couldn't talk under water. That wasn't how Nautolans communicated. So unless Nagate could understand Nautoli and read eye-swirls, Zak probably wasn't being all that successful in communicating.

Maybe the other Jedi was telepathic? That was a thing, wasn't it?

A telepathic adult with a rebreather, strong swimming skills, an underwater lightsaber, and a platoon of Marines.

And maybe a star destroyer, just to be sure the krakana got dead.

...was that really too much to ask for?
Location: The Deep Blue Sea
Allies: [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Connor Harrison"]
Objective: Save Zak

Nagate watched the little Nautolan dart around the much larger creature. It was like watching a seal and shark. One much more agile and elusive, the other raw power and speed. Nagate did not know the language of the little Nautolan, but he was able to send messages through the Force into the childs mind.

"If you can out run it long enough, I will intervene. Get to a small crevice that it can't reach."

Nagate focused on himself. Building up as much Force energy as he could, then all at once launching himself forwards with Force enhanced kicks. He was aiming right for the body of the creature. Nagate drew his knife and held it back for a charged strike. If he could get the timing right, he would strike the beast where he hoped its heart would be.
Location: Under the sea... Under the Sea.
Objective: Be bored, he was finished.
What he wished: Something would happen. He was bored. He was singing "Under the sea" he was that bored.

Quinn was bored of waiting around. He had already started work on his lightsaber, and he was literally bored. He was wondering the sea, still waiting for stuff to happen. He had his comlink, waiting for Coci to contact him, if she ever did. He sigh, watching above. He couldn't see the fight, though he almost wished he could.

He was against pointless murder, yeah, but man anything would break this boredom would be acceptable at this point. He chuckled, wondering down past Capital Building. He slipped inside, wondering through the corridors back to his room that the Mon Cal leaders had given him. Always nice people.

Short one, cause life has been catching up to me
Post 5 of 20.
Location: Top Chef: Mon Cala (our catch of the day: Krakana fillet, served blackened or poached with a wasabi-ginger reduction)
Allies: [member="Nagate Hei"]
Objective: Explore/Medical Supply Delivery

Suddenly, Zak wanted to swim for a crevice.

He wasn't really sure why. He'd tried that a few times, but now he had this... idea. Like, maybe if he tried to outrun the krakana then the Jedi adult would have an opening to intervene.

Was the Jedi dude doing that?

Plunging downward, the boy twisted as he shot back toward the cavern. His body working furiously as he used the Force to augment the dolphin kick technique which propelled him through the water. Rocketing through the water in a haze of bubbles, the boy sailed back down into the chasm with the krakana close behind.

He really hoped this Jedi was a Silver bro pro. Getting eaten was definitely not on his list of things to do today!

However, taking a nap was TOTALLY on his list of things to do today.

As soon as he was done swimming for his life.

...oh, and he had some medical stuff he still had to get somewhere.
Location: the Drink
Allies: [member="Zak Dymo"]
Objective: Save the Pipsqueak

Nagate kicked as hard as his legs would allow, bringing himself ever closer, on an intercept angle for the beast as the Nautolan dove for a crevice.

Nagate pushed hard and met the beast blade first. Nagate slammed into the creature with the full weight of the Force behind his strike. Nagate let all of his buikt up Force energy expell from him at his knife point. The force of the blow separated Nagate's lead shoulder. The beast slammed into the rocks beside it and became stunned, rocks began to fall down from above as they were loosened. Blood from the wound seeped into the water and began to cloud the creature. Nagate couldn't tell how deep the wound had become, nor if it was mortal or fatal.

"Let's go!" A mental picture of escaping was sent with the words to Zak. And he waved the Nautolan to the surface. His shoulder was on fire. As he ascended, he was forced to use the dislocated arm to depressirize. His left hand held the blade, and his feet kicked like no tomorrow, because tomorrow wasn't garrunteed at this moment.

Nagate looked back down at the beast as it slowly drifted down and rocks fell on it and the surprise attack took its temporary toll. Knowin the Nautolan could beat him to the surface, he prepared to be the next target once the beast regained its bearings...
Aboard the Will of the Force
Exiting hyperspace, engaging enemy fleet

Finally they had arrived. He felt as if the beast-of-a-ship was about to come apart at the seams had they pressed her further, and their engines were already exhausted. Luckily they wouldn't need them once exiting hyperspace. They would show up right in the thick of it, hopefully in time to stop the invasion of Dac itself. The pirates, it seemed, was so far only targetting the shipyards. The Silver Fleet was spread thin trying to cover a far-too-wide area in hopes of keeping the invaders out. They were about to receive a massive boost in firepower.

"This is the Will of the Force, entering the Calamari System. Exiting hyperspace in three, two, one..."

The massive almost-space station entered the battlefield with its impressive 2.8 km in length and width which far outdid any of the present ships, friend or foe. Even so, nearby enemy ships opened fire on them. Better them than the shipyards. "Time to retaliate. Open fire on the closest frigates and work from there." A colourful display of firepower was let loose from the Will of the Force, barraging the marked targets.

"This is Grandmaster Heavenshield, calling all units! Report your status and regroup at our location as we try and push the enemy away from the shipyards."

[member="Kei Amadis"] | [member="Zak Dymo"] | [member="Venussia Sasko"] | [member="Nagate Hei"] | [member="Quinn Michaels"] | [member="VIKI"] | [member="Gwrtheyrn"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Taiden Keth"] | [member="Ikki Ike"] | [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] | [member="Kaitlyn Solay"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Darell Irani"]
Dac ~ Mon Calamari
The Grand Reefs

The Grand Reefs were large coral banks located on the aquatic planet of Dac, located near the city of Orotoru G'am. Above the water, it featured large boulders and was decorated with tall statues of Mon Calamari. They were also the site of a podracing course.

This was a small expedition for Micah and his mother to enjoy a bit of solitude without the rest of the Talith pack. Tensions seem to be growing within the children, and Kira Talith was not one to let things brew.

So, the idea was to go to Dac, an Outer Rim World far away from any One Sith interference or the war. By all intents and purposes, it would be a good place to get to work on breath control skills, physical training, and all in all having a good time.

At least that was the plan.

For now, the two were oblivious towards any kind of pirate raids or the like, what with being at the Grand Reefs -- scuba diving here was fantastic -- but there was no denying the warning of foreshadowing that would run across the young Talith's spine as his head would breach the surface of the water.

Squinting bright orange eyes, he'd wade in the waves, feeling the current lazily drift him back and forth. Peering up, he'd frown.

Location: Coming towards pirate Ship
Objective: Take it

Ikki was moving now faster as she felt something large come out of hyperspace and her eyes got wider. Looking out a viewport she saw the ship and its two cannons that could tear through enemy ships while bypassing shields. She would recognize the solar ionization cannons on the expungable anywhere since Shri-Tal was where the ship was designed... By Ayumi same as the generators for the Honorable class fighters. She was walking and moving towards the bridge as pirates came at her, she turned to look at them while they towered over her with their armor. Their guns and as they leveled them towards her she flicked her fingers bringing the slicewire into the air. The twang sound of it as the rifles were sliced in pieces then their hands and armored arms. Ikki continued moving as she spoke. "I am very sorry for this but you will not be killed by this... unable to continue to attack yes but I must continue on my way now." She was moving on towards the bridge and clasped her hands in front of her as she walked stopping just short to brush some of her hair from in front of her eyes.

“Cutter, more ships have come out of hyper. Jedi by the look of ‘em”, one of the pirates informed Cutter, who was located on a large frigate. “For Force sake! Look at the size of that thing!”, the holodisplay leaped with the image of the Will of the Force. Immediately the alarm klaxons sounded all over his ship, it had been targeted and only seconds later the ship exploded. Cutter watched with little emotion from a safe distance.

Only moments later and the rest of the pirate fleet jumped out of hyper behind Cutter’s ship. Four Marauders and two squadrons of Tracker Starfighters, “Bout time you got here”, Cutter hailed the Crossbones. “Go see what you can do about that Jedi ship, keep it busy”, the Marauders moved to engage the Will of the Force. “Have the squads engage them Jedi, blow ‘em apart”, he growled, as he could see the current Silver Jedi fleet overwhelmed. One full squadron moved to engage the Jedi fighters protecting the Mon Calamari Shipyards to other to MCH.

~ ooOOoo ~

“Padawan [member="Quinn Michaels"], good work”, Coci contacted Quinn who had completed the negotiations for the trade routes. “The representatives of Mon Calamari Medical are located in the centre of the city, they are expecting members of the Silver Jedi to organise a series of medical supplies and equipment we will be supplying them, please make contact with medical authorities and see if they require upgrades on hospitals and other medical facilities, if so begin work, have whatever supplies you require sent from Voss, contact Master [member="Maya Whitelight"]”.

Exiting hyperspace, engaging enemy ships
Walking back to the command centre, Coci watched as Thurion gave the order to engage, a little tingling feeling ran over her body. As the Will fired the impact of how powerful this ship is became immediate and is most impressive. It sent a shiver up her spine, such power in the hands of the wrong people would be devastating and only those trusted enough with it would ever be given the capacity to command it. As soon as this mission was over, the Will would be sent to a secret location only the immediate council would know.

“Deploy all squadrons”, Coci contacted the fleet that had arrived with them. “Report to Knight [member="Kei Amadis"], he is in command”, the Mentor battlecruisers engage sublight and moved toward the ship yards out of them issued squadrons, Strikers, Phoenix, Runner and Bluebells (don’t be fooled by the name).


[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

[member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Venussia Sasko"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="VIKI"] [member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Taiden Keth"] [member="Ikki Ike"] [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] [member="Kaitlyn Solay"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Darell Irani"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

While a dramatic battle took place in space and the forces of good and evil fought...Elpsis was dealing with concerns far more down to earth. Well, as a matter of fact she was not on earth but aboard a pirate battleship. For a change she was not delivering weapons to the corsairs, but rather currently imprisoned inside a fairly orderly prison cell. Perhaps trying to cross a crime lord and sell his spice to someone who paid more had not been a good idea.

Anyhow, deep inside the bowels of the cell block it was fairly quiet, once you got over the fact that the ship periodically shuddered when turbolaser salvoes and missiles impacted upon it. This was just a bit ominous because it would suck if the vessel exploded while Elpsis was still on it. After all, then she would not be able to troll [member="Abaigeal E'ron"] any more. Same applied to trying to get into Cora Passek's pants. So she struggled, but alas the chains that tied her to the cold, metal bench were very tight...and not tight in the way she liked it!

Anyhow, back to the actual plot, for there is on in this post beyond meta commentary and lame innuendo. Blue eyes swept across the corridor before her. Guards were fairly scarce right now, presumably because many of them had been recalled and deployed in the hangar and in key areas of the ship in case the Jedi tried a boarding action. "Hey, how about you do a girl a favour?" she called out to a guard, trying to get up, though her chains held her back. Tight clothing hugged her body like a second skin, black and tanned leather, and a firemane would flank her grimey, bruised face.

"Shut up girl unless you want a beating," the guard growled. Appearance wise he was your typical thug. Elpsis pouted slightly but was undeterred. She took a breath as she tried to pull at the strands of the Force and draw upon its power. Good thing that she had not revealed herself as a Force-user or encountered the Sith, just pirate mooks who'd given her a good beating.

"Then why don't you come in and silence me, big guy? I can use my pretty mouth for so many fun things." Clearly Elpsis was not winning any awards for originality or wittiness. "Come on, no one else is watching right now and it's cold here. I could use warming up. Little girl like me is no threat to you." There was the Force behind her words as she spoke, trying to ensnare him in her web. Simple mind trick, only worked on the weak-minded.

Good thing this fellow was. "No, you're not. I'll teach you some manners, girl! Once we've beaten these fethin' Jedi the boss'll have his fun with you," he grunted and then opened the door, stepping inside. Elpsis felt like making a comment that he ought to shave some time.

"Then you better break me in for him," Elpsis said cornily. "Could you please loosen the chains a bit? It's so...tight and I can't use my hands on you like this." For a moment the guard froze, as if realising what she was doing, but she pushed through the Force and he obliged, though her legs remained bound, then abruptly grabbed her.

Elpsis made a show of letting him do so, even wrapping her arms around him. His hands were like an octopus roaming over her body and pulling at her close. Then suddenly without warning Elpsis bit into his ear, with such force and vehemence that she tore part of it off. "You queen!" he yelled and lunged at her, knocking her down across the table. Ouch, that hurt. His boot gave her a hard kick and then his fist came slamming towards her face, but she caught it and the piratre cried out in pain when his hand started burning.

Using the brief distraction, she grabbed him by the throat and bashed him into the wall, then with the aid of the Force began to squeeze until his windpipe began to close, coupling with with her special affinity for fire to let heat surge through him and make him feel like he was boiling. He tried to struggle and pry her hand from him, but with her other one she also took ahold of his throat and with a sickening crunch broke his neck.
On board the Crossfire Hurricane.
Objective: Rescue Elpsis!

Abaigeal had managed to trace Elpsis to Dac, she had been taken by pirates, her ship 'requisitioned' and now held prisoner. The Crossfire Hurricane jumped out of hyperspace right in the middle of .. well crossfire. "Kark!", well there was no other word for it. The ships in system identified as Silver Jedi and the pirates. "Silvers?", damn it!

Banking hard right to avoid laser fire, leveling off, Abaigeal pull the old A-Wing Interceptor, updated by her mother, up into a sharp ascent. She could sense Elpsis, a surge through the force informed Abaigeal Elpsis on fire, on board the Crossbones, still alive, that is good. Using telepathy, Elpsis, I'm here! get the hell out of there! Hopefully on the Crossbones there is a spare ship or else Abaigeal would board it to rescue her friend. Or... could they, could they take the Crossbones? Well it would get them both a nice load of credits on the black market.

... And where are we now Jedi? Came the ever present voice of the Black Orchard. ... are you home?

Not now, I am kinda busy. Abaigeal pushed the Hurricane forward toward the Crossbones, her mind racing to try and work out a plan.

... if not now than when?

The pirate fleet did not take much notice of her for the moment, pulling out of the main combat zone, nor did the Silvers, at least that she hope they are too busy to notice. But on board the Will of the Force all over the holodisplay, and the entire Silver Jedi Fleet, her ship would identify as RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor Crossfire Hurricane - Iella E'ron. *blink* *blink* *blink*

Only one person would know of her, would sense the true identity of the pilot. Her old mentor, Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]. And Abaigeal sensed him too.


[member="Elpsis Kallikora"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]​
Dac ~ Mon Calamari
The Grand Reefs

Another blonde head would breach the surface alongside of him, a small breath of air cutting the sounds of waves and wading water. It was his mum, her hair slicked back against her skull and wearing that rather dopey and silly grin of hers.

"Hey, buckaroo!" she'd sing out at him, flicking drops of water over at his direction. Yes, she was one of those mothers. The kind that liked to pick and prank at their kids. It was all in an attempt to pull him from his super serious thoughts, and it worked. The pre teen would give a flinch from the water, grin instantly beaming across his face in a mock attempt to defend himself.

The splashing party ensued for a few moments, laughter breaking the reef until it would wane. Kira, wading in the crystal turquoise sea, would give a slight frown. She felt it too. A disturbance in the Force.

It was subtle. A tiny feather touch of warning.

"Yeah, I felt it too." came Micah's voice behind her, wading closer.

"Yeah.... huh." her face would scrunch up in an almost comically similar expression as her son had just prior to her arrival. Those familial genes were strong! Bright blue eyes would turn over to Micah.

"Come on Draith... let's see what's going on."

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