Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NPC Creation FAQ & Questions

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If I wanted to portray an NPC that is not necessarily always attached to my main character, but actually occasionally will go off and join in on other threads absent of him. Would that be acceptable, or would that be a case of needing to make secondary, tertiary, quaternary accounts. Essentially, could the NPCs I create have lives that don't entirely revolve around Six-O, but they are frequent collaborator/companions. Perhaps even frequent allies of other PCs?

You can do this, yes - RP your NPCs with your main account if you so wish. However, any NPC you wish to progress through Force User training and advance through the ranks would be better off as it's own full PC account. While you may submit NPCs of Knight and Master rank, they will require substantial development threads depending upon their capabilities. Anything that you intend to write as more than simple background fluff (which is really what NPCs are designed for) should be a full PC.
[member="Rose Blade"] it's going to depend on what powers you intend for them to have. The higher the skill and rarer the powers, the more dev may be required. For a Knight with basic skills and average powers I woukd reccomend a 10 post dev thread displaying these things.
Thanks [member="Lorelei Darke"]. Heres a the list of what they are just in case.
Light side Ability's
Cure Disease: IIII IIII III
Cure Poison: IIII IIII II
Force Healing: IIII IIII

Neutral Ability's
Telekinesis: IIII IIII II
Force Jump: IIII IIII II
Force Bond (Rose Blade): IIII IIII IIII
Life Bond (Rose Blade): IIII IIII IIII
Force Scattering: IIII IIII III
dark side Ability's:
Drain Knowledge: IIII IIII
Force Scream: IIII IIII IIII
Crush Opponent: IIII IIII I
Force Rage: IIII IIII

Crentice said:
Is it possible to use the canon Shadow Guard, Saber Guard, or Imperial Guard?
You can submit units inspired by any canonical unit you wish, using the same names even. Just be warned that this doesn't stop others from doing the same even if you've already subbed them. Also make sure to write them in your own way, too.
Concerning submissions that require development threads: Is it possible to have a solo thread focused on that NPC even if the character attached to the posting account isn't involved in that thread?

E.g. I want to make a thread about this NPC, but Auron is not a part of these events. Can I just write out a thread IC as this NPC?
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