Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Invasion Rules

sabrina said:
[member="Tefka"] I am sure you can understand my concerns, on the nicer writing part though?
All I can say is, put your best foot forward.

I've got a keen eye for knowing if someone is young or someone who's primary language is not English. I wouldn't let that bring you down too far.
Pronoun is the correct way to spell that.

You specifically are fine, Sabrina. I'm not saying you'll be held to a higher standard, but most of Staff knows who you are and that you fall into this category.

Besides, spelling, grammar... not the biggest concern to me when judging an Invasion - so it won't be the biggest checkmark on the list for how Staff will judge it.

Still a checkmark, but not a big one.
Bunker-level Normal
I think a well-written post can be distinct from a well-structured post. The former is about story, the latter about syntax and grammar. Some of us struggle with the latter, and that's okay. Sure, I'll be the first to correct you (probably mentally, unless I'm in an evil mood) but that's only meant to help you improve your syntax and grammar. Only you can help yourself improve your writing (story) skills.

I can't put into words how much this invasion change is a positive, but yes!
When I first read these rules, I felt my competitive spirit rearing up i anger and indignation.... I'm glad I went down and read more into it, seeing the benefits and different worries being addressed. Now I think I'm approaching these new rules with large hope and mild apprehension. Perhaps if and when I return to the rp scene, I'll be able to return to invasions not having to worry about the measuring contests starting, whether it be from my opponents, or from me.

Edit: My only concern is as Sabrina said, some people are not exactly grammatically inclined, and even though I've tried my hand at writing books, I still feel some concern regarding my skills as a writer. Its one thing if you write a crap story where your character is pulling out the from deaths edge because kark you, its another if your opponent was just a bit better at using commas than you.

Furthermore, there are folks like myself who don't originate form forum rp. I came fro a chatbased where writing this much HAD to be separated by multiple posts. My point being, some folks aren't used to, or simply don't want to write a novel about what happens within six seconds as opposed to some of us who can write a whole page about how they extended their arm.

While I see the reason behind it, I can't help but quell the fearful memories of a time on another site where I could be killed just because my opponent could write 'Connect, seal, win' Faster than I could write an interrupt. It was a palce where you could godmod and bullcrap through everything, but if you wrote fast enough, a master storyteller who actually thought would be annihilated. Now it seems that those of us who come here to escape from reality rather than train to write the next best seller are at a very LARGE disadvantage. I'm not trying to say it WILL be a problem, I'm just saying that this is somewhere that might need a bit of cautious treading.
Vulpesen said:
Now it seems that those of us who come here to escape from reality rather than train to write the next best seller are at a very LARGE disadvantage.
Why do you feel you are at a very large disadvantage, because we look for quality? Because I say I'll hit you on spelling, grammar?

We have to look for something. We have to hit you on something.

If this bothers you so much, though, you can always just escape reality in non-Invasion threads.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Vulpesen said:
Now it seems that those of us who come here to escape from reality rather than train to write the next best seller are at a very LARGE disadvantage.
If it helps, there's all kinds of bestsellers. Over half this board writes better prose than Dan Brown, but he's entertaining as feth, and entertainment is a core principle in the new rules. Conversely, a lot of overwrought quasi-literary writing is just plain boring. 'Good writing' is, in a lot of ways, subjective. What matters in the new invasion rules is how clear and interesting and entertaining you can be. I don't believe you're at any particular disadvantage there; it just takes a different way of thinking about Invasion writing, and that's true for all of Chaos.


Well-Known Member
Man. Rereading this, weeks later, and I still don't get it.

I mean that, yes, I understand it. But I don't get the change. Instead of sticking with a set that makes sense, we switch rule sets toward one that does not.

I just will never comprehend one bigger feature: Why state they are invasions, where upon beings fight, if in the end the fights have zero to do with it?

Through this thread it seems established that the fights mean nothing - its all story right? Well.. what is there to write about, other than a fight, in a fight thread, on a site known as Star Wars Chaos?

You basically state, let's play basketball guys! Kay, the issue is, you can't use your hands, nor the hoop, so here is a baseball bat, hit it into that hole at the end of this field.
To use your analogy of basketball, what the new rules do is provide the community with a fair, unbiased referee (the RPJs) and a set of rules to follow in order to win the game. Basically what the referees are going to do is help prevent someone from flying around like superman with the ball, sitting inside the hoop blocking others from putting the ball in, and going to the sidelines to intimidate the players on the bench from even coming out and playing.

It's quite the opposite of what you stated - the new invasion rules will help everyone get back to basics, play fair and with good sportsmanship akin to any insert-sports-of-your-choice game.

Matreya said:
You basically state, let's play basketball guys! Kay, the issue is, you can't use your hands, nor the hoop, so here is a baseball bat, hit it into that hole at the end of this field.

I think you've misread or misunderstood parts of the concept.

Nobody is being handed a baseball bat and told to do something outrageous and off-topic. It's the opposite. This is an attempt to bring back some civility to a forum activity that has been a big pile of vitriol and reports for at least as long as I have been here on the site. It's done by taking away the baseball bat and getting the game back on track and into what it is supposed to be.

Actually, to make it even simpler: Invasions are to be judged based on the quality of the story produced as a whole, not whether you have dished out enough hits or not. That is it.
I do see the debate and both points of view.

If you've tech, ships, time invested, well for me that means I can write a more comprehensive, detailed story and I have more options to go to, I have a deeper, richer, more meaningful character and faction. I never used tech or ships as a crutch all that much but as backdrop for my character within the story.

If an individual character is still ignoring hits or ignoring other characters, tech, weapons whatever. That is going to count negatively against them from what I am reading, small pm to them, small OOC if they ignore the pm and done, no OOC drama needed just point it out. - How many times have you had a thread and pulled your hair out that someone was shooting rainbows out of their ears saying lalalalal, you can't see me, well they can do that but its a poor story mark.

How many writers shied away from invasions because they didn't want to fight a pitched battle, well now they can get involved too, anyone active in that faction can, might behoove FO's to setup some non (direct) combat objectives, covert spy stuff, negotiations, building work whatever.


Post length doesn't equal quality, it can, if its written well, but short posts can be epic. I think mate this could benefit you if I am reading it right. Its based on the quality of the post, the interaction with others, including others, the general way the thread flows and fun. Sure you and other old timers are going to be held to a higher standard, because let's face it you and others who have been here as long can type a crappy post in your sleep. Not us young pups like me.... in your face [member="Jay Scott Clark"] :D

The only possible person it is skewed for is the new guy whose had 10 years experience elsewhere, or the alt account that's not linked to an actual account, but I am guessing there'll spot that fast enough when his/her posts start.
While I had mild concern for myself, I do have enough confidence in that I am NOT one of those at the large disadvantage. I'm talking more about folks who are *like me* back when I first started. Folks who aren't used to writing this much and putting in this much detail. It can be a hard thing to adjust to. I look back at my older posts during my first weeks and cringe a little. Yes, I've adapted, but what of those future members of chaos who haven't?


Well-Known Member
Me and couple other like me on the board as comes to writing thing are at distinct disadvantage, however as [member="Tefka"] said it is minor cog.
I shall take him at his word, as he has been honest about it.

Though I am looking forward to Galactic Alliance Versus The One Sith, and we can see what happens.
Also hopefully if I get points docked against me for what ever, I get some feedback on why so I can come back stronger for it.
Though this will be through my FO [member="Ryan Korr"], not the RPJ.


Well-Known Member
[member="Cath Lorr"]
Per my prior three years of being in invasions, I can say generally the results were biased, this is true, but they were fair. Is this always the case? No. But to state that removing logic, makes it logical and fair, is... well... illogical. Not that you said such, but that it my point. The whole idea to this thread is that, a group of eight year olds, none being above acolyte, most non force users, armed with bows and arrows, could easily take down the Republic.

My mind cannot comprehend that.

[member="Kana Truden"]
Understandable, honestly. I enjoy the idea that the OOC bs now is a nick against peoples marks, but I still have to repeat what I said. To make it so that the battle, in a thread about battle, doesn't count? In what way does that benefit?

Now take the initial control group, and make half of them paraplegics, the rest suffering heavy down syndrome. Again, so long as they work as a team, use better sentence structure and grammar, they will best the strongest of armies - period.

Doesn't that seem... off? 8 year old handicap children, zero talents, can beat the best of the best?


Hell, to some, following the rules now in place, this army of misfits incapable of true combat, would decimate most of the board. They would have comedial approaches, teamwork, etcetera. So long as the story itself was good, I could see them winning outright each time, by rules of better story writing!

Well true and a fair point. But how are they going to get close to writing a decent story, in say a faction objective about a battle, which are still going to exist invasion objectives right, making sense to the story.

I can think of a way, but they are going to have to be top notch writers to do it, and better than the guys who have characters tailored to the battle itself.

I could write a war orphan for a few posts maybe, hiding in the ruins, but i'll struggle to match the general leading the war on the other side for relevance to the story, because he's got all the aces to play. Not saying I couldn't but it'd be tough and have to be a great read.


Well-Known Member
True, true. But remember, objectives don't matter.

As is, the army of misfits comes into the invasion, doesn't pay attention to the opposing army, and writes a damned good story about finding Bigfoot, and they are within the rule set to win.

At which point they probably will, lol, cause the others would be mad that they were ignored and likely cause drama

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