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Approved Planet Midvinter

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Midvinter in summer.

  • Planet Name: Midvinter
  • Demonym: Child of Midvinter
  • Region: Tingel Arm
  • System Name: Beornskald
  • System Features: The Beornskald System is home to a yellow sun, named after the Valkyri sun god Thrand, and has but one world circling it; Midvinter. The planet has one moon, likewise named after a minor deity of the Valkyri, Aeros. A full rotation around its own axis takes 24 hours, with a full rotation around the sun taking approximately 365 days.
  • Location: Midvinter hex, farthest to the east.
  • Major Imports: N/A
  • Major Exports: As they do not actively conduct trade with other worlds, and everything is handmade due to a general lack of organised industry, Midvinter produces just enough goods for their immediate needs. This includes:
    • Timber and lumber for construction and as a primary source of heat.
    • Durasteel for the forging of arms and armour.
    • Precious metals; gold, silver, bronze, copper, etc.
    • Foods; grains, potatoes, meats, fish, etc.
    • Alcoholic beverages; primarily ale and mead of varying strengths.
    • Coci-Cola, a local brand of soda.
  • Unexploited Resources:
    • Phrik; locally known as 'Starmetal', this exceedingly rare metal is found only in select places, and decidedly not in abundant quantity. Some of the world's most powerful artifacts were made from phrik, but knowledge on how to forge weapons and items out of such a mythic material is a closely-guarded secret kept by only the most prestigious and revered smithing families, passed down from generation to generation.
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate (summer); Arctic (winter)
  • Primary Terrain: Grassland, Mountains, Oceans, Tundras, Forests
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: Heavenheim
  • Planetary Features: The planet of Midvinter possesses wide stretches of land as of yet wild and untamed, be they vast plains or jagged mountainranges. There exists little in terms of infrastructure save for well-trod highways connecting the most populous centers, simply because there are neither resources nor a demand that advancements be made in this field. The few artificial features the planet boasts are its handful of cities and other architectural marvels, such as towering monuments or secret passageways put in place by the Elves.
  • Major Locations:
    • The Four Marks: Four provinces governing the lands to the north, east, south and west respectively, each such province is unique in its own way. These are the lands belonging to the Valkyri, united under their High King. Each Mark has its own local laws and traditions, and each specialises in particular trades. The realm was divided into these provinces during the reign of High King Thyrian the Unifier as a means to decentralise power and establish a clear chain of command amongst the many jarls and chieftains. The leader of each province is called Warden, and answer directly to their sovereign.
      • Westmark: Known as great merchants and daring seafarers, the people of the west are typically brave, adventurous, and loyal to a fault. It is here that one may find the capital of Heavenheim, founded by the Lion King himself long before he was called to assume his brother's throne. It is also the province where the Dawnguard make their home atop the Blessed Peak.
      • Northmark: Home to the deepest forests and widespread tundras, the men of the north are known for their ferocity, stubbornness, and survivability. Only the hardest can weather the harsh climate in the north, and they great pride in doing so. They make a living felling the tallest pines and spruces in the realm, then shipping the lumber to every corner of the continent. They are also great foresters, maintaining the woods and making sure to plant new trees whenever one is felled.
      • Eastmark: The greatest miners, smiths and craftsmen hail from the east, where the people are known for their stoicism, perseverence, and practicality. Their entire society revolves around the mining of metals and the forging of tools and weapons which they then trade for food and other necessities. A man of the east will speak little but say much with a single stare.
      • Southmark: Home to great grassy plains and farmland, the south take immense pride in their skillful breeding of only the finest warhorses and provide the vast majority of the realm with grain. Known for being boisterous, fun-loving and friendly, the people of the south love nothing more than a grand feast with lots of food and lots to drink.
    • The Heartlands: Previously known as the Crownlands, this central province has since been gifted to the Beorni people as reparations for millennias in forced exile. These lands shares qualities with all of its neighboring provinces, and has in recent time become a melting pot of tradition and culture.
    • The Woodland Realm of Averlorn: These mysterious woods have ever belonged to the Aelvar, eternal watchers of the vast frozen lake found at its center. More temperate than other parts of the world, the forest boasts unique flora and fauna not found anywhere else. The ever-frozen lake holds a powerful Force Nexus they call the Frostvatn, and is considered the most sacred place in all of Midvinter.
    • The Great Maw: Thought of as a great sea creature that gnaws at the shores of the vast continent, the so-named Great Maw is the ocean that covers around half the planet's surface. It is considered a test of character to have successfully sailed from one shore to another.
    • The College of Enlightenment: A recent addition, this remote yet centrally located marvel of architecture incorporates features from all the races as a symbol of their alliance. The College contains a vast library of books and scrolls, and even Jedi holocrons can be found within its secret vaults. It is a place of learning that welcomes all with a thirst for knowledge, be they scholar or common folk wishing to educate themselves.
    • The City of Heavenheim: Formerly known as Fridheim (lit. "peaceful home"), it was re-dubbed following the coronation of High King Thurion Heavenshield in honour of his House. What started out as a small hamlet where Thurion and his wife Coci thought to settle down in relative obscurity soon grew into a crucial trade hub, and now boasts the greatest harbour in all of Midvinter with an armada of ships delivering goods to every port around the world. Serving as the new capital, it is the largest city both in scale and population. Its sprawling marketplace sees traders from across the realm bartering under the watchful gaze of a pair of towering statues depicting the fallen kings posthumously known as Thrand the Mighty and Thyrian the Unifier. Here can also be found the famous eyrie housing the royal gryphons depicted on the city's coat of arms.
    • The Fortress of Dawn: Another incredible feat of architecture, this large fortress was constructed to house a new order of Jedi local to Midvinter and founded by the Heavenshields years prior to them being elevated to the ruling house. It is located atop the Blessed Peak, the tallest mountain on the planet, and is notoriously difficult to reach on foot. Here the Dawnguard live and train in their Jedi arts, defended by a garrison of troops manning the walls surrounding the temple and courtyard.
    • The Temple-City of Beornstead: This holy city of worship was founded by the Beorni upon having their ancient homeland restored to them, built upon the remains of Tháinbroek just as it had taken the place of their once-splendorous capital. Architecturally distinct with its round structures and towering pagodas, the city has an air of mysticism and spirituality as early mornings are filled with the rumbling throat singing of Beorni communing with the spirits of nature.
  • Force Nexus (Optional):
    Intent: To provide a basis for Aelvar society and the reason for their natural connection to the Force, as well as potential roleplay storylines.
    Nexus Name: The Frostvatn (lit. "frozen water")
  • Nexus Alignment: Light
  • Size: Large
  • Strength: Strong
  • Accessibility: The Frostvatn lies at the very heart of Averlorn, and is considered the spiritual heart of the world. The Aelvar made it their sacred duty to keep its existence, and barring that then its location, a secret for thousands of years since they were told of it by their Skaugr benefactors. The already hard-to-traverse forest was made even more impossible to reach through the creation of the fog wall surrounding the woods, so thick that most who enter will inevitably get lost and find themselves back where they started. Those few that managed to step through were quickly and unceremoniously put to death by the Elves keeping constant vigil from their perches. Recent friendships with the other races have allowed more and more to set foot in Averlorn, but security remains as tight as ever. It is the Queen of Averlorn who controls the fog wall and only she may dissipate it, owed to her close connection to the Frostvatn. The vast leafwork of Averlorn makes it difficult to spot the frozen lake from above, but it's certainly more vulnerable from the air if one were to discern its location as one would not have to contend with the fog. That being said, the Elves will defend it with their lives, not the least their queen capable of wielding the full power of the Force Nexus if necessary.
  • Effects: The Frostvatn holds many powers and mysteries within its everfrozen form. It is what gifts the elven race their natural affinity to the Force and allowed them to communicate with the Skaugr, who instructed them of its importance. It is also the source of their long lifespan as a species, as well as the reason Averlorn never reaches freezing temperatures like the rest of the world. If one's intent is noble and just, to be near the Force Nexus is to experience a great calming of the senses and reinvigoration of the spirit, and can even heal scars both mental and physical. If one's intent is malicious and cruel, they will be repulsed by its presence and can even be attacked directly though mental torments as the Frostvatn will act in self-defense. To attempt to corrupt it is to invoke the harshest of punishment; in a blast of white light the Nexus strips any wrong-doer of their connection to the Force permanently, rendering them Force Dead. The more powerful the Force-wielder, the more painful the process.
  • Native Species:
    • Valkyri: The species most numerous and dominant, the Valkyri are a humanoid race of people known for their belligerent and boastful ways, always craving battle against a worthy foe. Having believed for countless millennia that they are the sole rulers of the world, there are still traces of xenophobia amongst the fervent traditionalists to this day. In recent centuries however, most have learnt to appreciate and respect those not of their people, and none make stauncher friends and comrades than the Valkyri once such a deep trust is earned. Counted amongst one of the Three Kindreds alongside the Beorni and Aelvar.
    • Beorni: As one of the Ancients, the bearfolk known as Beoni was the first sentient race to tame the land. It was they who first discovered architecture, smithing, woodwork, farming, and would later pass on their language and culture to the Valkyri when they first crawled out of their caves. When the race of Men later developed a difference in religion, they eventually overthrew their benevolent benefactors and claimed their ancient knowledge for themselves. The Beorni have since made a triumphant return to mainland Midvinter, where they were greeted with open arms by the Valkyri of today. Counted amongst one of the Three Kindreds alongside the Valkyri and Aelvar.
    • Aelvar: Commonly known as Elves, the Aelvar first appeared in a remote region known today as Averlorn. Surrounded by lush woodland and naturally gifted with the Force, they came to befriend both tree and animal and have since learned to live in harmony with nature. While not as big and brutish as their Valkyri counterparts, they possess extremely keen senses and their ability to dismantle a threat from afar is second-to-none. Counted amongst one of the Three Kindreds alongside the Valkyri and Beorni.
    • Skaugr: Another Ancient, the Skaugr were truly the first sentients to walk this world, even before the Beorni. They however do not settle down or have a culture of their own, as they are more flora than fauna; great animated trees without faces or a spoken language, they have witnessed the passing of time eternally from the very beginning of life itself. It was they who communicated their infinite wisdom to the Aelvar through the Force, with the latter having become their caretakers and guardians since. There are very few Skaugr left, all of whom now reside in Averlorn.
  • Immigrated Species: N/A
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics: With the Beorni having been lost to history for thousands of years and the Aelvar believed to be no more than a cautionary tale, the Valkyri long thought themselves the sole masters of the world. They remain the most numerous and widespread species, having found ways to settle some of the most remote and inhospitable regions thanks to their grit and ingenuity. Only in the last few decades were the Beorni rediscovered through happenstance, and through a chance encounter did the Aelvar reveal themselves to the rest of the world. The former now resides in the Heartlands where they may rebuild their numbers and culture, while the latter generally keeps to their woodland realm of Averlorn but can be seen elsewhere, venturing off on their own or in small groups. It was Thyrian the Unifier who brokered a lasting alliance between the three races, now dubbed the Three Kindreds. At first met with no small amount of scepticism and outright racism, primarily from the Valkyri, these notions were soon cast aside as the Three Kindreds have since faced numerous threats together and stood victorious. Today the alliance is stronger than ever.
    • Valkyri: 61%
    • Aelvar: 23%
    • Beorni: 16%
    • Skaugr: Less than 1%
  • Primary Languages: Runian (Valkyri and Beorni native tongue), Aelvish (Aelvar native tongue), Galactic Basic
  • Culture: Likely deemed crude and barbaric by most advanced species, the peoples of Midvinter lead simple but hard lives. With no technology to do their work for them, or to distract them from their daily chores, each day is spent providing for family or simply surviving. Regardless of race, the stunning but harsh terrain is far from hospitable and there are many fierce predators stalking the wilderness. There are few goods more treasured than a batch of dry firewood with which to keep warm at night, and the freezing temperatures makes farming a difficult endeavour. Yet the peoples of Midvinter have learned to prosper nonetheless, having endured the cold climate long enough to have developed a natural resistance to it. Each race have their own way to stay warm; the Beorni have their fur, the Valkyri keep active through hard labour and weapons training, and the Aelvar dwell in the comfort of the Frostvatn providing them and Averlorn with an aura of warmth.
    Religion also differs between the Three Kindreds:
    • The Valkyri pray to their gods, believing in a pantheon of divine beings ruled over by the High God Odiir Allfather, who together created the world of mortals. The greatest honour is to die in battle, as the Allfather selects only the most courageous souls to join him and the other gods in Beornskald, the Golden Hall of Heroes where they may feast and fight with the mightiest of warriors of aeons past.
    • The Aelvar believe in no gods, but rather worship what they call the Frostvatn; a frozen lake at the heart of the world. The Force Nexus have imbued each of their kind with a connection to the Force, what the Valkyri commonly refer to as magic. Not unlike the Jedi, the Elves strive to achieve inner harmony and ever-increasing wisdom.
    • The Beorni too worship the Force, however their interpretation comes in the form of the Spirits of the Wild. These spirits inhabit all forms of life, from the smallest ant to even the vast mountains. Nature - Midvinter herself - is their god, and all who inhabit it is divine in their own way. The Jedi would recognise this as the Living Force. They believe in the betterment of oneself to the benefit of others.
  • Government: While the Valkyri High King lays claim to the title of being the ruler of Midvinter, it should be noted that each race governs themselves in the manner of their own choosing. While a new concept for the peoples of this remote world, it often falls to the High King to represent Midvinter at galactic events.
    • Valkyri: Elective Monarchy. Though the child of a king of queen is often presented as a worthy candidate, it falls to an assembly of prominent lords and other leading figures called the Thing to choose their next sovereign. If a particular house or clan is deemed more honourable, effective, or simply more powerful, than the ruling house, they can be called upon to succeed the late monarch.
    • Beorni: Tribal. Long ago the bear-folk lived in small, tight-knit communities scattered across Midvinter until driven from their homeland by the warlike Valkyri. Today they are regarded as a singular tribe led by a small council of elders, but there is no organised government to speak of. Each person rules themself, and their pacifist spiritualism ensures the peace is kept without the need for law enforcement.
    • Aelvar: Hereditary Monarchy. The Queens of Averlorn have ever governed their people with grace and wisdom in a long line of succession that has never been broken due to their isolationist nature. Hailed as the avatar of the Frostvatn itself, the line of queens have always possessed an incredibly strong connection to what is known as the "Force" on other worlds and should thus be counted amongst the most powerful beings on the planet.
  • Affiliation:
    • Thurion Heavenshield: Current High King of Midvinter and leader of the Valkyri race.
    • Ióunn Ar-Olwa: Current Queen of Averlorn and leader of the Aelvar race.
    • The Dawnguard: An order of Jedi founded by the Heavenshields that helps oversee the planet's security against offworld threats.
  • Wealth: Low. While rich in other aspects, Midvinter has never adopted a currency in the form of gold or silver but rather relies on bartering; trading one set of goods for another. While objects of gold and other precious metals and gems do exist, for the people of Midvinter a fine pile of dry firewood with which to keep warm through the winter is valued far higher than any amount of treasure. It also goes without saying that any galactic currencies do not hold sway here.
  • Stability: High. On the whole, Midvinter enjoys a level of peace and prosperity unheard of in its entire history thanks to the open cooperation between all the races, only strengthened further when an exterior threat presents itself. There will always be the petty squabbles of Men to contend with, but these usually remain contained to the offending clans until arbitration is called for in matters of longstanding feuds or land disputes. Confidence in the crown is at an all-time high following the coronation of High King Thurion Heavenshield, by whose wise hand the planet now thrives.
  • Freedom & Oppression: The people of Midvinter value their freedom highly, having never been conquered by or bent the knee to a foreign power. Social climbing can be achieved by proving one's worth, not by simply belonging to the "right" family or clan, and is equal for men and women. People are free to pursue any career they wish, though many choose to stick to the trade of their ancestors. Thralldom was abolished long ago; the practice of enslaving the survivors of a conquered clan deemed inhumane and dishonourable. In the case of the Beorni and Aelvar, there exists a state of harmony in their society that is as-of-yet unachieved by their rowdier Valkyri counterparts.
  • Military: Life is hard on Midvinter, and it breeds hard men and beasts alike. Though the planet now enjoys a stable peace between its peoples, it is by far no stranger to battle. When mustering for war, vast armies of Men, Elves, and Beorni join forces to combat any threat to their homeworld, each race playing to their strengths. The Valkyri have the numbers, the Aelvar excel at support from afar, and the Beorni possess the brute strength and sheer mass to challenge even the greatest monstrosities arrayed against them. Though technologically inferior to most other worlds, Midvinter has thus far managed to hold her own against both galactic and internal threats through grit, determination, and great courage. Only recently, thanks to their King's close relationship with the Silver Jedi, have they been provided with limited advanced weaponry and technology to better defend against space-faring factions.
  • Technology: Lacking in just about anything the average person could imagine, Midvinter has never progressed farther than what could be considered the Iron Age. There are no factories producing goods in abundance, no droids to carry out menial tasks, no starships with which to explore the great unknown. Rather, the peoples of Midvinter have all but stagnated as a society, having carried on the same way for millennia, undisturbed. Instead of progressing as a civilisation, they've instead focused on perfecting what is already there. They take immense pride in carrying on just as their forefathers did, and are in no hurry to change on a technological level. The old ways are best.
The inhabitants of Midvinter will tell you that this is how it has always been, that they have been here since time immemorial. But that is not entirely true. Long before there was such a thing as Midvinter as we know it today, this world was once lush and green. Only the eternal Skaugr bear witness to this fact, having existed for as long as the planet has been capable of supporting life. To them time is inconsequential, and what occurred hundreds of thousands of years ago might well have happened yesterday. They spent their days sheperding the widespread forests, nurturing new species of flora and fauna into existence.

It was not until galactic war broke out that this peaceful paradise saw armed conflict for the first time. What factions were involved in this war is unknown, but the galaxy-spanning war did not spare this hitherto unnamed planet, causing much devastation to the eco system and would even spark a worldwide cataclysm. Massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions wreaked havoc on the land, culminating in the melting of the polar ice caps which ushered in an eternal ice age. The Skaugr were powerless to intervene and were decimated by these events, spending their last moments making sure their saplings would be kept safe through the coming ages.

As it would turn out, only those hidden in what would become known as Averlorn survived.

By the time the new generation of Skaugr awoke from their long slumber, the world had forever changed. Millions of years had passed before the climate proved hospitable enough to sustain life once more, leaving these young treefolk to resume their task of nurturing life in all its forms. By now the ursine race of the Beorni had already laid claim to much of the inhospitable land, no longer green and vibrant but harsh and cold. It is unknown whether the two Ancients ever made contact, but considering Beorni respect and worship of nature it could be surmised that they at the very least knew of each other's presence.

Thousands more years passed until the world would change once more, this time in the form of comparatively small and frail creatures making their first appearance. These were the progenitors of Men and Elves respectively; the Valkyri stumbled out of their mountain caves on unsure legs and were met by the gentle bear-folk, while the Aelvar who had dwelled among the treetops braved solid ground for the first time encountered the wandering shepards of the forest. Both races were adopted by their elders and taught the wisdoms of those that had come before. The Beorni were amazing craftsmen and architects, instilling the knowledge of smithing and construction in their furless protégés - an innocent act of generosity that would end up costing them dearly.

Meanwhile, the Skaugr communed with the Aelvar through their shared connection to the Force, sharing with them the secret of the Frostvatn - a powerful Force Nexus located underneath the eternally frozen lake at the center of Averlorn that had gifted their kind with sentience all those ages past. Having dwelled near this Nexus throughout their brief existence, the Elves too were gifted with that same connection. Their cautious nature alerted them to the presence of other beings on this world, and thus sought to keep their own existence a secret along with the frozen lake. They would not seek to make contact with the other races until millennias later.

At first, the Valkyri and Beorni got along famously; the former eager to learn, the latter happy to provide instructions. But the younger race proved far less patient; what had started out as innocent curiosity soon turned to ambition, giving birth to a general sense of belligerence and violent tendencies that appalled the pacifist bearmen. Though short-lived by their standards, these humanoids were quick to multiply and in time they vastly outnumbered their benevolent neighbors.

More rifts appeared between the two races, until a difference in religion sparked the beginnings of armed conflict. The Valkyri, who took what they learned from the Beorni and turned it against them, rebelled against the Beorni in a bid to seize control of all of Midvinter. The tragic conflict drove the elder race, who had no wish to fight and only defended themselves against relentless attacks from those that once were their brothers, into an almost genocidal defeat. The last survivors laid down their arms, forced to accept the Valkyri demands that they leave their ancestral homeland in exile.

For the next few thousand years the Valkyri believed themselves the sole masters of the world, the memory of the Beorni lost to time and having never even encountered the Aelvar. They settled the land, even remote parts as of yet untouched, and founded great cities, none of which greater nor grander than the capital of Tháinbroek. It became the seat of the first High King and would serve as such for countless centuries. But their warlike nature, now a trait shared amongst their kind, would guarantee that true unity would never be achieved; clans would fight each other for land and titles, preventing any further significant growth for them as a people.

This finally brings us to the Age of the Three Fathers we now find ourselves in.

Thrand Dawnbringer, an exiled prince with a strong claim to the throne, would go on to lead a successful uprising against the usurper responsible for his father's untimely death, reclaiming his throne and restoring honour to an increasingly corrupt government. He would later fall in battle in defense of Tháinbroek, posthumously becoming known as the Founding Father of Midvinter, and even elevated to divine status as the God of the Sun.

His heir and successor was Thyrian Hearthfire, his firstborn son. Thyrian became known as the Phoenix King, and also Thyrian the Unifier as it was during his reign that both the Beorni and the Aelvar finally revealed themselves and later form the alliance that exists to this day. Just as his father, Thyrian would end up giving his life for Midvinter and passed away surrounded by family and friends. He was posthumously dubbed the Second Father.

Thurion Heavenshield, the Lion King of the West, now rules Midvinter with wisdom and benevolence from his seat of power in Heavenheim following the destruction of Tháinbroek. It is during his reign that the Beorni were bestowed with their ancestral lands to settle and prosper once again as a people, further reigniting the shared kinship between the two races. Having partaken in every crucial event since the days of his father's rebellion, the Lion King is counted amongst the greatest living warriors and the loyalty he instills in his people is absolute. Time will tell whether he is doomed to follow in the tradition of his father and brother, and give his life for Midvinter.

And when he eventually does pass, he shall be known as the Third Father, completing the trio of founding fathers.
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