Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valkoryen Sunfell

    Private  Of Dragons and Lions

    M I D V I N T E R Thurion Heavenshield It was a long trip aboard the Brightfyre to Midvinter, a world on the other side of the Galaxy. Yet Valkoryen had little issue with fighting boredom, He in fact, had never been bored since He could remember. There was always something to do, always...
  2. Balun Vale

    Private  Shadows of Ice & Iron

    MIDVINTER, HEAVENHEIM Thurion Heavenshield The Liberty's Edge shot down through the thick clouds of Midvinters' night sky, leaving a plume of smoke in the wake of the ship's thrusters. This frozen world was entirely foreign to Balun; however, it was among hundreds of worlds in the Tingel Arm...
  3. Cortana Jade

    Private  A Journey to Heaven

    MIDVINTER Lossa Aureus | Thurion Heavenshield fa-play fa-pause The ship cut through the clouds, its metallic hull glinting under the pale sunlight of Midvinter. The vast expanse of Heavenheim stretched below, a tapestry of ancient architecture and sprawling landscapes framed by distant...
  4. C

    Private  Midvinter Meetings

    CAEDYN ARENAIS Location: Midvinter, Norvegr-fen Outskirts. Tagging: Boo Heavenshield. Attire: Jedi Apparel. Caedyn Arenais had not been to Midvinter for some time now. Not since Master Thurion Heavenshield had invited him to visit and taught the Jedi Knight how to commune with his Father who...
  5. Starlin Rand

    Private  Enlighten Me

    "Can the horse climb the stairs?" Starlin asked Mysa as they stared out at the College of Enlightenment. Force, this place was bringing back memories. He could practically feel his feet aching just like the last time he had ascended those mammoth steps. More than ten years ago... Crazy. As...
  6. M

    Private  Alirason

    Three Decades Ago Midvinter, the Isle of Beorni What is in a name? As she peered down over the trio of newly orphaned cubs, Mizar could not help but ponder on that exact question. Their mother, the late Alira, had not the strength with which to name them, and though she'd remained to nurse...
  7. R

    Faction  the New path begins Chp1 (open to Dawn Guard, and SJO on Midvinter)

    The journey to the fortress of Dawn was a long and bitter one for Renodar, the bitterness of winter stung him as this was the first time he left the sacred forest that had been his home in over two centuries. For weeks he had been traveling by foot guided by the crude map the Jedi had given to...
  8. Thurion Heavenshield

    Approved Species  The Valkyri

    Valkyri male and female; one a frontline fighter and the other a scout. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a much-needed update to the very old original submission. Image Credit: Conor Burke ( w/ minor edits by myself. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links...
  9. Thurion Heavenshield

    Approved Location  Holy City of Beornstead

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a new home to the Beorni and further the lore of Midvinter. Image Credit: Pengzhen Zhang ( Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Midvinter The Beorni SETTING INFORMATION City Name: Beornstead Classification: Holy City Location...
  10. Thurion Heavenshield

    Approved Planet  Midvinter

    Midvinter in summer. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a much-needed updated version of the ancient original submission. Image Credit: TSE V: Skyrim Wallpaper, unknown artist ( Canon: N/A Permissions: Coci Heavenshield for the inclusion of Coci-Cola and her...
  11. Thurion Heavenshield

    Private  The Book of Lost Tales

    Prologue: Thurion's Tale Heavenheim, Midvinter Today marked a special occasion for none but Thurion on the planet Midvinter. It did not mark some grand personal milestone of his, nor some public holiday. All it entailed was that he take a few hours for himself to spend away from the ever...
  12. Thurion Heavenshield

    Approved Species  Midvinter Lion

    An adult male, depicted in his summer and winter coat respectively. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Further flesh out the wild fauna of Midvinter. Image Credit: Lucie Bilodeau Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Midvinter GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Lion (alt. Lejon) Designation...
  13. Zak Dymo

    Approved Tech  Midvinter Recurve Bow (Pantoran Edition)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a bow. Image Source: Etsy Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Bow PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Boo Heavenshield Affiliation: Ylva Heavenshield Model: N/A Modularity: No. Production: Unique Material: Cosian Wood; Resinite...
  14. Zak Dymo

    Approved Tech  Vinterchop; Axe of the Nerf Herder

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a woodchopping tool for the dad who insists on maintaining a woodburning heating system for a house on an ice planet. Image Source: Etsy Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Axe PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Boo Heavenshield...
  15. Nina Heavenshield

    Approved Location  College of Enlightenment

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Provide the world of Midvinter with a central place of learning. Image Credit: Artist Jonas Hassibi Canon: No Permissions: N/A Links: Midvinter sub Valkyri sub Beorni sub Aelvar sub Great War events SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The College of...
  16. Éar Odiirson

    Éar Odiirson

    Name: Éar Odiirson Rank: Midvinter Lady of the Hunt and Fertility Species: Runian of Midvinter Age: Ageless Sex: Female Height: Statuesque Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Skin: Fair Family: Father: Odiir Mother: Runa Elder brother: Helm Younger brother: Velkar Traits: [-] Just [-] Talented warrior...
  17. Théodred Heavenshield

    Approved Tech  Coci Cola

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand The Howlin' Wolf product line. Image Source: Link | There is no try slogan created by me Primary Source: N/a PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Coci Cola Manufacturer: The Howlin' Wolf Brewery Affiliation: Théodred Heavenshield Homeworld...
  18. Thurion Heavenshield

    Approved Species  The Valar, Lord of All Horses

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give the Elves of Midvinter a unique mount and further their lore. ​Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links: Midvinter Aelvar GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Valar Designation: Sentient Origins: Midvinter Average Lifespan: 30...
  19. Thrand Hearthfire

    A Union of the Mundane and the Divine [Family & Friends]

    Averlorn, the Woodland Realm He'd been pacing back and forth for a good while, wringing his hands out of nervousness knowing what day today was. Before him stood an armour stand showcasing his outfit, combining fabrics fashioned by deft elven hands and steelwork forged by stout Valkyri brawn...
  20. Luidaeg Phrikborne

    Step Into my Parlor

    . : Midvinter : . . : Some Mountain Top : . Pale eyes observed the winds that blew wildly through the mountains of this… Planet. Such an odd word to use, with the weight of something that to her ears sounded as though there ought to be a precious few of it. Yet it was months ago that she...
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