Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Making Friends among the Ghosts (Galactic Alliance Dominion of Susefvi & Suarbi 7)

[member="The Storyteller"]

Objective: Protect the Pres
Allies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] [member="Darth Azurea"]

The President was greeted, locations were shifted and tails likely lost. Through it all, Sarge sat still as could be, not uttering a word. They made for the room where the treaty would be discussed, and Sarge took up position just inside the door. If the enemy made it this far - if there even were an enemy - Sarge was going to be the first thing that unlucky bastard saw. Whether or not the President wanted him there wasn't a concern. He was going to be in that room, and he was going to stand at ease by the door.

He highly doubted anyone wanted to move what looked like a half ton of armor when the wearer didn't feel like moving.
Objective: Kill Jedi
Location: Mining facility
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="The Revenant"]

The Hands of the Dark Lord often took it upon themselves to scout planets for future military operations for the One Sith’s nearly unstoppable takeover of the galaxy. The former Protectorate worlds were close enough to Sith space to rationalize a trip to Susevfi, and this time it was Sage Bane, the Lord of Thorns who landed on the planet in an unassuming transport shuttle. Using a concealment spell, woven using ancient Sith sorcery, the glamoured Sith Lord roamed freely through streets and sectors, regarding everything with the calculating gaze of one who would suck the planet dry to meet his own aims. Eventually, Bane picked up some cryptic rumors.

There were stories of experiments, men found mangled into machine-hybrids, the perpetrators, no doubt dark siders, still unknown. Wild Guarlara couldn’t drag him away from investigating. There was also word of the landing of the Galactic Alliance, an organization which had recently set Coruscant on fire. The Alliance was swarming Susesfvi in search of evidence pertaining to these same crimes, attempting to somehow right these atrocities, probably at the price of new occult knowledge.

Sage took another shuttle to the source of the rumors, a mining facility currently cordoned off by the Susevfi Defense Force. It was a curious place for a Sith Lord to be, but Sage, like his former Master Matsu, enjoyed the dark places long forgotten by the gods. He began to slowly make his way through the facility, his body still invisible to the naked eye and his aura still clouded by the concealment spell. Only a powerful Master would be able to detect him within the labyrinthine structure.
Objective: C, help the Susevfi Defense Force root out a strange threat
Location: Abandoned mining facility in orbit over Susefvi
Allies: None yet, maybe [member="Chevu Visz"], [member="Jaren Solain"]
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"]

Clicking through the feeds, the recorded dates indicated a time long past. Nothing would be of use there and he furrowed his brow, looking towards [member="Jaren Solain"]. He still didn't quite understand this figure or what he was doing here but as soon as he prepared himself to ask, he caught the smell of something. Or not so much the smell, but the feel. He wrinkled his nose, nostrils flaring, as his head jerked left and looked towards the entrance of another hallway he hadn't yet investigated. Looking back towards the trash collector, he went from an expression of curiosity to one of certainty. "When I come back, you best be gone." It wasn't a threat of harm. But he knew who was roaming these halls and he didn't need additional collateral damage on his hands.

Pulling up the cowl of his armorweave robe, the War-Torn armor beneath, he entered the hallway and like a grape fine, each room that jutted off from the main stem led into it's own preoccupation. Fruiting with uselessness and abandon, Gabriel began to walk slowly. Boot cracked against broken glass and mineral as he looked up towards the broken hanging lights above, rattling with the chants and echos of noise in the hall. He bared his teeth as he reached out with the force. He'd know that presence anywhere. Not that of the force user but of the arm that was attached to it. Vongsense in it's natural standing was constantly searching, looking for someone to talk with. It's said that the religion of the Yuuzhan Vong stems from a love for the living, that they love so much they later turned to hate. But to get back to the root of that love and hate, one can not love life without loving the force. Calculated conversations within the mind of Wrath, nothing but time to pass with theorem, this mind had garnered a strength in that conversation. Articulate, well spoken, and undemanding.

But more importantly: That arm had Gabriels DNA in it, transfigured into the cells. A failsafe perhaps, but something of an advantage now. Sage could hide his presence and appearance all he wanted, but he couldn't quiet that arm of his. Gabriel slipped his hand across the low of his back, walking slowly as he inspected each room with a careful eye. And then, he took on old habits.

"You can't hide from me." He was a Master force user. Just not the one Sage might be expecting.
[member="The Storyteller"]

Objective: Negotiate the treaty, protect the president
Allies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] [member="Darth Azurea"]

Lack of extensive sight-seeing was understandible, given the security threat at hand. Instead, the emissaries of the Galactic Alliance made their way into a hall where they would negotiate the threaty which would add Susefvi to the evergrowing list of planets [member="Coren Starchaser"] can toy with. As requested, Tionne was there as a legal expert, an arbiter who would make sure legal systems were compatible to allow GA oversight. Thankfully, not many people in the Alliance knew who Tionne was, making the rouse more believable; not even other members of the delegation knew she was a Jedi. On the other hand, Coren opted to send an armored tank to protect the president, namely the durasteel incapsulated [member="Sarge Potteiger"]. Perhaps he did not quite trust her, or was it the other way around? Maybe she was there to make sure this ten ton hammer did not ruin the negotiations. Thanewulf was unsure how he could ruin anything; he barely spoke a word since they landed on the planet. Nonetheless, his sheer presence instilled a sense of safety into the president. The Caamasi certainly looked more relaxed now that Potteiger was barring the door with his obscenely large frame.

The redhaired Jedi sat just across from the president, clad in a black blouse with a black ribbon, and a grey pencil skirt reaching all the way to her knees. Her lightsaber was attached to a garter that kept her stockings in place, literally invisible under the fabric of her skirt. A pair of black framed glasses completed the nerdy look, with ginger hair assembled into a bun. Her Force signatures was sublimed completely, impalpable to even the masters of the Force. Here and now, she was nothing but a preppy looking lawyer.

"Your Excellence, have you had the chance to look over the treaty?" she asked politely, gracing the beak-faced humanoid with a miniscule smile.
"We've drafted it with Susefvi's best interests in mind. But I must add - it is not set in stone. We are flexible."

While she was waiting for the president to conjure a reply, Tionne glanced at the man guarding the door. She wondered if Coren told him there will be another Jedi in the room. He looked like he could smother her into bits, if provoked. Better be safe, than sorry.

"Hey, you." she spoke through the Force, but not actively trying to establish eye contact with Potteiger.
"Yeah you. Look here, one with the glasses."
No response. He was staring right through the wall.
"Hope you oiled your hinges today. This mission will require some movement."
Objective; Chit chat

Kaia was a bit excited to be talking to this group. She knew the Jedi through her connections to [member="Aela Talith"] by the way of [member="Kaili Talith"], and having leanred on Ossus for, like, a week (she was cultured, okay?), but she was much more of a Warden. And the Jensaarai? They were their own thing. So much was going on, so the younger Jedi-Warden was going to hang back and let the others take the lead, that didn’t mean she was going to become scarce, just that she knew she could listen and learn, it would do well.

It seemed meeting up with Sedaire was a smart move. The man was Corellian, and a bit more experienced in life than she was. All very good things. She bit her lip as he spoke, listening and learning. Warriors, all of these people were strong warriors. And what was she? She was just that, Kaia, an explorer, a Warden.

What she liked about the Alliance was that everyone had a place, people from the Republic could lend a hand, and it would likely be reciprocated, depending on who asked, and how. With Jones there, that helped. It was going to be interesting, the next few months, the campaigns against the Dark Side. How would the galaxy fare? Could the Alliance bring the Jensaarai into the fold?
The young Vulture took a moment to steady himself against the wall before the initial "order" was given. Help look through the cabinets for specific information. That was more than simple enough...and more importantly, it provided ample opportunity to seek out potential salvage. Sure, the cabinets were most likely filled with papers and the like, but maybe just maybe there was information that would make the trip worth it. Jaren pushed off the wall and offered a nod to the rather imposing man before turning to the cabinets...yet before he could so much as reach for them, he spoke again.

He wanted him gone. And then he was gone.

That was certainly...something...and to Jaren it seemed quite odd. Maybe he was abandoning the search? Or maybe he heard something that eluded Jaren's ears? In any case, the young Vulture simply watched as the man moved past before returning his attention to the cabinets. He had no problem leaving, but first he had to at least took a look. After all, the potential of finding something worthwhile was too great to pass up. So, he cracked the cabinets open and started digging.

"Why would he want me to find medical information...isn't this a mining facility?" thought Jaren as he grabbed the first batch of papers. He thumbed through them rather quickly, hoping to be finished before [member="The Revenant"] could return. However, this stack proved fruitless so he moved onto the next one. And the next one. It wasn't until he got a good way into the fourth pile that a juicy discovery was made. It was simply an advertisement for clinical trials, promising a quick buck to any who signed up.

"Clinical trials?" said Jaren aloud, puzzled at first. But then the pieces clicked together. Bodies. Horrifically mutilated bodies. An advertisement for easy money, which meant those who were as broke as he would leap at the opportunity. Suddenly, Jaren felt sick to his stomach again...and on top of that, he felt a need to let someone know. This was just too wrong to ignore. This was just too sick to try to forget about. The vulture couldn't just leave. "I gotta let that guy know." he breathed, steeling himself for what awaited in the halls. At a brisk pace did he jog out of the office, hoping to avoid looking at the grotesque scene all around.

Little did he know that he stuck out like a sore thumb in the Force. He was sensitive, and more importantly...he was one of the few living things in the vicinity.

[member="Sage Bane"], [member="The Revenant"]


Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Objective: Assassinate President Elenan Bal'yin
Allies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
Enemies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Posts: 4/20

Darth Pyrrhus gazed calmly at the children and even smiled. How uncharacteristic, Azurea thought. Did he have a paternal inclination or was his grin just reflective of a hungry predatory anticipation? Azurea had always pictured herself as a mother someday, and although it hadn't happened yet, she expected the day would come when she would be able to give that quite exciting news.

So the change in his demeanor had come as a welcome surprise to her. If only she knew what was really going through his mind.

They entered the capital building with their AgriCorps supplies and props. Pyrrhus quickly convinced the guards the two of them were not scan-worthy. As a fail safe, Darth Azurea began forming an illusion - one of pure distraction. The guest entering behind them, would have a weapon on him - a small knife to be exact - but the guards would immediately seize him and wrestle him to the ground. If she had summoned more than a knife, the hapless capital visitor may have been killed, but worse, the building would have been locked downand that was something Azurea wanted to avoid at all costs.

In the commotion, the pair of Sith were able to slip into an elevator and head to the floor with the President. Once the doors opened, only a short hallway and well-guarded meeting room stood in their way of the President.

Azurea got ready to turn on the charm of the naive AgriCorps representative eager for funding and clueless that she was interrupting an important meeting. "Ready?" she asked her companion.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...
[Post = 1/20]

Objective: And they are?
Location: Exiting hyperspace
Allies: None
Enemies: None

She was spending a lot of time in space recently. But finally she was settling into a rhythm. She was finding a purpose once more.

So she exerted the effort to wipe the smile off her face as her ship hurtled through hyperspace.

In part because she’d found a talent she never realised she had before. She was something of a natural flyer. Previously she’d been restricted to shuttles. Now she was more than often in the cockpit of a fighter and found the experience exhillerating.

For sure many of the missions were routine. Escort service for bacta convoys, moving them to centralised locations was a common one. But more than half of the time they’d face pirates and she absolutely revelled in action. And it hd helped hone her abilities in Shatterpoint. Sure, she was still a Padawan, but she’d truly been able to see thing on a different scale in space.

And then she’d had to escape traps — and she loved fighting her way out of an ambush.

As she thought on the recent past, a pinpoint of black expanded up and engulfed her fighter as it reverted to realspace in a system she quickly checked was her intended destination. A bacta freighter hung in space just outside of orbit, ready to be deployed if necessary. Some fighters had traveled ahead, and she was part of the small group that protected the rear of the ship.
Location: Capitol Building
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"], [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Azurea"], [member=Darth Pyrrhus]
Post Count: [1/20]

The president couldn't be too safe enough with his own security. Just by briefly analyzing the situation here on the planet it was obvious that the president's life could be in peril. The rumors about plots of assassinating the president, the death threats being directly said to Balyin, and the current state of the Jensaarai wasn't pleasnat when they heard about the Alliance wanting to make a pact with the governing body of Susefvi. It was understandable that the fear of losing one's culture because of another foreign party coming to establish its presence to it, but it would be much more reasonable if it was through peaceful assembly and not by sending death notes to the leader of Susefvi. While the life of the president was in danger from some of the citizens of Susefvi the life of those in his cabinet and the delegates of the Alliance could also be in danger.

Which was why troops of the Alliance were deployed to strengthen the security of the Capitol Building with Canal in that party. Indeed, he did hear about Sarge Potteiger, the last Lord Protector to serve during the falling days of the Protectorate, being assigned to the task as being the sentinel of both the delegates of Sunsefvi and the ones of the Alliance. The personal opinion of the clone, on Sarge, was that he thought that the man had the same firepower as a battalion of soldiers. He was an apex predator in war by just reading some basic files of him during his military career in the Protectorate. He was that one guy that everyone paid their respects to, even if you were once the Lady or Lord Protector of the Protectorate. It would seem that the security detail was in better shape than ever, but one thing that the Titan of War couldn't do is divide himself and catching multiple assailants at the same time. It wouldn't be intelligent to send one assassin to kill the president unless it was a skilled one that could take on the very likes of Sarge.

While Sarge was inside the conference room with the representatives of both parties Canal was outside of it with a squad of Alliance soldiers keeping guard so that no one would enter the room. He was equipped with a DC-17m interchangeable rifle and two DC-17 pistols in their respective holsters that were attached to the kama of his armor. His orders were simple: do not allow anyone enter the room, even if it was Coren Starchaser himself. He heard the ringing of an elevator door which a Togruta and a human exited. Canal and the rest of his squad were on guard, but they didn't shoot just yet. "Halt, no one is suppose to be on this floor. I suggest both of you turn around before you provoke us," the Fett Clone giving them a fair warning. It was suspicious, but he wasn't going to shoot someone that wasn't marked as a hostile or friendly. Despite this he didn't let his guard down until they obeyed his orders.


Well-Known Member
POST: [1/20]

Tachon unclouded his mind and came back to the real world. He knew he was capable of feats in the Force, but he never received any true training. Any ability he displayed was random, usually in times of desperation. Still, the Jedi sensed his potential and dragged him along to talk to these... Jensaarai. He had no idea who they were, what they did, or anything. As it was, he barely knew any of that about the Jedi. He did know that their dogmatic pacifism bordered on irritating for the Iridonian. He let out a quiet sigh, then realised that someone may be paying attention to him. It was doubtful, though. He poised himself in the back of the room, and he wore standard spacefaring clothing, with a light armoured chestpiece. Overall, very un-Jedi. He'd be easily mistaken for a bodyguard or Alliance-affiliated smuggler if not for his noticeable Force signature and the fact that only Force Users were meant to be here.

That's what the flier said anyway. Really, the Jedi were polite to him and nice, but due to his lack of training, skill, reputation, and possibly because of the violent nature of his race, he was more of a tag-along than any sort of front line negotiator. It gave him time to observe, though. When he was paying attention.

[member="The Storyteller"]
[member="Veino Garn"]
Tionne Thanewulf said:
"Hey, you." she spoke through the Force, but not actively trying to establish eye contact with Potteiger. "Yeah you. Look here, one with the glasses." No response. He was staring right through the wall. "Hope you oiled your hinges today. This mission will require some movement."

Objective: Protect the Pres
Allies: [member="Canal"] [member="Tionne Thanewulf"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Azurea"] [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
[member="The Storyteller"]

Thanewulf had it dead on. The helmet shifted, hearing Canal outside. The artifact that gave Sarge Force-Sensitive also blocked his mind from the Force, he could neither send nor receive telepathy, and the only 'sense' he could have was a Force Bond. 10 years and they still didn't understand the artifact. Tionne was speaking to an empty room, and she had no idea. But Sarge was already reacting to the idea of a threat outside. His hand went to the saber at his belt, and his helmet turned to regard the assembled.

"Sounds like trouble." He says, the first words he'd spoken all day.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...
[Post = 2/20]

Objective: tbc
Location: Planetary orbit
Allies: None yet
Enemies: Oh yes…

She glanced at her monitor and snarled into the comm unit. “We have company." Behind her emerged a quartet of bombers. Their intention was not to steal the bacta but to destroy it, clearly.

The bombers swooped down through the air and spiralled in on their target. She came around to follow them in. She couldn't help but remember countless training exercises where she'd used her ship to stoop like a hawk-bat on such lumbering craft. Two would be dead in her initial pass and the others would die as they attempted to flee. Below her, the bombers began their runs. The thermal detonators fell lazily from the bombers as if harmless. Their explosions flashed golden light. The high-yield proton bombs would no doubt have crippled the ship’s aft shields.

Rolling her ship, she spiraled the fighter down in and onto the bombers.

She hit the triggers on her lasers. A stream of green laser darts scored a ragged line along one bomber, piercing the hull immediately. As she shot, she glanced at her primary monitor, waiting for the missile warning alarm to be activated. It's going to be missiles or turbolasers, and if they're going to use them, it'll have to be now.

She continued her flight, strafing bombers as she went. Even if she failed to destroy them, they would be focused on her and not their main assignment. At least that was the plan. Self-preservation was a strong motive for mercenaries.
Objective: Kill Jedi
Location: Mining facility
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="The Revenant"]

A familiar gravelly voice rang out through the halls of the facility, and Sage quirked a brow at the sound. What was Reverance doing here? Like a pack dog sniffing out the alpha, Bane emerged from the shadows to meet the Wrath, his superior and sometime lover. The first oddity he noticed was that the man's Force signature was bereft of the Dark Side. The second was the Wrath's face. Gone was the spiral of mottled flesh that punctuated the visage of his commander. Instead, in the middle of his face sat two brown eyes, staring right at him with an unreadable expression. Sage knelt in front of the Sith Lord.

"My Lord," he said. "Your eye..."

His words trailed off. Something was very wrong with this situation. Rising from his kneeling position, the illusionist began to gather the dark side around him, brewing it like a storm. His hand crawled down to caress the saber pommel on his hip. Force only knew if he'd need it or not.
Objective: C, help the Susevfi Defense Force root out a strange threat
Location: Abandoned mining facility in orbit over Susefvi
Allies: None yet, maybe [member="Chevu Visz"], [member="Jaren Solain"]
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"]

He couldn't smile in response to this man, though the memories of intimacy and friendship rushed against him. The flow of power, the transaction of pain, he remembered it all. And he winced at the thought, the feelings that Reverance had for this man when the time arose. This was no friend, merely a weapon of the One Sith, the thing that would eventually become the direct enemy of Gabriel. As Sage knelt, Gabriel merely stood his ground, rotating the red saber out as it hissed against the ground.

"I am no Lord." He trailed off, rotating his head as he looked the man down. "You shouldn't have come here Sage."

As he saw the man rise, he wasted no time. With an acceleration of the force, as swift as a quickdraw might pull silver from the holster, he charged towards the Hand. His intent to drive a shoulder into his body, cushioned by a buffer of telekinesis, intent on sending the man sliding or even flying back. He had a strong mind but he wasn't sure in his state, that he could combat the illusions of this particular master. No, he would need to depend now on the powers and capacities to manipulate his own body.

Until he remembered that this was Sage. There was more there than meets the eye, the sort that might be taken advantage of.

Ibaris Varanin

Objective D: Do whatever
Location: Beaches of Yumfla
Allies: [member="Liam Quez"] | Sunblock
Enemies: UV Radiation
Post: 1/20

Spending as much time as she did aboard the Peregrine had the effect of making her a tad ghostly, and she could have sworn she heard Liam say something about it, when he asked if she was feeling okay, that she was looking a little pale. When was it that she last spent a significant amount of time in the sun? It must've been the day they met the others that would make up the rest of the Brat Pack, that they had followed to the brief adventures of the Covenant, and on to the Galactic Alliance. In each instance, they were working towards making a difference, and the Alliance was the real deal.

But that had nothing to do with why she was on the beach, really, sunning herself for the first time in her life. Time was at a premium as of late, and she hadn't had as much opportunity to go sticking her nose in the business of beasts great and small for months, now. She usually got her vitamin D from that and the food she ate, and she wasn't keen on supplements if she could avoid them. One less thing to remember.

"Liam, could you rub more sunblock on my back?" she asked, "Oh, and I was thinking we should go have a look around, see what's neat around here. Maybe hop those little islands off the coast, here?"

She looked out over the water, and pushed her sunglasses up her nose. This idle lounging really wasn't her kind of thing, but the sun was needed.

"There could be some cool secrets hiding out there."

Liam Quez

Objective: D
Location: The Beach
Allies: [member="Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs"], Huttball
Enemies: Ibaris, the sun, and the lotion

The beach and the sun, I felt so alive feeling the UV rays touch my skin. Unlike Ibaris I did my best to catch as much sun as possible when we were off ship. She was a little ghostly thing that trailed around - I did worry, but only on occasion did I mention that she glowed in the dark when we would go to bed. My mind went to a place that it shouldn’t and I quickly started to think of Huttball and large burly men. That quickly calmed down anything that would have popped up to say hello. Ibaris spoke and like usually I only picked out the parts that I wanted to hear. Which I heard correctly about rubbing lotion on her back.

The small gesture that would mean nothing between friends - only made me blush slightly. Thank the Force that it was hot out and already made my face red. Grabbing the lotion I squirted the white substance into my hands and lathered them up with the sunscreen. Looking down at it I wondered why the damn liquid had to be white. “Uh yeah, you know how to swim right? We could dive a little and see if we find anything down there.” I mused over sunken treasure and the like. “Imagine if there’s like old pirate gold down there oh ho ho” My hands touched her bare skin as I rubbed the lotion into it. Taking the opportunity I also gave her a bit of a back massage.

Her hair started to get in the way and to keep it from getting rubbed into the sunscreen or get greasy from my hands I blew the small strands lightly from the back of her neck and continued casually rubbing the lotion all along her back and towards the lower parts of her back as well. Gotta cover everything right? Focusing hard on Huttball, I continued to rub the lotion - probably a bit longer than I should have. Needing more distraction I decided to ask, “You know much about this place? I’ve never been here before”

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Objective: Make myself useful
Allies: None yet
Enemies: The bombers of course

She continued to hit the triggers on her lasers. Streams of green laser darts scored a ragged line along one of the remaining bombers. An explosion and the sight of an escape pod said she’d managed to take a second one out.

She scanned her sensors. Surely they wouldn’t send in bombers without an escort?

She continued her flight as the bombers headed away from their target. For a second she wondered if they were drawing her away — but there were other ships left behind to protect the freighter, so she pursued them, strafing the slower moving bombers as she went. One line of fire was a direct hit and suddenly she one had one bomber to face down.

It was then that the fighters appeared…

Clearly there were not the incompetent nerf-brains she thought we were. Now she would have to show them how resilient Jedi could be.
Objective: The totally innocent and harmless encounter with President Elanan Bal'yin
Allies: [member="Darth Azurea"] the benevolent
Enemies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Canal"] We come in peace, promise.
Posts: 3/20

Tanek smiled approvingly to the commotion that Setzi started behind them. All focus was taken away from them, and over onto the unfortunate man behind them. "Well played" he commented, keeping his voice hushed so that only she would hear. What came next was an elevator ride. It gave him some time to think, and try to sense what would await them. Nothing struck him as out of the ordinary, no great presences in the Force. Of course, this could mean that there were no Jedi or other near the president, or that there were, but they were keeping their presence hidden. Regardless, there was something about the situation that gave him a certain level of unease. Had he not known better, he might've called it a hunch or a bad feeling. Now, he was more inclined to interpret it as a subtle warning from the Force. "Be on your guard. If there is a point where we face opposition, it is now." he warned his companion.

As the doors to the elevator opened, he was met with a short hallway. By the door that was their destination, a squad of soldiers stood. One spoke to him, as they walked out. Clearly, this was supposed to be a restricted floor, but he acted as if he belonged.

"I assure you, our intent is not provocation. Quite the contrary. But you are right, we are not supposed to be out here on this floor. We are supposed to be in there" he said with a smile, keeping a light-hearted almost joking tone as he pointed at the door. "We are to meet with the president. We are an envoy from AgriCorp." He felt no need to elaborate. Their politics was between them and the president, after all.

There was something strange about the man in front of him. He could not sense him through the Force. Did Setzi feel it too? The man didn't have the look of a Force user, but one never knew. He could, much like the Vong he was familiar with, be Force-dead. In the event that he was a Force user, thankfully, Tanek was still keeping his own presence and true alignment hidden. "Will you let us pass?" He would continue walking, striding forwards with slow steps. No need to provoke someone who was pointing a gun at you now was there.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

Objective: Make myself useful
Allies: None yet
Enemies: The fighters have it...

“Take out that remaining bomber, and leave the fighters to me.”

The majority of the Alliance fighters would remain in their protective positions, not drawn out by the incoming fighters. Discipline was key.

So Nubica peeled away from the freighter she was guarding and engaged the four fighters that had appeared.

They rolled in and down on her, clearly keen to dispatch her and move on to the main target. She kicked her ship over and flicked her lasers over to quad-fire mode. While that would slow her rate of fire, each burst had a better chance of killing a ship outright. And there are plenty that need killing here.

She nudged her stick right and dropped the crosshairs onto a fighter looking to flank her. She hit the firing switch, sending four red laser bolts burning out at the target. They hit on the starboard side, with two of them piercing the cockpit and the other two vaporising the strut supporting the right wing. The bent hexagonal wing sheered off in a shower of sparks, while the rest of the craft started a long, lazy spiral toward the outer edges of the system.

She didn’t hesitate to take in the sight but instead snap-rolled her ship to the left, and then chopped her throttle back and hauled hard on the stick to take her into a loop. A pirate interceptor flashed through where she had been, and she came fast on its tail.
Objective: Subdue the faux Wrath
Location: Mining facility
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="The Revenant"]

As the Wrath came barreling towards Sage, his arm shucked away the layers its masquer to reveal his amphistaff arm, his Vong pets who were dedicated to protecting him at all costs. The trio of slithery tentacles whipped forward to meet the man’s body-check, lashing out to cushion the blow and aiming to slice the flesh from bone with its active power glands. Like two territorial rams, the Sith Lords collided with a crack. Unfortunately, Sage's amphistaff’s strength was no match for the Wrath’s. Sage flew backwards, landing on a patch of broken glass with an oompf. Luckily his terentatek-cortosis plates protected him from a vicious shredding.

The illusionist scrambled to his feet, coughing and wheezing, unable to catch his breath. What the frell was wrong with Reverance? What did he mean when he said, “I am no Lord?” Perhaps this was some kind of strange sorcery or Jedi Alchemy, but either way, it was clear to Sage this man was not the Wrath.

Once the oxygen returned to his lungs, the Sith Lord wasted no time in trying to grab the offensive. Bane used the power of the Dark Side to assail the faux Wrath with a devastating Mind Shard, a mental attack aimed at painfully splintering the other man’s mind. This was the very same attack that broke Acolyte Trystis Ray during the terror attack on Coruscant, an assault from which the poor boy never fully recovered.

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