Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Making Friends among the Ghosts (Galactic Alliance Dominion of Susefvi & Suarbi 7)

[member="Tachon Zur-Ksi"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Aston Jacobs"]

A hologram flickered to life on the main conference table, revealing the somewhat familiar form of Veino Garn. He seemed tired, more haggard, and dark circles lingered under his eyes while a bacta-patch was stuck to his forehead beneath the even shaggier than normal hair. He turned until he spotted the Saarai-Kar, in which he bowed.

"Saarai-Kar, I just received the emergency beacon. How may I assist?"

Lareena turned to his figure, holding Julius' lightsaber, which she placed back on the table and rolled it back across to him. She turned first to Kaia. "It appears to be a military grade pirate vessel along with fighter escorts. We have been unable to identify the specific class."

Then she turned back to Veino.

"Return home as soon as possible. We need you to assume temporary control over Yumfla security and..." She paused for a moment, "To help train those of the Alliance Jedi who volunteer to stay and serve with us."

Veino bowed his head. "At once, Saarai-Kar. I'll be on my way, immediately."

His image flickered out and he spun his command chair to face the starship controls, setting the destination for Susefvi. The stars blurred into streaks as the ship jumped forward.


Well-Known Member
[member="Veino Garn"]
Tachon leaned up from the wall, with his nose still buried in the book, and by simple wandering found himself in the main chamber again. He looked up briefly enough to find a seat, then kept at the book. The room was significantly emptier now, and he enjoyed that fact. He was still highly oblivious to all the goings on, but the Saari-kaar would definitely know the book he was reading. It was fascinating to him, how they stood up for 'good' without diminishing themselves on self-destructive dogma like the Jedi. Armour was a particularly smart aspect, in his opinion. His desire to know more only intensified with every passing word.
[member="Tachon Zur-Ksi"]

Lareena looked over as Tachon entered and rested her chin on her walking stick, mask impassive, but her body posture shifting to pleasant amusement. She did indeed recognize the book. It was written for Jensaarai children and the few Jedi Academy student who came to study under them. Very, very basic, with colorful illustrations and a smattering of the Sith language. Hardly something that she expected someone who seemed as warrior-like as him would be interested in. She stood from her seat and walked over, stick clacking against the floor until she stood beside him.

"There are... more comprehensive texts," She said, voice soft and hiding an inner laughter. "If you would care to stay. Defender Garn shall be arriving shortly and will be training whoever wishes to stay in our ways and our arts. What say you?"


Veino dropped out of hyperspace on the far side of the planet from the battle, sending his ship hurtling downwards towards the academy base, where he landed among the starships and hurried out.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Objective: Ain't no party like a presidential murder party!
Allies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
Enemies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Canal"] [member="The Storyteller"]
Posts: 8/20​

Darth Azurea's head titled back slightly, and her grasp on Elenan's neck tightened. With such careful concentration, she barely saw the Jedi wielding two lightsabers as he came tumbling out of the blast door. But before the lightning sprung off of his fingertips…

Crack! Thud.

The Sith Knight snapped the President's neck, severing his spinal cord. The guards in the meeting room began dragging his lifeless body into a ventilation shaft, but by that time, he had been killed by her silent attack. Since Darth Azurea was stationary, the green lightning hit her directly in the chest and radiated outwards spiraling around her limbs. She fell backwards, nearly taking down Tionne Thanewulf in the process. She landed on the floor with a thud, her skin burning with the needle-like pain of electroshock. It wasn't enough to cause permanent damage, but the Sith Knight was momentarily knocked unconscious.


Well-Known Member
[member="Veino Garn"]

Tachon snapped out of his reading to look up at the very thing he was not expecting. A masked woman, who looked important, told him about the opportunity to learn more than the basic text. Since his existence was half comprised of the pursuit of knowledge, he found himself completely interested in the offer. He gave a silent nod of agreement, then went back to reading the last parts of his book. He would await this Defender Garn, and hear what he had to say. If all went well, the Jensaarai would have a new pupil. One Non-Jedi among a pack of their kind.
Objective: The not so totally innocent and harmless encounter with former President Elanan Bal'yin
Allies: [member="Darth Azurea"]
Enemies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Canal"] Definitely not coming in peace. It is as we know a lie.
Posts: 5/20

The battle for their mission had begun. In an ideal world there would have been a smoother path to victory, but such were not their conditions today. Though it was something his other apprentice had failed to appreciate, Pyrrhus valued patience. Yet patience would do him no good if they were to achieve their goal today. The situation they found themselves in left little room for maneuverability. They had passed every control, every security check on the way here. It had led them to the meeting room, where the individuals involved were very aware of which ones were permitted. Perhaps they had been unlucky enough to have someone else threaten with an attack on the president's life, and that was the cause of their increased security. An unfortunate obstacle, but nothing more. They had come this far with deception, but it was clear that role was over. The power of the Dark Side was at his command, and with it he felt confident that he and his companion would leave her victorious.

Azurea was busy working her way through the wall, though she soon abandoned that approach and followed the woman inside. Strange. They had allies, but no mention had been made of someone on the inside. It was peculiar as well, how none of their allies had showed up. Perhaps they had been captured and that was why they had been expected. No matter. He cared not for anyone but himself and Azurea. Their allies had proved their weakness through their inability to pave a path to the president. He had faith in Azurea. She had grown into a fine Sith, and he trusted that she would succeed without the need of reinforcements. While she made her way inside it became his task to deal with the soldiers outside, something which would have been made much easier if not for his inability to touch them with the Force.

When he heard the order, 'focus fire', he immediately brought his lightsaber back to himself, dropping into the defensive stance of Soresu. Yet he did not appear to be their primary target. The occasional bolt was deflected, but most fire was concentrated on the amphistaff. The soldier, or perhaps officer, had skilfully survived the encounter by sacrificing his main weapon. It was surely better than the alternative. He had also resisted his lightsaber attack, probably due to a shield. It was dawning on him that this one was no ordinary soldier. This belief was further reinforced as the man charged at him.

They had taken the first step in, but it was high time to take a step back. To recover from his precarious position, he quickly took a deep step back while maneuvering the lightsaber in position to deflect the spear and hopefully slide down for a cut on the holding hand. Meanwhile his amphistaff seemed reluctant to give up on his target, and darted from the ground towards Canal, leaping from behind.

Pyrrhus barely had time to see his move through though, and gathered the Force at his feet to take a longer leap backwards. Azurea had gone down. Though he didn't want to face that reality, a part of him knew that most likely their mission had failed. There was still time to recover, yet they needed to make a strategic withdrawal. The sudden burst of Force energy had alerted him. How had he not sensed the presence of a Jedi? This situation got more complicated than necessary and fast. Now, with enemies on both sides, it was prudent that they returned to a position where they were not at such a disadvantage.

This was not a mission of his design, nor one he cared much for. It did not further his agenda, merely that of the Sith assassins. He would not have Azurea die on one of their pesky missions. Furious at this turn of events, at the assassins, at the Jedi, he once more reached out with the Force. This time he reached for the body of Azurea and almost violently ripped her towards this position. It was not a suggestion, she was most certainly coming with him. Perhaps she wouldn't be too happy about the way he went about it, but she simply would have to deal.

The next stage of his plan would be to have Azurea firmly in his grip, unceremoniously tossed over his shoulder, as he would back up towards the way they came from along with his serpentine companion. Time to leave.

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