Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Making Friends among the Ghosts (Galactic Alliance Dominion of Susefvi & Suarbi 7)

Objective: En route to the Jensaarai enclave.
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], Hope

Aston took a deep breath ignoring the small rock of the shuttle as it neared its destination. Aston had heard far and wide of the beginning journeys and exploits of the Galactic Alliance, not from whispers and common banter that would he would come across as daily rumors. But from one whom he trusted above all else, that was his sister Spencer Jacobs. While the Republic had offered him much, he did in return for them. But that didn't mean he couldn't help out on other ways too. While he would take an occasional leave, his time would be spent with the Galactic Alliance and its allies. The Padawan just simply doing what he could, with what he had to offer from himself, a spirit of great hope, among various other things that would be discovered in due time.

Aston respectfully declined a drink from a fellow Jedi as he leaned his head back and took another breath. Thinking on the task at hand, and what he could do to help. He would do what he could in regards to investigation of the assassination rumors that were plaguing them, and Aston knew could further hinder the cause of the Galactic Alliance. Aston donned in his normal Jedi attire with his lightsaber clipped to his belt.

The Jedi Padawan glanced over to Jacen and simply smiled nodding his head. "What are your thoughts on the matter at hand, friend?" Aston inquired curiously.
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Kaia Starchaser"] | @Judah Dashiel

Julius glanced to Kaia and smiled softly, quirking a brow and extending his hand to be shook as he stepped forward. There was an ease to his step, a relaxation to his posture that was utterly at odds with how his mind was working. Emotions were kept in tight check though, as he greeted the new arrival. Though he knew what he was in the Galaxy at large, and how people thought of him as when dressed in these robes, hearing himself called that was a funny sort of twinge to his mind. A mental note was made to get some sort of in between traditional like robes and armor, if he was going to be making it a habit of coming into missions like this.

"Yes, I would be Julius. No need for formality though, before I left the Republic I was barely a Knight, and even in the intervening years I don't feel much more than an up-jumped Padawan really. And you would be? I am afraid I only read through the briefing on my associates here once, and I am terrible with names. "

The man nodded, his hand still out to be shaken, and waited as calmly as he could, even though he had begun to regret the Sullustan hot sauce he had put on the burrito he had eaten before the trip, as his stomach was quite loudly protesting such.

NPCs by Varon

Objective 1:
[member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"]

As the diplomatic entourage arrive, they would be greeted by a formal military greeting. Dress uniforms and body armor, newly polished blaster rifles, and elaborately crisp marching orders. Everything a ceremony of such import required. At the center of the formation stood the President and a selection of legislators from the various factions, including a familiar face to some Alliance members. [member="Mya Jesel"] stood among the crowd in a freshly pressed and cleaned spacer's uniform. Not like many of the others, but she was known for being different, having been elected by a voting base primarily composed of the space-dwelling miners and pilots of the system. The Caamassi president strode forward to greet them, placing his walking stick beneath his arm.

"Welcome, friends, to our home. Be welcome here as family." His security detail, about twelve individuals strong parted to let him move freely. The experienced among the Alliance would recognize that they were well trained and competent, with the Jedi picking up some trace of Force sensitivity among some of their number. Not to mention some weaponry recognizable as military grade Protectorate equipment.

A caravan of armored speeders drew to a halt and the President made his way over to them, followed by the retinue. He paused before one and turned back to speak with an amused tone of voice.
"I apologize for the short ceremony, it is truly unfortunate to not celebrate properly an event as momentous as this, but my security forbids from being in public very long." He climbed aboard one of the speeders, followed by the security guards and he leaned out to beckon to the ambassadors. "Please, join me if you will."

After the seating arrangements were figured out, the caravan departed, vehicles moving around to shift the location of the seated riders. They were taking no risks now. Not until the investigation was complete and culprits apprehended. The caravan would then rise above the streets and buildings and make a line for the Capitol building, avoiding the streets and risks involved. The president would keep up a chipper explanation and description of the city as it passed below them, making comments on culture, industry, and historical tidbits until they set down by the capitol building. where the security detail hurried out first, clearing a path, and then escorting the President inside past even more security guards, these ones in body armor and armed with bolters.

The rest of the entourage followed with their own security, heading past the main meeting room for the legislature, which was empty at the moment into a smaller room to discuss the treaty. The ratifying would come after.

Objective 2:
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Aston Jacobs"]

The shuttles would descend to the surface of the planet, angling quite a distance away from Yumfla to a coastal spaceport with a central walled compound. There would be no indication of weapon emplacements or that a Force using sect had its secondary headquarters here. It looked like a commune, because that was exactly what it was. Looking through the viewports would reveal a mechanic's shop repairing vehicles and a hangar with a few old starships parked outside. Greenhouses stood in the center of the compound and a half-dozen droids moved around two or three figures bustling between them, carrying tools in and taking produce out.

The ships would be directed to land not far from the hangar where a small collection of individuals in tunics and shirts indistinguishable from the rest of the Susefvi population met them. One was a older man with a kind smile and graying, but once brown hair. His hands were grease-stained and he had a smudge of grease on his cheek from where he had been tinkering with a starship. A dirty rag hung out of his back-pocket. The others behind him had similar appearances, although some had dirt on their persons rather than grease. None looked like warriors, except for generally muscular builds and the way they walked. Those who sought to study them with the Force would find that most had a Force signature that was barely detectable, if at all. The aura was definitely Light, but in a subtler, more ambiguous way than traditional Jedi. Their Light had a razor's edge to it.

After departure, the grease-stained man would stride forward to meet the party, wiping his hands on the rag before extending them for a shake to whomever would accept it.

"Welcome to Susefvi. I'm Wain Tillian. Heard my brother's flying around with you folks. Heard any of his crazy stories yet?" He gestured behind him and a weathered old protocol droid hurried up with a tray of refreshments, including a pot of a steaming drink. "Anyone want anything before we go into the conference room?" He turned to look over the outpost. "Sorry we've not got anything fancy like the one you put up on Sullust or in Republic space." He shrugged, lifting up the kettle and pouring it for anyone who desired to try the local seaweed tea. "But we'd rather avoid what happened to you folks not long ago with that assault. Nobody attacks an enemy they don't know exists." He paused for a moment. "Something we'd prefer to keep, mind you. An attack a tenth the size would destroy us."

After the guests had taken what refreshment they desired and gawked as much as could be expected for the first official government representatives to have ever visited the Jensaarai , he led them into the main building, passing through classrooms where some students could be seen tinkering with engines, studying flight manuals, or sitting in lectures. If anyone care to pay attention, the lectures focused on criminal investigation, bodyguard procedures, and personal finance. Wain continued with his small tour.

"This is our secondary school where apprentices study their chosen profession before the trials." He gestured into one room which seemed to be a machine-shop. "We are certified here and can offer certificates in several fields, which," He added after a moment, "Depending on how well you can convince the council, will be available to any of your students as well."

He stopped in front of a door and turned, face suddenly serious. "Good luck. The Saarai-kar and most of the council are pretty isolationist. Convince my father first if you can. He's the last one on the right." With that, he pushed the button on the panel and the door slid open. As the GA representatives entered, they would be met by the sight of the Thirteen who ran the Jensaarai. All wore their armor, making their faces and features impossible to discern. All except the Saarai-kar, of course. She sat in the middle of the far table. It was a half-circle and she sat at the apex, distinguished by her mask, which was a vision of her own face. The rest had helmets similar to Veino's. All were based on animals of some form or another. One appeared to be avian in its lines and angles. Another had the curling horns of a bantha. All rose in unison as the representatives entered, gave formal bows of welcome, and resumed their seats. Lareena Thornn spoke first, leaning forward, hands resting on a gimer walking stick. Off in the corner, another armored form stood at a holodisplay of the planet and system with glowing dots scattered through-out. He held a sophisticated comm system and was receiving reports and making notations for the Council to respond to quickly.

"Welcome, Jedi. Please, enjoy our hospitality." She looked at the holodisplay and the surprisingly few dots scattered around. "It is unfortunate that we cannot be more hospitable, but the current situation has us stretched far too thin. We suspect a connection between the events and have agents investigating all leads." She gestured towards the other elliptical table. "Please, take a seat and make yourself comfortable."

Objective 3:
[member="Chevu Visz"] [member="The Revenant"] [member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Jaren Solain"]

Jaren and his companion would find a nightmare as they progressed deeper into the facility. Death was the right way to think of it, for that was what surrounded them. Bodies lay scattered apart, wires sticking out of the corpses in the wrong places and in others it looked like machinery had been grafted directly to the bone with a welder. There was no finesse. No special techniques that indicated medical care. No, this was something else. Something very few would be able to puzzle together. Off in the distant corridors, a mad scream tore through the air before being abruptly cut off.

Four figures stepped out of a nearby side corridor in front of Chevu, weapons jumping up at the sight of them all, but lowered at the insignia. One stepped forward and removed her helmet, revealing a human woman in her early forties with a gruff, businesslike expression.
"New Jedi Order and Galactic Alliance, here to meet Commander Maclachlan." There was no question in her voice. Just businesslike focus. "He's dead, along with his staff. Sergeant Major Horn here, now in command of SDF operations aboard this station." She gestured back down the hallway. "We got one of things that got 'em. You might want to take a look. I've not seen it before and I survived the Rapture." She replaced her helmet. "Don't know how many more are still here. They vanished into the ventilation system." As if on cue, something echoed through the walls, something almost but not quite like footsteps. Something was off. The rhythm for one, and the uneven noise distributions between the alternates, and it sounded like more than two. Chevu would receive a telepathic message through the Force.
We are the Jensaarai investigating. Beware. There is a great darkness here and your light shines like a beacon. We will assist if we can, but we are being hunted by something.

Unfortunately for Gabriel, whoever had last inhabited this station last was lax in regards to their computer security, so the updates would take some time. It was a great tragedy of the universe how the updates always, always happened at the most unfortunate times. Other evidence lay around, in the filing cabinets, and the floor if he desired to search. Files would indicate a new owner purchasing the station some time ago, but long after its abandonment. Records of new equipment being brought in. Medical and biological, not mining or industrial. Even some faint bootprints in the dirt. He too would hear the echo of the steps in the walls.

[member="Darth Azurea"] [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] [member="Kage"] [member="James Gabriel"] [member="Uul Dyi"]

For the two Sith assassins, they would find it a pleasantly sunny day in the city, with a clear salty breeze freshening everything up as they moved through bustling pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Street-vendors hawked fresh fish and drinks. Artisans offered to share their wares to be tried on while musicians played on the street corners. Flags and banners snapped or crackled in the wind. They would receive strange stares, almost wondrous, at the sight of the Jedi robes. No Jedi had been seen on Susefvi longer than anyone had been alive. Legends said one had been there centuries before, but some scoffed at such claims. Others held it to be true. It was a rare sight and children ran up to see them, curious about these monks of the far-distant Republic.

The fire-team would face no opposition yet, only the request to adjust their flight plan to avoid the congestion, redirecting them towards a smaller starport on the edge of the city.
Objective: B: Negotiations
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Post: 1/20

If Ana was anything, it was not a negotiator. She had never been a good public speaker and she didn't like crowds. She had been taught to use her fists instead of her words so why was she here? A different perspective? Being a business owner now the woman settled on that being the reason. She either way wasn't going to fight it and go if they wanted her to.

A set of Jedi robes were not something that she had acquired in any of her journeys. She for starters didn't consider herself a Jedi and than there was just that Ana just didn't feel right in them. Armor would never suit this sort of situation therefore she settled upon a pink dress. She knew that she would stand out in the crowd and she was ok with this.

She didn't know much about the Jensaarai and she liked it that way. Ana would rather meet them in person than be clouded by the rumors and whispers she heard. Sighing she straightened out her skirt as she waited. As pretty as she looked Ana was armed and dangerous. This meeting would be interesting.
@ Kaia Starchaser [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Aston Jacobs"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Aston Jacobs said:
The Jedi Padawan glanced over to Jacen and simply smiled nodding his head. "What are your thoughts on the matter at hand, friend?" Aston inquired curiously.
“The Jensaarai keep themselves to themselves mostly. Our friend in the Alliance is an exception I believe. All we can do is be honest and respectful and see if we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement,” he said. Replaying those words in his head, he realised how different he sounded to just a few months ago. He had spoken almost wisely and without personal prejudice. He wasn’t certain how he felt about this.

“They haven’t been particularly forthcoming with information regarding the danger though, we need to attend to that fairly promptly.”

There was a dull whine as the repulsors kicked in, arresting their momentum before touching down lightly. As Jacen stepped out, he marvelled at the view of the gas giant hanging in the sky over their heads. A chill wind whipped in from the coast and he pulled his coat tight to him.

He noted the Starchaser girl – one of several, he could never remember which was which – and the member of Hound Enclave Julius. Jacen exchanges a brief greeting with Wain Tillian, before heading into the conference room. Looking up at those elaborate helms was almost intimidating.

“Your hospitality is most welcome,” Jacen said bas he took a seat. “I am Master Voidstalker, from the New Jedi Order.”
[member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Aston Jacobs"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Posts : 1/20
Objective : B(?)

Judah was one of the last to disembark from the shuttle. He was lingering, staring at the massive gas giant in the sky. It felt otherworldly to himself, the sense of something bigger hanging down over the planet. Clearly he was the odd man out in this little group. The only non-Force user it seemed to be tagging along. Bemused expression was written over his features at his thought, walking extremely slowly behind the group of Jedi and what not.

The shaggy haired CEO was more interested in the classrooms and normal goings on than the others. He had lingered at the lecture, listening to the instructor speak of criminal investigations. The tour was meandering down a hallway and he tore himself away from the classroom, following the pack of Jedi.

They were lead into a conference room and he took a seat out of the way. Judah was here for the Galactic Alliance side of the coin. Maybe these folk weren't even interested in the Galactic Alliance and demanding anything from the fledgling force. Adjusting his tie, Judah scanned the room and waited to see what his cohorts would be up to in securing the deal.


Come At Me Bro!
Objective: The Mission.
Location: Cargo Freighter
Allies: [member=Kage] | [member="James Gabriel"] | [member="Uul Dyi"]
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance
Gear: Link* in my Sig!
Post: [1/20]

Plowen could feel the freight sway back and forth through the sky, the wind moving through the metal cabin. The lights overhead were dimmed, and most of all, the voices from her comrades- her family- was music to her ears. First it had been Kage, and followed by James and Uul. The world was so clear to Plowen, who had her eyes closed. This didn't last for long, which her coal black eyes opened. This was it. Her first mission; the first one Fireteam Wraith would embark on. All the years of training would be tested on this day, to finally see if they'd accomplished each and every one of there goals. For some odd reason, Plowen thought of all the medical research and training she'd taken apart of. As the team's medic, it wasn't surprising for 'medicine' to come up upon the thoughts of 'training' and 'battle'.

Plowen mentally shrugged and equipped her usual cocky and goofy grin. The adrenaline forming in herself made her eyes glow an luminous gold. the two halos would look to her yellow and white helmet, the helmet's visor glowing a bright cyan. Picking it up and placing it on her head, Plowen would stand up to her 6 foot height. Overall, Plowen was the shortest of the group; which also so happened to be her family. Plowen walked over, placing herself in the horizonal lineup between Kage and Uul.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm In the mood to shoot people!" Plowen spoke in her usual humor filled down, like she was laughing at everyone. "Of course, It'll be under control."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

The Jensaari were something to be respected and the last time Matsu had been around them she had been younger... much younger and sitting there in the ship while she was going to meet them she focused on the suit. Breathing in her stomach as she attempted to fit into the armor she had forged with them as it shined chrome and a dark plum purple at the lining. Her eyes going over it while she touched down and moved to the ramp sucking in her stomach more to look presentable with two of the droids and slid the kama style protective skirt on before she was moving. Her hands running along the metal of the chest piece as she went to talk with some of the Jensaari and hopefully one or two she had known had found their way here.
Objective: C, help the Susevfi Defense Force root out a strange threat
Location: Abandoned mining facility in orbit over Susefvi
Allies: None yet, maybe [member="Chevu Visz"]
Enemies: The Sith peeps, wherever they be.

The screen clapped on, flickered with a white shimmer, before repeating the same diagnostics over again. He checked the date and noticed that the last software install was well over 2 years ago and quickly rolled his eyes. Not that he had ever taken part in the active maintenance of software. In fact, he had never really been one for this sort of investigation. Something about diving in deep, when he could rather lay his hands on something, it just seemed largely removed. Stepping away from the desk, he exhaled as he heard noises down the hall and in the very wall itself. Just as he approached the threshold, he noticed the dust painted cabinet and got curious.

Approaching, he pulled the golden chain of the desk lamp and the room suddenly was flooded with a sickly yellow ambient light. He winced away from the odd strength off it, confined to a cone beneath the green shade, as he depressed the metal lock of the cabinet and pulled. The drawer yanked free with a tug, pulling out a couple of feet with the sound of metal scraping against metal. He thumbed through the files.

Old tax forms. That wasn't what he was looking. Contracts regarding sale of minerals. No, that's not it. Former clients and prospective clients. That might be interesting. He made a mental note to go back to that spot. Acquisitions. He tilted his head as he pulled the file from the drawer and closed it. Approaching the table, he opened and splayed the information out. Licking his thumb, he flipped through the stapled pages, oddly perplexed by the anachronistic book keeping. It was then that he noticed a change in the signature. A bit of investigation and it was rather easy to piece together: A change in ownership. He couldn't make out the name of the signature but it appeared to occur long after the facility stopped putting out mining materials. Instead, a transition to medical devices.

He chewed on his thumb nail, somewhat perplexed at the need for such things. While a facility like this was indeed in need of medical equipment, it would hardly need something of this scale. The magnitude of credit expenditure was on the high side, far more than what he expected. Just then, the screen clicked again and he walked around, pressing the enter button. Re-configuring. His eye twitched, reminding him of the need for patience. He resumed his research in the cabinets as the computer made whirring sound, as if a disk was spinning far too fast for it's own good. He caught a smell, something familiar, and shook it loose for the concentration he poured behind the manila folder.
Objective B.
So many people, like [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] and [member="Anastasia Rade"] and [member="Julius Sedaire"] and @Aston Jones and [member="The Storyteller"]

Kaia turned the corner to see and hear the man speaking. She smiled, at least she wasn’t the only one who felt out of place. She was a Knight, but she was much more a Warden, which meant that when compared to Jedi? She was pretty useless, unless it meant martial fighting, and flying ships and fighting off pirates, ah the simple pleasures. “I’m Kaia, Kaia Starchaser.” She wasn’t going to warn him off about the name, no need for that, if the man was a Jedi, he wasn’t dealing with her father much, right?


These Jensaarai, though, they were a completely different bunch. Secretive, and open to discussion with the Alliance? That was a good sign. They might not be Jedi, but so few in the Alliance were. They had so many unique Force groups, it felt more like a light-sided assembly. She smiled at the Jensaarai. “I’ve not met your brother yet. But if he’s flying with us, I’m assuming a fighter pilot, which I’m not. But as Master Voidstalker has said, thank you for meeting with is. I’m Wa—I’m Knight Kaia Starchaser.”
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Kaia Starchaser"] | @Judah Dashiel | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Aston Jacobs"] | [member="The Storyteller"]

Julius grinned at the woman and nodded at her name. It wasn't as if he didn't know of Coren, but it was just typical talk of higher ups anyone would hear. And of course the few rare meetings when the Alliance had discussed what to do with Sith on the field and as prisoners, or if even to take them as prisoners. He walked in step with the group, nodding to Jacen politely. Formally he had joined the Hounds, as it fit him in a way, but he had no real connection to them. Not yet honestly. As their guide began talking, he needed, noticing Judah trail off from the group, but keeping his focus as much as he could.

The lady in the pink dress was an unknown to him, but walked with a certain gait and poise he had long associated with those used to armor and warfare. From what little time he had spent in the Mandalorian space, he wouldn't have known of her, but in his mind he put her down as one to watch. The younger male, Aston, was a complete unknown to him, and for the most part in his mind something he couldn't fathom. Nodding to the guest, he stepped forward, seeing the armored forms in the room.

Awkward. Perhaps the armor would have forged a link of mutual respect or kinship. But no matter, really. What was done was done and over with. And he was a Jedi, even if of a New Order. Their role was not always solely war and defense, which the Jensaari seemed much more occupied with. Whilst it was important to build similarities, it was also equally important to stress the differences, or so he had read. The differences, when highlighted, would show how a mutual alliance would benefit the two parties. So it was important to show that, while he was a warrior most definitely, he was not one dimensional. Much as they likely were not either.

A moment was all that was spent waiting for someone to speak, and when that did not happen immediately... Well... Julius decided to be Julius, and charge forward. There was no sense mincing words, these people seemed to be something he could relate to, if faintly. A loose stance, or as loose as he could take without looking forced, was adopted, as he tried to take the time to let each person see his face, look into his eyes, and form their own opinions of him not just from his words, but his presence in the Force. It was calm, smooth, but tinged with a hint of worry and he made no effort to mask it. He was worried for the people here and what was about to commence, and to pretend otherwise would be foolish.

"Thank you, and the Jensaari for our welcome. Hospitality in time of war is hospitality in time of war. I would be disturbed if there were parades and luncheons. For we are not here for that, much as we may wish it was so. As you said, we are here due to this threat. The defense and well-being of your people is paramount, and that is why we are find ourselves gathered together. To see if we can do anything for our cousins, the Jensaari. I find nothing amiss in your hospitality... Indeed I've experienced far worse in far better times...I grieved when Coreilia was lost, and I would not see that repeated here if we can help it. I am Julius Sedaire, Knight of the New Jedi Order. These are my fellows from the Order, whom I will let introduce themselves, drawn from various walks of life and orientations within or on associate with it. Hopefully we can find some way for the Alliance to help put and end to this threat, if that is permissible, and we can come to rely on one another as family united together in times of need, to benefit our collective people, and possibly even the Galaxy at large."

With that said, Julius bowed in the only way he knew how, which would look characteristically odd without armor. He clenched his right hand into a fist and struck his left breast with it, bowing not from the neck, as would befit an equal, but from the waist. It was an excessively formal habit the Atrisian man he had ran with taught him. Well, Atrisian by birth, Mandalorian by adoption. Truth be told, Julius wasn't sure which culture the bow came from, but it was explained to him as an old tradition that saw variants of it replicated throughout the Galaxy in martial traditions and cultures. It was a gesture implying respect and honor lay towards the one being bowed to. And he made sure it was directed at the one who spoke first, but let his eyes drift across each armored form, letting them know the gesture extended to it. Appropriate for a newcomer giving salutations to a fame-worthy veteran. Taking a stride or two, he sat, leaving his cloak to hang over the back of the seat as he folded it, and nodded, focusing his eyes on the gentleman to the far right and inclining his head in particular to him, a greeting of respect, before returning to the woman in the middle.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Objective: Assassinate President Elenan Bal'yin
Allies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
Enemies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"]
Posts: 3/20

Yumfla was a pleasant city to tour. If Azurea focused on the sights and sounds of the capital, she could almost forget that she and her Togruta Master were here to cause panic and bloodshed. First of all, the negotiations needed to be disrupted. That would increase the chances of solidifying peace for Suarbi-7. But to snuff out the life of this public figure would also send a message to the Galactic Alliance that the Sith were still an omnipresent threat.

Street children, enthralled by Pyrrhus's Jedi robes and Azurea's strange attire, came running to them. So innocent and trusting were the people of this beautiful planet, thought the Sith Knight. They had no clue what horrors the Togruta could create with a simple illusion or worse the massacre that could occur if the two of them suddenly unleashed the Dark side of the Force onto the bustling but equable streets.

"We're getting close now," said Azurea to her companion. Her hand instinctively touched the AgriCorp badge on her uniform-like top. She waited until the children finally dispersed and continued: "Once inside the capital, we'll go through a metal detector. We'll need to coerce the guards to ignore what they find." Both Siths had sabers and blasters. They would need to rely on Mind Tricks for safe passage.
Objective: Find the information hub.
Allies: @Plo @James Gabriel [member="Uul Dyi"]

"Seems there's a bit of a change in destination, but it won't matter for long. But we're gonna have to change the plan. Once we hit, we split up. Find our location and where the hub might be. Keep a low profile. If anyone asks, we came back from dealing with the Jen'essari. Or what ever the name of that Sith group is. If you can, spin it so it seems you have important information. They should bring you right to the place."

The freighter the group was stashed in the back of stopped, and slowly began to make it's descent to the ground. A flash of a smile was offered to the other three from the man as he pulled up one of his revolvers. Time was a wasting. There was a thud, and the exit ramp dropped, revealing the bright sky above. "Keep the weapons cold. We don't need to draw attention just yet, go it?"
Objective: Locate the Information Hub
Allies: [member="Kage"] | [member="Plo"] | [member="James Gabriel"]
Posts: 2/20
Gear: See Signature

Standing next to her family as they lined up near the still closed exit ramp, fully geared, fully armed and on a real mission, a warm smirk, the closet feature to a full smile that had never pulled at her lips, grew on Uul's face. Feeling the trembling of the deck beneath her feet as the freighter, designed for space flight and not so much streamlined atmospheric flight, slowly descended through the atmosphere of the planet.

Turning her head towards Kage as he broke the silence that had fallen between the four of them after Plo had joined them. "As you say Boss" Uul offered him a sarcastic salute as she spoke. While she did not understand the reasons behind why they had to split up for the operation, she could see the advantages that would come from using that tactic.

As the ship landed with a slight thumb and the ramp began to lower, revealing the sky of the planet beyond, Uul's face, hidden behind the helmet she wore, cleared of all emotion as she readied her mind for the job that lay before her. However, that façade was broken when Kage spoke up against as a small smirk of humour crossed her lips as she re-holstered her rifle. "You know, Kage? You sure know how to karking ruin a girl's day. Don't cha?"

Giggling slightly, a sound that was unusual coming from the helmet's speakers, Uul withdrew the blaster pistol from where it was holstered on her left thigh. Beating the barrel against her left knee, Uul waited for one of her family to move first.
Objective: B: Negotiations
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Aston Jacobs"] [member="The Storyteller"]
Post: 2/20

Ana couldn't help but turn her head slightly when the one girl introduced herself. She had never met her but her brother, Coren, she knew quite well from back in the day before the Order. She had been apart of a group which fought the Sith on their turf or turf they were trying to claim. Now they had more assistance and a real fighting chance at seeing this dream become a reality.

Before she could say anything their guests arrived whom she turned to with a smile and a small curtsy. She had been taught manners and how to work with those different than herself. Ana was always kind even though the galaxy gave her plenty of reasons not to be. It wouldn't do her any good not to be after all the blessings she felt she had been given. If she had known she would be joining the group Ana would have brought a basket of baked goodies for the guests. They always lightened the mood and were welcomed even in situations such as this. Meetings like this even needed to be lightened. Next time, Ana thought as she stepped into the room.

It wasn't long before one of the knights, Julius, broke the ice and began to speak. Someone had to and Ana was glad that it wasn't her. She much rather listen to what their hosts had to say before making any big long statement herself but it was only proper to introduce herself to those sitting in front of her.

Taking a deep breath she took a deep breath before speaking. "I'm Master Anastasia Rade. Thank you for your hospitality during these troubling times." She lightly smiled before curtsying and taking a step back. She hoped that they could come to some solution that would benefit them all.
Objective: Landing and locating the team
Post 6/20

She was making her way to the planet, when the communications array popped up. The ground was being handled by the army, but the Station, that needed a bit of extra finesse. GADF command was sending her there, instead. Peyton looked out at the world and sighed. The sea breeze on her skin would feel good… but a job was a job. She replied in the affirmative before moving her fighter into a bank and heading off towards the station.

The fighter was touching down on the station slowly, and she pulled herself from the cockpit. She needed to get planetside soon. Maybe she could show [member="Chevu Visz"] what a real date was. Still, she got out of her fighter, slipping down the ladder and adjusted her flight jacket. She wore a black body glove that provided a little protection from physical attacks, but on her waist was her shield belt, a simple Echani energy shield to allow her some level of protection, but also to keep her lightweight.

“Operative. We have several beings on this station. One if a Jedi Marshall, but we don’t always feel… comfortable with the spellcasters.” Spoke one of the officers in the hangar. Peyton couldn’t help but nod and smile.

“Where are they now?” To this, she was pointed down a corridor. Right, of course. She checked her pistol’s power cell and nodded.

What was going on up here?

[member="The Revenant"]
[member="The Revenant"]

"What. The. K-Kark."

There was a copious sum of bravado that came with running a job. One had to swallow their fears, their aversions, their pride, and subject themselves to whatever was needed to walk out with salvage. Yet this?! This was more than Jaren could stomach. Before his eyes laid bodies...mutilated bodies. It was as if someone had played plastic surgeon, but instead of silicone they used karking wires. Combine that with the literal smell of rot pervading through the, admittedly, cheap mask he wore...

Well, it didn't take long for Jaren to be doubled over, painting the floor with a fresh coat of gross.

When he had finished coughing it out, the young Vulture instinctively reached for the comm he had stuffed in his pocket. He wanted to radio the fat bastard and demand that they scrub the mission. But...he didn't. The sad fact was, Jaren needed the credits and this gig was sure to keep the meals coming. This was sure to be sickening, but it had to be done. So, the young Vulture pressed forward. He did his absolute best to keep what little his stomach contained down whilst moving along; and for the most part he succeeded. But, when the sounds came from inside the wall, Jaren bolted into the first door he saw.

And that was enough "excitement" to produce another geyser. Luckily there was a bin nearby.

When Jaren rose from his grotesque display, he noticed immediately that he was not alone. There was a man standing only a few feet away, clutching some folders in hand. This day just keeps getting better. he thought, audibly groaning. "I...don't suppose you'd believe me if I said I was here to take out the trash?" he asked meekly. Given the fact that there were literally bodies everywhere...that would have been a stretch.

Objective: C, help the Susevfi Defense Force root out a strange threat
Location: Abandoned mining facility in orbit over Susefvi
Allies: None yet, maybe [member="Chevu Visz"], [member="Jaren Solain"]
Enemies: The Sith peeps, wherever they be.

He licked his fingers, panning through the thin pieces of paper. He wasn't sure what he was looking for anymore, as the acquisitions had shown him a modicum of a clue. Entranced by work and study, he hadn't even noticed the occurrence befalling before him. Calmly, as if the man had seen far worse in his day, he clapped the folder shut and placed it slowly on the file cabinet. His mind cut to the saber on his back, the rancor tooth hilt, but he thought better of it. Long had the days passed where he would cut down his enemies and ask questions later. No, habitual actions would be broken with every instinct to enact them. But he'd be lying if he said he believed this man.

"No, I wouldn't..." He said with almost an air of stoic vigilance, the brown eyes following the figure as the smell of vomit filled his nose. Wrinkling for a moment, he circled the figure to find the cause of his ailments. Clenching his teeth to get the full fill of the scene, he walked past the man and approached the pile of bodies. Kneeling down, prominent mid vein protruding from the forehead, his hand hovered over the open eyes of one of the mutilated. He couldn't help but feel that such a thing was in the scope of what Reverance might do. But this place was too far removed. He had heard of other imperial factions popping up, other sith factions making their claim. As much as he remained tranquil, closing the eyes of the woman with a caressing sweep, he couldn't help but feel an ache for what future she might have had. She may have had children, a husband, a family that depended on her. And for every future branching out from her, another rose and took roots from the corpses that littered upon her in this makeshift mass burial.

He stood up and sniffed again, clenching his teeth, as he approached the man that just finished vomiting on the floor. He didn't broach the notion of fear, but he held him with wary. But for now, he didn't have time to be dealing paranoia. "Weep me now." He paused before circling back over to the computer. The screen had finally finished it's diagnostics and he attempted to make use of the archaic surveillance system. He looked up from the screen, watching the figure. Trash man, not likely. He couldn't make out his reasoning for being here, though he suspected a few things. Either way, he looked back over to the file cabinet and nodded. "Open up the cabinet, look for documents on recent health screenings. Medical claims, insurance claims, whatever there may be." He stood up. "Or take out the trash, whichever suits you."
Allies:[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]- [member="Anastasia Rade"] - [member="Julius Sedaire"] - [member="Judah Dashiell"] - [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Aston nodded slightly as he heard the words the Jedi spoke, listening attentively almost as if this was a lesson of sorts. "That would be the best path forward, rightly so." Aston said in response to Jacen. Potential allies, it was always the best to be honest and truthful to them, going through the backstage on things. Leaving certain things in the dark, that was quite the way to lose oneself and those potential allies. if the problems here were solved by the Galactic Alliance, he was sure there wouldn't be any issues in the future.

There was quite a few that had gathered already once the shuttle had arrived at its location and the Padawan along with several others had disembarked. Aston normally kept to himself sometimes, except for the occasional exchange as he had with Jacen. Following them and the exchange ensued. Aston nodded his head to those around and simply smiled. In sure looking to those that they were fixing to start the discussion with, following up after everyone's greet. "A pleasure, I assure you. I'm Aston Jacobs, a Padawan, ally of the Alliance."
Objective: The totally innocent and harmless encounter with President Elanan Bal'yin
Allies: [member="Darth Azurea"] the benevolent
Enemies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] We come in peace, promise.
Posts: 2/20

The joke about the mud puddle did indeed bring out a wide smile in him, even a laugh. It was a fond memory, and to go with his cover, he allowed this more pleasant side to surface. Selvaris had been the second time she had escaped him, but not without the two of them getting to know each other a little better. Now, she was no longer playing with the darkness. Azurea was the darkness, worthy of the title Darth. They had both grown a lot since then. Now, as far as the Togruta was concerned, the galaxy belonged to them.

They proceeded through the streets, with strange looks thrown their way, and children running up to meet them. It was a little more attention than he had hoped for this early on, but at this point it was simply a reality to deal with. He shifted a little, adjusting his robe. His broad shoulders and now slightly bulky frame, was enhanced by the crab armour underneath his robes. Alive, as it was, it was unlikely to be picked up by any metal detector. His lightsaber hilts, now that was another matter entirely. But thankfully, they had ways. The Force provides - isn't that something a Jedi would say? He would agree that the Force was involved, but as to who provided, well, Tanek had an entirely different perspective.

Tanek gave the children smiles, and friendly nods. On the inside, he was playing with dark thoughts. How easy it would be to grab one by the collar and snap its neck. What a magnificent level of despair that would create, as he left their parents to discover the mutilated corpses of their young ones lying in the middle of the streets. It was that sort of thing that made it easy to get out of bed in the morning. But he did not snap anyone's neck, nor did he give in to his temptation to invade the mind of the young boy whose hair he ruffled. One touch, one simple command, and an entire future lay in ruin, possibly dragging those close down with it.

The voice of Setzi brought him back, and quite possibly saved a life. "Right" he said, almost sounding a little distant. They were closing in on the building, but he knew what to do. The pair neared the guards. Given their attire, they naturally drew attention. It would seem the Jedi were not as typical a sight over here, nor would they be given any special treatments. That was a shame, but little more than that. An obstacle to be overcome.

Two men approached them. One of them demanded they declare and hand over any weapons before being permitted entry, and informed them he and his partner would be completing a scan. "That won't be necessary" Tanek replied. His tone was friendly, yet his eyes screamed murder. "I assure you, it is" the man said, and brought out his equipment. "Again? You don't need to scan us. You already have. We are free to enter." his voice calm, almost hypnotic, as he used the Force to penetrate the men's minds, and alter their perception of reality. Tanek had come a long way since Sage Bane had started giving him instructions in mentalism on Iridonia. "We don't need to scan you. We already have. You are free to enter" the guard gave a confirming nod before stepping aside. With a content smile to his partner, they proceeded to enter the building.

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