Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction Member Requirement Raised To 6 Members From 5

Arina Zjarri

The capping option wasn't a bad idea, though if more than the cap wanted to participate it would cause drama. But a huge faction like the Republic going all out on a small faction would certainly be unfair. Which is, unfortunately, a problem that exists in any game where one team can be large than the other.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
@[member="Shaper Haru"] I suggested that a Minor Faction in control of planet while not being on the map has the right to defend itself in the event of a dominion. They just don't go on the map to make it easier for staff.

Also guys exceptions to rules can always be made by the RP judges for the sake of story. So if you have a concern you can always take it to the Judges. Our jobs isn't to boss you around but to facilitate you all having a good time.

Flint Pherson

Just remember. The Republic's 'Leverage' was earned. Built. Roleplayed. Opposed. And sacrificed for. Not by me either? But by every member who contributed. From the big, to the small. The Republic fought for the Map. It's equity to us, just as much as it is to anybody else. It didn't come free.

Now. That said. I'm more than willing to give up much of our PvP prowess if it favors the community as a whole. No sweat. Nerf the big guy and Buff the little guy. It's just good game design to promote PvP fairness and fun. :D
Flint Pherson said:
Nah it's cool Haru. The Staff will think of something. They've nerfed Superweapons and Fleets before. They'll nerf 'leverage' too. It's all good brother. Hell, I even suggested the 'capping' options. So yeah. I'm with ya man. :D
If by nerfed you mean 'cannot annihilate players from orbit with nukes'...then yes, that's a nerf we'll take in respect to gameplay fairness.

Also, all your replies are being considered and we're working out the best way to get this working most fairly.

Flint Pherson

Water under the bridge Tegs. I bitched enough about that in the Staff Forum for the both of us. Lulz. :p

(Psst. And see! Staff made the right decision. *wink wink*)
Also, I wish to address issues like the Shapers of Kro Var's situation brings up:

The Galaxy Map and interactions between Major Factions are meant to represent the brutal hard truth, the namesake of this community: It's chaotic out there. Do you think the Native Americans enjoyed the Americans doing what they did? Do you think India enjoyed the British? Big factions will be seen as bullies, little factions will get shafted from time to time, it's brutal. Staff's main priority is to allow this type of environment to persist. It's supposed to be chaotic. You're supposed to work at creating and managing a Major Faction. If the Jedi left the Republic tomorrow and created their own Major Faction, or the Imperials left the Sith and did the same, we'd be watching utter and total chaos unfold. And this is allowed. Not only permitted, but enjoyed.

Yes, certain ideas will be popular to new members. This will fluctuate with time. Regardless of what rules we on Staff propose, smaller factions still stand the fate of being conquered without reprisal. The Mandalorians lost Junction in 3 days because they didn't respond with 5 members in 72 hours - I'm pretty sure they didn't think it was fair, then, but they lost it because of an extreme lack of participation, something that riled them up to be where they are now. If you wish to stick up for the "little guy", regardless of rules incurred, your best bet is to join them in their fight to survive.

This ruling is simply caused by the growth of the community and not due to any IC circumstance and is not meant to be partial to any one Faction, though I understand to some of you, it will seem like it is.
One other thing it will do is promote minor factions to migrate out (where possible) to more remote systems, like the Rebels did to escape the Empire.

The alternative is to take the route that the Echani have taken, which is an alliance of sorts with the Republic, allowing them to feel confident that if attacked they will have some friends on their side.

Flint Pherson

Just remember Staff: Feudal Japan started out as rival Factions. But eventually... It became a Red vs Blue game and then into a singular Island Empire.

And 'as is'. Without intervention? Leverage, (zerg), will be applied. Red vs Blue will consume all. And eventually someone will 'Win'. ...Just saying. As a leader in the Republic Faction. I look forward to your continued 'vigilance' in this matter. Please don't let this happen.


I mean, ultimately, as we grow, there are consequences that factions will have to face for being smaller and or bigger. / shrugs

It is what it is.

No one will be completely satisfied by all venues, there will always be someone who doesn't like how things roll out.

Some things you win. Some things you make concessions with. Others you simply lose. Is it fair? Well that's subjective. They are after all, imaginary planets.

Ultimately however folks.... this is just a hobby and a game to destress...

*goes back to toring! as she is getting yelled at *

Arina Zjarri

To give my final points before I go to bed:

I can totally understand the idea of the more powerful factions steamrolling the weaker factions. It might not be strictly speaking fair, but it is realistic. But if a faction can't even get to that point, then there is no major faction conquering a smaller faction. And I still believe ten is too large a requirement to get onto the Galaxy map. Like I pointed out before we are getting a lot of new members, but a lot of them are joining preexisting major factions. Smaller factions are going to be maybe a main or two with a few alts thrown in, requiring them to get more alts to become a major faction is just asking for a flood of alts.

I have nothing against people having many alts, I have a few myself. But making a system that requires everyone to make lots of alts to keep lots of factions going does not help the board, as it takes away from all the factions when people start splitting their time to much.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
As a member, not as an RPJ, here's my proposal, and I've seen a good few people say similar things.

Everything remains as is. Minor factions stay off the map, major factions require 10, same as now.

However, minor factions might retain the right to resist major factions' Dominion threads for specific worlds. The simplest way, to my mind, would be to give each minor faction a single world on a list, and the minor faction would have the right (but not the obligation) to respond to an attempted Dominion of any adjacent world. This would allow for realistically diverse outcomes. A territory could be steamrolled over if nobody defended it, but if its natives (I'm thinking the Dathomiri, for example, if they fell below ten) showed up to make a stand, it could turn into a legitimately epic thread. It would all be very organic.


Ashin Varanin said:
As a member, not as an RPJ, here's my proposal, and I've seen a good few people say similar things.

Everything remains as is. Minor factions stay off the map, major factions require 10, same as now.

However, minor factions might retain the right to resist major factions' Dominion threads for specific worlds. The simplest way, to my mind, would be to give each minor faction a single world on a list, and the minor faction would have the right (but not the obligation) to respond to an attempted Dominion of any adjacent world. This would allow for realistically diverse outcomes. A territory could be steamrolled over if nobody defended it, but if its natives (I'm thinking the Dathomiri, for example, if they fell below ten) showed up to make a stand, it could turn into a legitimately epic thread. It would all be very organic.


Janira Fenni

Ashin Varanin said:
As a member, not as an RPJ, here's my proposal, and I've seen a good few people say similar things.

Everything remains as is. Minor factions stay off the map, major factions require 10, same as now.

However, minor factions might retain the right to resist major factions' Dominion threads for specific worlds. The simplest way, to my mind, would be to give each minor faction a single world on a list, and the minor faction would have the right (but not the obligation) to respond to an attempted Dominion of any adjacent world. This would allow for realistically diverse outcomes. A territory could be steamrolled over if nobody defended it, but if its natives (I'm thinking the Dathomiri, for example, if they fell below ten) showed up to make a stand, it could turn into a legitimately epic thread. It would all be very organic.
Still makes the work TEC is currently doing pointless if we can't get three more members.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Flint Pherson said:
Just remember Staff: Feudal Japan started out as rival Factions. But eventually... It became a Red vs Blue game and then into a singular Island Empire.

And 'as is'. Without intervention? Leverage, (zerg), will be applied. Red vs Blue will consume all. And eventually someone will 'Win'. ...Just saying. As a leader in the Republic Faction. I look forward to your continued 'vigilance' in this matter. Please don't let this happen.
I'd like to say that this guy hit the nail on the head. OOC-wise I don't think anybody actually wants the Galaxy to be swallowed by one or two factions. As it stands however, bigger factions have an extremely significant advantage over smaller factions. I understand that bigger clubs are naturally going to be stronger than smaller clubs, but there are ways we could help the little guy and still have the big guy retain some strong advantages.

Let's take Flint's capping idea for instance. If we could get each faction to maintain a rough number of active members we could put the cap at say, 80% of the lower member's active base(that way every member of the lower faction isn't forced to participate), and then allow the other faction to have a bonus in cap based on how much bigger they are then the other faction.

Let's say Faction A has 35 active members and Faction B has 12 active members. Set the base cap at 10ish, then allow the bigger faction a cap bonus of 3-4 people, giving the smaller faction a fighting chance but also giving the larger faction a 30-40% advantage.

Flint Pherson

Ashin Varanin said:
Everything remains as is. Minor factions stay off the map, major factions require 10, same as now.

However, minor factions might retain the right to resist major factions' Dominion threads for specific worlds. The simplest way, to my mind, would be to give each minor faction a single world on a list, and the minor faction would have the right (but not the obligation) to respond to an attempted Dominion of any adjacent world. This would allow for realistically diverse outcomes. A territory could be steamrolled over if nobody defended it, but if its natives (I'm thinking the Dathomiri, for example, if they fell below ten) showed up to make a stand, it could turn into a legitimately epic thread. It would all be very organic.
As long as the big guys 'leverage' and 'equity' remains intact? Sure.

Again. The Map-Game isn't designed to be Fair. It's designed to be Dramatic. ;)

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