Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lore Forum & You

Hello Chaos!

So as many of the old people remember back way back in the day, Chaos had a lore section of the creation forums. Sadly, she didn’t flourish as well as we wanted her to. In discussion with the Codex team (shh don’t listen to them), we played with the idea that “yeah something went wrong last time, how can we make sure that doesn’t happen again?”

We’ve come to this point, asking the community. As we continue to develop the Lore Section and get ideas going, we want to hear from you heavy codex users and people who have never really used the codex, but have this submission that you really want to submit – yet have no area of the codex to put it.

Give me your ideas, your thoughts, you want and desires (I cannot provide love or affection or money sorry). These ideas can just be general ideas, potential templates, or something else entirely, just let us know!

Rai Seren

Force abilities. I've been dying for somewhere to develop them. Could be knew ones or personalized versions of existing ones (read as a character has a unique way of using it).
Please give me love, affection, and money

I just want a place where i can dump things like tactics events and other things without being looked at funny. Things like old books, stories, and other things that dont fit in the factory or the codex. Maybe its an old fairy tale from your world, or maybe its a writing system. Maybe its a tactics system, maybe its a grand war strategy. Maybe its the rank makeup of your factions army. This section doesn't neccesssarily need to be judged in my opinion, which really leaves it much easier off for judges.
[member="Rai Seren"]

I've always wanted that, unique new ones we could look into seeing how we can make it so people aren't doing crazy superhero stuff - but having personalized versions of existing ones I think would be cool and could help develop a character's unique aspect. Good suggestion keep thinking on it and if you have anything else to add like a template of sorts throw it up or you can always PM me on the board as well. Thank you!

[member="Lyra Sarn"]

I LOVE THIS! Yes! I feel like old stories from a unique race/planet that was created on Chaos doesn't always get that little bit of added lore or events that have taken place on chaos. I'd love to have people write up entries, maybe team up with opposing factions to write almost like a history book.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
I'm not sure if something was inherently wrong with the Codex section before. I remember I came back from an LOA in college and started looking for the Lore section and asking about it and was simply told by staff that it was removed because it wasn't seeing use. I think people back then were just occupied with other things in the Factory/Codex. I would like to see histories or re-tellings of events from the perspectives of factions (so as to not lock in the whole board with one view of history) as well as player organizations.

EDIT: The Dark Lord got to me.

I would like to go into some pre-history as well. Kind of like what certain factions or groups were doing during the Gulag Plague in the last few hundred years or so of the 400 Years of Darkness. Give us old characters something to look back on

EDIT II: I feel like big faction histories would need to be collaborated on like the Canon planets we have right now (Atrisia and Corellia)

Fiolette Fortan


Star Wars is all about the Skywalkers, the Solos and the Fetts and a few other big names like the Tarkins.

Chaos is no different and I would love to get some of the Chaos famed families in on this lore, having some of the active members of each house or even just the main get a nice write up on them what they're about, their mottos their niches because each family tends to be into something that is unique to them. And then the family trees because dear God in heaven some trees are a forest at this point and we all know who they are. xD So I would love to get that in a lore!


Companies come, go, rise and fall - would definitely like to see these guys get their own nice section and how they've influenced or not influenced regions, planets, and even nations if that's the case.
I posted a suggestion about this in the Codex Judge Forum that involved having written publications in Codex to allow people to have written books (in-character ones) published.

Can't find it now, but I know [member="Jairus Starvald"] offered his opinion and help with it when I was still around.

It essentially covered holocrons as well. I think it went along the lines of having three kinds of publications at first:
  1. Unbiased historical retellings
  2. Biased historical retellings (still respectful of others, if even possible.)
  3. Fictional pieces about unicorns or whatever you fancy.
  4. Holocrons and their contents
This is what I vaguely remember. I wrote this idea up maybe half a year ago at this point, in maybe October or so.

Rai Seren

Histories of major factions would be good to. A lot of factions have been on the map at one time or another, and a lot of new people don't know anything about them, when technically they had major galactic impacts. So a faction history template would be good, like Kaine mentioned.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
It would honestly be neat to have a place to tell stories that don't necessarily fit within the context of Chaos-style RP. RP tends to focus on the big events and the central characters involved in them, but it's rare to see the little people get fleshed out, or how these huge, life changing events impact them.

Maybe you want to write a story from the perspective of a child growing up on Coruscant as it's invaded every few years, or a young couple trying to raise a family under the rule of the First Order. There are a lot of really great stories that could be told that don't necessarily make for good RP, but would make for good reading. But aside from blogs, there's no real place to tell them. I would love for the Lore section to help fill in that gap.
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]

I second this.

The Zambrano's deserve a thing to themselves, especially the amount of them currently roaming the board. And then maybe five or so other big chaos canon families that people thing are big enough to justify this.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

I agree it would be cool to see some history that leads up to where we are now and even stuff like the Je'daii that [member="Asha Hex"] is having run around. To have those pieces of history floating around and possibly even edited with people who had "ancestors" that were in them be there as well

[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]

FAMILIESSSS - Yes I completely agree, families and lineages are something that have always been in star wars and we should celebrate people's ideas behind their own lineages. I know (because I'm apart of one such family) people have written really deep stories for the families and have carried them from forum to forum. Those are always amazing to read about

Companies - I would love to see a line of how companies have changed hands, why they've changed hands etc. There's always a story. - I would have to check the Factory Company Template, but I think that information already goes there? Not sure but something that would be nice to have especially linked within the Factory submission itself too.

[member="Kaili Tailth"]

Awesome, list

So far this is the List I have running:

1. Force Powers (customization of existing powers; will have to come up with a rule setting for this)
2. Historical Events
3. Tactics, Military write ups, etc
4. Historical Events pertaining to Factions long and gone and current ( I think 2 & 4 can be combined)
5. Short Stories / Historical Point of Views (Also can fall under 2, but just listing stuff)

[member="Rusty"] [member="Rai Seren"]
Kaili Talith said:
I posted a suggestion about this in the Codex Judge Forum that involved having written publications in Codex to allow people to have written books (in-character ones) published.

Can't find it now, but I know [member="Jairus Starvald"] offered his opinion and help with it when I was still around.

It essentially covered holocrons as well. I think it went along the lines of having three kinds of publications at first:
  1. Unbiased historical retellings
  2. Biased historical retellings (still respectful of others, if even possible.)
  3. Fictional pieces about unicorns or whatever you fancy.
  4. Holocrons and their contents
This is what I vaguely remember. I wrote this idea up maybe half a year ago at this point, in maybe October or so.
I remember this and I loved the idea, so yes plz.

But yeah, I have had a very neat idea for a custom 'religion' that fits with a Species submission I recently made and I'd dig a way to codify that for sure. Definitely fits with 3, I'd say.
[member="Jairus Starvald"]

Religion! I kind of want the Lore forum to basically help boost the reg submissions and add more that people can hot link into their subs. I feel like a lot of the templates for species and planets kind of constrict these amazing little points because of length and judging.
Faction Lore in general, not just history but aspects pertaining to things such as organization, ranks, codes, subpaths/branches, yada yada. This is all stuff that gets written up and thrown inside Faction Forums - which is all well and good! - but I think that codifying them would be great too.
  • Important Historical Figures: PCs if they were used for Events or Boardwide NPCs if they were used for an Event. (Things that won't go in faction lore)
  • Decisive Battles, big board changing ones. Allow two accounts, one for each side. That way there is no need to debate anything. I don't think you'll ever get 'unbiased' tbh.
  • Chaos Slang and/or Chaos Language
  • Important Ships that played a large role in board history.
  • Significant breakthroughs in weapon and tech design which changed the way battles were fought. Fleeters and people with a lot of tech can help you with you this.
  • Planet histories, allowing their custom location links within them.
  • Factions allowed to have their own timeline with their own Events | NPCs | PCs | Location and Planet Subs etc linked or in it.

[member="Allyson Locke"] Still love you for doing this. :)
I'm here to say the families section absolutely wonderful. Completely. We so need that. Fully support!

Force Powers (spells too, don't forget us Witches either :p ) is a great idea too. Alongside that, we do have religions that aren't just canon any more though they've been quite inspired by them (and not just species related). Would be awesome to be able to put them somewhere. Could be an interesting read for people.

[member="Allyson Locke"]

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