Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Approval


Morality Policeman :)

So I have been told that Faction Admins can approve an invasion, but the official site rule states:

Before an Invasion begins, Faction Leaders must convene to discuss how the Invasion will be handled by both sides to account for fairness and balance.
Now, I am seeing the Faction Leader and Faction Admins listed as separate on the faction pages here. I would like to see this clarified by a current admin, as there seems to be a bit of conflict in what I am being told and what the official invasion rules say.

Thank you. :)

How is this confusing? I need to know because I don't understand.

The leadership, not one person, the whole karking leadership needs to be on the same page when going into the invasion. If you're not on the same page, GET on the same page.

If you're unable to get on the same page, stop trying to be a leader - you're clearly not cut out for it.

Leaders is PLURAL for a reason.
Tefka said:
How is this confusing? I need to know because I don't understand.

The leadership, not one person, the whole karking leadership needs to be on the same page when going into the invasion. If you're not on the same page, GET on the same page.

If you're unable to get on the same page, stop trying to be a leader - you're clearly not cut out for it.

Leaders is PLURAL for a reason.
Oh, I understand. I was just making sure there wasn't any confusion between Faction Owner/Administrators being the same as Faction Leaders.

Unsure why that is confusing.

Thanks [member="Tefka"] for clarifying it.

Clarification - I knew the answer. Someone obviously did not, if I had to have it spelled out in big bright red capital letters for someone to understand so they'd stop saying someone can or cannot do something - I'd ask for it.
Aaralyn Rekali said:
I knew the answer. Someone obviously did not, if I had to have it spelled out in big bright red capital letters for someone to understand so they'd stop saying someone can or cannot do something - I'd ask for it.
No worries, my "get your shit together" advice comes free of charge.
For me, yes. For you, no.

Mine's turned off so I can rage in the Admin forum about threads like these. Especially when they end in "thanks :)"

I hate strongly dislike people who say "thanks" before they even know what they're thanking people for. It comes off as so karking rude.
I swear it said poodoo when [member="Darth Isolda"] posted it.


You know, kark it. I'll stand here and proudly look like an idiot. At the end of the day, when I shut this stupid machine off and log away from this game and forget you Internet people - I was right.

I still love you all though.

You hold a special place in my hard drive.

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