Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello all ^_^

I’ve been around here on and off for 3 or 4 years now and I’ve recently returned from an LOA(moved into a new place, got married, getting established, etc.)and looking to write with a Sith faction. After penning a few posts with this character I feel as though I’d have more to say with Oron rather than [member="Darth Helios"], although I’m not entirely sure if he’ll remain in limbo or not. So for now it’s Oron, but knowing me Helios could have a post up tomorrow *facepalm*

For those who have no idea who the heck these characters are that I speak of then I look forward to meeting you :D

And for those that do, hello again! How have you been? And if I could get an old timer to catch me up on the current sitatuion via PM(or discord) that would be amazing ;)

Vili Ozouf

Sup everybody, thought it would be cool to make a Sith and see whats going on in this camp! Hope to rp with most of yall and kill loads of Jedi!
Nobody expects the kitten inquisition.
Please don't mind the kitten who has likely found any cardboard boxes that were left out. Just hand over any milk you may have on you and carry on.
Howdy folks

Figured I'd finally reboot my Sith and leave him for y'all to abuse :p

Hoping to take him from the reckless head strong warrior to a cold, calculated tactician one day, but for now I think Salacious here will stick to hacking people up with his saber!

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