Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Infernal Crusade: Harrowed Blood (ME Culling Sith on Colla IV)

Allies: [member="Yasha Cadera"] || [member="Alexandra Feanor"]
Enemies: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] || [member="Ahani Najwa"]

Abigail had barely commented on Yasha just jumping from the shuttle, when she caught a glimpse of a rather familiar redhead fall past the shuttle, with quite some speed.

"Wha- why- are you," she stuttered," are you fething kidding me? Really? What's up with everyone jumping to their deaths today?"

She chuckled uncomfortably, simply because she couldn't believe what she just saw. Well, after all, it was Alex, and Abigail didn't know what she had expected from her mother.

At least they were nearing the surface now, so Abigail too would be on the battlefield shortly. Now that Yasha was gone, she felt the Force creeping closer to her again.

"So now you decide to come back to me. Figures."

The entity grew even closer to her, trying to communicate with her. After a bit, it regained the ability to do so. They were close to the ground now, and undoubtedly would be exiting the shuttle soon.

After the question had been asked, Abigail looked up, a bit surprised. "What? No, we're not going to do that? Why would we? Just because Alex and the Mand'alor did it doesn't mean we have to."

A few of her... allies glanced at her with questioning expression, as the girl was basically talking to herself as far as anyone knew. She gave them an awkward smile before she turned away, now speaking in nothing more than a whisper.

"Yes, I know we've done it before from small heights, but it was absolutely necessary back then. You know, the life or death kind of necessary. I'm not wasting your energy to be on the ground a few seconds earlier. Period."

The lights flickered, they were close, but the entity grew restless, trying to convince Abigail to go. Lives would be lost and all that.

Not knowing what to say, Abigail simply whispered back, "I promised Alex I would use ropes to land safely, so I'm not going to jump." That wasn't entirely true, but true enough. She had promised Alex she would be careful.

Then the entity showed Abigail something to which she had no proper response.
"You're such a... fine!", she replied, irritated and defeated. A few others had already made it to the surface, and their shuttle... had ropes hanging from them. So, Abigail could relatively easily jump to their shuttle, slow down, grab the robes, and be on the ground fast and efficiently, while staying true to the promise. In theory, that is.

Abigail stood up straight, nodded to her allies on the shuttle, and then straight up jumped out of it, falling down.
"You know I could die if you don't catch me right?", she asked, finding it rather difficult to speak. "Just making sure."

Abby closed her eyes, relying on the Force to guide her on her way down. She felt her course shift, and then she felt herself being slowed down. It was like the air had suddenly grown much denser, slowing her fall.

She opened her eyes again just before she arrived at one of the shuttles, which was starting to take to sky again. She managed to grasp a rope, and slide down towards the ground. Or, towards the 10 meter gap between the end of the rope and the ground. A gap which made Abby's landing that little bit more... uncomfortable, but at least she was still alive.

"I'm never listening to you again", she groaned as she stood up and looked around, trying to find a place for her to be useful.
Location: Colla IV Surface
Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Keira Verd"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="BSO-0806"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
Enemies: Naphtali Erisi [member="Ahani Najwa"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

The Infernal thundered into the gunnery position as a massive destructive cascade. Her hammer rocked into the cannon, rendering the powerful quad into pieces. Swinging around, Yasha took a few careless shots to her armour from pistols and light blasters. Rushing the Naphtali Erisi mooks, Yasha unsheathed her right katar and stabbed through the throat and spinal column of a soldier, pulling out to slash the next soldier. Her hammer swung forward, crushing the third and fourth soldiers’ skulls and ribcages with a massive collision.

Yanking one of the corpse’s pistols, Yasha fired into the catacomb entrance until the blaster pack was dry. Sound ceased.

The Infernal glanced up and saw Darlyn follow her out of the gunship, turning into his own human cannonball. Then swearing. Loudly. Yasha did the only thing the young Mand’alor could do in such a situation.

“Bahahahaha! Darlyn, jet pack! Use the jet pack!” She cackled through her comm. Snorting loudly as she attempted to cool back down, Yasha flicked through the HUD feed in her lower left corner to keep tabs on Stardust, Alkor, Keira, and the new additions of [member="Vulpesen"], Abigail and the Republic forces.

The Vitae transports began to take heavy fire, as shocktroopers rushed from hidden entrances to the catacombs. All over the battlefield, shocktroopers and black-draped Naphtali Erisi knights rushed into the fray, weapons raised and guns blaring.

Hopping down from the gun placement, Yasha landed near Abigail and deflected a stray blaster bolt with her arm. “Meredydd, with me!”

Yasha roared, running toward one of the catacomb entrances. Gigantic beasts, gurlanin all, rushed around the young Mand’alor, leaping on and shaking their kills, two dragging a screaming togruta into the brush.

The screaming ceased.

“Excron! Form up, if you can! We’re hitting the tunnels!” In front of them, a squad of shock troopers with ARC reactors fired at the gigantic armour clad figure. Yasha sprinted in front of her troops, absorbing the lightning into her armour, then slamming her hammer on the ground.

A deluge of lightning arced forward, into the shock troopers.

Location: Colicoid Catacomb HQ
Allies: Naphtali Erisi [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
Enemies: ME [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="BSO-0806"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]

The Echani woman, my handler pressed her fingers into her eyes as if she was uncomfortable or in some form of distress. I stared at the room, unable to see much above the din of moving bodies, as members of this odd blood cult flooded around the catacombs.

“Oh…” The mug in my hands is warm to the touch, tea tickling my nostrils with its’ scent. “Thank you, Dalia… oh… you’re not my daught… Dalia died eight centuries ago.”

Dalia used to make my tea. My identically faced daughter, who had daughters and sons. Daughters and daughters to carry on my face through the Echani lines. I drank the tea down and cleared my throat as a shiver took the catacomb ceiling.

“Are we under attack?” Dust in my cup. I stared at the ceiling, as rivulets of detritus descend to the ground.

“YES! Yes, we’re under attack! We’ve been under attack for ten minutes!” The man who spoke I have no reference for… has he been here the whole time?

“Take my mug. Send out the shock troopers. Jorryn, with me.” My knees bent as I gathered the Force around me, swirling images along the bedrock of the floor. The images glowed red and teal, and I vault upward as if gravity no longer exists. I flew straight up into the air, suspended midair as the battlefield splayed for my eyes.

Reaching forward, I grabbed one of the Mandalorian Gunships with telekinesis and stop it midair.

One by one, my fingers crunch down. The gunship and its’ occupants were crushed, wadded up and thrown into a dropship. I continue to stay aloft in midair, reaching down to close up the hole of my exit vector and protect the tunnels. The shock troopers began rushing to positions, anti-air gunnery positions firing into the Mandalorian forces, as one or three of the guns were taken out before my eyes.

That’s when it hit me.

I knew why I was here.
Location - Colla IV surface
Allies - [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Darlyn Excron"]
Enemies - sith [member="Ahani Najwa"]

oh hahahaha come on! Do they really send annoting people to defend? This is easy

Stardust said to no one in particular around her, the sound of a sword stabbing and slicing through flesh filled the area as she began making her way out of the now very destroyed gun. A grin formed as she rushed forward and turned a guy around stabbing through him and drew a blaster as she luxted and pushed forward foring from behind the man as he soaked up blaster fire

im making my way to ya! Just got to swat some sith flies out of the way

She felt such satisfaction at the way she killed them, they deserved no quarter, no mercy from her for they showed none to her people. Stopping stardust witnessed a shuttle stop in mid air then was crushed like a tin can. Eyws followed to a woman floatimg in the air and she growled

that dar'jetii is mine, you guys push forwards into the tunnels...

Her sword slid into the sheath,her sabers sprang to life as she started pickimg up speed towards the enemy letting a roar out as shr reached for the skys and called forth something she hadnt used in awhile


It sprang from her hands and arced towards it target cracking with anger and caused the air to smell like ozone around it
Location: Colla IV Surface

Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Keira Verd"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="BSO-0806"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
Enemies: Naphtali Erisi [member="Ahani Najwa"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

Jetpack. Yeah that would've been a far better entry plan. He'd keep that one in mind for the future, though as it stood he didn't really have one. So how then was he to get down to the ground without hurting his precious shins, again? Well, fortunately there seemed to be an answer, one of the troops that had been in the gunnery position he'd destroyed was still rather alive. Not greatly, but he could hear the grunt of pain. With a smirk, Darlyn grabbed the man with the Force, tossed him out over the edge, and made a rather dramatic leap off the gunnery position, landing right on the barely-alive soldier's chest the moment he made impact. "Thanks for cushioning the landing bud. Really appreciate it." really it did nothing and Darlyn's legs still hurt, but he refused to be outshone by anyone today, ally or enemy. Now then, where was Yasha, she'd said to 'Form up' for the tunnels.

There was a rush of gurlanin.

So that's where she was.

He chuckled and unclipped his newest lightsaber, keeping it inactive as he moved up to join them, just in time to watch Yasha outshine him literally with lightning. He stepped out in front of the others, felt his Force connection dampen significantly, completely severing as he stepped up nearly beside her, and continued forward to restore his connection. "Oh you have that lightning thing too, like Kaine? Well, I suppose it's dangerous to go alone, without that kind of thing. Here, take this!" He chuckled, giving a blast of lightning back at Yasha. Surely someone would object but, evidently he seemed confident she could handle the voltage. "My turn then?" He grinned, igniting the amber blade of the Tricksaber, the crossguard lightsaber thrumming to life as more troops began to prepare to take him and the others out.

A bolt of lightning sprang from Darlyn's fingertips into his weapon, and rather than dissipate the lightning seemed to wrap around the weapon's blade, as if supercharging it. The blaster fire would no doubt distract from this however, as he moved to intercept. Several bolts were being deflected all about, though evidently he wasn't the best at sending them back to sender. Still, he moved his wrist simply, catching bolts with minimal movement on his part. Taking one step forward, he grabbed one soldier, pulling him towards himself and caught him with the saber, the hissing sound louder as it pierced through armor and flesh. The bode was casually tossed aside, and another was dragged screaming into him. He stopped, as Darlyn let his neck meet saber.

As a final insult, he threw the man's head at them with the Force, even as he swung through the man's neck. Force imbued attacks, and minimal expenditure of energy. He couldn't help but feel proud. Though hopefully the others would return fire, seeing as he probably wasn't good enough to keep perfect defense for long. After all, he hadn't had his morning drink, couldn't expect him to preform his best.
Location: Colla IV Surface

Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Keira Verd"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] @Vulpesen @Darlyn Excron [member="BSO-0806"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]

Enemies: Naphtali Erisi [member="Ahani Najwa"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

'Places to be useful', she thought to herself.
There were plenty of those.

She took her rifle in both of her hands and kneeled down again. Blaster bolts were flying everywhere, but luckily none seemed to be aimed straight towards Abigail herself. Really, it was their fault for not paying enough attention to her. She chuckled as she slowly aligned her gun with a small group of troublesome troopers, before unloading upon them. Their deaths were quick, relatively clean and most important of all: necessary.

A quick warning of the Force was the only thing enabling her to jump to the side, causing a not-so-stray blaster bolt to roar past her. She raised her weapon immediately, scanning the environment for the source, but truth was fighting was going on everywhere, so she couldn't find anything. Not until she was fired upon again. This time she hadn't received a warning, no, this time she found the blaster bolt to have stopped mid-air and right in front of her. After a small moment of shock, it was relatively easy to follow the shape of the blaster bolt to find the source. Abigail raised her blaster, aimed at a somewhat secluded spot where a lonely trooper was 'sniping' others from. The moment the little bastard peeked around, she fired once, and hit once.

"Good", she mumbled. "Mal-", she tried, but was interrupted halfway through as someone suddenly landed quite close to her.

"Yes ma'am!", Abigail immediately replied, more in a reflex than anything. After she realised the words she had spoken, she frowned a bit. She supposed she had still changed less from the soldier she once was than she had thought.

'Wait, how does the Mand'alor know my name again?', she suddenly thought, not knowing the answer. This was something she would... have to ask later. She would have to either ask the Mand'alor, or more likely she would have to ask Alexandra.

Abigail followed Yasha, covering her in the process, making sure their advance wouldn't be hindered by some trooper trying to make a name for themselves.

Lighting... right, of course. A somewhat doubtful choice in Abby's mind, but at least is was quite effective.

With everyone happily focusing their attention to the front, Abigail figured it was up to her to make sure they wouldn't get stabbed in the back. And sure enough, they're were those who tried to attack her little group from behind, but Abigail had no trouble to dispatch of them before they did... with the help of some of Yasha's troops.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Ground LZ

Characters of interest: [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]

Alexandra had to think about the situation for a quick moment, dusting herself off and looking in the direction of the fighting with her eyes focusing one the closest man and her teeth grew to fill her face with a wide smile. Her hands stretched out their fingers before they balled back up and her back straightened out as she stood up straight. The fire of her hair’s color filled the sky and colored against the ground, her skin and the clouds as she let out a breath.

It was then that she hummed, removing the rest of the atmospheric drop suit and leaning forward before drawing a short blade with a sharp scream coming from its sheath. She was gonna have some fun and her body started off into a stride, the earth beneath her being packed down with each step as the force began to encircle her, shooting through her bullets before weaving back around and throughout her body.

It was then that the crack of a rifle filled the air and her head turned, eyes blank and milky, distant but somehow focused on the exact place that her body turned towards. Alexandra’s smile grew wider with her stride matching that growth. Her walk turned into a run as a bolt was aimed and her direction, forcing her body to take a half step and push to the side, the bolt flying past. Dirt flew up as it struck, the heat leaving burn marks on the grass.

With that pushed Alexandra into her full run, pushing past a barricade as she shot up and over it, her free hand used to help vault over it and land on the other side where her more feral expression took light. She had a lust for combat and this was no particularly different time, her blade lunging out and spearing the man with a sudden movement. She looked past him at the others who turned their weapons on the wolf like woman, her eyes narrowing and face becoming brighter as she listened to her own heart beat.

It was this that caused the blade to be withdrawn, the man stumbling forward before she caught him with her free hand. Her body glided around the man, her hand tracing to his side and withdrawing the blaster he wore for a side arm before it rose and fired off. Another fell and the rest let loose fire on her, the bolts of plasma striking her robe like clothing and seeming to tear though the robe like fabric.

She stood there though, her hand carefully and efficiently changing targets as she moved like a ghost. The force would defend her, the thought touching her mind even as she was slow to protect against one of the bolts. It slid past her robes and struck her left leg, a flash of pain crossing her face but quickly wiped from such. In return the blade in he hand would be cast out, slamming into his chest.
Location: Aboard the Emerald heading toward the position of the Mandalore
Objective: Land without dying
Allies: [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] @Yasha Cadera Mandalorians

Enemies: Sith
Resources: H.M.N. Emerald

It felt good to be back in the fray. Though he had been on an extended leave for too long today he would return and once again lock blades with the enemy. As he strode onboard one of the Mandalorian gunships aboard the Emerald. Since the swordsmith had been traveling on the Emerald his other ships had been lost to him through various escapades. Now he was back in things, as he looked down at his right arm and in his mind felt the mechanical parts moving in his arm and he wondered if combat is where he was called. He typed a message on his arm to send a message out to those onboard the transports.

~Execute plan Bravo, begin landing near the Mandalore and route out any anti-air cannons to make life easier for the troops~

With that, the gunships, missile boats, LAATs, and shuttles began to fly out of the hanger of the Emerald and soar into the atmosphere and the ships began to shake with anti-air fire. Inside his gunship were his personal droid guards. Inside the other transports were members of the 2nd Mandalorian assault division. Despite Mandalore having access to heavier units, Quoron chose these troops due to their mobility; however, back on the Emerald was a reserve force of the 9th Mandalorian Assault division to provide backup once the call was given.

As the ships thundered toward the surface fire began to rake their hulls. With the missile boats and shuttles taking point in the flying V formation that was employed, the more valuable swift transports could stay protected. The closer they got to the ground the more the V began to be ground down, and as they were about to touch down Quoron felt his own craft rock with the impact of anti-air fire. As the ships landed and the troops disembarked Quoron typed another message on his comlink to members of the recon unit.

~Spread out, mark targets, and eliminate all dangers for the landing of the 9th division~

With that, the troops scattered as soon as they hit the deck, leaving only Quoron and his droid guards to meet the Mandalore. Once he had disembarked the transports had gone back to the Emerald for refueling and repairs before they transported the next wave of troops. He marched up to the Mandalore, a woman who he admired and respected all his life, knelt down.

"Yasha at long last I have returned."
Location: Colla IV Sky
Allies: Naphtali Erisi [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
Enemies: ME [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="BSO-0806"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]

The sky is alive with wreckage and slag. A crackle of energy bathes my skin. Hair on my arm bristling. Tilting my head back, I fly through the air, ducking under another of the Mandalorian gunships as lightning bursts across it.

A jolt of lightning hits my arm. I cackle as it causes me to lose altitude… but only just. There’s a spider on the ground, groping at lightsabers like a warrior. Good. She’ll.. wait…

Reaching up into the gunship with both hands, I roar and pitch it at the Twi’lek, Mandalorians and all inside. There’s another presence in the battlefield, a strong and familiar sensation akin to that of my people.

The Echani… there’s someone with Echani blood here. It wasn’t as much a spiritual sensation as a visible one. The fighter below moved like an Echani, elegant and lethal. None but my people could pitch to battle with blades like that.

“Jorryn, start the ritual! Bleed the hostages dry… the entire room. Everyone but you.” I know it might seem odd to kill quote-unquote ‘loyal Sith’, but nothing mattered except the dust-created mandala in the middle of the cavern.

I pitch into a barrel roll and realize somehow it might seem greedy to add one more to my blood dirge. The sensation fades as I close in on the Twi’lek and the woman, who fights like an Echani.

Above me, the skies darken. A swirl of black cloud billows above my head.

The gunners continue pulverizing the Mandalorian gunships and positions with quad cannon fire. Sith knights and shocktroopers rocket out of the catacombs, surrounding the Mand’alor and her fighters as the reinforcements touched down.
Location: Colla IV Surface
Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Keira Verd"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="BSO-0806"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Quoron Mantis"]
Enemies: Naphtali Erisi [member="Ahani Najwa"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

“Kain’ik built my ‘kandar after Barataria. So yes, I do.” Yasha stepped one foot back and took the brunt of the lightning Darlyn chucked at her. A bursting laugh hit the air, caustic as the woman who gave it. “Why thank you kindly, good Sir. I shall make the best use of such a gift.”

Yasha rushed forth into the enemy line, Abigail giving excellent cover fire behind them. As the shocktroopers took position around the Mandalorian avengers, Yasha swung her Longinus spear and blasted a swath of ten back into the catacombs. Above them, a battle with a flying woman raged. Stardust and Alexandra could handle that, as could Alkor and Keira.

Yet, the battlefield increased in danger for the Mandalorian troops. As the Infernal saw another gunship of troops thrown to the ground, her teeth grit. Then, the redeeming sound of heavy infantry units and landing craft spilled through the battlefield.

[member="Quoron Mantis"]. Leaning against her spear for a breath, under her buy’ce Yasha grinned.

“Vod, this is the perfect time to see you again.” Yasha offered Quoron her hand. “Let us vanquish these foes today. I missed you.”

With the insurgence of Quoron’s troops, Yasha rushed toward the catacombs, slashing through a black-robed man, who ignited a saber in front of her, with her spear.

“Centaris, what is your position? I am working toward the catacombs. Onward!”
[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]On the ground with Yasha[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Kill the Sith, and win the day[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][member="Yasha Cadera"] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]and other Mandalorians[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Sith, and those stupid enough to be on the pointy side of the sword[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Resources:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]H.M.N. Emerald[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]He grasped the Mandalore's arm and stood up.[/SIZE]

~"I am glad to be back. Looks like the Sith are up to their old tricks again. My men are doing recon on the area and will be feeding info into the MBE and will provide this upon request. My transport capacity has been reduced by a significant factor, if you need them they will return. Good hunting."~

With that he stood up and tapped his comlink telling the droids to watch his back and provide support. With that, the droids would follow that instruction until they are given a new order or until they are destroyed. Quoron drew his sword and charged.

As he rushed into the catacombs blade drawn, droids following behind he encountered the first wave of resistance. As soon as the Sith light-infantry came into view and the droids began to fire, he ignited his shield on his cybernetic arm.

Then the lines crashed into each other, with the Mandalorian Commander slashing away at the enemy lines the droids began to fire upon the infantry. With this fighting, Quoron's battle began in earnest.
Location: Colla IV Surface

Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Keira Verd"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="BSO-0806"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
Enemies: Naphtali Erisi [member="Ahani Najwa"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

"More of them? Must be my birthday! You really shouldn't have. But as long as you have anyways..." Darlyn chuckled darkly, breaking into a headlong sprint at the nearest Sith knight, swinging violently with his lightsaber to knock his weapon aside, drawing the Punisher pistol with his secondary left hand as he did so. Before the knight could respond appropriately, Darlyn shoved the barrel up against his chin and obliterated the man with a pull of the trigger, the shattergun finding little resistance from the robed man.

He turned around to his right, throwing his lightsaber and catching another soldier with the weapon's momentum, the weapon managing to temporarily embed itself in the trooper's shoulder. Darlyn again made a sprint for him, firing another two shots at random members of the ambush even as he caught a bolt to the shoulder, singing his robes and causing quite a bit of pain. Regardless, he made it to the man, and grabbed both the weapon and the man's chestplate, withdrawing the former while using the latter to hurl the man violently enough into the opposite wall to finish him off.

And Darlyn, Darlyn couldn't hold it in. He laughed, almost giddy like he was on a drug. Battle was something he didn't often indulge in, violence was little and far between. Quite frankly, "Can I just say, I'm having the time of my life right now?" His other shoulder got shot, thankfully the Force was fueling him well enough as he kept distance from Yasha's voidstone. Enough he could mute the pain and function.
Location: Colla IV Surface
Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Keira Verd"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | @Vulpesen | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | @BSO-0806 | [member="Abigail Meredydd"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]| [member="Quoron Mantis"] | [member="Yasha Cadera"]
Enemies: @Naphtali Erisi | [member="Ahani Najwa"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

"You've got some shoes to fill boy."

Those had been [member="Gilamar Skirata"] 's words to him on the ship. He had trained with the vode of Skirata on that trip, getting to know the weapons of his father. He had become decidely deadly with the pistols left behind to him, and rarely went anywhere without them at his hips. The shogtun, a keldabe cannon as one admirer had told him it was, he had begun to love as if alive, and was noted as being damn near surgical in his use of it. The rifle he was now passable with, though asking him to be a marksman with it was a bit much. And the beskad of his father had been drilled until, as an aging man in Skirata colors had explained he 'at least knew what end to stab the other bastard with'. Smiling, he reached up to a necklace bearing the crest of his clan, tapping it. Armor of euk'gar seem to materialize from nowhere, covering his form. With his build and bearing, it would be easy to mistake him for his sire. A risk he would take until he had earned his own armor. A visor covered grey-green eyes, and he stalked forward, shacklebolt at the ready.

Signing on for this had been easy enough. Mercenaries were a dime a dozen, and he had armor that wasn't so distinctive on when he had. Now as the deployed to the surface of some world, hired on as a merc and nearing the Infernal and her cohorts, he had decided to abandon the cheap durasteel plates. Bronze, snow white, and black gleamed in a distinctive patterning, and a red wardens cloak of a bygone era clasped to his gorget. Thoughts had been racing through his mind as the carrier he was on made final approach. Would they recognize the armor? No one here had, or even the Clan sigil, but it wouldn't last out this fight. He hadn't told [member="Jenna Mereel"] either. He had learned enough, made a small reputation for himself on his own, and now was the time to step forward and claim the name his father had destroyed and raise it once again.

All the trinkets of his father he had learned to use, and now he flared the thrust systems of his armor to land shortly behind Yasha and the others, carrier still struggling to land after a hit to the engines, coming into a kneeling crouch after cutting thrust into a speedy roll. Still not the best at landing with this thing. The rifle began to bark and roar in staccato bursts, shaking Daymon slightly as he laid covering fire down heavily. Formerly bogged down mando'ad headed for the catacombs would find a brief but utter lull in enemy activity. He hadn't put many down, but the mass driver was set up into assault rifle mode, and hurled bolts downrange with absurd speed and impact. Even misses threw up clouts of dirt and debris in great sprays and gouts.

Running dry, the gun clicked and Daymon dropped it on his sling and levered up the shotgun on the opposite side, drawing his beskad as the shotgun tracked for movement and he ran forward to the others.

Might as well make an entrance...
[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Ahani Najwa"]

The rush of battle, the feeling of meeting a powerful opponent someone you could actually try with. As she stared at the Sith above her watching the shuttle come towards her, she caught it with the force and slowed it moving it away from her gently before staring the Sith right in the eye as she spun her blades around once then twice before she started towards her

heheheh looks like I can actually try and fight! You'll be fun!

Stardust was likely getting a little bit to into it, but at the moment her blood was hot and she was ready to enact revenge. Stopping just short she looked up towards the Sith that was descending as she gripped her sabers harder, had her hands been really they'd likely be a darker color from how hard she gripped

your end is here Sith and I the judge at the end

She inhaled deeply and looked towards the sirh before she roared sending fore right for the woman the air heating around her the fire roaring along with he rile a dragons fury

Stardust would end her...
Location: Colla IV; catacombs
Allies: [member="Daymon Vale"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Quoron Mantis"] | [member="Yasha Cadera"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Abigail Meredydd"] | [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] | Mandalorians
Enemies: [member="Ahani Najwa"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] (directly engaging soonish) | Sith on principle

While the rest of her people wreaked havoc on the surface, Keira was tearing her way through the catacombs beneath, having managed to hone her enjoyment of the present circumstances into something more focused and deadly. This aspect of the strike was, in hindsight, probably best reserved for the stealthier among their number, but for whatever reason Yasha had seen fit to assign it to her. Either that, or she hadn't had much choice. It was difficult to complain either way.

It was debatable if her greataxe was a suitable weapon for such a closed space, but it wasn't as if her rifle would have done much good either. It certainly did make blocking lightsabers an easier task, and it was comparatively easier to cleave through Sith as opposed to shooting them. Her brother would have something to say about that later, most likely something about how using a rifle was more efficient. This wasn't about efficiency, though. It was about settling a score.

"In the catacombs,Yash'ika." She called across the comms to her Mand'alor, sending the other woman her location with a few subtle eye movements. "I'll keep pressing forward. We'll meet in the middle, 'lek?"
Location: Colla IV Sky
Allies: Naphtali Erisi [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
Enemies: ME [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="BSO-0806"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Quoron Cadera"] [member="Daymon Vale"]

Oh fun! The Mandalorian cavalry arrived. Can’t win them all, but I can make their day less pleasant.

The Catacombs are brimming with Sith mooks I… came across? Hired? Did I hire them? Or am I only here for… you know it’s been so long I can’t remember. Either way, the resistance is wealthy with lightsabers and a goodly amount of dark haired caterwauling cannon fodder waiting to die for my skim command.

I send a scattering of them toward the brave loner, the one with the shotgun acting with courage. He looks like he could use a death knell.

“You the Judge? Me the Ahani. There. I the helping.” Flames cascade toward me. I raise my hand and the wind eternal buffets against the flame, until nothing but soot scatters at my feet.

“Come on, then. I thought you wanted to ‘the end’ me!”

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