Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Hutt Thugs and Worm People and Waterfalls, oh my! [SJC Dominion of Chroma-Zed/Shador Hex]

  • Thread starter Spirit of Creativity
  • Start date

Objective 2
The Gang: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Inara Basai Inara Basai Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

Grinning broadly at Mat's clap back, Cas quickly retorted "You needed the confidence boost." with a casual tone. Feeling the Morellian periodically nudging the back of his chair for the rest of the ride, he'd get him back for that later - he didn't know what he'd do, but he'd do something.

To his surprise, Beltran didn't want the sandwich and with a shrug "More for me then." he said happily, quickly finishing off the first sandwich and starting on the second. The jolt from the speeder jerking caused Cas to slam his head into the window but he luckily managed to catch himself, was that... was that on purpose or? If so, that'd be high up on the list for worst first impressions.

Continuing to eat the porg sandwich that would've been Beltran's, he listened to the Lieutenant explain that they'll be arriving under the guise of potential buyers, not a bad plan at all, the Knight's hot-headed self would have unintentionally chosen the most suicidal option. He'd probably look okay going in - his attire wasn't what a traditional Jedi would wear, so he'd be able to pass off as a slaver. The real issue was the lightsaber attached to his belt. Unclipping it from his belt, he turned round and handed it over to either Mat or Inara "I don't think the slavers would be too happy seeing me with this." he quipped "One of you mind stashing this somewhere? Just until the action starts."

Depending on whoever kept hold of it, Cas was now prepared for what came next. Following their arrival they were met by a Toydarian and two, very gross smelling, Gamorreans - the smell was so bad that his eyebrows curled upward and his nostrils flared, although he attempted to hide his suffering as best he could. The Toydarian, despite his fake friendly demeanour, demanded extra pay for the transport. He wasn't about to be ripped off by some slavers and with a sigh, he slightly raised his right arm, just out of sight of the Toydarian, and waved it in a circular motion.

"We don't need to pay extra." Cas stated calmly "No, you will. You think you're a Jedi or something?" the Toydarian countered, laughing at the Jedi Knight's failed attempt at Mind tricking him. Unfortunately for Cas, he had no idea Toydarians were resistant to mental manipulation. Embarrassed, the Jedi rubbed the back of his neck "Nah, I'm just messing with you." he said, attempting to recover from his mishap "But listen, between me and you..." he leaned in close to the winged alien "These guys behind me are nuts, scariest people I've ever met, especially the smallest one... and they hate being swindled and having their time wasted y'know? I've seen these psychos do worse for less." Cas lied, adding fear into his hushed tone to further drive home the story.

Looking back at Mathieu, Inara and Beltran he winked before facing the Toydarian again "Trust me, just... let us look around and we'll pay double if we find anything we like." the Kiffar faked a nervous smile as he patted the blue alien's shoulder. The Toydarian glanced between Cas and the rest of the group, blinking in deep thought before nodding nervously "Okay, okay... follow me." he relented.
Objective - #KnightGang
Naria | Senari Gravis Senari Gravis | Risen Risen | Tarish Galland | Alana Sunrider | Fisk Kamer

Cato waved dismissively at Senari’s concerns, “Sorry, can’t help it. The Force told me to.” He added sarcastically.

In the blink of an eye, Risen took out a nearby guard, before either he or anyone else could even comprehend what happened. Cato watched with a raised brow as the slaver was choked out and rested to the ground, commenting warily, “Nice one, big guy.”

Looked like Fisk was first on the chopping block today, no surprise there. Cato snickered to himself as Naria chewed out the Mon Calamari, though his tone quickly changed as she tossed the marshmallows into the water, “Wha- Hey! I bought those!” He scoffed, looking into the pool to see the marshmallows now soggy and ruined. “Really, Naria? Littering? We’re Jedi, we’re supposed to be above that kind of behavior,” mockingly parroting the maxims of an old Master, one they were both all too familiar with from their padawan days. The sensation of Alana’s battle meditation resonated across the caverns, Cato regarding her assistance with a wink.

"Cato, watch our backs."

“Yeah, yeah, already on it.” Whipping out his datapad, the screen flashed on with a wall of text, a confirmation of something good, given his smirk. “I rerouted the alarm to connect to my datapad, should ping us if anyone starts setting things off again. Not to mention I voided whatever security codes were currently in use. Meaning they can’t get into anywhere without us knowing about it. And by the looks of it…” He practically shoved his face into the screen, closely looking over the detailed layout now spread across it, “...Yeah, they have a full interconnected security system all over this place. And it’s a big place. Whatever they’re doing down here, they really didn’t want anyone to know about it.” Cato put the datapad away for now, looking around the cave, wholly unconcerned by the possibility of someone sneaking up on them, "Could explain why they don’t have guards everywhere. Surely they didn’t expect someone to break into their system so quickly.” Naria would no doubt be able to recognize the self-satisfied grin spreading across Cato’s face, even from behind her, “Ahh, I make it look easy.” He shrugged casually, before gesturing to Risen, “If we run into anyone, I’m sure our resident sentient barbell will take care of ‘em no problem.”
Last edited:
Knight Pack
Naria Cato Harth Cato Harth Senari Gravis Senari Gravis Ayden Carter Alana Sunrider Tarish Galland

“I rerouted the alarm to connect to my datapad, should ping us if anyone starts setting things off again.

Alarms started going off. A quick check would reveal that they had been triggered not at the perimeter, but deeper within the tunnels. The sound of a blaster being fire followed.

Acaadi didn't sense the Jedi coming. Almost any other time and he would have sensed such a shift in the flow of the Force. He had drawn his sphere of perception in very close, focusing on the immediate threats.

He had lots of immediate threats.

The mirialan had thought he was capable of breaking into the hidden camp alone. He had been wrong. Several doorways had seemed to be unguarded, but in fact had been protected by hidden circuits that would trip if anyone passed through without an ID tag.

A blaster bolt lanced over his head, so close that he felt the wash of heat over his scalp. He was running, turning the corridor to get out of the line of fire. Ahead of him were more calls, guards emerging from every corner. The noose was tightening and Acaadi was going to be trapped in the maze of tunnels.
Objective: 2
With: Naria Cato Harth Cato Harth Risen Risen Tarish Galland Alana Sunrider Ayden Carter Fisk Kamer

To his credit, Senari's face remained entirely impassive as the rest of the motley crew came up. Even with Fisk's boisterous yelling and Cato's blasé, dismissive reaction, he managed to maintain his composure. "Did the Force tell you that, or was it your ego?" he replied back, sounding less than impressed with Cato's sarcasm. Naria told Cato to watch their backs, and he gave the man a quick pat on the shoulder as he went to the back of the group. "Just be careful." Of course, he wasn't feeling nearly as charitable towards Fisk.

Even Senari had his limits.

He fell in beside Naria as the group began to move, lightsaber in hand. "Have to say, I didn't think this was how my reunion with you all would go," he said quietly. "Seems everybody's changed quite a bi—" he was cut off mid-sentence as the alarm on Cato's datapad started going off. That would have been enough if he hadn't also sensed something else going on, rather than just the slavers ignorantly walking through their turncoat security system.

Just a massive knot of anxiety, worry, and anger in the Force up ahead, with one much stronger presence stuck in the middle of it all. "Nevermind," he grumbled. "Things are getting interesting whether I want them to or not. Don't leave Fisk alone back there." With those parting words, he sprinted forwards, the Force carrying him far faster than any normal human was ever meant to move. It didn't take long before he fell in between a couple of Nikto guards that were making their way to the center of the disturbance.

"Gentlemen," he greeted them. He struck quickly, the one to his right dropping like a sack of bricks after taking the pommel of a lightsaber to the back of his head. The other one turned to fight, before the butt of his blaster rifle slammed into his face, sending him falling to the ground, just as unconscious as the first. "Why don't you take a break?"

And he continued to speed onward, heading straight for Acaadi Acaadi in the middle of the mess.

Beltran swung his legs out of the driver's seat of the speeder and stood up, flexing and extending his legs to get the growing stiffness out of them. He seemed not to be paying much attention as Cadere Cadere spoke to the Toydarian and his pair of Gamorrean compatriots. Instead, he took his helmet and placed it on his head. He then grabbed his rifle and slung it over his shoulder, all very nonchalant-playing the part of the silent muscle.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught one of the Gamorrean's eyeing him. Likely wondering whether he should say anything about the veritable arsenal the combat suited man was carrying. The Toydarian, for his part, seemed not to notice as he flew onward in his attempt to appease the young Jedi masquerading as a slave trader.

"We have all manner of merchandise here," The Toydarian went on as he led the group through a large set of blast doors and into the building proper. "We've got Wookiees and Kubaz for your heavy labor needs and the finest Twi'lek and Zeltron beauties to help you unwind at the end of the day...."

Beltran forced himself to stop listening. If he heard much more, it was likely that he'd start blasting the place apart here and now. As a Lorrdian, Beltran's hatred of slavery was almost genetic. He despised slavers, and the Hutts in particular. In fact, the only group of people who he held more malice to were probably the Sith who currently occupied his homeworld.

Instead, he began to look around. Guards stood at various corridors and intersections, clumped together in some spots and spread out in others. All in all, their deployment seemed designed for maximum amount of intimidation , rather than actual usefulness. A few well thrown thermal detonators in the opening moments and Beltran figured he could halve their opposition. In addition, the manner of guard-mostly Gamorreans, with a few Nikto and Klatooinians.

The Gamorreans were strong, tough and general had no fear. But they were slow, stupid and rarely used blasters. Beltran didn't consider them much of a threat. The Nikto on the other hand, could be very devious when they wanted to be. Beltran had fought alongside them against the Sith on Kintan and knew full well that they could be agile combatants. So too was true for the Klatooinians.

Moving deeper into the building, the Toydarian led them to a large lift and summoned it. Tune back in, Beltran heard him say. "From here I can take you down to the pits where we keep the slaves. You can have a look and see what you might like to buy."
O B J E C T I V E . 2


Objective: 2 - Stop slave trading
Group: Inara Basai Inara Basai | Cadere Cadere | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
Idea: The two Jedi and two Rangers will work together to take out one of the bases.


The Jedi held a special place in Mathieu's heart. He had idolized them as a child and was still thanking his lucky stars for having been blessed with the force and then being able to join their ranks. Naturally, he had a more nuanced view of them now but the shiny polish was still there and so was his fascination for lightsabres - despite being exposed to them rather often now that most of his peers carried them. Needless to say, his hand shout out with an impressive speed as Cas asked for either him or Inara to keep it for him. "It'll be in my backpack. With the sandwiches." he said whilst looking at it with starstruck eyes.

Soon, however, he would tuck it away again. Because it was time for them to greet the slavers. Once outside, he noticed how Inara positioned herself behind him and how her shadow seemed to shrink as it blended together with his. He wanted to chuckle but, of course, it would hardly be very appropriate in the current situation. Instead, he took a page from Beltran's book and tried to look tough instead. The Ranger was doing an incredibly much better job at it than Mathieu. While he certainly had a suitable build for it, the Morellian lacked the stern face that his ally had. Still, his efforts did not seem to be completely in vein as the Toydarian's attention primarily seemed to be on Cas and then, for some reason unbeknownst to Mathieu, on Inara. Not too fond of the alien taking note of her, the Padawan tried to meet the incoming glances with confrontative stares of his own.

For the next few minutes, Mathieu remained silent. Following Beltran's lead, he had fortunately acquired a position where speaking wouldn't be necessary. The operations disgusted him and the fact that they Toydarian could speak about it so enthusiastically was sickening to say the least.

Soon, they were taken to 'the pits' by elevator. Upon exiting, they would find themselves walking out on a bridge. It stood about four meters above the ground and allowed for good visibility over the slaves whom were kept down below. "As you can see, we have the finest stock. Each item you see on display here is for sale. Go ahead, point at anyone and we'll bring them up to you for closer inspection. Or wait, let me bring you a bit further ahead to show a few example pieces."

Listening to the Toydarian whilst enduring the stench of the Gamorreans was a true test of patience. Mathieu's gaze went up whilst the words "There is no passion, there is Serenity" floated about in his mind. The layout soon became very similar to the one of the upper levels with intimidating clusters of guards composed of Gamorreans, Nikto and Klatoonians. Soon, they would be guided to pens with walls of reinforced glass through which the slaves could be seen. Anyone with a particularly observant eye could see that these were more well-fed and groomed.

Finally taking some initiative, Mathieu leaned in to Cas and then looked to the winged alien as if just having received some instructions. "Can you bring out the wookie?" It would only be moments before the doors to the wookie's pen swooshed open. The once majestic creature stepped out of the pen with a slouch. Mathieu tried to push his luck "Arm, uhm, it, we want to see if it can fight." His heart sank - he had just called a person 'it'. This was something which would probably nag at his conscience for a while. What was worse was that his performance had been rather far from convincing "What do you take me for? Arming a wookie? Are you crazy? We trade slaves, not fighters." It seemed like he had messed up as the Toydarian displayed a more suspicious side.
Remembering Wildflowers
Objective: #KnightGang
Dramatis Personae: Naria Cato Harth Cato Harth Senari Gravis Senari Gravis Tarish Galland Alana Sunrider Ayden Carter Fisk Kamer

… Barbell?

Risen brushed wet strands of hair from his face as he tried to follow the conversations happening around him. He did his best to focus in, but… well, it was sometimes hard with this crew. Made some good points though. Galland was right that this all seemed a little excessive. Could be that they were getting in over their heads.

That wasn’t for him to say, though. He looked to Naria for orders, who indicated that he take point. While the others spoke in quiet tones, Risen walked several paces ahead of them, head down, trying to attune his ear to the other branches of the cave system. He walked slowly.

They all heard the commotion.

Senari bounded off in the direction of the noise, but Risen held himself back. He grabbed the wan-shen collapsed on his back and extended it to full length, then broke into a jog after Senari — the older man could put out the fire, but it was Risen’s job to lead in the cavalry.

Metal doors and archways broke up the stone walls further in. Each one they passed, Risen stepped into a side shuffle to face potential reinforcements. No doubt the enemy was wise to the conflict — but with each empty hallway, it was clear that Cato’s alarm work had done the trick.

He slowed at an intersection before a heavy metal door and waited for the others, not far behind, to indicate a direction. Faint water tracks lead to the right. They reflected the red light of the door lock.

Then yellow light.

Then green.

And the door slid open to the sound of enemy boots.
Objective: 2
Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion , Cadere Cadere , Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

Inara's shoulders tensed as the conversation began, and she watched Cas speaking with the Toydarian. She couldn't hear all of what they were saying, but there were some meaningful glances sent back towards their group. And she felt the eyes of the Toydarian upon her, specifically. Odd.

Then, they were on the move.

She followed the group into the complex, through the blast doors, and into the building. The slave trader's words made Inara cringe, and she turned her face down to keep them from seeing the expression. They way he talked about these people. To him, they were simply commodities, not living beings.

The medic remained quiet and still during the lift ride down to the 'pits.' As they exited onto the catwalk, she glanced over the side at the slaves below. Her eyes widened slightly, the conditions here were horrendous. A few metal plates were set out with food, the remains of which were now crawling with flies. There were cups of dirty water, hardly suitable for drinking.

Inara heard Mathieu speak up and she turned in time to catch the end of the exchange between him and the Toydarian. Before she knew it, her medical scanner was in hand and she moved to the front of the group to get a better look at the Wookie that had been presented. A glance at his vitals was quite telling.

“He's malnourished,”
Inara said, visibly upset now.

“What's it to you?” the Toydarian shot back. It was an obvious way of keeping their costs low to keep their profits high. Already suspicious, the Toydarian fluttered closer – until Inara began leaning away.

“Oh, it's... uh,” she stammered. “W-we aren't paying for weak slaves.”

The Toydarian made a little gesture and the smelly Gamorreans stepped forward. And Inara let out a small gasp as one of them reached for her arm.
Objective | T W O
| Caedyn Arenais

The bolt hit its mark, toppling the man in a brief wave of electrical discharge. Yula lowered her rifle, surprised and perhaps…a bit impressed with herself? “Huh.”

Carefully climbing down from her vantage point, she approached the downed Jedi. Dressed more like a spacer than an ally, the Judge had her blaster pistol leveled on him as she approached.

“You with the Hutts?”

If it looks like a Jedi, walks like a Jedi…

…it could be a trap.

Besides, it was possible that the Hutts didn’t know the Jedi were here. Worst case scenario, he escapes and warns the Hutts of their operation.

Best case scenario, she owed him an apology.

Her index finger rested steadily against the trigger.
Objective: 1
Location: The Great Waterfall of the Chroman Gods
Interaction: Open

Dreidi made her way to the waterfall, she was wearing jeans and a green blouse, the hike was a decent exercise that she had not been entirely prepared for. Her legs were feeling a bit of a burn as she reached the top of the waterfall, she should have come down from the ancient temple it seemed but she had been running off wandering everywhere. Dreidi was always super excited to explore new worlds that were joining the SJC. It was super exciting for the young Padawan, she looked around the waterfall, the view was something else. The spray of water dampened Dreidi's hair as she stared at the view. It reminded Dreidi of spending time out in nature with her father, he would take her to really cool locations in Kashyyyk when she was much younger.

Stretching her limbs, Dreidi placed her hands in the back pockets and enjoyed the view. She was curious if there would be anyone else that was enjoying the view. Letting her guard down, Dreidi explored the Force presence of this location, curious if the Force was strong in this area or if it was just an amazing view. Usually temples were built near powerful Force presences.

Objective 2
The Gang: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Inara Basai Inara Basai Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

The young Jedi was surprised his bluff worked, no doubt Beltran's scary presence sold the Toydarian on the bantha crap he was talking. With his hands in his jacket pockets in an attempt to look as nonchalant as possible, he followed beside the flying Toydarian as they were led through the area. As he talked up his 'merchandise' the Jedi Knight displayed a false smile and nodded along with every few words said, despite the act he was putting on, Cas was disgusted by the things he was hearing, feeling sick to his stomach.

Burying his feelings of resentment down, Cas kept himself calm all the way until they arrived at 'the pits' - where they kept the slaves. Following the Toydarian onto the walkway, he clenched his jaw in frustration at the sight of all the slaves - these were people, not tools - how could anyone ever treat another being like this? He couldn't wait to free them all later.

Cas took notice of the amount of guards here, it'd be tough but with the others here he was sure it was doable - three out of four of the people in the room survived a battle against hoards of Rakghouls on Taris, what were these guards to them? Cas felt Mat lean near him as he asked if one of the Wookiees could be released. What both Mat and Inara said next would cause the Toydarian's suspicion to obviously raise, so much so that he began to square up to the green Ranger.

When he saw the Gamorrean reach for her arm, the Jedi instinctively reached for his lightsaber "Crap." he muttered to himself. This was it, now or never. Opening himself up to the Living Force, the Jedi stretched his arm out in the direction of the Gamorrean approaching Inara. Using the Force, Cas would restrict its movements, freezing them in place "Guess the cat's outta the bag." he quipped with a smirk. Shock and fear was plastered on the Toydarian's face "Wha--Jedi! Capture them, if you can't, kill 'em!" he ordered, fleeing as the rest of the guards readied their weapons. Pushing the Gamorrean he had frozen with a telekinetic push, Cas whipped his head in Mat's direction "Lightsaber, please!"

Beltran let out a long low sigh, which sounded like a bunch of holonet static through his helmet's vox modulator, as he listened to Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion ask if the Wookiee could be released. It wasn't loud enough to attract the attention of the Toydarian or the Gamorreans, but Beltran suspected that one or more of his compatriots would hear it.

As the Toydarian responded, naturally incredulous at the idea of releasing and then arming a Wookiee they'd enslaved, Beltran slowly let his right hand move toward the drop-holster on his waist which held his Hand-Cannon. Inara Basai Inara Basai then proceeded to speak up, doubling down on the team's apparent group decision to blow their cover entirely. While reaching for his weapon Beltran also took a slow step back, moving as smoothly as possible. All eyes were now on the medic, and it was clear from the way the Toydarian waved one of the Gamorrean's forward that he was not buying their story.

As the Gamorrean reached forward to grab Inara, it suddenly stopped, seemingly frozen in mid-step. Beltran felt a surge in the Force, a skill that he was getting better at, coming from Cadere Cadere . At least the smart mouth had kept his head, Beltran thought. By the time the youngster spoke the word:


Beltran's hand was on the grip of his gun. By the time the Toydarian was ordering the guards to capture them, Beltran was in mid-draw. And by the time Cas had a chance to ask for his Lightsaber from Mathieu, Beltran had the weapon leveled right at the Toydarian's retreating body. A loud crack! sounded as he pulled the trigger, sending a single depleted baradium slug whizzing toward the creature at speeds well beyond the super-sonic.

A split second later, there was a spray of blood, meat and gore as the Toydarian more or less exploded from the force of the impact. Only a single wing, a piece of his nose and half a forearm would hit the ground fully intact. Everything else became kind of a bloody sludge. Turning his attention to the Gamorrean that Cas had frozen, he squeezed off another shot. This slug took the Gamorrean in the head, essentially decapitating it and taking a good chunk of it's neck and shoulders with it.

From there, Beltran holstered his weapon barely a second and a half after he'd drawn it and proceeded to, non-chalantly, unsling his rifle and begin to shoulder it. Already other guards who were on station down here were beginning to react to the sudden change in events.

Tarish Galland

Objective 2 : Knight Krew Naria Cato Harth Cato Harth Senari Gravis Senari Gravis Risen Risen Fisk Kamer

Tarish nodded to Naria, but frowned at the tossing of the marshmallow bag. Kid has bought those on his own, she could at least have just tossed it back to him. Cato retrieved them before he tapped into the security system and began his trip into the electronic hyperlane. Was a good thing since his 'Force told me to' comment had garnered the scalding remark from Senari.

"Old tunnels, but new residents. Well funded ones it would seem." He shot back to their leader. "Either that or they stole the tools. Some jedi loathing group or, and this is just a hunch. We tend to be the ones hunting down slave groups. Not easy to surprise folk if that is our m o of rolling through the galaxy and swatting folks that go around collecting people." He shrugged before adding a little bit more with a smile.

"Just a hunch though. I mea-"

He saved further comments for the moment, his senses picking up something the same time as Senari did and his eyes pointedly looking beyond them all.

He rubbed his right shoulder a moment before following behind Senari at a markedly slower pace. Everything still burned with too much movement, the connected tissues still raw, but firmly held he had been assured. He hadn't taken pain medicine to be clear headed for the mission as he followed behind Risen, lightsaber drawn but not engaged as he neared the door.

The lights shifted, red, yellow, then green as the door slid open. Tarish did not ignite the saber, instead placing himself in a half turned position beside Risen as someone tried to clear the doorway in front of them.

His right hand curled tight, arm rolling as he flowed through the punch that wielded the force with it. A wave pushed through his arm as he caught the one coming through in the chest and sent him flying backwards. Force energy rolled through the punch in a forceful wave, violently pushing anything not tethered down with it and away from the doorway.
O B J E C T I V E . 2


Objective: 2 - Stop slave trading
Group: Inara Basai Inara Basai | Cadere Cadere | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
Idea: The two Jedi and two Rangers will work together to take out one of the bases.


It all happened so fast. One moment, Mathieu had caught the Toydarian's ire, the other, it was Inara. And then, well, the violence erupted. Mathieu had sparred with his fellow Jedi many times in the past and had a good idea of what he initially wanted to do. The Padawan sprung to action, quickly pulling out Cas' lightsabre from his backpack with one hand and arming himself with his stun baton with the other. Getting rid of the sabre was easy as all he had to do was to toss the weapon - by the time the Knight had finished his question, the lightsabre would arrive in his vicinity.

While Cas and Beltran dealt with the Toydarian and the Gamorrean who reached for Inara, Mathieu quickly leapt towards the other one and bashed at its arm with his active stun baton. The big pig-like alien looked surprised - the human had some umpf to his punch! The reaction was very different from what a more normal being would have done as they would likely actually have been stunned by the hit. This was precisely why a lightsabre of his own would be neat but that was a concern which would be voiced at another time.

Enhancing his strength through the force, Mathieu threw another bash at the guard, this time causing it to fold over its large belly but was still not stunned. With a final bash against the back of the hulking alien's head, it finally went down. The new Padawan let out a heavy breath before bending down to pick up the unconscious Gamorrean's war axe and proceeded to throw it to the Wookie. His eyes then went out to see the horrendous deaths which Beltran had caused. He had not seen such horrible sights since his days as a Mercenary and it was an aspect of the field which he certainly did not miss. Mathieu looked at the ranger, unsure of how to feel. The man had granted his foes a quick death but to him, it seemed like an excessive and brutal way of going about things. It was a concern for another time.

While most guards seem to be down the corridor which they had not fully explored but a small number of them were on the catwalk which they had arrived on. Deciding to secure their rear first whilst letting the others deal with the bulk of enemy forces, Mathieu headed back. He enhanced both his speed and his strength on his way there - it was a skill which he had grown proficient at during his time training with the Soller Navah. With tremendous force, he threw his stun baton at the one who was closest to firing off his weapon and with that one knocked out, he proceeded to push one guard down into the slave pits while rushing towards the last and final one at the back. The guard managed to fire a shot but with his enhanced speed, Mathieu managed to lower himself and transition into a slide, narrowly avoiding the bolt whilst managing to kick the opponents leg, causing him to fall over. With his already existing momentum, the former Mercenary was quick to get up so that he could kneel over the foe who had just been knocked down and with a strong punch, he also managed to knock the guard out.
Location: Oswaft-class Corvette Blue Crescent, entering the atmosphere of Chroma Zed
Allies: "Cresh Team" - Park Hana Finley Dawson Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Several squads of Antarian rangers, padawans, and handful of others crammed themselves in the hallway near the ship's escape pods. Soldiers performed their last loadout checks on their equipment, culminating in their weapons function checks before they and several of the padawans jumped into the escape pods. While some teams from the Silver Jedi Concord were approaching from a distance on the ground, Cresh Team was trying an alternative approach of a direct assault from the sky itself in two waves.

"Wave One, let's go," said the jumpmaster, "we have less than a minute before we're jettisoning the pods, you there, hustle up!"

Satisfied that those boarding the escape pods were all in and ready to go, the Antarian Ranger went around and made sure that all of the airlocks were locked before returning to his station. Bright flashes of light briefly suffused the corridor in almost heavenly glow as the pods began to shoot away from the craft and plummet into the atmosphere to land near the slaver camp. The pods were broadcasting distress calls, with the hope that they would entice at least some of the slavers away from the camp in hopes of ruse which would portray the initial wave as helpless survivors to the slavers before they realized too late that it was the hunted who were being hunted.

"Wave Two, that's us. Everyone to their station."

The admiral joined the last group in shuffling over to the airlock, along with the others wearing Raptoran Aerial Combat Armor or para-wing gliders to descend. He stared out of the viewport, watching the last of the star-studded depths of space disappear behind a veil of grey and white clouds. He felt a pat on the back, and all of the airlock doors opened. Before the man could fully register what was going on, he felt a push and then a sudden weightlessness as he fell into a freefall. He turned around to see other figures plummeting towards the ground, some more gracefully than others. The few wearing the gliders soon peeled back as their wings generated lift. Conversely, a heady few in the aerial armor intentionally seemed to be diving even further towards the ground. The man could barely make out the pre-fabricated structures of the camp. A count-down readout from his flight computer announced that he was 3 kilometers above ground still. No need to rush this, you're here to observe, remember? But that thought was hardly calming, and the man felt his hands tighten around his compact blaster rifle as he continued to fall towards the ground.

Fisk Kamer

Objective 2: #KnightGang

Well, Naria was mad at him again. When the all were young padawans she always took the leadership role, bossing people around. He didn’t mind because he sure as hell didn’t want to take that position. You can’t be a leader and eat soggy marshmallows.

Looking over he saw Cato Harth Cato Harth watching him eat the soggy marshmallow. Taking it as a challenge he stared the knight down, continuing to eat the soggy food. Who cares if the food was wet, he was used to it.

After he got assigned “watch duty” he dropped to the back, looking out for whatever danger there might be. A mossy rock? He was your savior. A drip of water? Consider it dead.

When the approached the door he let the other do their work. No need for hit to get in the way with his watch duties. Too important.

The light blinked red, yellow, then green before opening. Risen Risen and Tarish Galland were already at the door, their fist hitting the guards. One of the guards fell face first into the ground, landing in front of him. Squatting down he looked at the man.

“Consider yourself watched!”

A small groan came from the man before he kicked his head. Unconscious now. Looking up he barely missed the bolts screaming past him.

“So that is how we are going to do it, huh?”

Pulling out his lightsaber he flicked it on, ready to kick some ass.

Senari Gravis Senari Gravis
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Alana Sunrider

#2 Knight crew
Risen Risen Senari Gravis Senari Gravis Cato Harth Cato Harth Naria Fisk Kamer Tarish Galland Acaadi Acaadi

More sibling drama and old dynamics from when they were padawans. Alana ignored those and kept moving forward, sustaining the mental link between the group members. She slid the sword back into the scabbard and switched to a lightsaber hilt, holding its curved metal form loosely. But blaster would be a better start to keep the element of surprise and unpredictability.

Then blaster fire erupted further in the caverns and she crouched, waiting to see where the bolts would come from. None sizzles towards them. A different target then. And some of the group zoomed past in a burst of Force speed.

Alana just shook her head, calling after then, “Watch for traps and mines!” She’d have the entire tunnel complex set up with them on a trigger activation, in case any intruder got in. But the thought apparently never occurred to her companions.

She took one last look around the area and the moved forward, ghosting between the shadows. Light footsteps the only sound she made, pausing to check the electronics in the door. The kid and already hijacked it, otherwise she would have mechu deru’d her way in and pulled some tricks of her own. No need for that now.

Unless.. the man hadn’t been wearing night vision or infrared. Alana paused and pulled open a panel, studying the wires. The Jedi could sense everything around them, and the the battle meditation was helping strengthen that clarity. And if they were as outnumbered and surrounded as it felt, they’d need every advantage.

She pulled a set of tools out from her utility belt and slid them inside the wiring and coupling, separating the thick bundled power cords.

Lights going out. Anyone reason not to?

Caedyn Arenais

Location: Chroma-Zed.
Objective 2: No rest for the wicked
Partner in crime: Yula Perl Yula Perl

"You with the Hutts?”

Caedyn groaned out of both frustration and pain as the restraining bolt continued sent bursts of energy riveting throughout his body, an immobilizing pulse that kept the Jedi Knight from being able to adequately control the movement of his arms and legs.

"Do I look like I'm with the Hutts?" Caedyn answered through gritted teeth, the tension of his jaw locking together in response to the discomfort in having energy flowing through him masking the bitterness in his tone having been shot in the back; "I'm with the Silver Jedi, my name's Caedyn Arenais" He exclaimed, wanting to get rid of the stun bolt as soon as humanly possible; "Now can you please get this thing off of me!?" he demanded.

Most people would assume a Jedi Knight being above this sort of thing, yet he hadn't sensed any overly aggressive or threatening presence nearby and judging from the woman's question, she herself clearly wasn't with the group of slavers.

"There's an outpost ahead, scouts running a slaving operation. I don't have time for this!".

Naria Harth

Narai felt the panic up ahead, churning with determination. Cornered. Trapped. Danger. The padawan's stress drew her forward, like strings attaching them. She couldn't think outside the moment, she simply had to reach him.

She had spent her teenage years trying to run fast enough to keep up with the others. Now she outpaced them all. Fisk was left to follow or ignore orders at him whim, the woman darting forward with a bout of speed beyond man. She ducked Risen's elbow, her hands barely skimming him as she subsequently jumped over the down bodies left in Senari'a wake. He was fast, but he had paused to deal with threats. Her muscles burned as she turned a corner, skidding into stride besides Senaria as they stumbled into the chaos.

Of all the things she was expecting to walk into, it certainly wasn't a green padawan trapped between a gaggle of slavers. How did the boy even get in here? His emotions made sense at once, the term over his head summarizing the scene perfectly.

"Risen, far left." Was all she said, the approach of more enemy bodies pointed out for for him to catch. Looked like everyone was coming to play. Naria split off from Senari, leaving the man to deal with the more pressing threats as she lept forward. Her hair skimmed the top of the shallow cavern, her leap taking her to land between Acaadi and two others.

"Your Saber, boy." Her own flashed out of the end of her pike, catching bolt on one end and jabbing the other man back into the wall without him. Acaadi Acaadi was spared no other words, her back left for him to cover as 3 more stepped out of the shadowed halls and approached him.

"You're outnumbered," one sneered, a cocky lilt to their tone.
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Objective - #KnightGang
Naria | Senari Gravis Senari Gravis | Risen Risen | Tarish Galland | Alana Sunrider | Fisk Kamer

“How about that?” No sooner had he mentioned did the device begin pinging wildly.

The presence of another, further in the tunnels.

And then the door.

And then the guards.

And in a matter of moments everything was blowing up. Not literally. At least not yet. The group found themselves jumped by a large cadre of slavers, seemingly just as surprised as they were by the sudden confrontation. One of the criminals, a Noghri, broke through weilding a scattergun. “Uhhh, nope!” The Knight pulled the weapon away with the Force before the tunnels could be littered full of slugs. Apparently unsatisfied with this exchanged, the Nogrhi charged forward and before Cato could even draw his lightsaber, he was slammed against the wall by his neck. The little bastard was small, which made his unexpected strength all the more annoying.

Cato wrestled against him, grasping at the reptilian arm presently choking the life out of him, ever unafraid to crack a joke, “You could… at least... buy me dinner… first!” He wheezed with a smirk. He struck the Noghri’s arm, loosening his grip for Cato to kick out and knock one of his leg’s out from under him, creating enough distance that Cato could slink to the side, taking a… less than refined martial arts stance. “I should warn you, I took two whole lessons of Stava! Five years ago!”

The Noghri took a much more precise version of the stance that Cato did, and then rushed him.
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