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Horizon Tech [Marketplace]

"Why are all of your droids disgusting"- Zak of Amroth

"Unhygienic and effective" - Cadere Cadere on the
Gulp Garbage Droid
Located on Terminus Denon, Horizon Tech began as a simple droid repair garage. Ever since relocating to the core, the business has expanded to encompass droid design, manufacture, and programming, as well as vehicle building, boosting and miscellaneous engineering requests. In additional to being a legitimate business that sometimes performs less than legal tech modifications, the Horizon Tech garage also serves as a safehouse for the shadowrunners of Darkwire.

    • Tanuki Droid: Rodent-like attack droids equipped with a stun ray, a nasty bite, and an attitude problem.
    • Sentinel Droid: Shooty shoot fighty fight droid.
    • Goro Droid: Sturdy, docile droids with a penchant for protecting civilians. A perfect gift for your favorite combat medic or defenseless tribe.
    • Zanzara Tracking Droid: Itty bitty tracking droid the size of a mosquito. Injects a temporary tracking solution into a target. Withdraws and analyzes blood samples with an on-board medlab. Available in an economy pack.
    • Tayir Spy Droid: Avian spy droid. Includes high quality holofeed to any synced devices, on-board storage and realistic bird behavior.
    • EMP Ant Droid: Itty bitty EMP grenade with legs.
    • Oculus Cam Surveillance Droid: A Droid, but also a camera.
    • Pr0-b3 Probe Droid: Scar Worlds Probe Droid.
    • Gulp Droid: Sanitation garbage disposal droid.

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