Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Homecoming | Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Ession

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Try to survive
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing with:: Geiseric Geiseric | Closed (Please ask to join)
[ Confrontation ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

There are moments when it is said that nothing matters when time also dies for a moment. The current one was like that; Eina was able to overcome it for a few moments, but it cost a lot of energy. Now, once the Valkyrja wanted to take the initiative, she wanted to tell the Geiseric that she loved him and wasn’t angry that he had to do it. She knew she might die. Maybe this was the last time she saw the man she loved. But Eina wasn't angry, in fact, she wanted Geiseric to do it. She no longer wanted to be a captive and a prisoner in her own body and mind. Even if she dies, she will at least be free. But she wanted to live, she wanted the joint life what Gei promised to her, what they can spend together, a new life, like a dream, pure…

However, she did not have the time or opportunity to say anything else. She was a prisoner of her mind again. Now Eina could see that much of her world had been destroyed, and she was standing there alone in pain for a few moments before the darkness surrounded her again. The parasite would have tried again as Eina fell to her knees again. And in reality, the parasite squeezed the man’s throat even harder with their tentacles, hoping they would have time to kill him before the whole event happened.

The parasite couldn't know it was the trap, and they walked in. This is exactly what Geiseric and Eina have been planning since Zygerria. The moment of truth. At that moment, the fierce fighting on the planet, where the crusaders were fighting the Sith forces, did not matter. At this moment, only they existed on this side of the planet. Outside, the frosty storm subsided for a few moments. Or would time just have slowed down? It could not be said; however, just before, the golden light of Force Light imbued with the power of Ashla embraced everything...

~ I love you, my beloved crusader! ~ she whispered softly in her mind.

The light flooded the darkness in her mind. This was equally true of reality. As Geiseric released the Force Light. The creature roared in pain, as did Eina in her mind. The moment of truth. The light attacked the darkness as the bloodthirsty beasts tore their injured and defenceless prey to pieces. As the crusaders believe, Ashla’s light must always triumph over Bogan’s darkness. However, this sometimes comes with casualties, it may not be free today for Ession to return to the Ashlan Crusade, and they need to pay a bloody and heavy price for this.

The parasite and Eina both kept screaming, the storm out there got even stronger, the building shook again and again due to Force Scream. Then the Force scream ended, the creature's deeper scream changed. Eina could only feel the pain, lying on the ground in her mind and screaming in pain. She was unable to move or defend. There was no darkness in her, but it was in her body, and she could feel it cleansed. She saw nothing from the golden light, just screamed…

The feeling of darkness eased, the remnants of the parasite tore to pieces in Eina's body and ceased to exist. The scream now belonged only to Eina. The grip around Geiseric's body and throat became less tight. At first the tentacles disappeared around the crusader's body as if they never existed, then the tentacles clenching the man's throat became gentle female hands, and finally the squeezing ceased. As the darkness in Eina's body disappeared and the scream ceased, the Force Light no longer caused Eina pain.

Once again the girl controlled her body, the parasite ceased to exist. However, her soul, her body, still hurt, she was very weak. She fell to Geiseric, fell on his armour, she had to cling to the man's shoulders to keep herself from collapsing because she didn't have the strength to stand on her feet. She sobbed loudly; as the light ended, front of Geiseric, the black-haired Valkyrja, glowing in a very faint blue light stood and now, she was leaning against the man. The faint blue light illuminated the couple's immediate surroundings. She looked more fragile than usual, tormented, tired, and still in pain, but again her height was a little lower than Geiseric's, and not her original.

A huge hole gaped in the middle of her chest, injured by the lightsaber as the crusader tried to stab the parasite in their heart. However, there was no trace of cutting off the tentacles, probably not surprisingly she did not wear any clothes, her body was a completely neutral body, because in their original form all of the Valkyrja were neutral, and that was true of her too. But she was, it was her, all traces of darkness and parasite were gone. After nearly a long half year, Eina was herself again and after nearly a year, the lovers finally met and reunite again in person and not just in their minds or dreams of any of them.

And she was sobbing, in joy and pain, but in the end she didn't have the strength to stay on her feet anymore, unless Geiseric caught her she'd fell to her knees. The area around her chest hurt, everything, felt sick, weak, weightless and distant. It was different now than when she ran out of strength because she had healed the man. Now her soul was light, weightless, as if she no longer really existed.

But she was free and she lived and Gei was also here with her…


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Objective 2 - New Beginnings


Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Aedrien Aedrien

"So your not Ashlan then? Where do you spend your time training?" She asked quietly, genuinely curious, but mostly passing time while they progressed. "I am still a padawan but have had little contact with my master lately. The Ashlans have been good to me, but I am feeling a little alone right now."

The stench was powerful down here and the floor was uneven, there was the constant risk of slipping and ending up coated in something unpleasant. Greer reached to her waist and rolled up the bottom half of her kilt a little, she had no intention of dipping the thick, difficult to clean fabric.

There was a flash in her mind and she saw a face. A woman with green eyes and an evil grin, there was a sense of dread and an urge to flee that filled her body, this was nothing like Wgah'ngal, she was able to push it back out with some effort "Did you feel that?" She asked Aedrien and she stopped.

"I think this is the one." She gently used the force to wipe the grime of a rusted metal plate, it was hard to read but the ID codes on this plate matched the one they were looking for. They should now be right below the school.

"OK, they know we are coming and are likely waiting for upto pop out, we will have to move quickly to prevent being pinned down. I am hoping they don't have an army up there" she chuckled slightly "what do you think?"

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When all was said and done, standing in the darkness was the true light. The soft blue glow of Eina's frail half-ethereal form did not illuminate much, but it showed Geiseric all that needed to be seen. Her tender hands fell from his neck as she collapsed to her knees. Geiseric followed her down and knelt at her side. He was speechless, unable to form words as his mind flashed between prayers to Ashla and words of consolation to Eina. He chose silence in order for them both to reckon with what had just happened. A cathartic tear shed from his eye. He weakly pulled his helmet from his head and placed it beside them, releasing his long white hair from being tied tightly to his head.

It was clear Eina was not the same, appearing in her spirit form in the mortal world, wounded from the fight. He was not a healer, nor an expert on her peoples' physiology, but he knew he had to do something. From around his collar he lifted the rosary that had saved them both so many times before, and hung it around Eina's neck. Perhaps its healing light could ease her pain, and if not he hoped his embrace would soothe her just as well.

Geiseric held her in silence for what seemed like ages, letting her sob and release her emotions. She was a free woman now, free of the prison that is the Dark Side, both literally and figuratively. He finally broke the silence to issue a command,

"SAINT, bring my ship back my location. Our location." in that moment he held Eina even tighter. "I will never let this happen again so long as Ashla's light is upon me, my love. I swear to you on the graves of all those I have lost before." he looked up and out into the dark night at the fires of holy liberation burning on the horizon. Soon those fires would engulf the entire world, and in their light Ession would be born anew, cleansed of the darkness that had gripped it for so long.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Try to survive
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing with:: Geiseric Geiseric | Closed (Please ask to join)
[ Confrontation ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It was strange, she even felt her own body was foreign; the last time was long ago she had controlled her own body and it was all completely unusual. Just like when she was born. Only then was the pain not present, though she was alone, and now Geiseric was here. Eina managed to retain her physical form, not falling back into her true natural form, the immaterial and invisible one. She almost never used this, the original form, maybe a few minutes after she was born ages ago. She had always considered herself a woman, so she always chose a feminine form. But now she doesn't have the strength to be more feminine.

Being in physical form, she gasped frequently for pain. The Valkyrja looked up as the man knelt beside her. While they met in their dreams or in their minds, she hadn't noticed, but now she immediately recognized the rosary she had made for the man. Eina's eyes widened for a moment at recognition. She was surprised to see the jewellery.

"You kept it! I thought you threw it away that night …" she said in surprise, her voice hoarse with pain and crying.

She really didn't know how much the rosary, the gift meant to the man that night. Because the rosary was tied to the crusader, it didn’t relieve the girl’s pain, but the embrace was soothing, promising safety even now. She wanted to believe that what the embrace promised would happen, that they would be together, that Geiseric would not leave, would not leave her anymore than he had that night. Now Eina knew how to react to the hug, she embraced the man as well as she cuddled as best as she could while she sobbed.

"That's the reality, isn't it? Isn't it just that the parasite is playing with my mind again? Tell me that's the reality, please …" she beseeched.

She clung to the man as if afraid that if she let him go, she would lose him forever. After a long captivity, it was hard to believe that this was not just another torture but the reality.

"I couldn’t keep what I promised… I promised to be here and help liberate Ession. Instead you had to save me instead of your beloved world. I... I just ruined everything…" then she noticed the man's injured hand. "You're injured!" there was a sincere concern in her voice.

She knew she had no strength at the moment to heal the man. Other times it would have gone easy, but not now. Now she was weak, trembling in the arms of the beloved man, and only because of him was she able to kneel on the ground and not fall because Geiseric held her in his arms. Eina looked into the man's eyes a little confused and scared. This oath, it somehow looked and sounded so different. Much more serious, it was like it lasted forever, not just a simple "dozen" oath that people or demons say. It was more like a Valkyrja doing something they seriously thought about and never wanted to break. A love pledge.

"And I swear I’ll be by your side all the time, I'll support and help you with everything for as long as you need me or want this. I will help you fight Bogan, I will help save your world and everyone from the Sith rule, and I promise I won't be your burden again… my beloved crusader… no, my beloved Gei!" she said softly.

At the same time as her words, she stroked the man's cheek kindly and gently, then for the first time she leaned over to the man and kissed him softly. As she kissed, she held the man's uninjured hand, weaved their fingers together just above the rosary so that the rosary rested in the palms of the two of them at once. During the kiss, the rosary shone again…


Like any story, it has a beginning, a middle, and we know the culmination, and the sequel will be decided by history. But to understand what has led you here, it’s worth getting to know the whole story, which is more painful and struggling than happy. They will probably be happy in the future, but the past was nowhere near that. This story is about two people who were born in two different worlds who didn’t care that they couldn’t be more different from each other than they were.

It all started when Omni reappeared when the Ashlan Crusade's members went to the Netherworld to explore that place and continue their crusade there as well. In this place they followed a demon that looked like a giant shadow dragon, the same entity that Eina was hunting for, because the creature killed countless Valkyrja. The knights, including Geiseric, were harsh and rude to the distant and cool girl. In the end, however, they helped each other to victory.

Although the encounter was not very positive, it was good for Eina to see the nobility, the selflessness in Geiseric, which made her interested in the world of the living. And from the very first moment, some kind of bond developed between them. Partly because of the man, she chose the angelic appearance for himself, with his red hair and golden-red wings, and in this she went to the members of the Ashlan Crusade. She never hid whoms' daughter she was, though Geiseric hadn't heard of it, and he only called the girl Ashla's boon among the knights and sisters. Most took over all of this. Around this time, the colours of Eina in the Force changed to gold, the Force abilities', shields', lightnings', and so on colours.

The duo didn’t meet again for months, maybe just fleetingly, but they didn’t have too much time to talk. Thus, they knew each other only superficially and formally. After Korriban, Eina learned that Geiseric had not returned home. No one knew what had happened to him, most considered him dead, even though he had just been taken prisoner. He spent nearly a year in captivity, in that one year Eina searched the entire Netherworld for the man's soul; a decade has passed in the afterlife for her. It was during this time that she began to hear the man's prayers to Ashla for the first time. She never gave up the hope to find the crusader.

She finally managed to reach him through a dream, leaving a mark on the man’s soul to find him at any time because the man agreed. So now she could easily go aboard the ship on which the crusader was detained. Geiseric was dying when she reached him, so the woman healed her with her own life force, saved her life because in his original condition she was afraid to take the man back to Netherworld. However, the Sith Lord, who owned the ship, sensed Eina's presence and thought it was his former lord, Darth Prospero, who had returned from death.

The Sith Lord did everything he could to kill the girl and persuade the man to fall into the Dark Side. There was also a closed bond between them, though trust was severely shaken when the Sith Lord revealed whose daughter was Eina. Eventually, the girl's strength kept the man in the light and the crusader killed the Sith Lord, and the wounded Valkyrja and the knight went to the Netherworld to both recover from their injuries. Here the man could learn a lot about Valkyrja and their city, and the couple also got closer to each other, though only as friends, and Geiseric admitted that he was wrong about the girl and no matter whose daughter she was, she was not a bad person.

Nevertheless, there was some mistrust between them, which after this was mainly due to misunderstandings. For Geiseric cannot always express his feelings well, he did not need them as a Jedi, and Eina does not understand the emotional world of mortals. Nevertheless, their relationship also began to deepen, probably here in the vicinity of Coruscant, falling in love with each other shortly after the Sanctuary trip, although at that time they did not yet know about it. They were there on Coruscant in the Senate building when the Maw attacked the planet. They both fought against the Sith and Eina even saved Geiseric’s life, but she hurts badly again.

After that, if you can say, the events accelerated, they spent more and more time together, they considered the other friend. Until they reached the Eternal Empire's ball. Where they essentially confessed that they love each other, even though Eina didn't really comprehend it all, she didn't understand, the man was completely confused her with his behaviour, words, and actions. The man was afraid to commit and thus shattered the girl, who did not understand why it was all happening because she had not received any answers. It was then that she give the rosary to him what she had made earlier, it was their last encounter in reality for a very long time.

Geiseric fled to the religion and was doing his best to avoid the girl because the encounter would have been too painful. And Eina lost all her confidence, no one explained to her what she was feeling, what she felt, why it all happened. She still didn't understand what she was doing wrong. Isla couldn't help her either. At that time, no one had any idea what disaster was coming because of that ruined evening…

One of Ashlan Crusade's ships crashed on the Dark Planet; Eina was the first to arrive on the planet to help the survivors. However, due to the mental injuries caused by Geiseric, she was unable to protect the survivors and was also captured by the locals. There was also Geiseric on the rescue team, which now focused on rescuing her, who was the first to sign up to rescue the girl he loved. However, that planet put his faith and determination to the test.

After the crusader also arrived on the planet, Eina felt it and subconsciously tried to connect with it while during a ritual, local beings tried to transform her. She only struggled to stay alive until Geiseric rescued her. Here the two of them and Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust saw a shared vision of their own death and the destruction of Ession. Eina tried to speak to the man when her mind was just clear and offered him a Force-bond. For Eina had enough power to create one. Geiseric accepted it, but a Force-dyad developed between them, not a simple bond.

Here they were able to exchange a few words with each other before Celeste Demici Celeste Demici locked the girl back in her own mind and nightmares. The crusader promised Eina to save her, but not long after he had to find out that if he continued to fight that day, he would die, and so would his companions. The parasite occupying Eina showed the girl when the team gave up on her, as did the man who promised to save her a few minutes ago. Valkyrja gave up the fight, thus the ritual ended, along with her metamorphosis. The man was rescued from falling on the dark side by the rosary he had received from the Valkyrja on that evening.

Their next meeting was at Zygerria, the man having a hard times when he seeing Eina every night begging him to save her. Geiseric did not understand what the bond was between the two of them, why he felt all of Eina's suffering. Finally, Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim told him and the Empress asked the man to save her daughter. The man eventually met the parasite and managed to reach Eina, where he was not greeted by a beautiful sight. The girl had long since given up the fight, and the parasite had almost completely devoured her soul.

The man was trying to convince her to fight, that he was real, that now he would never leave her again. Eventually, their first kiss also happened here, in her mind, which is why she promised to try to fight. In the months that followed, they spent more time together than before, Eina taught Geiseric what she could do with Dyad, and the man healed her soul. However, they reached a point from which Valkyrja could no longer heal as a prisoner, and if they did nothing to do with the parasite, she would definitely die. Eina spies on the parasite when Hyrva gives orders to them, so they found out they were going to Ession.

The lovers worked out a plan against the parasite. It was risky if the man didn’t win, they would both die. Eina could die if the man tries to kill the parasite and the crusader can die to the girl's death. But they had no choice, they had to try. And the final fight took place on Ession and with that we reached the point how the Crown of Ashla was born.


The fight took place on several fronts, in Eina’s mind and in reality. The Dark Side and the Light Side clashed, it was painful for everyone because everyone was experiencing the same pain they were causing each other. The battle took place in a far-flung place, where you didn’t even have to wait too long for the parasite and Geiseric to meet. At the man's call, the creature appeared almost immediately. They both wanted to end the fight, once and for all.

It was as if Eina had previously felt that this was going to happen, for the gift she had given Geiseric, greatly helped the man to finally succeed in this fight. The rosary protected the crusader from almost every attack that the parasite was trying to attack him. That's why the man remained intact for a long time, but he was able to hurt the creature. When the parasite realized that it would be incapable of hurting the man with Force, who in turn had already inflicted severe wounds on him with Force Light, they changed their method and they were physically trying to kill the crusader.

However, Eina, who was locked in her own mind, could not defend herself. Geiseric's attacks also severely wounded her, with the Force light, a cut caused by a lightsaber on her side. Valkyrja was dying and so the parasite had access to her memories, they already knew what the dyad was for. When the man realized this, he decided to use the Prosperian soulstone that Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir had given him as a Plan B if all else failed. In particular, the parasite attacked him and Eina at the same time. However, something happened here that they could not have expected either.

The crystal was made a long time ago by Adrian Vandiir and was only modified by Ingrid L'lerim, and the energies of the two of them mingled again in Eina's presence and the energies that make up the girl were created again. Geiseric pierced the parasite's body with a lightsaber, the crystal shattered at that moment and these energies merged into the girl, strengthening, healing her soul. Then she was able to take control of her body for a moment and asked the man to do what was discussed earlier, what he has to do now. The moment of truth has arrived.

The golden light of the Force Light, amplified by the rosary, filled the place, clearing Valkyrja’s body of corruption, killing the parasite. Eina survived, but she was still very weak, and the lovers were finally able to meet again at Realspace after nearly a year of hardship and pain. During their first real kiss, the rosary began to light up again, uniting their wishes, desires, and their purity. The two worlds met again, in every sense, the borders of the two worlds fused together in this place as the lovers were one in the Force as well. The power and Force Light from their strength and soul of the two of them rushed all over the planet, clearing it of all Dark Side corruption.

Because of this, all Force Sensitives and Force Users on the planet became aware of the kind of bond Eina and Geiseric shared, they were one in the Force, and loved each other. And thanks to the joint dream and pure desire and wish of the two of them:

The Crown of Ashla was born.


During the kiss and the birth of the Nexus, the pain alleviated in both of them, Gei's hand healed, just like the injury to Eina's chest. Until the light blinded everything, the sound of wings and feathers could be heard as the angel wings reappeared on Eina's back, and the Nexus helped her regain her form which she always used in the Realspace. By the time the light was gone, Eina was really in her angelic form in Geiseric's arms, though still without a dress. She shone very gently in a golden light, though the light slowly disappeared around her.

Not like in the Force. In the Force, the golden light was strong, she was surrounded by Ashla's light, radiant. So far, Eina has been as neutral in the Force as most of the Valkyrja, but not anymore. The Light side embraced her and flowed from her as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The light in her was just as strong as Geiseric's love, loyalty, determination and willpower to Ashla. Eina reflected that now, after all, they were one in the Force.

The lovers were no longer kneeling on the concrete, they were kneeling on a golden grass at their feet, gold and pale blue flowers bloomed everywhere. There was no sign of the buildings, and golden trees were visible outside, glowing in dim golden light. The power of the Light Side, the Nexus that was familiar from the Sanctuary, permeated everything with a feeling of peace, warmth, security, and the love what they felt for each other. In the distance, the first light of the golden rays of the sun appeared and shone into the ruined building where Eina and Geiseric were.

"I…" she tried to speak, but failed. Eina knew what had happened, what it was, but she was so shocked that she had a hard time finding the words, instead looking into the man's eyes again in disbelief and confusion. Were these just the two of them, or was it none other than Ashla’s will?




Geiseric looked around at the magical change of scenery. Where they had once sat on floor of ruin, surrounded by the detritus of war and genocide, they found themselves on the soft grass of a meadow. They broke from their passionate kiss, and looked one another in the eyes. They were both as surprised as each other. The rumbling of his starfighter broke the silence momentarily as the AI landed it nearby, ready for them should they choose to leave. SAINT knew in all likelihood the chances were low.


"You need not say anything, Eina. I understand."
The stunning beauty of the place around them, the swaying of the glowing leaves in the cool night breeze... it was so strange, but it felt so natural. Everything around them had a soft and gentle aura in the Force. Misery and death wiped away, a clean slate of life for Ession. They had done this, through their love, through their faith. Together they had brought to life a sanctuary of the Light on a world otherwise consumed by darkness.

"Since the start of this war I have had no respite. Only challenge. Together we overcame those challenges. I think tonight... I think I will breathe easy for the first time in a very long time." he breathed deeply in an out the clean air while he laid back in the grass, looking up at the moon, and all around it the array of crystal clear stars. It was a sight, and a feeling, that could be found in few places on this side of the galaxy. And he was here in safety with Eina, his love, the reward for his faith. He could finally relax and put aside the war for a few hours. In the morning, Ession would be theirs.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Try to survive
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing with:: Geiseric Geiseric | Closed (Please ask to join)
[ Confrontation ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

For Eina, this was the birth of the second Nexus she had seen. She probably had something to do with the first as well, as did all of the Valkyrja, but it was different here. Not even she had seen or experienced anything like that. But she hadn't even heard anyone could do that. It seemed unbelievable to her that Gei and she had done it. Not only was she surprised, but her beloved too. As she glanced down at the golden grass, at the flowers, she looked out of the ruins at the forest glowing in the golden light, already knowing that this was the reality.

It was too beautiful for the parasite to play with her mind. The other possibility that came to mind was that mortals envisioned the afterlife as such. The reality was often far more disappointing than they thought. But the Valkyrja knew the afterlife better than this. Geiseric and her story were like fairy tales when an entity, who was considered a divine being by others, or a god falling in love with a mortal and even willing to give up their divine existence for another. Or their ong, very long life. Eina felt the same way, as optimally she would live as long as the Force existed. Of course, she could have died in countless other ways, but she was a Force Entity and Geiseric is a mortal in her and her kind's eyes.

But she didn't care. The girl tried to talk, but failed, only signalling to the crusader with a very small nod that she understood. She looked up at the man when Gesiseric spoke again. While he spoke she reached back gently to the man's face again and stroked it as she smiled at him kindly.

"Then rest! You deserve it!" she whispered kindly.

Who wanted to say that she was sorry that the man was could not rest because of her, because he had to fight to save her. She was still confused and didn’t really know what to do in this situation, so Eina just watched silently as the crusader lay down on the grass beside her; the Valkyrja was still sitting, kneeling where she had been before. Covered herself a little with her wings, beginning to be embarrassed that she was without clothes, and she didn't feel strong enough to shape-shifting to make her look like she was wearing clothes.

She watched with a confused smile as the man looked up at the sky. Eina also looked up; she felt how much this place meant to Geiseric, after all it was the man's home. She didn’t really know what to do in this situation, it was completely novel and unusual to her. The inconvenience of the situation was exacerbated by the fact that the woman had to ask MANIAC for help in what the custom was in such situations. Until she got an answer she just looked at the flowers in confusion; and the answer is, oh! It seemed logical.

The Valkyrja looked around once more in confusion, then at the man lying on the ground, in the golden grass, and finally she lay down on the ground next to the man, if Geiseric let to her, she placed her head on the crusader's chest and took his hand again as she covered themselves with her wings. The whole situation was so peaceful and direct. Eina was now really feeling how tired and exhausted she had been, literally, consumed by the past few months. At first, the physical injuries were gone, but much of her soul was still missing. She embraced the man with her free hand and settled comfortably in his arms.

She didn't look up, just closed her eyes to feel the man's every breath, his heartbeat, his presence in the Force. During her very long existence, for the first time, she felt in Geiseric's arms, in his embrace, that she was not alone in the world, but belonged to someone…

Last post.​



Grand Jedi Temple
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


The Dark Lord’s powerful blows crashed against saber and stone, catching brief contact with the nearby columns and stone statuettes sending debris scattered across the flooring of the Hreat Hall. The thunderous roar of battle pounded against their ears, Ession was alive in glorious revolution, the rightful heirs to the Dominion reclaiming their homeworld.

The Elder’s nephew parried the first strike, the Blade of Ession stepped outside his range as the second came screeching forth. He stood in defiance to the Sith’ari, even as all his dirty laundry was laid bare before the trio. His eyes briefly fell upon the glistening sight of a shiny hilt among the dust and broken stone, the trinket he’d left so long ago.

“I haven't forgotten everything, Kaigann.”

The Blade of Ession reached out into the empyrean, his free arm outstretched with a sudden pulse stretching forth as emerald sparks rolled off his fingertips, leaping for the Dark Lord. A chain of emerald lightning rushed out to the Dark Voice as the crusader began to move toward him.


Instinctively his saber rose up to guard against the rushing current as the harsh sparks crashed against his blade. Stray bolts of scorching power ripped away at his trappings, he immediately retaliated with the emergence of his own free hand. The Dark Voice let loose his hatred into a palpable fury, a raging storm of crimson lightning that bolted out from his fingertips against the Blade of Ession’s own current.

“It is not enough.”

An audible roar, a sudden burst of power rushing out from the threshold of his inner being. A surge of bright crimson power rushed along the current, bringing with it the full destructive power of the Dark Side as it traveled along the current toward it’s target.

“You have been replaced!”



Tags: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis



Stone shattered, lightning struck, and the Blade of Ession gritted his teeth. Memories he wished to forget flared up within the dark corners of his mind, bringing him back to the days of his youth. Failure, pain, anger... and the man that had saved his life. There once was a time when Heinrich admired the Dark Lord. Fear and respect had gone hand in hand in those days, yet there was always the vision. Solipsis had vision, such as the galaxy had rarely seen. In those days, Heinrich would have given his life for that vision. To change the galaxy, to bring it to a new, fresh start... the thought sounded good, for a time. It wasn't until years later that Heinrich had realized just how twisted that vision was. He wanted to change the galaxy for the better, and the Dark Voice only sought to bring destruction.

Heinrich tried to push the memories back; to send them back into the deepest, hidden parts of his being. The pain and darkness gnawed at him, as if someone had poured salt over an already festering wound. Try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to dismiss those years. So many years...

A loud scream slipped from his lips as he called out to the empyrean, attempting to channel all he could into the already present lightning arcing toward the Dark Voice. More and more lightning began to pour forth from his hand, cascading along the chain that locked with the blade of Solipsis. Bursts of lightning began interlocking with the crimson energy flying toward him, dancing along the Dark Voice's attack as the two chains of lightning began to merge. Cedric attempted to call out to the Blade of Ession, hoping his friend would hear his words before it was too late.


It was too late. He couldn't hear the cries, nor did he notice the coalescing energies that began to intermingle into a dangerous amalgamation of light and darkness.


As soon as he called out, the combining chains of energy reached their precipice, with unstable bits of plasmatic energy beginning to burst forth with terrible violence. The unstable nature of the clashing energies culminated into a single, large blast, exploding in all directions in a grand display of green and red. The blast sent the Essonian knight flying backwards, slamming him against the floor of the temple. In a desperate attempt to retaliate against the Dark Lord's attack, he once again raised his left hand in defiance... only to find that it was no longer there.

Having anticipated the dangers of this clash, Cedric managed to shield himself from the blast moments before it erupted across the room, only being forced back a couple of feet. Finding his footing, the Ashlan leader charged, swiping first for the Sith's arm, then his leg, then his head. He had no time to waste; should Solipsis find the moment to recover from the clash with Heinrich, the fight would be over...

From here on, every strike would count.




Grand Jedi Temple
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


A lion’s roar escaped from the lips of the Blade of Ession, he called out to the empyrean and summoned the power within. A fierce display of that very power ensued as arcs of raw crackling displays raced outward from both the Dark Lord and the Blade himself, crashing against another like waves of an unyielding storm. His nephew, Cedric attempted to call out to the former students of the Dark Voice. A folly, it had been too late now even as the cry for his ally pierced the electrified air around them.


Light and Darkness converged together, the Sith’ari standing firm with sulfuric hate burning from his terrible glare.


The Dark Lord hissed, his chest puffed out as a guttural bellowing roar built up from within.


Even as he spoke the combining chains of energy reached their apex, an unstable tipping point ready to explode as energy sought violent escapes from the tempest. A terrible storm of green emerald and crimson red bolts, each colliding into that terrible bomb ready to go off as the energy built upon itself until finally it reached the breaking point. A mighty blast, one powerful enough to send both men back as the very temple halls shook from the momentous explosion of energy unfurled.

Smoke and dust clogged the air in the aftermath of the devastating storm. The blast load cratered the floor where the two energies had met, a small reminder of the struggle that occurred. Slowly the Dark Lord rose, smoke rolling off his battered armor. The Sith Master reached over as he slowly stood back up, dropping his shoulder pauldrons from his frame. His cloak was tattered, his skin seared from the stray bolts, but despite it all the Dark Lord remained firm, he remained whole.


The Dark Voice’s crossguard lightsaber crackled to life once more, and just in time. Through the thick fog of war, the smokescreen left behind, Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson emerged. He charged in bracingly, keeping the Dark Lord on his guard with no time to adjust. Swiping first for his arm, then his leg, then his head. The Sith Master parried against the brute force of the Ashlan Ruler and renowned Djem So master. A brutal image of Csilla flashed back before his eyes, the very same scenario he had experienced on Mercy.

His guard was crumbling, his defense caving to the power and speed of the Essionian. Each blow chipping away towards his eventual demise. His eyes fell upon his saber far off near where the Essionian, Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust had fallen. Too far to claim, he would have to use his command of the Force to turn the tide.


The Dark Lord folded in and let loose, a palpable wave of energy harnessed straight from the empyrean itself with the Elder at it’s epicenter. A repulse meant to catch Cedric off guard and reclaim the upper hand before it was too late.

Crimson sparks danced between his fingertips and immediately sprang forth into violent crackling bolts as his saber retreated into it’s metallic hilt. The Dark Lord of the Sith unleashed a powerful volley of Force Lightning upon his opponent, his teeth gritting together as he pressed forward to destroy his ‘family’ once and for all.



Tags: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis



Cedric's blade continued battering against the Dark Lord's defenses, attempting to break the man's guard before it he could recover. Blow after blow was met with crimson plasma, and slowly the Ashlan leader found himself breaking the man's guard. There could be no moment of reprieve for the Sith, no time for him to regain his footing. He had his chance for redemption; now, there would only be death.

Just as Cedric thought he would put an end to the Dark Voice for good, a sudden shift in the empyrean once again took hold within the chamber. Energy swelled around Solipsis, coalescing into the man as if he were the darkness itself. Crimson lightning once again began to flow from him, cascading across the great hall as the darkness roared through him. Cedric jumped back, attempting to put distance between himself and the torrent of energy. Holding the Blade of Ruusan with both hands, he braced himself against the crashing crimson storm. Holding his position, Cedric found himself at a standstill with the Dark Voice.

Across the room, Heinrich found himself slowly getting to his feet. Scrambling to find his lightsaber, Heinrich could only locate the broken remains of his long-held blade. He cursed the Dark Voice, wishing he had never withheld the information of his past. Had he done so, perhaps they would have a better chance. Maybe, just maybe, they could have ended this much sooner. No... there was no time to think about that now. Yet, what could the Blade of Ession do?

It was then that his eyes fell upon the hilt of the discarded blade, a long-forgotten piece of a dead man's history. Heinrich mustered what strength he had left, calling out to Ashla as he reached for the blade. It rushed to his hand, and he ignited it, snapping it's cyan blade to life as he finally stood to his feet. He couldn't change his past, but perhaps he could fix his mistakes now. Heinrich charged for the Dark Voice, attempting once more to take the man by surprise. He lunged for the Sith's back, attempting to run him through...

He only hoped it would be enough...




Grand Jedi Temple
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust


Strands of brilliant light rushed to meet the Essionian’s blade as the Dark Voice unleashed the battering flurry of crimson hate against his nephew. The two were at a standstill, an impasse hardening back to both Korriban and Csilla before it. The Elder would not make the same mistakes as before, there would be no holding back, no chance for his misguided nephew to bond with the Ashla against the oppressive Bogan. The Dark Lord had judged him, his decree was death and subsumption into the Netherworld of the Force.

A dark grin crept across his face, spreading wide from ear to ear in sickening anticipation. An end to this long family rivalry. An end to the crusade.


His attention faltered, snapping away to the source of the emergent sound of a lightsaber brandished. Even as the bolts continued to rain in on the Jedi Master, his eyes drifted over his shoulder toward his former apprentice standing once more. The Dark Lord bellow and roared upon bearing witness to the saber in his only remaining hand brandished as he lunged forward at his open back.


Releasing his hold over the raging storm, the Sith’ari contorted his body. Narrowly avoiding death his armor ruptured as his former blade from his days as a Jedi Knight nearly ran him through. A massive charred gash caught the corner of his armor, cleaving away at the little flesh it could burn away.

The Dark Voice’s face lit up in absolute anger, pure unbridled hatred fueled by the pain of his newly acquired wound dealt by the weapon that bore the scars of his ‘weak’ past life. His right hand reached out, grasping upon the empyrean for the throat of the Jedi Master. The Elder squeezed with the utmost intensity, seeking to crush the Jedi Master’s windpipe.

“How dare you!”



Tags: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis



The crimson tide of energy continued crashing against the Blade of Ruusan, and though he was able to hold his ground, Cedric could feel his footing beginning to give. He could keep this up for a while, but eventually, his strength would fail. Thankfully, Heinrich had granted him the smallest moment of reprieve, nearly running the Dark Lord of the Sith through. Though unsuccessful in ending the man, Solipsis had relinquished his control over the current, and as the flow of crimson stopped, Cedric fell to his knees.

Having missed his mark, if only slightly, Heinrich spun around, hoping to cut across the Dark Voice's chest. As his newly-obtained blade came around, following the motion of his body, Heinrich found himself suddenly stopping in his tracks. The air around his throat tightened, constricting his windpipe as the Solipsis reached out through the Force. His hand thrashed violently, attempting to catch the Sith with the tip of the cyan blade... but it was no use. Heinrich could feel his head beginning to spin... was this the end of him?

Cedric's eyes fell upon the pair as his comrade was being choked. He wished to push forward, to save his friend from the throes of death, yet, he felt spent. The amount of energy exerted protecting himself from the Force lightning left him feeling spent, his legs and arms heavy as he knelt on the floor of the old temple. His mind was racing, flashing memory after memory in front of him as he thought back to the many moments that had led him to this moment. Ession... Ruusan... Csilla... Korriban... countless scenes played over and over, and Cedric found himself overwhelmed by the reflection of his own path. So many years dedicated to a single goal... so many triumphs, failures... all in an attempt to bring he galaxy back to a place where it should be. Where it was meant to be. Would his path end like this... in the ruins of his people?


There was another energy that he could feel. Somewhere, on the planet, a great burst of Light was suddenly growing, spreading itself across the planet. Unbeknownst to him, Geiseric Geiseric and Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir had created a nexus on Ession. Though the energy was distant, it was still growing, slowly finding its way across the planet. It was only then that he truly understood...

So long as those that held the Light in their hearts drew breath, the Crusade would live on.

Suddenly, the Blade of Ruusan began to glow as it had on Korriban, with light cascading from the blade and across the room. Cedric closed his eyes, reaching through the empyrean with every inch of his being. The warm embrace of the Ashla began to flow through him, and as he leaned back, Cedric looked upward. Light began pouring from his eyes, shooting outward as a wave of Force Light began to burst forth from him, covering the great hall in a glorious display of luminescence. Cedric's mind was blank, almost as if his very psyche was filled with the Light's presence...

He had truly become Ashla's vessel.



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