Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hide and Go Seek [Vagrants]

@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Daxton Bane"] @[member="Sonja Mercier"]

Aedan Miles calmly stood up and looked at the man a dark smirk crossing his usually cheerful features. Instead of doing something he merely clicked a button on his comlink. When he did the comlinks of the 6 Cragmoloids emitted a short sharp tone and then went quiet. Meanwhile elsewhere in the area the comlinks of the remaining squad and a half also emitted a tone and then started to calmly and quietly move towards the bar where Aedan was once again sitting. His weapons on display as his hands rested behind his head and he watched calmly. He shoot a glanced at Dax and grinned at his conversation with the man finally letting out a loud laugh. his medium length violet hair falling to rest over his ears as he looked calmly at the man in the mask. His eyes flicked over the group as he chuckled lightly.
(OOC: I am assuming Taozin amulets make you blurry, but not invisible, to a Miraluka's Force Sight. If anyone has problem with that, tell me about it)

Vorhi sighed. He signalled to the barkeep. "Change my order to a Lokan Tea. I'm afraid drinking isn't the best plan tonight."

He looked at them. Armed to the teeth and dressed like common thugs, mask and all. He had a hard time making out their true forms, something was making them look "fuzzy" to him. It was bothersome. He sighed. "If you've got some evidence of these accusations, you should probably share it now. Otherwise, you should get out of here before I consider this an assassination attempt," he said calmly. "And don't insult this Citadel. It doesn't suit you to spout off about things you know nothing about," he said coolly. He'd be a diplomat about all this. He wanted to trust Daxton, but even he had to admit that the man had a vicious streak. Not as vicious as Sonja, but hey they were military operatives. Who didn't have a few dead bodies beneath them? Still there were channels. And he wasn't about to entrust his commanding officer to a bunch of masked vigilantes.
OOC/ Makes sense to me, Vorhi.

IC/ "Know nothin', eh? I'd heard you were this place's moral backbone. I'd heard better of ya than t' back up this collection of sentient clart, @[member="Vorhi Alestrani"]. Clearly I heard wrong." He'd known about half the delegates at the Treaty of Ithor.

"An' you, @[member="Aedan Miles"]? Runnin' around with Cragmoloid muscle, pirate suckin' on the Feds' teat, when there was a time you commanded the biggest an' best starship in th' galaxy, an' you left cause you were bored." Jorus was, at this point, one of OP's most longrunning and senior naval officers. His security clearance was...extensive when it came to former OP officers operating in his backyard.

"An' you," he said to @[member="Sonja Mercier"], "well, when it comes ta you, Alestrani's right, I don't know a karking thing aboutcha. But I still know enough. I know that when I talk about someone gettin' tortured, you talk about finishin' the job. And then yer Templar pals back you up. Yeah."

Deliberately, he spat on the ground.

"Yeah, I think I know everything I need to know about the Templars. You're sentient trash, the lotta ya. It was a mistake t'try an' reason with any of ya. You want proof, Alestrani? I could introduce ya to the victims, but after the dren you pulled here, I'm not letting a one of ya anywhere near'em. This is war, schuttae. I'll see you in Hell, but only after I get Rostu to make you bleed."

Shotgun resting on his shoulder, he turned and made for the door, taking a side route that didn't put his three backup folks between him and the knot of Templars. Beyyr roared in his earpiece -- more Cragmoloids were converging on the bar. Presumably to arrest them.

@[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Rosa Mazhar"] @Sammo Haiche-Khe of Rae @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Sarge had left the ship in a hurry, bundling himself up in his trademark cloak and following after Jorus. He'd not been given orders, and so he wasn't entirely sure what to do... so he did the sort of thing that Rebel's would enjoy doing - things like blowing up symbols of power. He'd found a few missile tubes (fire and forget versions, too) tucked away in the Moth's hold, presumably because Jorus had planned for Sarge getting bored.

Frankly, he didn't much care to wonder why they were there... because he was going to use them. And use them he did. Setting himself up on a rocky outcropping across a small river from the Templar Temple - Stars what a horrid name for something - he fiddled with the triggers, setting them up to fire remotely.

And so while Jorus went to find Daxton, Sarge layered launchers at multiple points, all facing the intended target of the Temple. There was little worry of being seen - launchers were small, and he was all but invisible. But, once he was set up, he got word that Daxton had been found... and the 'Feds needed something new to worry about.

Walking to the target location, quiet as death, he clicked the small remote detonator in his hand. Near simultaneously, six rockets leaped from their tubes, careening straight towards the Templar temple. Laughing quietly to himself, he clicked his comm twice. @[member="Jorus Merrill"] would know what the noise meant.

And right about now, @[member="Daxton Bane"] would probably get a message that the temple was under attack. Joy of joys.

Rayn H'voc

"Check out the gonads on this guy, huh? Someone should remove the stick from his ass before it gets him shot. Now, where were we?" Sonja continued to watch the game being played before her. She was also eyeing down a chick from across the bar who she has had her eye on for sometime now. Pretty little redhead girl, she was. Eyes as green as emeralds and body like a soda bottle. Sonja almost forgot about the Jorrus fellow, seeing him as less of a threat and more of a small doge. All bark, no bite.
@Daxton Bane | @Aedan Miles | @Vorhi Alestrani | @Jorrus Merril
Vorhi stayed standing. "You expect me to do what, exactly? You come onto sovereign territory, armed to the teeth, hiding behind masks and some kind of Force-cloak, callin Daxton out on supposed charges with no evidence?" He said, looking straight at these messengers. He glared. Well, his eyebrows glared. No eyeballs to do extra glaring. He sighed. "I'm willing to talk this out, but not while you hide behind anonymity and cryptic Karking Slag. If you can't act like adults, then how can you expect us not to rebuke you like younglings teasing a bantha, eh?"

Vorhi stood, diplomatic as always. He walked toward the leaving people. "So, how about you sit down, and we talk this out before--"


"Feth," Vorhi said. "Well, I guess you know what happens now. You're all under arrest. Either get on the ground, or prepare to be attacked," he nodded, signalling to those involved. Thankfully, most of the civilians had cleared the bar, save for a few. He hoped these jerks were as honorable as they proclaimed, and would keep innocents out of the cross-fire.


Mercenary, Artist.
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Judah Dashiell"] @[member="Thessa Kai"]

Missiles streaking forward. Sarge had gotten bored.

Well, that'd only taken... what. Five minutes?

"Beyyr, keep the ship even. We're getting ready for company." Alna reported as she slid into the co-pilot's seat of @[member="Jorus Merrill"]'s Gypsymoth. Sure, the freighter was cloaked and just about capable of outrunning nearly anything Alna didn't build herself, but there was no point in being unprepared. The Gyspymoth was their ticket off this planet. Flicking a few switches, messing with some of the power settings, Alndys primed the ships, weapons and savored the familiar hum of the systems going hot.

Unlit cigarette dangling from her lip, a Czerka Headbanger resting against her leg, Alna kept her attention focused on the scanners - preparing for any sign that the CIS had called in backup. Ground troops, she could trust Jorus and his crew to know what they could and could not handle. Air support? That was part of her job. None of this would mean a damn if the Gypsymoth got blown out of the sky and stranded the ground team. But the best solution to any problem was to nip it in the bud.

Turning in her chair, Alna motioned for Beyyr to turn her husband's ship so she could get a better shot at her target. A couple button presses, and a loud -fwump- as one of her personal favorites, the Connor Net, deployed a static ion field that draped over the nearby launch facility - having the same effect on the equipment inside as a wide-angle ion blast from a cannon, with the added benefit of staying in place for a good long time. Which meant only one thing.

"The port's been netted. We've got a good ten minutes before they can scramble air support to our location. Make it count." Alna spoke into her com, reporting in.
[SIZE=10pt]“That lying, two-faced, son of a frakking bantha! Kriff!” Grabbing a butter-knife she slammed the blunt end into the table she sat behind with Judah on the end, suddenly feeling very much trapped. The Galan switched off the transmitter probably a little too late to spare Jorus an ear-full.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“You’re not going anywhere,” she snapped at Judah, keen-gaze realizing they were one-man short. Sarge. “I’m sorry,” she quickly murmured. “I just can’t believe he has so many blind followers (no pun intended for @[member="Vorhi Alestrani"])!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Iced-azure gaze widened as new reports came across the screen, catching what one of the templar’s said. “Judah, we’ve gotta give them cover. More authorities are converging on their location.” Pleading gaze looked at the man she loved, white-knuckled hands around the riot gun.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]Alna was in charge of the ship, apparently Jorus' wife was as quiet as Sarge. The others were in charge on the ground. She was a passenger, dead-weight. She had never felt so helpless in her life. The knife still stuck straight-up in the table, her foreign and frustrated expression staring back at her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]And Jorus was wrong about one thing; she wasn't a victim, she was a survivor.[/SIZE]

Rosa Gunn

Rosa blinked.

In the space of five minutes, Daxton had denied his charges, Jorus was angry and they were all under the keen gaze of several blasters as calls went out for their arrest. They were surrounded. Ten minutes to get out, a few Templars and a very large collection of cragmoloids. How hard could it be?

Brown eyes flicked around the room, settling on a door to the side of the bar, very clearly marked 'Staff Only' and with five possible opponents between her, Dells and Sammo. Hand settled lightly on her lightsaber as the tension increased tenfold when none of them stood down. Door to the left of the bar, probably leads to stairs, take it when the path is clear, don't shoot anyone unless you have to. @Delila Castillon @Sammo

She caught Jorus's eye, for a brief moment, her annoyance evident in her face. Someone had screwed up. Closing her eyes she branched out in the force seeking the minds of the cragmoloids between them and the door. She caught them, and one by one she urged them to rest, that this was not worth their effort, that sleep was a much better idea. Five of them dropped, snoring and Rosa's eyes snapped open, waiting for Delila and Sammo to make for the gap.

Sammo Hache-Khe of Rae

Warden, Traveler, Hopeless Romantic
Well, I wouldn't overdo it with the "Armed to the Teeth" bit, there were no visible weapons on Sammo, but he did have the mask so "looking like a thug" part may have been true.
Either way, action in the room did not needed him to act really to move on.
He saw the Cragmoloids, taking a mental note of it, he will use this information against the CIS later, he noted the reactions of Templars, another mental note, and then he heard the explosion.
And he was surprised, because they did not discussed that, and if they did, he did not paid attention to that part.

Either way, no time to wonder as with Rosa's tricks the Cragmoloids began falling asleep, with a tip of his head to the gratuitous hosts, Sammo ran out of the side-exit with others, fishing through his pockets for a trick or two that could help them along.
As Rosa knocked out the Cragmoloids with her touch of oneiromancy, and Sammo bolted for the door to the stairs with her, Jorus could only hope that Dells was gonna do the same thing; at the very least, he knew she wasn't just hanging around as they left. He didn't need to raise the shotgun to fire it; it wasn't aimed at anyone, just resting on his shoulder as he walked away. All he needed to do was pull the trigger and sprint.

The eight-gauge shell gun vomited CryoBan with a wrist-torquing kickback. Point of impact: the ceiling between himself and the pack of Confederates, about six metres away from Jorus.

Six metres happened to be the lethal/critical radius of the CryoBan. Everything within about eighteen feet of that spot went instantly and impressively subzero. Jorus was still within the much larger frostbite radius, and the cold slapped him like a turbolaser to the back, but he got a hand on the doorframe and turned, shotgun raised in one hand to cover the room and Dells' escape.

A room that had turned to ice, more or less. Oh, a Master could probably shrug off CryoBan, a Knight might be able to deal, but the blizzard he'd dropped square in the middle of the bar (as close to Daxton, Vorhi and company as possible) had frozen more than a few people solid. Good thing most of the civvies had cleared out; the only people flash-frozen dead or covered in ice were Confederate or those Cragmoloids.

"Dells, go!" he barked, shell gun covering the blizzard as he hunkered in the doorway to the stairs.
@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Sammo Hache-Khe of Rae"] @[member="Rosa Mazhar"] @[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Daxton Bane"] @[member="Vorhi Alestrani"] @[member="Sonja Mercier"]

Aedan rolled backwards with the chair as he watched his cragmoloids start to fall his eyes flashing dangerously as his hands dropped not to the light sabers but to the pair of pistols holster at his hips as he started to backpedal swinging them up and around as he flicked the power setting down. He was moving backward putting more space between himself and the targets as he started to fire at them the stun bolts leaving a faint trail as they flashed through the air at the backs of the four masked intruders. He looked around for a window while he moved his eyes widening as he heard the shotgun go off and then he started to sprint towards a window on the wall leaping through it he went into a quick dive and dove straight through it. He had hopped the fall wouldn't be to far and in a way he was right.

Only it wasn't the ground he impacted but the roof of the building adjacent to them knocking the wind out of him lightly as he rolled a bit taking deep slow breaths as he stood activating his comlink and hoarsely ordering the remaining cragmoloids. "Objective is capture them not kill I repeat capture. Non-lethal only don't use lethal they are wanted alive." With that he was looking around his breathing starting to become smoother as he noticed that there was something blocking the star port. He snarled and activated his com. "Dragon Armada spread out sensors to active I want you scanning for heat signatures and energy where there is nothing. Once you find it keep track of it I have a feeling they have a ship around here somewhere and I don't want it gone. Launch all fighters and form a screen I will get back to you with farther orders." He cut the channel and then started to move again moving towards the wall that had held the stairway. If anything he would meet them outside and give them something else to think about.

After all he owed them a couple broken arms. He couldn't be sure of it yet but he had felt the deaths through the force and he had a feeling they had killed three or four of his troops and that was something Aedan wouldn't stand for. They came in here sprouting ridiculous statements and then killed his men. He would make them regret that this he swore to himself silently.
Sarge grinned to himself as he walked through the running throngs of people - gunshots and explosions had the effect of making a population decided the apocalypse was coming. Half the people stopped, confused, and the other half ran for their lives as though the world was about to explode beneath their feet. But, through it all, Sarge just moved towards the sounds of chaos.

At the epicenter of all this was Jorus and the gang, and they'd probably need help. Pulling out his old slugthrower rifle, suppressor attached, he slides a mag into the well and pulls back on the slide to load a round into the chamber. "Where ya need me, @[member="Jorus Merrill"].", he murmurs into his comm.
Vorhi had gotten lucky that he was walking towards Jorus as he whipped out a shotgun--and even luckier that he had decided to aim it towards Sonja and Daxton. Still, this wasn't a huge bar. He leapt forward, running to intercept the hotshot at the door. "The hell you do, Kiddo!" He said with a glare, leaped with speed that was almost bestial in nature, roaring like a leaping Nexu. Nexu's grin to Wampa tackle. He'd have to improvise, here. He snarled. He was going to sit back calmly while these criminals came in, made threats and then bombarded people un-related to their target. If they had a feud, the least they coudl odwas keep it to guilty parties. "Tell me," He said, his words dripping acidically, "How many other occupied buildings with innocent people have to be blown away for you vengeance? ANSWER ME!!" Anyone looking at Vorhi right now would notice the rage in his tone, the heat coming from his skin, the inhuman growl in his voice. Part of using the force with Teras Kasi was learning to push it through your body--even to the point where your body was suffering because of it. He had, maybe, five minutes before he'd collapse.
Indignant and long-winded accusations had their benefits, but not in combat. In combat, they made you stupid enough to walk at a levelled shotgun while overflowing with the kind of verbosity that gave folks plenty of time to get up those stairs. For his part, Jorus took that time to make fething sure that the Force was going to guide his aim.

He pulled the trigger of the gun that had been pointed at Vorhi since the ageing Templar started his march-o'-justice. The point-blank scattergun blast dispersed the payload he always carried when facing down hordes of the self-righteous superpowered. Specifically, cortosis dust, designed to fill a room with a hanging cloud. But point-blank against one man, the eight-gauge blast could easily rip the flesh from that man's ribs, send his guts spiralling onto the floor, break his neck and wipe his face from existence. Against someone skilled in bodily durability, such as one of the Templar inheritors of Ember Rekali's skills -- well, if struck, Vorhi could probably still bid farewell to some favored facial features, a square yard of skin, and his forward momentum, not necessarily in that order.

And then, as Delila Castillon burst past him, Jorus slammed the door in Vorhi's face and stampeded up the stairs after Dells and the rest. Up the stairs, up to the roof, and into the force cylinder that ended in empty space. For all intents and purposes, he appeared to be running off the roof after Rosa, Sammo, and Dells.

"Beyyr, get us outta here! Aboard in ten!"
Overwhelmingly disappointed she didnt get a chance to kill anything yet, Dells moved up the stairs to their evac point. Wanting to feel as if she at least accomplished something, blaster made it into her hand as she headed towards the tube. Shame she couldn't procure some Protectorate resources and just drop a couple thousand bombs in the area. Yet that would start a war. Wars were bad...ish. At least that was the official stance.
Vorhi watched as Corek loaded another blast and level it at him. If he weren't currently channeling force energy through his body, he'd probably have died form this. As it was, he new one trick for parrying this much ordnance at once. He focused, twirlign his arms in fan formation, each sheathed with the force for a brief moment, looking like a pair of twirling blades. "Veermok's raging claws!" he said as he parried the blast, absorbing more force than even he thought he could. Still, his enemies had gotten what they wanted, and that was enough time to strike. He sighed, his arms and hands covered in lacerations, his body barely standing from the strain. He walked up the stairs, not giving chase, simply walking. He was done. He shook his head, sitting on the roof. "I was really worth it to you morons. And I hope you didn't trample any innocent people with your idiocy. All I wanted..was to keep the peace..." and with that, Vorhi Alestrani lost consciousness. Time for a nap.
(OOC: no way I could've lasted the attack and kept up the fight. Have fun everyone.)

Sammo Hache-Khe of Rae

Warden, Traveler, Hopeless Romantic
As Jorus shut the door in the face of Templars and their forces, slowing down their chase, Sammo finally found what he was looking for.
They were hidden among vials, trinkets, and a rubber ducky, a pair of small round objects he took them out, slapping them on either side of shut doorway, they gave a slight beep, extending multiple lines of red lines over the door as Sammo high-tailed with others out of them with a smirk behind his mask.

Should the door be kicked open, as it seems it will have to, the orbs would explode, giving the chasing forces quite the sticky surprise.
Yep, stick, they were not harmful explosives exactly, killing or fighting were not exactly in Sammo's portfolio.
Instead, the grenades propelled a mass of adhesive substance, with just the slight mix of Force breaker put into it. Anyone walking over the mass would find themselves soon stuck, and the gases emanating from it would make them dizzy, and the Force users, they would have increasing difficulty to tap into the Force.

Of course, once the trap was activated, and if. Either way, following them through the shut stairway, that should be covered for now.
[I go to sleep and all hell breaks loose before I can post. Hey you. You're not leaving that easily.]

Daxton was about to make a snide comment about the man's parentage and his father's fondness for wookie females, when he detected movement out of the corner of his eye. Moving on instinct, he toss the glass into the air and bodily moved to protect Sonja from attack. After all he still owed her drinks and he might end up having to spend the night. Not that he wasn't that kind of Sith but he didn't want that to spoil his reputation.

Because he barely had enough time to raise his defenses, the absorbed most of the cryoban rounds heading their way. Freezing the Sith Lord temporarily as the assailants made their escape.

The ground beneath them rocked as explosions erupted outside, as Daxton slowly felt sensation coming back to his limbs, as his young blind companion went down.

Fueled by anger that these idiots were so stupid that they failed to properly do their part, Daxton lashed out with invisible tentacles of force which wrapped around Jorus's legs, arms and neck in a strangulating crushing grip that held him in place and placed tremendous pressure on the parts caught in their grasp.

"Where do you think you're going, assassin?" Daxton asked, a smile forming beneath his mask as he dragged his prey closer to him, as he reached down to draw a heavy blaster from his holster.

@[member="Jorus Merrill"]
@[member="Thessa Kai"] @[member="Alna Merrill"]

Guess I'll be hiding all the knives at home.

Taking the butter knife away from Thessa, Judah sighed. Of course she would know how to exploit the inability to say no to her. Even if it was for her own good. Judging from the live-feed it didn't look as if the pair had much of a choice to begin with. Since the ship was moving neither one of them could exactly jump out. He was sure Thessa would try, given the chance, but Judah wasn't about to let the Galan fling herself out of a moving vessel.

"Come on down to the turrets. We can blast the bar from the air and give some cover fire."

With Alna at the helm, the pair descended into the turrets to cause their own version of mayhem.

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