Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hide and Go Seek [Vagrants]

[SIZE=10pt]She fired off a few more shots with the gun turrets as they spun away, aiming for Daxton as he left Jorus and disappeared from the roof.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]Standing from the seat, she scrambled out of the turrets and stomped back to the cockpit. She heard him and even his messed up look didn’t stop her. Or Rosa. Or Beyyr. Or Alna.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“What the frak Jorus?” Fingers were already balled-up into a tight fist as she launched for a shot at his jaw. “You totally underestimated him - all while I was stuck on this lousy ship!”[/SIZE]
@[member="Thessa Kai"]

The Sith Master gave no indication that he was dodging the pulse blasts heading his way, at the same time Thessa could get the unexplainable feeling that he was laughing at her, mocking her failure once again. Then the blasts hit scattering ferracrete and steel where he was standing. When the dust settled, Daxton was nowhere in sight.

Daxton could feel her frustration and anger mounting, a most delightful scent to the Sith, his eyes narrowed as they homed in on the source. Using hand signals, he directed the squad of templars who arrived bearing with them a crew served ion rifle.

At his signal, they fired a single test round into what seemed like empty air where the Sith Lord indicated. The ionized round clawed its way into the air and slammed into the space where the cloaked ship should be, if it struck true then it would do additional damage to the ship's systems.

Even if they dropped their cloak now, and engaged shields it would do them little good. Ion weapons were designed to be anti shield, it would only delay them inevitable and with the fighters closing in. It was only a matter of time and they would all in chains before him.

(Corrected my post. Sorry my bad)
OOC/ Don't autohit, dude.

IC/ Ion weapons, as it happened, tended to be marginally less effective against shields than turbolasers or laser cannons of similar size. The Gypsymoth, along with a decent proportion of other stealth ships, had enough reactor capacity to power both shields and weapons simultaneously, and the shields were most certainly up.

That, and there was no guarantee the ion bolt would hit. In this particular case, it didn't. Well, not really. The ion bolt splashed against the shields at an oblique angle as the freighter left the area -- one hit among many, as stray shots from the fighters found purchase. Shield strength descended sharply from the cumulative hits.

As the atmosphere fell away, though, an unscathed Gypsymoth clawed its way out of the gravity well and vanished into the Cloak of the Sith. No pilot alive knew the Cloak of the Sith like Jorus, the ship was cloaked, and the Rebel crew was basically as safe as humanly possible.

Without any fighters to worry about -- Thessa had given up long before they left atmo -- Judah climbed out of the gun turret and joined the rest of the group. Moving to an injured looking @[member="Jorus Merrill"], the salvager pulled a butter knife out of his inner jacket pocket and handed it back over to its rightful owner.

"Don't ask"
"COWARDS!" Daxton screamed for effect as he waved his clenched fist skywards, more for show than for any actual effect. In truth he was more than pleased with what had just happened, giving the Sith Lord all the excuse he needed to rally the Templars to seek justice for this great travesty.

When there were no more further attacks coming, he summoned two nearby force users and instructed them to follow him. Returning to the roof of the bar, he carefully scanned the available surface near the spot where he fired his needles, smiling when he found what he was looking for.

Instructing the templars to use the Force to levitate a piece of rubble with blood stains on it, they headed back into the inner sanctum, the vital clue in tow as the rescue and medical crews rushed buy in search of trapped and injured.

True, his armor and cloak were stained with the assassin's blood as well, but he needed that particular piece of evidence for what he planned to do next. Instructing the pair to take the rubble and place it a null enthropy pod for safekeeping, Daxton headed to his inner chambers.

Only when he was alone, did he let an anguished hiss escape between his lips. By the dark gods, his ribs were killing him. It was only the mass of orbalisks lined with crystaline growth that somewhat cushioned the blow, otherwise he would have been injured far worst.

Specialized droids quickly arrived and stripped the master of his armor and replaced them with fresh bandages and a clean robe. "Take the specimen to the lab and scrape all genetic materials you can get from those. I want all the information you can get on his genetic id. Friends, family, known associates, I want everything." Wincing as the orbalisks shot more venom into his system he made a promise to himself. "You better run you hutt spawn maggot. I'm going to remove all traces of your line from the fracking gene pool." Without warning he lashed out with tentacle of force at a hovering droid that lingered too long, crushing it with a vicious backhanded swipe.

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