Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic Alliance Dominion of Terminus and Manpha

[member="Quintus"] [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Avalore Eden"]

"I believe you," Bethany said quietly as their shuttle docked with the larger ship.

Dressed in dove grey tunic and breeches, long black hair in a single braid down her back, Bethany didn't really look like what most people thought of when they pictured a 'Jedi Master.' Positively diminutive, the woman looked too young for the role. And the lack of a light saber at her hip might seem strange.

Despite that, and the fact that she was doggedly insistent that people called her Beth, rather than Master Kismet, there was no mistaking the calm aura or sense of peace that moved with her.

The shuttle docked with a shudder, and Beth and Michael disembarked with the rest of their small party. The Order had been invited here for a reason. As they stepped into the ship, Bethany smiled at the person who had come to greet them.

"I am Bethany, from the Order of the Sacred Lotus. I believe you've been expecting us?"
Location: Terminus Spess
Objective: Two Impstars managed to escape the skirmish in orbit over Terminus. They managed to evade pursuit through the asteroid belt and have hidden behind one of the planetoids at the very edge of the system. Two GADF Star Defenders and escorts have been dispatched to prevent them leaving the system.
Allies: [member="Elliot Locke"]

Allyson sat in the locker room or staging area. The defenders had gotten sights of the two impstars that had escaped the skirmish. It was an odd situation, Asmus had left and Choli was captured everything felt as if they were falling apart. Allyson felt particularly guilty, it seemed both events happened during her extended leave with Kaili. A fist made contact with the boxed locker in front of her. She had been gallivanting enjoying her life while abandoning her friends and comrades. Now her hand hurt and she pulled it to her chest and she could feel tears welling in her eyes. She knew that she probably couldn’t have done anything to prevent the events that had happened, but still she could have tried.

The siren alerted her that it was time for her to get things done, they were close enough to launch what ever fighters had been on the defenders. Grabbing her fighter helmet she walked out with the aviators on her eyes, the last thing she needed was any of the crew noticing she had been crying. While she headed to the x-wing assigned to her for this mission, she quietly made plans to gather a force and break Choli out - possibly she could use it to bring Asmus back to the fold. Even if it meant it wasn’t an official Rogue mission, she would set things right.

The X-Wing was being fueled and loaded with its weapons, she waited and removed her aviators and folded them into the flight suit’s pocket. While the mechanics made their final check, they looked towards the woman. “Locke right?” Allyson nodded as she tied her hair back into a messy bun, “Yeah, she all ready?” The mechanic looked at the X-Wing and Allyson and shrugged. “Yee, you’re good to go girlie, come back you hear? Happy shooting” Allyson pulled on her helmet and made her own final checks, she trusted the mechanic, but she wouldn’t fly comfortably unless she had down her own checks. Moving about the ship she made her own look. A hand patted the left panel right where it said The Moist Peach. Allyson smirked under the helmet remembering the small conversation that came about when she mentioned to [member="Kaili Talith"] about naming the fighter.

“Here’s your chance to make your teammates as uncomfortable in their everyday life Allyson! You have to make it count.” The blonde girl would ponder and then begin to ramble off inappropriate names, “The Moist Peach, the Swimming Clam, you’ll get it!”

Allyson chuckled softly and continued her final checks while the team lined up the ladder and loaded the small bb droid into the astromech compartment. “Bait everything look good?” Whistles of joy and excitement echoed and Allyson mentally prepared herself.
tinker tailor soldier spy
Location: Terminus Spess
Objective: Two Impstars managed to escape the skirmish in orbit over Terminus. They managed to evade pursuit through the asteroid belt and have hidden behind one of the planetoids at the very edge of the system. Two GADF Star Defenders and escorts have been dispatched to prevent them leaving the system.
Allies: [member="Allyson Locke"]

He felt awkward as feth in this gimp suit of theirs.

Colors off and too tight in all the wrong places, but whatcha gonna do when a job calls out to you, eh? Command made contact with him and asked him to fill in for a spot on Rogue Squadron, probably after seeing his flying hours and realizing he was probably just about good enough to fill in without getting himself killed.

Locke didn't mind, he loved flying, just hated the suits coming along for the right.

Not that there was much to do about it, tho. He looked again at the datapad in his hand to figure out the name of the fighter he was supposed to use.

The Moist Peach........ what? The SIS agent blinked at that, before shaking his head. These Rogue Squadron people were nuts. But apparently they got the job done, so he wasn't going to judge... much. He walked into the hangar bay, most of the fighters were still getting prepped, his was somewhere off the side.

With the angle he was approaching he didn't actually see Allyson -- who was on the other side of the fighter - but he did note the technician still doing some preliminary work.

"Locke." The name was said a few seconds after the technician looked up with a question in his eyes. Brows furrowed in apparent confusion.

"Locke? But..."
Location: Terminus Spess
Objective: Two Impstars managed to escape the skirmish in orbit over Terminus. They managed to evade pursuit through the asteroid belt and have hidden behind one of the planetoids at the very edge of the system. Two GADF Star Defenders and escorts have been dispatched to prevent them leaving the system.
Allies: [member="Elliot Locke"]

Allison heard the tech speak to someone else apparently. She made her way from the other side of the fighter and looked at the man who seemed to be reporting to this fighter as well. “Um, is there an issue here?” She looked towards the man and raised an eyebrow, he was dressed like a fighter and seemed to be urging that this was the X-Wing he would be flying. Putting a few dots together she chuckled and removed her helmet.

“This one is mine, you’re probably looking for another.” The tech looked over at Allyson and shook his head, “Nope, the only other fighter going out is already manned.” Frowning, Allyson looked back at the other guy, who seemed to also bear her last name - interesting. “Well you’re out of luck cowboy.”
tinker tailor soldier spy
Location: Terminus Spess
Objective: Two Impstars managed to escape the skirmish in orbit over Terminus. They managed to evade pursuit through the asteroid belt and have hidden behind one of the planetoids at the very edge of the system. Two GADF Star Defenders and escorts have been dispatched to prevent them leaving the system.
Allies: [member="Allyson Locke"]

From the other side of the fighter a girl came around, equally ridiculous in the pilot suit, but perhaps that was the point.

Maybe these things were an elaborate group-building exercise and the combined ridicule made for better teams or something, Locke wouldn't be surprised if this was the case. In his experience the military, the governments and the sort always loved their little experiments and outside-the-box thinking. It was usually why he had to go and clean up experiments gone wrong, once a black site was overrun by killer mutants.

Or similar things.

"Ain't the only one that's outta luck." Locke responded, while frowning at the technician. "I got my mission."

He stared at the X-Wing.

"We are gonna have to share it by the looks of it."

Locke hated the idea already.
[member="Bethany Kismet"] [member="Michael Sardun"]

"Indeed, I'm Jillis. I'm a Padawan with the Jedi Order," the nervous looking girl inclined her head to them both in turn. She was quite tall for a human girl, but even the heavy robes couldn't hide her very slender form. She was frequently told by people twice her age that she wouldn't eat the way she did and stay so skinny when she was older. Frankly she didn't care for their opinions or observations. Her mousy brown hair was braided to one side in the traditional way.

With a sweep of her hand she indicated for enjoy to follow alongside her. "Master Voidstalker is up two floors in one of the meeting rooms waiting for you. I believe he wanted to give you a run down on the situation." There was an obvious pause as she considered something.

"The name... How did it come about? Not Bethany, obviously. But the Sacred Lotus?"
Location: Terminus
Objective: Growth of trade
Allies: GA and friends
Enemies: N/A
Post: 5/25 (writer) 5/5 (Pizza Hutt)

"I believe we have come to the bottom of these clauses pertaining to the lease in the mall on Terminus"

"These terms are satiafactory as far as Pizza Hutt is concerned"

The landlord representative prints out a copy of the lease for both parties to sign, with carbon paper so that each party can have a copy: the white one for the tenant, the pink one for the landlord. She was surprised that she could lease space this seamlessly, almost unnaturally so. And it was pretty simple, too: not much longer than a typical residential lease: the lease terms could be contained in its entirety within three legal-sized pages, with clear wording, or at least as clear as possible when dealing with commercial leases. Legalese was never pleasant to deal with but Jessica needed to look over the terms of said lease before she could act based on the lease. But when she realizes that it matches the content of these negotiations pretty much verbatim and then some, she is ready to sign the final lease agreement between these two parties. And yet she could feel a sense of urgency from the landlord's part, presumably because they were short-staffed in the leasing department, when their signatures are finally there at the very end of the document.
Kallea Sector

Objective: 2 (Sponsorship for Aurora Industries)
Post: 5/?

As another module was fitted into place and work began on attaching it to the growing station, the second wave of Aurora ships dropped out of hyperspace. Besides the aforementioned shields they were carrying, they had also brought other systems that would need to be installed as well, such as comms, computer terminals, and so on. Jaxson would direct their ships to an assembly area within their cordon to hold position until the life support systems in the fully assembled sections were up and running. Once that was accomplished, they would start to unload the systems and begin the installation period.

That phase would be handled by Aurora's engineers only, apart from a few Directorate technicians that Aurora had called in to help. Jaxson only trusted those men, the same who had helped develop Horizon, with that task as he didn't know of how many technicians were among those on Terminus, their loyalties, and their level of skill.

"Sir, life support is ready in section one."

Jaxson nodded, his gesture giving the okay for the offload to begin.
Terminus | Objective #2 (Sponsorship) | Algae BioFuel

"We've got word MaraTibX is on planet. No doubt they heard word about our wanting to advance the biofuel systems in the Outer Rim. I knew those meetings should have been closed to everyone but top consultants."

The business woman was turning red faced which was more than amusing to Judah. He owned shares in MaraTibX, it had helped turn him from millionaire to billionaire in a short amount of time. MaraTibX wasn't even really a competitor for his business. In his opinion, they were offering two different ventures.

"A mole? Outrageous. Only a small team has been working on the BioFuel since its incarnation."

The situation was dissolving from future plans to BioFuel mole issues. It wasn't a concern to Judah at the moment as he doubted there was a major leak. MaraTibX saw opportunity just as much as they did.

"Lets say we can't get a contract with a docking bay. Then we think bigger. Orbital refueling station. Galactic Alliance vessels. Large freighters. The lower cost is already going to be advantage."

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Terminus
Objective: Growth of trade
Post: 6/25 (writer) 1/5 (IGR Brokerage)

For the first time in years, he was allowed to travel outside Sullust, under police protection: so long as it was a honest attempt to advance that did not make him resort to violence, the terms of house arrest began to be altered to better suit his needs. He couldn't pilot armed craft, so he had to reluctantly use the services of Naboo Spacelines, which had a better commuter coverage of GA space than Star Tours did. But he had to make it quick: he had 24 hours to go on Terminus, then another 24 hours on Zonju 5, and then he would be herded back to the Temple. Fortunately for him, the endpoints were situated along the Hydian Way, making the trip a lot shorter than it would otherwise be. Once Ugohr landed on Terminus, he prepared the relevant documents for the security guards to guide him to the nearest taxicab station where they would take the Gungan salesman to a mall under construction, whose owner began to negotiate with a variety of prospective tenants so that they could open with a full slate of tenants.

"IGR Brokerage. I guess you came because you had good insurance plans?"

"Yousa correct: mesa came for yoursa shopping mall's insurance plan. Wesa offer all-inclusive insurance policies only"

"All-inclusive? That will cost us a lot"

"Perhaps wesa could have a deal if yousa accept that wesa lease some space without rent"
Objective: 2
Location: Terminus
Posts: 2/25
Allies: [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Michael Sardun"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Avalore Eden"]

As the others from the Order made their way out, Quintus wandered over absently in his outfit and nodded to them, still flicking his gaze about the place in keen observance. When the padawan made her name known he issued a very polite and formal bow of his head. The gesture was meant with respect to station, as even 'just' a Padawan deserved respect for the altruistic dedication they would, by necessity, be shouldering for their lives by committing to such a title and name. Even if the New Jedi Order were rather unorthodox in some ways compared the the Jedi of the Galactic Republic he had known before the Fall.

He did not yet speak, but merely waited, eyeing Sardun nervously. The man felt like an odd combination of maelstrom and serenity, and was physically imposing besides. Quintus, despite his physique, was utterly untrained in any sort of war and quite comfortable with being so. As he waited he pulled back the wrist on his tunic sleeve and began tapping at a small data-slate unit that was concocted for his own use. Reading, performing complex calculations or just browsing SpaceBook. Anything could be done on it in relative privacy, but for the moment he was studying on prior war-zone fallout and relief efforts, trying to get a grasp of the ideas and framework needed. He would make his own idea, and then let his cohorts form theirs, and watch the way they coalesced and what changed and why or how.

That interplay would show him the practical value of his little academic exercise.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Objective: 2
Location: Terminus
Posts: 2/25
Allies: [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Quintus"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Avalore Eden"]

They stepped outside of the shuttle and Sardun's first instinct was to become aware of all there was.

The little padawan passed first muster and was filed away into the background noise, while he scanned the area. This was always how it went with them - Beth did the social activities, introduced them, talked to those who needed talking to and he stepped back into the background, all too pleased to simply be there and ensure that everything was up to snuff.

Only a moment later did he notice the arrival of another one of theirs.

He searched his mind for the name to connect to the face, before it finally fell into place and hooked.

"Quintus." Sardun greeted calmly, as he stepped up into the walk. "Everything well here?"

As said previously, the Jedi Master trusted the Alliance. But it was better to be safe than sorry. The young padawan had already been here for a while, so perhaps he noticed something that was off or perhaps noticed that everything was completely fine. Any and all input would be welcome now, besides he did notice the weird look the lad was giving him.

Maybe he was nervous.
Objective: 2
Location: Terminus
Posts: 3/25
Allies: [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Michael Sardun"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Avalore Eden"]

For a moment, Quintus didn't say anything. Whether ignoring Sardun or just absorbed in his reading. Then his nose scrunched, and he sniffed a bit, coughed almost in embarrassment and nodded to the burly man, letting his sleeve fall back over the slate. His eyes were clear, piercing, and held an almost avian predator's gaze to them as he responded to the query. Without thought, his posture had adapted to that of a teacher in the classroom lecturing a student. The tone of voice indicated, at least, that there was a deep respect and at least in Quintus' mind there was also a difference and subordination of himself to Michael.

"Hmmm? Well yes, as well as anything overly authoritarian and militaristic can be expected. Their rigidity will be a hindrance in operations like this, but they are intelligent enough that shouldn't be a factor we spend an overly large amount of time overcoming. Also, the insistence on Sullustan aesthetics everywhere is a bit much, do they have any idea what such dramatic angular lines do to the psyche of the common man? But I digress, it's all fine from the standpoint you are likely curious about."
Location: Manpha
Objective: 1 - What is causing all this?
Allies: GA, NJO, (TKO/Underground), Companions
Post: 1

The group pressed deeper into the massive swamp. They passed healers and clean-up crews from the Galactic Alliance, as well as aid and relief crews. The only thing about it all was they were all in hazmat suits. It was a surreal scene, and an even more surreal scenario.

Kimiko and her companions volunteered to come assist the Alliance when she heard just how bad of shape it was in...and that is where we find them today...

The bulky, and most uncomfortable, level-A suits crinkled with every step and the SCBA straps had begun to wear their shoulders. The tanks they wore allowed them just over an hour of supplied air...they had gone on the tanks five minutes ago as they passed from the warm-zone into the hot-zone.

The former law enforcement officer, Hanamaru, led the group, sweeping a chemical agent detector before her. Her eyes continuously watched the device and its readings. She was getting frustrated. The reading were all over the place, and for a plethera of different chemicals.

"Ugh, this is getting us no where, zura!" the short woman protested before turning to the rest of the group,"Ruby, can you swap me the radiation detector?"

An even shorter suit quickly stepped forward, towing an equipment cart. The two swapped out the desired gear while the rest of the group kept their eyes open for threats, humanoid or not. The gear was swapped out and the party resumed their path.

The new device ticked as the sensor was swept out before them. It seemed that this was a bit more productive as they had to shift their trek's direction. The now excited Maru explained she would be able to get them within 15 meters of a radiation source, provided it was strong enough.

As the group walked in silence behind their 'guide', a heavy sigh could be heard and Kimiko slowed slightly. This prompted one of her companions to take her side. It was none other than Chika, the former naval commander, who was worried for the woman's health, that and the child she carried.

"Ki, I know how badly you want to be here and help, but if you must return, please do. The rest of us can finish this. We don't want you to injure yourself or risk the baby." she explained with a worried tone...albeit through the thick suit.

Ki looked at her through the viewport of the suit, smiling at her friend's concern beneath her mask,"I can do this Chika. I promise though, after this, we're taking a vacation." Chika chuckled in response before Maru got all their attentions...or was it the shrill shrieking of the detector's alarm?

"K-Kimiko! Commander! I think we've found the source of the contamination!"

[member="Arieth zh'Vranthi"] / [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Objective: Provide aid on Manpha (Objective 2) , Acquire contract on Terminus (Objective 2)
Post: 1/5
Allies: [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]


A unit of Heka Healers sent by Heartbeat House would arrive on Manpha. They were garbed in light armor, designed to be as non-threatening as possible while retaining enough protective properties to shield them from the environment or a fatal blow or two. In an event, the red and white cross patch on their helmets would designate them as medical personnel.

“This doesn’t feel right.” One of the healers, a female from her muffled voice behind the helmet addressed the Jedi Knight that they were accompanying. The Heka Healers were mostly women, mostly Zeltron women who had a knack for reading situations as well as the feelings of others. It helped that their species had a natural form of minor empathy that allowed them to gage emotions, and it helped when dealing with patients who were wary of them.

“Do you need a rebreather?” She offered him the small device from one of her many pockets, unsure as to whether Jedi had some sort of skill that allowed them to filter poisons out of a toxic atmosphere.

The healers grouped up behind him. Though they had weapons with them, they were very lightly armed—a stun blaster and a combat knife was what they had to defend themselves with. They weren’t civilian medics, they were trained to handle combat situations and protect their charges against hostilities. However, they didn’t charge into battle unless absolutely necessary. They treated, evacuated and protected. Today, they were here to help treat a population suffering from a mysterious illness.



This wasn’t the first time Joza had worked with the Galactic Alliance, and it likely wouldn’t be the last. That was, provided things went well today. After hearing that they were extending contracts towards companies that could provide them with something of benefit, the Zeltron thought it would be a good avenue to help Heartbeat House expand its humanitarian aid. She’d already sent a unit of healers to Manpha as a show of good faith, and they would help get the job done regardless of the outcome on Terminus. Providing aid was something she felt good about doing, but supplies and personnel were not cheap.

She had plans for expansion beyond the healers, and as such had a meeting with a delegate of the Galactic Alliance.

Though she had a bit of an iffy past considering a string of questionably aligned lovers, her focus remained in the light and firmly towards business. Right now, she was sitting in the makeshift office of one Stan Parso, his affiliation within the medical sector something she’d forgotten shortly after he’d introduced himself. Surgeon? Purchasing? She idly watched him shuffle through paperwork, as if she could discern exactly what it was that he did just from looking at him.

His face was beginning to line with both stress and age—from treating patients or filing through papers all day long? She couldn’t tell, but put on a charming smile regardless. Not enough to hint at promiscuity or to be taken as flirty, but friendly and guarded. This was a business deal, after all.
Objective: 2
Location: Terminus
Posts: 2/25
In Scene: [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Quintus"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Avalore Eden"]

​​Bethany inclined her head to the Padawan, a gentle smile on her face.

​"Thank you, Jillis," she said quietly. As the other members of the Order fell in behind them, Bethany walked with the girl. She could feel Michael at her back, the conversation between him and Quintus just at the edge of her awareness. But the dark haired woman's attention was primarily on the Padawan beside her- and her question.

"Well, on Monastery, over eight hundred years ago, was an order called the 'Sacred Circle.' At their core, they were a force for peace and balance, though eventually they strayed under outside influences. They centered in the idea that everything was connected."

​[member="Hal Terrano"] had explained to her how much information and history had been lost in the four hundred years of darkness, so Bethany wasn't sure if she were treading familiar ground or not.

"A Lotus is a flower. One that represents a number of things in various cultures across the galaxy. Their roots grow in the mud, but their flowers bloom above the surface of the water. It represents purity of action and speech."

​Lotus referred to something else as well. But those artefacts were not something she had considered in naming the Order.

"So, in part, the name is a homage to those who have walked this path before us," she continued as they moved through the ship. "And in part it is a reminder to ourselves that, while everything around us may seem to be settled in the mires, we have the choice to rise above it...." She paused, turning a soft smile to Jillis. "And to blossom."
Trade Objective

Pella drummed her fingers on the table. She spent the time counting the insignias of the GADF officer's at the table and guessing how many years of experience they had between them. The she started to read their unit patches to work out where they had come from.

There was a Wing Commander from the 4th Drexl Wing based on Fondor. A lowly Squadron Commander from Red Squadron, 6th Wing from the 2nd offensive fleet.

Finally the rear admiral, a sullustan arrived and they could get started.

"Shall we do round the table?" He asked

Pella smiled. "I think we've got names now."

"Right, right. Apologies but we had an emergency brief on..." He looked up at the nautolan. "...Something."
[member="Bethany Kismet"] [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Quintus"] Jacen Voidstalker [member="Avalore Eden"]

Jillis listened attentively to the explanation. "I like that," she replied earnestly. "Last time I asked someone why their enclave had a particular name the answer I received was 'we thought it sounded nice'. I'm glad you had a better answer."

She came to a halt and held up her arm towards the next door. "They're through here."

Within the room Jacen was busy studying the holographic map, his back to the door. A fondorian Knight stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

"Ah come in," he called over his shoulder. "Move them to the third district and tell the Captain than I need men helping to pass out supplies, we can't afford another riot," he murmured to the Knight who bowed and took his leave. He nodded his head to each of the Lotus delegates in turn on his way.

"Welcome!" Jacen said as he turned to face them with a smile. "I can only apologise for the very gold ship. Someone brought them here from the Republic when they weren't looking.

"Oh hello Michael."
Objective: 2- Growth of Trade
Location: Terminus
Posts: 1/25 (Character) 1/5 (Valkori Technologies)
Allies: GA

The Galactic Alliance had offered open contracts to companies that helped expand upon business on Terminus, a great opportunity considering that the planet was located on the intersection of two major trade routes; the Hydian Way and the Corellian Trade Spine. It was one that Kaila wouldn't let just pass her by.

She sent the official CEO of Valkori Technologies, Celeste Novak, though she came along herself under the impression of trying to improve Zakuul's public opinion, something she was experienced in. Looking down from the shuttle she was in, the sight was already impressive. The planet looked similar to Zakuul in how it raised far above the ground of the planet, though it was significantly more rugged than her home planet.

"Construction droids are already starting to build the starting levels of the new building, it shouldn't take us too long to get there." Celeste said, looking at her datapad quickly. "We couldn't have made it on a nicer planet, could we?"

Kaila gave a small grin to her friend, before staring back outside the window as the shuttle touched down in the landing pad near where the construction had begun. "I'm sure it's nicer than you're giving it credit for, plus we need to expand outside of Zakuul sooner or later." she said as the shuttle landed softly on the landing pad in the upper city. "Well let's get going."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler


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