Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic Alliance Dominion of Terminus and Manpha

"You all know why we're here. The current generation of X-Wing is coming to the end of its maintenance contract," the rear admiral began. "Though the usual channels we're looking for informal options from industry on how we proceed. Miss Vun here would like to explain the options Incom have for us."

Pella waited patiently for the redundant introduction to finish. She knew, through her contacts, that she was the third company representative before this panel.

"First of all, none of our options include scrapping the current generation of fighter. Incom are best placed to extend the current maintenance contract and carry out a phased programme of rolling upgrades. Should you wish to see it, I'd also like to talk about introducing the next generation of X-Wing. Some of you may have heard of the Sprite Project we've been running?"

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Objective: 2
Location: Terminus
Posts: 3/25
Allies: [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Quintus"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Avalore Eden"]

In truth Sardun wasn't bothered by Quintus' manner of speech.

This wasn't the first time he was on the receiving end of it or the only one for that matter. His mind seemed very analytical, his speech patterns formulating themselves to dispense information in the shortest time possible, efficiency in design and word. This was something the more military-minded Sardun could appreciate.

"Thank you." Sardun responded patiently with some humor coloring his tone. "I do not think they were as much worried about the psyche of the common man, as much as the efficiency of cost though."

They kept on walking, his mind still mostly focused on the outward, until they entered the room and Voidstalker was standing just there.

He had missed the Padawan's mention, but that was usually the case when focused.

"Jacen, good to see you again." A nod followed in greeting, while his eyes went to the holographic representation of Terminus and the situation at hand. "I was surprised when I saw the Kenobi here, I assumed they had been smuggled off to the Coalition much like most of the Republic's... swag."

There was good-natured humor there as well.


Disney's Princess
Ob.2.p1. w/ [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] , [member="Joza Perl"]

Near the Jedi Shuttle whereby Rhen and his entourage of Heka Healers were conversing, stood a tall Pelta-class frigate refit. The Lithe Winnie. Privately owned and operated, it none-the-less belonged to a ground crew of OSL adventure specialists under the command of Captain Brenda Keli. A giant Zeltron woman of infamous prowess and wild amazonian temper. And, of course, their newest crew mate. Doctor Kat Rivers of Denon.

Captain Keli and Doctor Rivers had already suited up and joined the GA forward unit moving deeper into the swamps surrounding the Old Moamoa Road. Sadly. They had broken away from the GA unit when their guide suggested a faster route across the swamp lands. After a short argument, Keli had relented in favor of saving time. She hated green swamps after all and the less time spent among it's moist writhing tentacles, the better. Hopefully their journey would be a shorter one indeed.

Alas. Alongside them strode a mighty droid of strange and confusing build. The Red Quagan himself and the infamous Deep Diver of Monea, the good Mister Tomba. ...Which. Yes. I know. Some what surprisingly. His extreme fatness was now operating alone as the parties only guide and translator. Deeper into the swamps. A strange decision that had indeed left Kat slowly questioning after about an hour of hiking; just where were they going?

"Captain? Um, Captain? Pardon the interruption but? My wrist is showing me that the local Dan Dan Village is that actually suppose to be... Um, that way? Are we really sure our metallic guide knows where he's going?"


Captain Keli stopped and tapped her purple helm twice. Then looking down at her own wrist-com she surmised that poor Kat was absolutely correct. They were marching the wrong way. She scowled deeply as he pink cheeks turned into a furious red bloom. Then she stomped her armored foot against the black mud and turned to shout at their robot guide,

"Hey droid! You numbskull, the village is that way! Where are you taking us anyway!?"

~ "Oh!?" ~

Tomba spun about like a blusterous flute. Almost falling over a large swamp root and splashing up a terrible storm. Oh dear. Could it even walk straight? Kat just didn't know. Then the poor droid scratched his wide metal belly and mumbled something quietly. Perhaps already deep in thought about how to reply.

~ "Oh. Oh yes! ...Yes yes. I suppose you're perfectly right madam. The village is most certainly that way. Pardon my manners, I seem to have gotten turned around somewhere between the Old Warming Oak and the Shallow Pond of Glamorous Fertility back there. Do excuse my faulty circuits. Where is my map sense today. Bah. Really. ...Ahem. Yes. Well. This'a way humans. Chop chop. Follow me now. I know the way! ...Hopefully! ...Probably! ...Maybe!" ~

Kat turned her helm towards the tall Captain Keli and sighed.

"Oh dear. I think our guide is lost, Brenda. Which, by extension makes us, lost too."

"Erghhh! Damn it all Kat. Just leave it to those wart-covered frogs to give us a robotic moron for a guide! Ugh. I swear it. I'll kill all of those soggy fish-loving worms if we ever get back to port. Slowly. And with my bare hands. Erghhh!"

Kat scratched her helm and looked back towards the far marching Tomba. Then sighed again as the droid quickly stumbled into a tree headfirst.

"...Oh dear."

Sadness indeed. For by the looks of things, all three of them were well on their way to getting lost in this terrible swamp. All over again.


Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Terminus
Objective: Growth of trade
Post: 7/25 (writer) 2/5 (IGR Brokerage)

Terminus being a heavily urbanized planet, the risks befalling Terminus were much like the risks present on Coruscant or any other ecumenopolis. So he could use the risk factors present in Coruscant's Financial District to assess the risk factors associated with the mall. He could sense that the owner was willing to give a chance to IGR, even though this name is more associated with realty than with banking or even insurance among Alliancist circles, but his last project was about selling commercial insurance. Luckily his knowledge of commercial realty is of use for the risk assessment part of selling insurance, which is, more often than not, a critical part of selling insurance policies. But dressed as a Jedi devoid of lightsabers, and with one of the previous clients being another Jedi, the owners of the mall will find it suspicious that two Jedi came to be associated with two different businesses that have nothing to do with security. They always expected Jedi to be doing security work, or humanitarian work, and not selling insurance or fast-food.

"How much issa disen mall worth?"

"This mall is worth 35 million credits"

"Let mesa check: yoursa insurance premium issa around 1 million credits per year"

"Can't complain about an all-inclusive insurance premium but that's a bit expensive"

Pella knew all too well that a number of officers in the room were aware of the Spite project. It wasn't widely known that Incom were developing a new space superiority fighter, but several GADF personnel had seen a prototype.

There was a murmur from a few corners. "Please, explain some more."

Pella gave a sharp nod and tapped the console. A few legal and security warnings appeared holographically above the table. No one complained so she continued. The prototype appeared above them all.
Manpha - the Golden Ship
[member="Bethany Kismet"] | @Quintus | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Michael Sardun"]

If someone had to look like a Jedi today then it might as well have been Avalore Eden. Though in many respects she was wholly similar to Bethany, there were probably several things that set the pair apart. Despite also being fairly casual about titles, having a certain neglect for carrying weapons of the plasma kind, harboring a presence of Light and calm, and standing as the leader of a peace-fairing group (the revived Circle of Healers for Avalore), the New Jedi Order Master Healer had come in less than favorable circumstances. For one: Avalore was four months pregnant. For two: she was going against the wishes of [member="Meeristali Peradun"] on sticking to her retirement from these sorts of missions.

She hated to be the hypocrite, but that hat was firmly settled upon her head today.

The Master Healer stood slowly from her seat but remain where she was while Jacen greeted the latest arrivals. A warm smile was her greeting while her hands remained folded within the sleeves of her blue healer robes. Brown eyes did, however, linger upon Miss Kismet. Avalore had heard tell of the new Order of the Sacred Lotus and had for some time been meaning to make connections there. Perhaps today she could fit it in with the upcoming mission.

Joining the humanitarian mission on Manapha was a small contingent of Silver Jedi and Kiribian physicians and engineers, led by Arisa. Her formation consisted of a single Triage medical carrier under light escort by a flotilla of Corona carrier frigates and Handmaiden corvettes. While no great military fleet, it was none the less one of the single largest showings of the Silver Jedi outside of the northern quadrants. The Galactic Alliance finally seemed serious about working together with the Silver Jedi, so she would give them the benefit of the doubt in an effort to foster better relations between the GA and the SJO as a whole.

After reversion into the system, the Watchman checked in with the Alliance and local traffic control for clearance to operate. When clearance was granted, she began the process of some preliminary surface scans with her ships and drones deployed
to known hot spots for contamination. Initial reports she had reviewed on her journey appeared to suggest that foreign pollutants had been introduced into the ecosystem, as evidenced by situations like radiation sickness observed in some victims where there had previously been no such cases.

Long term, her concern was tracking down the source of the illness and ecological devastation, but for now her goal would be to establish some quarantine zones within the hotspots. Following surface scans, she planned on being the first on the ground with survey teams. Medicine was not her specialty as a Jedi or soldier, but she knew enough to get the ball rolling with establishing the necessary infrastructure for triage. The mobile facilities she had brought with her were capable of providing level trauma care for the whole planet.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] (Just letting you know I'm repping the Silvers here in a humanitarian capacity.)


From this medical fleet, a single Kiribian vessel split off for Terminus, carrying members representing a number of business interests from the KSU. The area was ripe for redevelopment following the ousting of rogue Sith Lord who fancied themselves as the next Dark Lord. In a new era of independence, the KSU was looking to expand its influence through trade across the galaxy. They had many products and services to offer the locals, ranging from military hardware to bleeding edge computer systems crucial in the information age. Right now it was just something of a scouting mission, looking for some local partners to associate with to build a foot-hold in the system and sector. Kiribians liked this method of market entry to help them optimize their product offerings for localities. Preference could vary widely on even the neighborhood level. They would come for talks, then see how they could make best of the situation.

(Company: Kiribian Systems Armory, aiming for contract and sponsorship)

[member="Arieth zh'Vranthi"]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective 2:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Help heal, treat, and restore the environment and the locals suffering from the contamination.[/SIZE]
Reinforce the Triage center
[SIZE=10.5pt][member="Kimiko"] [member="Kat Rivers"] [member="Joza Perl"] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Rhen Qel-Droma and his small group of healers and associates had managed to work through the difficult task of convincing the local elders. It was only after sound negotiation and assurance that they had the best intentions in mind that they were allowed to set up a triage center. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]An hour later, he was in the midst of using small healing crystals alongside the Circle of Healers to aid in speeding up recovery. Whatever toxins there were was internal. A poison to their system. It had been in the food and in the water. The very soil.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"We must do something to cleanse the water and the soil." a pause and a nod, "Contact what companies are able and tell the healers, perhaps we can use the Jedi MediCorps and Agricorps to help with this." [/SIZE]
Location: Terminus System
Objective: 1.2 (Two Impstars managed to escape the skirmish in orbit over Terminus. They managed to evade pursuit through the asteroid belt and have hidden behind one of the planetoids at the very edge of the system. Two GADF Star Defenders and escorts have been despatched to prevent them leaving the system.)

Red Squadron (X-Wing)

Alyce tapped a few controls, bringing her X-Wing out of Hyperspace perfectly in formation with the rest of Red Squadron. Her astromech droid, R9-A1, bleeped and blooped in her ear as it reported in the status of the ships engines. Hyperdrive was recharging, sublight drive had engaged and was running in the nominal range. Alyce took it all in as she flew.

"Red Squadron, this is ANS Sullust Hope. We have two Impstars showing at extreme range. They are at full military acceleration twenty degrees off of our reciprocal. Assault plan is coming over tacnet." A voice came over their channel. R9 brought up the tacnet on the left side of her cockpit. The holographic display was translucent, but her droid knew she preferred it out of the way anyway. She looked over the plan, tracing the lines of assault from the assembled forces, then drilling down to just red squadron. Per the norm, they were doing a fairly straight forward run. Half the squadron would maintain part of the perimeter for the ships while the second half did a strafing run, then switch. Not a milk run, nothing involving Impstars would be considered a milk run, but nothing to straining to the skills within Red Squadron.

It almost made Alyce wonder when the second shoe would drop.

[member="allyson locke"] [member="elliot locke"]

Noire Vanya Tal

LOCATION: Terminus
OBJECTIVE: 2 - growth of trade
POST: 2/15 (sponsorship for MaraTibx)

Within her shuttle, Noire reviewed the proposal.

There were several different types of shields. Ray shields and particle shields. Standard redundant shields. On top of that were the various versions of planetary shields. However, there was a thought process on how MaraTibx would be able to utilize the new harnessing of the Quintessence energy to perhaps be able to create a new type of shield; or at the very least a more resilient one.

There were options of giving it several different layers. That would allow protection in a manner that would cover different areas of weaknesses. But should it be a shield gate? Or ground projecting?

Or perhaps, a mixture of both?

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Terminus
Objective: Growth of trade
Post: 8/25 (writer) 3/5 (IGR Brokerage)

"Wesa needen about 400-500 square meters to operate oursa branch inside da mall"

"You also wish to open a branch all right. That will cost you roughly 20,000 credits a standard month in rent. Oh and you will be allocated lots 46 through 48 on ground floor"

"If yousa give usen free rent, wesa can cut yoursa premium, pro-raten by da rent what space lots 46 through 48 actually provide"

"Please take a look at the terms of the lease first"

400-500 square meters was no small amount of space. It was larger than the normal full-service bank branches, that much was true. Ugohr knew that the mall was large and, for this reason, there would be enough space for all three services, which was often practical for the mortgages, and all other services that are often asked about either prior to the mortgage or with it: the insurance, the real estate brokerage. Ugohr was a little concerned with the possible terms of leasing, but he had little experience for negotiating commercial leases: while he did have some experience of commercial realty, Ugohr was a little concerned with what some unscrupulous landlords could ask of their tenants. Nevertheless, he had some questions about the free lease. Yet 400-500 square meters would only allow to make a quarter of the way into the insurance premiums. But the guards were a little concerned with the legalese that inevitably follows a leasing agreement, whether commercial, industrial or even residential; that said, residential leases are often much shorter than the other two.
[SIZE=10pt]Location: Terminus Spess[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Objective: Two Impstars managed to escape the skirmish in orbit over Terminus. They managed to evade pursuit through the asteroid belt and have hidden behind one of the planetoids at the very edge of the system. Two GADF Star Defenders and escorts have been dispatched to prevent them leaving the system.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Allies: [member="Elliot Locke"] [/SIZE][member="Alyce Hawke"]

[SIZE=9pt]Well this wasn’t what she was hoping for. A part of her wondered if the higher ups were sending this guy to baby sit her. Another blow to the ego and Allyson had to deal with it, especially now. Her face showed her disappointment as she looked at the man and then back at the mechanic. Time was running out and they needed to launch as soon as possible or they were going to lose their window to get the impstars. Cursing under her breath she looked at the ladder and headed towards it. “Well its my astromech in the X-Wing and I’ve flown her before, so how about you shoot things.” She climbed the ladder and paused at the top, “You can do that right?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The man was obviously older than her and she wanted to know that his eyesight was good enough. Bait would be able to help his targeting, but there was only so much help the droid could give an old guy like him. She only paused for a moment and then slipped into the cockpit and started to fire up the engines. Another voice echoed over the comms which signaled that they were indeed late. Cursing, [/SIZE]quickly[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]radioed[SIZE=9pt] the other pilot, " Rogue 13 Launching soon, Be at your six Red-Five"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Before pulling her helmet on, she looked back out towards the man, “If you’re going to come get in!” Once Elliot got in or not, the X-Wing would prepare for launch and then suddenly tear through the hanger towards the coordinates they were given for the Impstars. [/SIZE]
Objective: Provide aid on Manpha (Objective 2) , Acquire contract on Terminus (Objective 2)
Post: 2/5
Allies: [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"], [member="Kat Rivers"], [member="Kimiko"]


The Heka Healers left the task of convincing the local populace up to the Jedi—supporting him when they could, but overall standing at the ready to help. As far as they knew, Jedi were peacekeepers and did things like this on a regular basis. The pheromones they excreted may have helped as well, but it was unknown as to whether they could penetrate from beyond the armor that the Zeltron healers wore.

When it had been determined that the contaminant had seeped into nearly everything including the soil, one of the healers became a bit frustrated. “Wouldn’t it just be easier to simply relocate them to another, cleaner area?” She quipped softly to the comrade next to her while treating a young girl who had developed some sort of rash along her trunk. The symptoms these people were having were fairly general—aches, fever, nausea, cramping and the like. Nothing indicative that pointed towards a specific poison or disease.

“It isn’t that easy,” The other murmured back quietly, administer a stim to the neck of an aging man who had a bit of difficulty breathing. “This place is their home.”

The healer who had first spoken let out a sigh, not wanting to argue the point any further for fear of upsetting the patients who already seemed wary of the foreign intervention. They had standard water purification devices, but they were intended for personal use and could only sterilize a little at a time. They needed to get to the root of the problem.



Parso looked up from his paperwork, leaning back heavily into his chair while he took a few moments to scrutinize the Zeltron woman. Not in an unkind way, but in a critical manner.

“So you’re interested in providing aid to the Galactic Alliance?” His voice was low, almost a rolling grumble. He seemed tired.

“I am.” Came the bright reply. “I’ve worked with the Alliance on several occasions including Atrisia and Kaeshana.” She’d been present for a handful of dominions under Alliance hand in the early days of the galactic power, but hadn’t contributed much as a fresh faced Padawan. Now, at least she could do a little more.

“And you intend to provide humanitarian aid during relief efforts?” Parso was now looking down at the top paper on his stack, eyes skimming over a few lines before returning to Joza.

“I do. Right now, I’ve sent a unit of healers to Manpha to aid the Alliance in investigating the string of illness that have cropped up among the natives.”

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Terminus
Objective: Growth of trade
Post: 9/25 (writer) 4/5 (IGR Brokerage)

Ugohr read the list of terms and conditions for leasing lots 46, 47 and 48 in the mall would entail: round-the-clock HVAC, security, washrooms, taxes and utilities are included in the rent, and insurance, too (in fact he rented the lot for free in exchange of the mall owners having 25% off their insurance bill), and he rented lots 46, 47 and 48 for five years, which, to Ugohr's eyes, also carry implications for the insurance policy of the mall itself. Repairs are the tenant's responsibility unless it's due to happenings out of the tenant's control (like flooding, fire, the sorts of things for which there are insurance policies in the first place). Oh and subletting would make them pay 1 month of rent but then they will incur the full cost of insurance, pro-rated to the time where any or all of lots 46, 47 and 48 are sublet, and the space being sublet. The lease can be terminated with a 1-month rent penalty and, should the insurance policy be terminated, the penalty the landlord must pay is worth 4 months of rent. If the building is condemned, no rent is assessed.

"Disen lease issa for fife years, therefore yoursa insurance policy issa for fife years also. If yousa renew da insurance policy, yousa renew da lease as well"

"I'll never understand Gungan insurance practices but taking care of insurance and the lease of the insurer in the mall simultaneously is a good idea"

"Do yousa agree to disen insurance terms?"

"Yes. Do you agree to these leasing terms?"


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Over Terminus, a fleet of sorts emerged from hyperspace. You couldn't have called it a battle formation. Apart from the tough little chrome daggers on escort duty, none of the ships involved would have lasted long in any kind of a fight. Pride of place went to RNS Jamillia, a heavy cruiser by tonnage but a dedicated strategic surveillance platform by design. Scout ships and hypercapable probes fanned out and vanished, aiming to obtain the kind of sector-level awareness that the Jamillia's class was known for. If any First Order scouts were poking around the region, the Jamillia's people would find them.

The heavy cruiser wasn't the largest member of the formation, however, not by a long shot. That distinction went to a gleaming new space station of unusual design. Shipyard-like docking slips and lattice armatures protruded from the primary hull alongside powerful sensor arrays. The station's IFF telesponder identified it as RNS Seldon.

Another station decanted alongside it. This one was smaller and vaguely tubular, or at least a small ship could fly through the heart of it. Its telesponder read 'Sando Platform Terminus.' With ponderous grace, it swiveled to point back the way it had come, toward a long string of distant S-thread boosters and thence to the Naboo system.
LOCATION: Terminus
OBJECTIVE: 2 - Establish HQ
POST: 2/5 (contract with Aurum Saccs Bank)

A few of the ideas that Six was considering for Aurum Saacs Bank were not only specific to station banking. Security deposit boxes, exchange services, a new credit chit with all the perks of high quality security. Then there were securities services, investments, acquisitions, and working as a holding company for various stock.

Eyeing up and coming businesses and investing for a percentage of said company provided long term investment opportunities. So far there had yet to be any true profit loss. Those that didn't do so well ended up having it balanced out by another area of the company. Which is why there was a massive realignment going on within the Trade Conglomerate. This would allow Aurum Saacs to be able to appropriately not only service the conglomerate, but also its clients.

For the Galactic Alliance, a small contract to help in disbursing funds and exchanging currency from raw precious materials into basic chips was an honest trade.

Noire Vanya Tal

LOCATION: Terminus
OBJECTIVE: 2 - growth of trade
POST: 3/15 (sponsorship for MaraTibx)

There were two basic types of energy shields: ray shields, which absorbed radiation and blaster bolts and particle shields, which repulsed solid objects. Although ray shields could be used to defend planetary bases, they were more commonly associated with protecting starships from stellar radiation and enemy fire.

If they continued with the shield gate idea, then would it be best to use one shield gate or more? In essence, a Shield Gate was a wheel-shaped space station put in orbit around the planet. It allowed a measure of control over who came in and out of the planet, allowing for only one entrance that had to be open for ships to fly through.

A tap of her chin followed. The more shield gates, the less security. Perhaps it would be best to utilize one shield gate. Could even make it a standard ATC trade station there. The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced it would be the best idea. A proper encasing deflector shield along with perhaps a scanner as ships passed by would suite.


Disney's Princess
Ob.2.p2. w/ [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]

While Rhen and the Healers busied themselves with fire crystals and a quiet diagnosis, Kat and the gang had finally arrived at Dandan Village. Almost an hour late too. The GA forward teams had already come and gone. Taking a quick report, Kat and Brenda identified a large swath of ground that had supposedly become ill. The locals of the village already tending to many of their fishy friends who had taken sick after returning from there.

Kat logged the locals findings and experiments upon their sick patients and family members. Tribal remedies as well as more modern effects. The identity of this sickness was clear however. This was radiation poisoning. Kat had seen it all before on spacers who spent too long on EVA without proper energy shields. This was cancer.

"I'm sure Brenda. The symptoms are classic. There is no mistaking it. Even if these creatures are not human."

"You mean Zeltron, little girl. The anatomy of humans does not concern me. Ha, neither does the welfare of these creatures either. Come. Let us go then. We are already behind the other scouts anyway. Gather the data and let's be off."

Kat sighed but could not resist. Two women could not stop this plague from spreading nor heal this broken village. All they could do now was radio ahead with their findings and update the rest of the teams with the geographic locations that the locals had deemed hostile and invasive. Recon work at it's best.

Or, at it's worst. If you asked Rivers right about now.

"Very well. I'll gather our guide and we'll be off."

"Nah. Leave the metal head. We can find our own way down the Old Road just fine."

Kat seemed surprised at Kelli's tone. But I suppose it shouldn't be too surprising. The droid was near useless as a guide after all. Pity.

"Fine then. Let's just slip out quickly then without him. The next village should be this way, anyway."

"Fair enough. Lead on. I'll call Pickles and let him know what we've found here. He'll update the GA teams and we'll go from there."


Ten minutes later found Kat and Brenda slowly marching down the old cobblestone highway. Splashing their way across the mud and trying to find the high ground with every footstep. The locals called this the Old Road. Captain Kelli called it a kark up, if she'd ever seen one. Yet, just as the village fell away from view behind them, they couldn't help but hear a terribly familiar clambor catching up.

~ "Hey! Wait! You forgot me! You forgot your map keeper!" ~

*stomp stomp stomp*

"Oh, good grief." Kat turned about to sigh.

Sure enough. The fat cumbersome droid had found them. Even now he was trotting back up the cobblestone swamp with a wide gait.

~ "Hey! There you are! Thank the Goddess. I thought I'd lost you. Whew." ~

"And I hoped to the Goddesses that you did." Kelli scowled.

Kat just shook her helm and waved them onward. They still had other villages to check up on. Tomba and Brenda could argue on the way.

Which, *le sigh*, they did the whole way there.
tinker tailor soldier spy
Location: Terminus Spess
Objective: The Hunt
Allies: [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Alyce Hawke"]

Locke snorted, before readying his suit and putting the useless helmet on.

Then with much grace he climbed into the X-wing and started prepping the systems. In truth he had little opinion on Locke - very strange to refer to her as that - she seemed alright for the most part. Too much ego, not enough brain and far too much attention going into her looks when they were about to walk into a battle situation. But that did not concern him, as long as her flying was good.

"I'd out-fly you with my eyes closed and only using one hand." He seemed to genuinely believe that. "But your droid, your pilot seat, just try to actually fly instead of posing for the action shots, yeah?"

After that Allyson was forgotten as his mind immersed itself in doing all the checks and balances, to make sure the weapons wouldn't overload on them in the middle of the battle.

That would be a crappy way to go.

The seat straps kept him comfortable as they burst out of the hangar and into the wide open space of cold vacuum. Sounds filled his ears, but he knew they were simple simulations - trying to keep them orientated and aware of what was happening all around them. Elly had taken to ships and piloting from a young age.

He loved this.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Location: Terminus
Objective: Growth of trade
Post: 10/25 (writer) 5/5 (IGR Brokerage)

Now that the insurance policy was written with a few special clauses that reflect the special agreement that result in the lease. Sure it might cause a few problems in court if the lease is terminated or the policy is terminated While, of course, IGR reserves the right to change the premium at any time, usually IGR would only do that if the insured made a claim. The lease goes first because it was negotiated first, but the lease comes right after, with both sides carefully examining the terms of both before signing either document, knowing that, in practice, they would need both agreements to be in force for either to make sense to either party.

"Here's to hoping that the mall will actually open and become a viable shopping venue" the landlord's representative told Ugohr.

"And mesa hopen dat no events dat will make yousa file insurance claims happen to yousa"

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