Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Foreign Affairs



[Last Updated: 12-23-2021]


At War | Adversarial | Neutral | Cooperative | Allied

Hostile | Unfriendly | Indifferent | Cordial | Friendly

Diplomatic Rating
Unreliable | Untrustworthy | Indeterminate | Trustworthy | Steadfast


New Imperial Order
// FACTION: New Imperial Order
// STATUS: Adversarial
// DISPOSITION: Unfriendly
// TRADE: Unauthorized
| N/A
// OVERVIEW: While the Galactic Alliance & New Imperial Order initially found common ground in their struggle against the Sith Empire, their ideological differences came to the fore when the threat was averted. Though a cold war began to rage between the pair, differences were put aside once more to unite whilst facing the threat of the Sith Empire. As such, they have entered an official militant alliance, dubbed the Galactic Triumvirate.

Silver Jedi Concord
// FACTION: Silver Jedi Concord
// STATUS: Allied
// RELIABILITY: Indeterminate
// TRADE: Authorized | Common
The united governments of Concordia and the Galactic Alliance have cooperated without issue since the Grayson Imperium's reformation under the Common Charter- until recently. As word of the Elder Compact spread, the Alliance government grew hesitant to put further trust in the Concord. Paired with the growing friction between the Silver Jedi Order and the New Jedi Order, the Alliance finds themselves on unsteady ground with those who were supposed to be their most trustworthy ally.
Brotherhood of the Maw
// FACTION: Brotherhood of the Maw
At War
Unauthorized | N/A

: The Brotherhood is an enigmatic Dark Side faction housed deep inside the Unknown Regions. They have launched multiple attacks on the Galactic Alliance, their allies, and other civilized governments of the known galaxy. Their organization appears to be tribal, but their nature is brutal and efficient. They are not to be underestimated and, especially following the destruction of Csilla, are the highest priority threat in the galaxy.
The Mandalorian Enclave
// FACTION: The Mandalorian Enclave
STATUS: Allied
TRADE: Authorized | Uncommon
OVERVIEW: The Mandalorian
Enclave is a collection of warriors who ascribe to a common code. Loosely collected under their Warmaster, they act more akin to a mercenary company than a full state, but are sizable enough to warrant their own seat at the diplomatic table of galactic politics. The Alliance has a neighbourly disposition towards the nomadic peoples, including a friendly rivalry between their warriors and the Jedi of the NJO.

Eternal Empire
// FACTION: Eternal Empire
// STATUS: Neutral

// DISPOSITION: Unfriendly
// RELIABILITY: Unreliable
TRADE: Unauthorized
| N/A
Once overlooked, the Galactic Alliance has learned exactly how treacherous the Eternal Empire is. They launched attacks on Byss, citing the Galactic Alliance's assault on The Sith Empire as causation. Unwilling to fight a war on three fronts, the Alliance responded with economic sanctions, hoping to discourage further acts of war.
The Ashlan Crusade
// FACTION: The Ashlan Crusade
STATUS: Allied
DISPOSITION: Indifferent
RELIABILITY: Indeterminate
TRADE: Authorized | N/A
: The fanatical zealots of the Ashlan Crusade are, in spirit, one and the same in their cause for Peace and Prosperity in the Galaxy, brought about by the Light Side of the Force. However, their extremist views on the Force and dogmatist adherence to their tenants make them unique among the Light Sided factions. The Alliance and the Ashlans are bound by a common treaty and a common cause, but have yet to establish complex diplomatic relations beyond that.

Credit for Concept to Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar
w/ Modification by Ariel Yvarro
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[Last Updated: 2022-01-04]

Age of Rebellion [ 867 ABY - Present ]
: Rebel Uprising

>> Galactic Alliance
: The Iron Empire

>> New Imperial Order <


> Junction - - | Kuat . . . [ - Pending - ] ><
> Skirmish - - | Centares . . . [ - Pending - ] ><

The Second Great Hyperspace War [ 865 ABY - Present ]
: Bastion Accords Members

>> Galactic Alliance
+ New Imperial Order >
+ Silver Jedi Concord
+ Ashlan Crusade >
: The Evil Beyond

Brotherhood of the Maw <


> Junction - - | Recee & O'reen . [ - UNCLEAR - ] ><
> Annihilation | Csilla ......... [ MAW Victory ] >>>>>><<
> Junction - - | Ilum ........... [ - UNCLEAR - ] >><
> Annihilation | Korriban ....... [ MAW Victory ] >>><
> Junction - - | Carlac ......... [ - UNCLEAR - ] ><
> Junction - - | Csilla ......... [ - UNCLEAR - ] ><
> Invasion - - | Lao Mon ........ [ - PENDING - ] >>><
> Skirmish - - | Jakku .......... [ MAW Victory ] >>><
> Junction - - | Coruscant ...... [ - UNCLEAR - ] >>>><
> Invasion - - | Jedha .......... [ GA VICTORY ] >><
> Junnction - - | Dromund Kaas .. [ UNCLEAR ] >><


Galactic War Against the Bryn'adul [ 860 ABY - 867 ABY ]
: Enemies of Extinction

>> Galactic Alliance
+ New Imperial Order >
+ Silver Jedi Concord
Confederacy of Independent Systems >
+ Eternal Empire >
The Sith Empire >
+ Spacer Guild >
+ We Who Survive >
: Bringers of Extinction

Bryn'adûl <

Outcome: Enemies of Extinction Victory


> Skirmish | Honoghr ... [ GA- Victory ] >><
> Skirmish | Kessel .... [ SJO Victory ] >>>><
> Invasion | Yurb ...... [ SJO Victory ] >>><
> Invasion | Sarka ..... [ BRN Victory ] ><
> Invasion | Ruusan .... [ SJC Victory ] >>>>><
> Invasion | Nar Kreeta- [ SJC Victory ] >>><
> Invasion | Circumtore- [ SJC Victory ] >>><


Third Imperial Civil War [ 860 ABY - 867 ABY ]
: Rebellion | Bastion Accord Members
>> New Imperial Order
+ Galactic Alliance >
+ Silver Jedi Concord >
Ashlan Crusade >
Eternal Empire >
Sons of Mandalore >
+ Thyrsian Hierarchy >
: Loyalists | "Sith Imperials"
>> Sith Empire <
Confederacy of Independent Systems <
+ Chiss Ascendancy <

Eternal Empire <

Outcome: Bastion Accord Member Victory


The Braxant Run Campaign [860 ABY - 862 ABY]
> Skirmish | Velmor ............... [ SJO Victory ] >><
> Invasion | Mygeeto & Muunilinst . [ NIO Victory ] >><<
> Invasion | Wayland .............. [ TSE Victory ] >><
> Skirmish | Veroleem ............. [ NIO Victory ] ><
> Invasion | PL-40112-CE-21105 .... [ EE- Victory ] >><
> Invasion | Borosk & Troska ...... [ TSE Victory ] >>>><
> Invasion | Dubrillion & Jaemus .. [ NIO Victory ] >>><
> Invasion | Bastion .............. [ NIO Victory ] >>>><

The Pentastar Operation [862 ABY - 867 ABY]
> Invasion | Dantooine ........... [ TSE Victory ] >>>><<<<
> Invasion | Korriban & Felucia .. [ GA- Victory ] >><<
> Invasion | Bastion ............. [ NIO Victory ] >><<<
> Invasion | Byss ................ [ GA- Victory ] ><
> Invasion | Helgard ............. [ NIO Victory ] >><
> Invasion | Ziost ............... [ TSE Victory ] >><
> Invasion | Generis ............. [ TSE Victory ] ><
> Invasion | Ziost ............... [ TSE Victory ] >><
> Invasion | Serenno ............. [ NIO Victory ] ><
> Invasion | Muunilinst .......... [ NIO Victory ] >><<<
> Invasion | Vjun & Yavin & Vaal . [ NIO Victory ] >><<<
> Invasion | Ziost ............... [ TSE Victory ] >>><<
> Rebellion| Krayiss II .......... [ GA- Victory ] >>><<<

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