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force abilities

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Knowing super rare abilities....? Consistently across characters? We've a title for times like this...

*rummages through things*
*knocks over a lamp*
*steps on a lego*

Found it.



Well-Known Member

Thats the reason i talked about Zaiden being a better stealther. Cira hides her powers, Zaiden uses them for everything as a whole since day one.

But on topic lol, that was my point. Multiple powers ive been looked at for, but never reprimanded as i do my best not to god mod. This was the info i wished to direct, you may learn anything, as long as you "treat others like you want to be treated"

No one wants to face an invisible guy thats undetectable by any means, or a girl capable of letting any attack phase through her.

Also, id like to point out if someone initially discovered the ability by themselves, why couldnt a PC put in the work to learn powers otherwise untaught?


Well-Known Member
Exactly, but i didnt refer simply to Zaiden. For example my new alt Dante, couldnt he learn if dedicated to that cause? The Storm one for example, if he spent all of his time learning about electricity. Phase, the character learned about molecular control and came up with the idea to their undeniable surprise etc.
Sarge Potteiger said:
The Force is infinite; your ability to use it, however, is not.
man I feel old when I hear that. I remember hearing that when I first joined last year. *shudders*

But anyways, yes this is true, and if some of us have to, we can explain why this is true.
Kasamann said:

Thats the reason i talked about Zaiden being a better stealther. Cira hides her powers, Zaiden uses them for everything as a whole since day one.
Hiding her Force powers does not dampen her ability to use it, since she is a Disciple of Twilight and that method has been perfected by them -- not Jedi, not Sith, not any other Force Group. It is a proprietary ability.

With great power comes great responsibility -- You said you learned it from day one -- alright, but Cira is the same, and has used them longer than you. So simply because she chooses to not be Force stealthing or phasing left and right in every roleplay does not mean she is any less powerful -- just wiser.


Well-Known Member
No, i didnt mean he was more powerful in the skill, simply more talented (similar but not the same). Yes she is a disciple, but Zaiden has mastered that ability alone. His stealth powers are the only thing he focuses on. He knows other powers to the extent of a high knight.

Where Cira could hide near anything better than Zaiden, in my mind - following the plots of both (i haven't been able to follow yours as much as id like - he can hide himself better.

Lol this was why i wanted an rp between the two of them.

Also from an IC point of view, how old is she comparatively etc. all of those things would add up whether she had used the ability longer. When i began to work on Zaiden i decided he was roughly 40, and then i went back and did flashbacks of him using Force Cloak without knowing it when he was in his teens. (He hid during a massive battle etc) so hes been using it for 20+ years (as he lived to be like 50 in my mind, then switched to a younger body where he lived another few years)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Sarge Potteiger said:
The Force is infinite; your ability to use it, however, is not.
Let this serve as an epigraph to my own little diatribe.

Nearly every Master on this board is somewhere around Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon/Dooku/Mace Windu level.

A few, solely because of the respect they've been given by others, which has to do with time, effort, and responsibility, are generally considered somewhere around the Yoda/Palpatine level.

The minute I see anyone saying 'I am more powerful than Palpatine,' I start twitching toward the report button. And Palpatine was JUST fine with telekinesis and lightning. Do you see Palpatine teleporting around, walking through walls? No. No, you don't. Did he make a few Force Storms later in life? Sure -- three of them, far as I recall, always at moments of very great need when he had time to focus, AND he got killed by one of his own. That's an ability that an absolutely top-tier Sith Master couldn't fully control or master, and he created it.

A character who's been a Master for a long time and has a lot of relevant powers could begin to learn one of what I call 'apex powers'. Case in point: After months as a Master, @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] began learning Dark Transfer. She's put thousands upon thousands of words into it. She started in November. She still doesn't consider herself a master of that particular apex power, and if she doesn't, I don't see anyone else with any kind of grounds to know it themselves.

'But my character could ___________' always, always, always ends with a silent 'to make him better than erryone else.' Sometimes that's not a bad thing, but you must recognize the balance and fairness issues. The same thing applies with more mainstream Force powers used in an overpowering way. 'I have a Force shield, so I can shrug off massed fire from three players while killing NPCs.' Yeahnope.

Balance. Proportion. Not entitlement.
To echo Ashin, its about balance. Its a give and take when placing powers. My character for example, she's good at mental attacks/buffs/supports, she prefers to fight with Force Powers. Though physical fighting like saber work etc, she's not the greatest. She's trained in hand to hand, but even then she's overpowered easily.

Play to what you like build your strengths and understand your weaknesses.
Ashin is God
Praise Ashin
All hail the might Ashin

As in: Ashin knows about these things. If Ashin gives you advice, follow it. If Ashy (your new nickname) suggests something, listen.
He's (I think your name is John?) been around here (and other sites) for quite some time. Just follow his guidelines and you'll be good.
Yay for Ashy


Well-Known Member
And in that sense, the only warnings i got from Jon was the Force Cloak warning (in the very beginning) and not to clone a Polydroxol (WHICH IM GOING TO FIND A WAY TO DO lol)
Ashin Varanin said:
Balance. Proportion. Not entitlement.
it has been said by someone on this board that over half of all the masters that are on the site will never reach the power levels that of Darth Vader, Obi-wan, Windu, or even just the other masters that happened to be killed during the movies. Because those masters were of the top tier that they could reach. They found what I call "The grove of the force" where they find what they are good at it, and they get so good at it, that no body else can surpass them. Obi-wan was literally a Master at Soresu. and I based my character off of Obi-wan and Zayne Carrick. I know that Xander will never reach the point where nothing touches him on the battlefeild with Soresu form, but despite this, I try my hardest.

This can be applied with force powers as well. Try as you might, most of the masters on here, will never reach the fame and power of that of canon characters. its just how it is. so with Jon's quote above, You need to have balence with you character, or you will fall. You have to have the right proportion. Or you will fall even harder. and if you have these titles, then you will never get past them.
Kasamann said:
No, i didnt mean he was more powerful in the skill, simply more talented (similar but not the same). Yes she is a disciple, but Zaiden has mastered that ability alone. His stealth powers are the only thing he focuses on. He knows other powers to the extent of a high knight.

Where Cira could hide near anything better than Zaiden, in my mind - following the plots of both (i haven't been able to follow yours as much as id like - he can hide himself better.

Lol this was why i wanted an rp between the two of them.

Also from an IC point of view, how old is she comparatively etc. all of those things would add up whether she had used the ability longer. When i began to work on Zaiden i decided he was roughly 40, and then i went back and did flashbacks of him using Force Cloak without knowing it when he was in his teens. (He hid during a massive battle etc) so hes been using it for 20+ years (as he lived to be like 50 in my mind, then switched to a younger body where he lived another few years)

Hand waving age does not matter --- responsibly using your powers does. Checks and balances. But if you really want to get to the nitty gritty, Cira is almost two hundred years old, then toss in that I've had this character for years prior to arriving at Chaos.

But let's be honest, anyone can say that their character has been doing this for so long.. and this and that. It is the respect of the community from your fellow roleplayers after they see you using your powers responsibly that matters. That's when you gain recognition. Not when one claims "I" am better at this or that--- but when others believe it so.

Cira is not a healer, she is not adept in mentalism, nor is she anywhere near the levels of Ashin to take a beating as a tank. She has sacrificed other powers to be a heavy specialist.

Now, the only reason why I brought it up in the first place, was to put in emphasis that while one may have trained a powerful Force ability... doesn't mean that you have to be using it like crazy. Because sometimes, honestly, some force powers are so OP that they really shouldn't be used at all even if you do know how to use them.

It's leading by example. If Ashin herself won't do Force Storms.... ain't no reason for anyone else to have the powerful cojones to say they can do one and live through it. Velok paid the price for doing just that -- almost killing himself.

Same with me in phase -- Can I use it? Yup. Do I? Nope. It is too OP.
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