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force abilities

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Basic Training
All Apprentices should strive to learn some/several of these abilities prior to being promoted to Knighthood.
Standard Training
All Knights should strive to learn some/several of these abilities prior to being promoted to Master.
Advanced Training
Unless clashing with specializations, all High Knights/Masters should strive to learn some/several of these abilities.
Grand Council Training
All Masters who sit upon the Grand Council should strive to learn all/most of these abilities.
Crusader Training
All Templar Crusaders should strive to learn some/several of these abilities during their time in the division.
Curate Training
All Templar Curates should strive to learn some/several of these abilities during their time in the division.
Illuminati Training
All Templar Infiltrators should strive to learn some/several of these abilities during their time in the division.
***Denotes Grand Council membership Prerequisite
**Denotes High Knight/Master Prerequisite
*Denotes Knight Prerequisite

@[member="Isley Verd"]'s suggestion for what the CIS Templars should learn. Good guide in my opinion, but hey.


Well-Known Member
tbh, I am after making a niche type character.
An assassin/saboteur.
Can hold her own with lightsaber against knights, for short period, but will run out steam.
Can hold her own against a, consular or sorcerer with force powers, but would loose in the end, as she never be as good as them, as she trains with a lightsaber to hold candle to be a complete match for them.
but I don`t want to be seen as op, in my niche role ether.


Well-Known Member
thank you,
this list I am thinking off, but unsure what people here thinks op
all telekinesis things
force choke
force scream (for when that hit inevitably happens)
force cloak
force jump and leap
force vision, so she can see beyond that durasteel door
and mind control (so she can get engineers, to blow up the power planet for her.)


Well-Known Member
A very basic list. However theres few real Force Cloak users. So if you learn it, make sure to put in a great deal of effort so you can utilize it well.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Sarge Potteiger said:
Considering Dooku had a hard time picking up a key from the other side of a hallway (not the other end, but the other side), I'm going to say that you aren't pulling ANYTHING out of orbit any time soon.

Xander Carrick said:
@[member="Tamara"] Actually it was not in orbit. From the distance of the Ship to himself he would to have been pulling it at more than 500km/h. The ship was already inside the atmosphere. All he did was pull it down from the sky, not from orbit. And he only pulled it down from the sky because the ship would have shot down his own. AND he was only an apprentice. Not to add to the fact that when he was pulling the ship down, it was not burning up like it would as though it were entering the atmosphere. No fething way did he pull it from orbit.

*i know I sound like a know it all right now, but I have already looked up this crap to see if it is really possible because my friend and I had a debate about this.*

Sarge Potteiger said:
It's still a star destroyer and it would weigh even more in atmosphere than in orbit. Even if Sarge was about to have his ship shot up by a Star Destroyer, his first thought wouldn't be "IMMA THROW IT AROUND LIKE A RAG DOLL" because he's not stupid.

Xander Carrick said:
Add the strength of the engines pulling against him as well.

I did say aspire.
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