Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Feedback on me and le characters

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Hmm... lets see...

Ok you are a fun person to thread with, though you do have your short comings in the past.

  1. You tend to, whether on purpose or by accident, one post leaving/entering threads... it can be a bit offsetting.
  2. Too Loose, in both the way you RP and IC marital status. You are engaged Circe, try to learn what that means :D
  3. OOC to IC. Everyone once in a while you do this, though there is some fault on those that RP against you as they do it too...
Thats the main things, past that i do love RPing with you and would like to again once i get my thread count down.
Yer cool, occasionally.

You have your ups and downs, especially when you consider the history of you and your character.

But, I always feel that you have the capacity to improve, and I do want you to improve.


  • You try to get characters involved in more-than-PG13 things.
  • You never get (severely) hurt. Actually, the correct term is that you just heal or bodyhop too much.
  • You always vanish on a whim without any chance of recourse at the slightest sign of conflict.

ily <3 but its the truth

Lord Ghoul

Most of the time, it feels like Enigma/Circe only views other characters as meat sacks to be banged.

I think if Enigma/Circe stopped trying to have frequent intercourse, along with the frequent hypersexualization of her character, more characters would take her seriously. That probably goes for OOC as well.

You do a lot of submissions and are very active, so good job on that. :)
"I think if Enigma/Circe stopped trying to have frequent intercourse, along with the frequent hypersexualization of her character, more characters would take her seriously. That probably goes for OOC as well. "

I tbh agree with this


Disney's Princess
After talking to you on Skype I know you are a real dude just trying to get his kicks in a fantasy universe, just like me. Well. Just like all of us really. And I think a lot of the other players haven't seen that side of you well enough yet.

You just need to find the Spock to your Kirk. Then it will all make sense to everyone else too. :D :p

I think a lot of people are put off by, or by rumours of, your characters being over-sexed gimmicks.

The truth of this by this point doesn’t really matter, as most people by now have an opinion about it.

My suggestion would be to make a new character and show people you can write other things. Show them you can do more than be the stereotype they assume you to be.
Enigma said:
Main character is right here, Circe. The others are linked in my profile. You know what to do. ;)
  • You like to try to adapt stories to newer characters that you meet.
  • You're genuinely nice 99.9% of the time.
  • You don't take advantage of people OOCly via IC (As far as I've been aware of, and I'm the manipulative schutta here)
  • You're really stuck on Circe. No matter what happens, you don't let her go. It isn't a bad thing, I have a character that I write elsewhere that I tried to hang onto for dear life, but there comes a time where the characters needs to expire. Your muse suffers, you start to be a bit sporadic in posting, and things become stale.
  • I'll only brush on your conspiracy issues: They aren't out to get you, I've talked to them, they've talked off-hand about things, it isn't you personally, it's more often what was mentioned by others above.
  • You make things awkward and sort of uncomfortable with your closeness. Circe, the character, seems to be a bit of a loose-clingy girl - not necessarily bad, but the kind of person people actively avoid in the real world (believe me, I know.)

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