Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Braxant Covenant

The Braxant Covenant pulls its inspiration from stories like Dune and Game of Thrones, the historical era of Feudal Japan, and expansionist empires like Great Britain and Babylon and seeks to put them into a Star Wars setting.

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The Red Funeral [Faction]
The Yellow Sun [Faction]
The White Stag [Faction]

Shadows Past [Ulysses & Deyanira]
Your House or Mine? [Romin & Adelina]

House Draco:
Tea and Treachery [Deyanira & Isadora]
Of Matters Most Pressing [Leon & Iliya]
Gathered Around [House Draco]

House Renoux:
Duty and Honor [Aito, Roxy, Raze]
Broken Promises [Cyressa & Romin]
Endless Nights [Roxy & Raze]
Journeys Around the Son [Hester & House Renoux]
Painting the Town [Roxy & Raze]

House Amnen:​
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