Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Braxant Covenant

The Braxant Covenant pulls its inspiration from stories like Dune and Game of Thrones, the historical era of Feudal Japan, and expansionist empires like Great Britain and Babylon and seeks to put them into a Star Wars setting.

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For nearly one thousand years three great houses have known nothing but war. Each has their own version of how the conflict began, but in truth the cause of it is unknown. The only thing historians can agree upon is the war centered on power and control. Whoever controls the Braxant Run controls the sector's economy and stands to become exceedingly wealthy. Many lives have been lost, and much blood has been spilled in an attempt to gain control without any house truly securing it. Among the most recent stolen as a result of this war was Lord Elend Draco, Patriarch of House Draco.

A temporary ceasefire exists between the Great Houses of Braxant as peace talks have begun. In honor of the late Lord, the Covenant is set to be enacted by official action following his funeral. The season which follows will be the most important as many see the move as a weakness on the part of the Nobility while others see it as a way for one of the remaining Nobles to finally consolidate power into one ruling house.

Will the Covenant succeed?

Will peace triumph?

Or will this sector of the galaxy be plunged into darker times?

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