Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Eternal Night | EE Populate of Echilon


Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Ladybug Ladybug | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai
Links: Armor and Gear in signature​

Having been lost in thought about the Mando'ades enemies, Adenn now focused fully on the present, half grin still on his face. That grin remained there, even as he returned Ingrid's nod. Then she continued speaking, telling them of the true reasons they were here. And as she spoke, his grin simply grew. Carnifex was captured? That was excellent news, he simply hoped someone would kill the man before it was too late. No matter though, that was simply another loose end gone.

It also seemed the CIS had shown the EE their true colors, and though he wanted to continue grinning at that information, Adenn quickly schooled his features. As glad as he may be for the truth being revealed, the Eternals wouldn't enjoy seeing someone take joy at it. Face impassive now, Adenn listened as the Baron spoke as well. So he was right, he'd been asked here about the Enclave's attack on Panatha. Nodding, he simply made his way to the booth as directed, sitting down in the chair directed. It didn't bother him that this booth was smaller and confined, he had long learned to make the best of most situations.

As Reinhardt continued, explaining more fully the reasons for their presence, Adenn's lip curled up in amusement. It seems the good Baron didn't like that he hadn't been at the battle, and others may share the same feelings. He didn't truly care, though it still amused him, and he nodded to the directions given. Turning his head to Anashja, he listed to her speak, and the small curl of his lip slowly faded, before his face became impassive once more.

Once she finished speaking, Adenn placed a hand on her shoulder, quietly murmuring to her.
"I'm sorry."

After another moment of pause, Adenn stood and took his place, standing at the front of the booth. Squaring his shoulder, he crossed his arms behind himself, even as his unhelmeted head swiveled to gaze across the assembly, and the leadership.
"While I mourn the loss of any to the CIS, I'm also hardly surprised by their actions. Long have I, and many of my fellow Mandalorians, known what foul snakes they are. They hold a veneer of friendship, while holding a blade behind their backs. Once they have what they need, or aiding one over another is profitable, the facade drops and the monster emerges." Eyes sweeping back across the assembled, he continued, voice hard as beskar. "Make no mistake, that is what they are. There may be good individuals within the body, but the whole is corrupt, evil, and self serving. They believe themselves a gift from whatever deities they may believe in. This inward, self serving nature affects any who has ever been part of them."

"They betrayed you because you served no use to them anymore, or it was better for them to aid the Enclave than you. Whatever the reason, I'm glad you now see their treachery, and I am glad that they no longer exist." A grin crosses his feature, but as he glances back towards Anashja, that grin drops and he turns forward once more. "As for the Enclave... they most likely struck Panatha for the same reasons the Ashlans did. Panatha is the home of the worst of the Sith, Carnifex and his ilk. Truthfully, I can't fault them for that, Carnifex deserves to die for his countless crimes, and his treachery. Their methods though, those I can fault them for."

Closing his eyes and tilting his head forward, Aden exhales slowly. When he continued, his gaze returned to the assembly.
"I believe they were simply trying to return the favor that was once given to us, though I'm unsure as to why. Many of those present were never on Mandalore when it was attacked. So many of them were part of the Enclave under the CIS, our sworn enemies when the Sith Empire turned against the Mandalorian Empire. I believe that's part of why they decided to attack civilians as well. Their leadership has been corrupted by their time under the CIS. A shame, as I had such hopes for them."

Gaze shifting to the Baron, Adenn spoke with the bluntness so many Mandalorians possessed.
"As for your unspoken accusations, and the thoughts many others may share. You are correct, I and my clan were not at Panatha, in any capacity. The reason is simple. We will not fight our fellow Mandalorians, I will not do so, not anymore. However, had we known the CIS would be there, we would have rushed to the fight. That it was part of the final death knell of the CIS, heh, we would have greatly enjoyed delivering that blow."

Grinning wistfully at that, Adenn stepped back and returned to his seat. Sitting, he gained a faraway look for a moment, no doubt imagining being able to deliver the final blow to the CIS. But, just as quickly as that look had come, it was gone, and he was fully focused on the meeting once more. As it was, his gaze was focused towards the speaking platform, towards Ingrid and Reinhardt.
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Objective III: Emergency Meeting
Location: Spire of Eternity, Wulfngard, Kalidan
Assignment: Honor Guard, Supplemental Security Team

"Glaive Osk to Honor Guard. All posts, check in."
"This is Team 1, all clear."
"Team 2. The situation is normal."
"Team 3 here, we're all clear."
"Glaive to Team 1, do you have eyes on the Empress?"
"Oh, I've got my eyes on her, alright."

And there were some scattered chuckles on the frequency. Uriel growled into his comlink. "Team 1, stow it up your ass, keep the channel clean, and pray I don't come find you on my next round."

The previous levity was immediately subdued, with only a "Yessir," from Team 1. That'd have to do for now. "Continue check-in. Team 4?"

"Just one moment." The Team 4 lead answered briefly, and then her voice became subdued, as if she were speaking to someone else with her comlink still switched on. "The Empress is in a meeting with the Imperial Assembly. You may observe the assembly if you wish, but under guard. And you will have to leave any weapons you're carrying here."

Uriel strode briskly through an opulent hallway, just outside the Assembly Chamber. His right arm hovered by his chin, waiting to speak into his wristcom again. His left clutched the pommel of his sheathed Nelvaanian Longsword tightly.

Nerves were not a sign of weakness, but they were certainly a symptom to be monitored. Of course Uriel found distasteful remarks about the Empress repugnant, but his irate verbal lashing was hardly in-character for him. It was something every starry-eyed idealist learned on that first day arriving at the Raymus Academy: a beautiful woman heading the greatest nation in Galactic history was going to be the object of some distasteful commentary. Shameful, but inevitable.

Naturally, any hotblooded patriot who gazed upon her would find her beautiful. Only a blind and deaf idiot with no knowledge of her storied and laudable history could fail to find her... magnificent. But there were steps that an officer could take (hypothetically,) to ensure such thoughts never detracted from his service to the Empire, or disrespected Her Eminence.

For example, when given the opportunity to select his own security post, one could relegate himself to patrolling exterior corridors, rather than standing guard inside the Assembly Hall where one's eyes might be swept up in her matchless grace and dignity. (Hypothetically, of course.)

"Team 4 for Glaive Osk."

Uriel started, shaken from his internal musing. "ahem- Right. Go ahead, Team 4."

"VIP just arrived, unknown quantity, designation Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr . I've got two men stationed as escort, but his profile shows him as 'dangerous while unarmed', advise eyes-on."

Blinking a few times, Uriel sputtered in surprise. "Beltran Rarr? As in, Nar Kreeta? Sev Tok? Yurb?!"

There was silence for a moment, and then "Team 4 to Glaive, go again? No copy."

Mentally, Uriel kicked himself. Of course she had no idea what he was talking about. Who would? And regardless, this was not the time to lose composure. "Disregard, accidental chatter. Copy Team 4. Team 3, please confirm eyes on."

"Just a sec... whereareyouwhereareyouwhereOPE! Gottem. Team 3, confirming eyes on. One VIP: unknown quantity. Two escorts: Team 4."

Uriel rolled his eyes. From their secluded position above the assembly hall, Team 3 should have seen Rarr and his escort walk in. Evidently, Uriel wasn't the only one a little off his game today. It was time he nipped this in the bud before it spiraled any further. He took a deep breath.

"All teams, listen in. I know this is a crazy one and yeah, this meeting might stretch on for hours. But that's why we're here, and not some other patrol group. There are over a hundred VIPs here today, including our own Empress. Now I don't care if they each brought their own platoon of guards; I don't care if Her Eminence brought every single Warden of the Shroud with her today. And I don't give a lothrat that we're in the heart of the Capital World. We're going to act as if we are her- (ahem) their last line of defense because that's who we are. If you'll pardon my language for a moment, we're the kriffing best, so let's shape up and act like it. Copy?"

There was just silence. Uriel's shoulders slumped. What he got for keeping the stars in his eyes. And then...

"Copy, Glaive Osk."
"Copy that!"
"Hell yeah, Copy that."
"Understood, sir. Uh, I mean, copy."
Pride swelled in Uriel's chest, and the young man grinned. "Well alright, then. Let's make it sharp and do it right. Moving to upper stairwell- wait. Team 5, please respond, over?" There was no response. "Team 5? What's your situation? Has anyone heard from Team 5?" A chorus of negative answers on the frequency. But then a static burst, and Uriel tuned in to ensure he didn't miss a communique. Maybe Team 5's equipment was malfunct-

"Joffery del Fuego!!!"

His red eyes blinked in surprise. "What in the hell.... Team 5, what's going on?"

"Glaive Osk? Team 5. Nice little speech sir, but please advise..." It sounded as if the Team 5 leader was whispering with his com against his mouth. "There's a uh... human skeleton that's on fire? And he seems a little unhinged. Problem is he's.... actually on the guest list?!" There was a sound like a flame projector going off. "I don't need weapons..... I'VE GOT FIRE! AAAAHAHAHAHAHA!" "SIR PLEASE HELP-"

Uriel sighed. "Hang tight, Team 5, I'm on my way. I'll escort him up. Glaive out."

Hoo-boy. This was shaping up to be quite the day.
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Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) - Overseer of Science Development, Director of The Royal Institute of Science


Location: Assembly
Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim / Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström / Anashja Tal Anashja Tal


"Why should the Empire care about one breed of dog's opinion when they refuse to bite the throat of the similar breed," Director Mihaly said turning a cold gaze at Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud before adding, "Who has already proven they deserve nothing less than holocaustic euthanizing. The attack by these wild beasts, my apologies, these Mandalorians was unwarranted and should be countered with a punishment befitting the crime. You wish not to take up arms against the fist that struck the first blow, then what good are you to the Empress?" Her words were chosen to sting.

raise the question to the entirety of the Assembly; how far can we trust any Mandalorian? History has proven their loyalty sways like tree branches in the wind, are we willing to risk the security and safety of the Empire and its citizens to such hallow promises? I believe in the interest of every citizen under the protection of the Empire, it is our duty to chop down every tree before its branches sway against us."


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium

Objective III.: Emergency Meeting.
Location: Spire of Eternity, Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag(s): Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Ladybug Ladybug | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Uriel Segboldt Uriel Segboldt | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Joffrey del Fuego Joffrey del Fuego | Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid looked at the new Overseer without emotion as the man referred to her again as Empress. She accepted it from the outsiders and from different nations because they did not understand the system of the Eternal Empire, but at home she did not like it. She preferred if one referred to her only as commander-in-chief of the army and fleet instead of the ruling titles. True, this was already a level of power she never wanted, especially not in public. After all, she had always thought of herself as an agent and spy, and as an assassin. And such persons are not in the centre of others, they live in the shadows.

Meanwhile, she saw many others arrive in the room. She didn’t like those who were late, STRATCOM executives already knew that. They learned when Wolfguards members would not let them into the room because they were late. Since then, everyone has always been there on time or before. She may need to introduce these customs here as well. After all, they were soldiers. Military rigour and order should prevail. Ingrid looked at the young Mandalorian girl; she was pregnant. She envied the girl for a few moments, but she suppressed the feeling.

Now she sat and watched the events in silence, it was the Baron who chaired the meeting. But yes, the woman was also more concerned with civilians. That not everyone on the planet was part of a warrior culture. The Eternal Empire was also a militaristic state, a military dictatorship, but not all inhabitants were soldiers. Most were civilians, individuals who could not even carry a weapon under the laws of the empire. The crimson Empress had reason to believe that the Mandalorians were no better than the Sith. They are interested in nothing but anger and hatred.

It is sad that a once vast and glorious culture has degraded here. The red-haired woman looked at Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud .

"No one accuses you of not being present during the attack, Alor." she spoke, in her usual cold voice. "It was in our treaty that they would join when they felt they could help the Empire, and we discussed that we would not force you against your own people. Everyone knows that Mandalorian society is divided and scattered, clans are not cohesive. I will not ask you to fight against your own people again. I promised you that, and I promise it again. And no one will question their loyalty either."

As before, she spoke respectfully and honestly to the man. However, she did not react to the rest. In fact, after that, she too had hoped to attack the CIS, possibly liberate Nelvaan, but that was no longer the case. She will not shed tears for them. After Ladybug Ladybug 's words, she got up from her seat and walked beside Baron Ström.

"Perhaps you are questioning the correctness of my decision before the entire Imperial Assembly, Overseer?" asked in an ice-cold voice, there was no mercy or emotion in her blue eyes, only icy coldness.

Her voice was not threatening, rather quiet but firm and ice cold. As well as its radiance, like iron. At that moment, it might have been scarier than on the battlefield as an assassin. She did not use Force, only her own authority and will were present. And now, in the frosty atmosphere everyone might have felt like the air in the entire room would have cooled down a lot.


Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces



Edited from "The fact remains that Clan Mortui benefits from living within the safety of our Empire's borders, and benefits from the special protections and concessions you, in your generosity, have granted them. When we were attacked, they were not there."


"The fact remains that Clan Mortui benefits from an exceedingly special relationship with our Empire. They benefit from open borders to all Imperial world, preferential trade agreements, and we have supported them in numerous operations both military and otherwise. What have we received in exchange?"

TAG: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ladybug Ladybug Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Ladybug Ladybug
OBJECTIVE: III - Emergency Meeting
LOCATION: Spire of Eternity, Wulfngard Kalidan

The Baron listened to the opening statements made by Anashja and Adenn, his face a mask of indifference as he absorbed their words. Thus far, his initial impression of the Togruta’s statement was that she was venting from the frustrations she harbored for the actions of the Enclave. He appreciated it to a certain extent, but mentally questioned whether such a thing was appropriate for an official session of the Imperial Assembly. Yet, before he fully passed judgement on the validity of her presence here, he realized this posed a unique opportunity. Depending on her tenure within the Enclave, perhaps she knew more about the inner workings of the organization than Imperial intelligence currently did. This would be an interesting angle to explore with his contacts within Blackwatch, and he mentally filed away said notion for later consideration. Then came the testimony of Alor Kyramud. To say that the Baron held a ‘mild distaste’ for the Mandalorian would be an understatement. Really, Reinhardt held a mild distaste for the majority of foreign dignitaries he encountered, so it wasn’t entirely out of the ordinary that he remained consistent. Yet, to a certain degree, this particular feeling was unique.

Could a staff which remained firm and dependable only in certain situations really be relied upon as a means to support one’s weight? The very notion would be laughable, with said staff being discarded for one more solidly built. Yet, why was such a notion acceptable when it came to alliances? To a certain point, such logic was flawed, as geopolitics were nuanced given each sovereign nation maintained specific allegiances independent of others. Yet, Clan Mortui resided within the borders of the Eternal Empire, and were the beneficiaries of Imperial protection and status. What was the Empire getting in return? Loyalty half the time? In truth, Overseer Mihaly’s questions were not unjustified in the Baron’s opinion, albeit her verbiage left much to be desired in terms of... tactfulness. Before he could speak in half-support of her fairly justified questions, the Empress herself interjected. It appeared as though she was not of the same mind as Overseer, so much so that her concluding words carried an icy cold tone, and a veiled, unspoken threat. Ingrid did not often choose to ‘throw her weight’ around as briskly as her predecessor; yet that in and of itself impressed upon all the severity of such an occasion when it actually happened. Despite her liberal reforms of the Imperial state, Empress L’lerim was no less brutal when it came to asserting her authority or maintaining order within her court. It was no secret to those within the Imperial Assembly, but to see it on display was different than hearing mere rumors or news reports.

It was in this singular moment that Ström realized just how much he would need to apply the full scope of his skills in statecraft within his new position, not just military tactics. He may have been viewed as a safe choice to appoint as the new ‘Overlord of Imperial Armed Forces’ given his track record of loyal, steadfast service; but he was not a sycophant, or more colloquially - a ‘yes man’. He did not consolidate power upon his feudal homeworld by simply resting upon his laurels. No, the Baron was always paying attention to his allies and rivals alike, and always plotting on how to gain some measure of advantage. This moment only reinforced the intuition he felt to pay keen attention to the way in which he addressed the Empress, for he would now be exposed to her more directly than he had been previously. Influencing her would take a steady, delicate, and measured hand, all of which he had. He cleared his throat, which was the first sound within the past few minutes of the very still air which filled the assembly chamber. Before speaking, his expression carried the impression that he was choosing his words very carefully. After a few moments more, he finally gave voice to his thoughts:
”My Lord Empress, If I may speak to this specific issue - Overseer Mihaly’s staunch support to your rule and loyalty to the Empire is equally beyond question as is your wisdom and even-handedness. Further, you yourself have proven that it is the hallmark of wisdom to consider the council of your advisers in all matters.” The tone of the Baron’s voice was low and calming, like a salve being applied to sensitive burned skin.

”I think it is fair to say none of us anticipated the aggression on the part of the Mandalorian Enclave, therefore none of us - including you - could have anticipated the needs of the Empire changing when you made your agreement with Clan Mortui. I do not think Overseer Mihaly’s questions are unjustified, although I think we all can agree they were not exactly ‘carefully worded’.” A slight degree of mirth could be heard within Reinhart’s voice, which elicited a few isolated chuckles from the assembled nobility. A small smile lined his face, adding an uncharacteristic but no less genuine level of warmth in his face. ”Likening our friends to dogs is unfair, naturally. But the point is fair to consider nonetheless, if I may presume upon your graciousness to say so.” He inclined his head respectfully to the Empress, while giving a subtle nod to his fellow Overseer as well. ”The fact remains that Clan Mortui benefits from an exceedingly special relationship with our Empire. They benefit from open borders to all Imperial worlds, preferential trade agreements, and we have supported them in numerous operations both military and otherwise. What have we received in exchange?"

Ström allowed his words to hang in the air for a brief moment before he continued: "None of us challenge your authority to make such alliances and concessions, my Lord. It is your prerogative to do so. Your advisors are merely pointing out this fact, and asking the question; do we really want to rely upon a staff that is only able to support us half the time?" In Ström summation, he threaded the needle with the issue as carefully as any man could. With a ruler as mercurial as the Lady Ingrid, however; no one could fully tell whether her sense of authority or respect had been challenged. Perhaps his view was colored by his relative inexperience in dealing with her directly. But he would know soon whether he overstepped. He only hoped it wouldn't be at the blade of her lightsaber.


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Objective 3: Emergency Meeting

Tags: Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Ladybug Ladybug

As Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud sat, Anashja gave him a respectful mandalorian salute, he spoke well, better than her and got his point across well. She agreed with him that the Sith needed destroying, but the methods were not acceptable for a culture that prides itself in honour.

She sat as others spoke

"How dare they!" she spoke aloud to Adenn "They call us dogs, suggest that we should be euthanized and not trusted? Many of us are good people should we ALL be rounded up for this euthanization." she was pleased that the demeanor of the Empress indicated she disagreed with Ladybug Ladybug but she would have felt better had she said it outright, and for Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström only half heartedly dismissed it.

Anashja's eyes widened as she once again remembered her place, she turned to the Empress and took a knee, struggling a bit "My humble apologies my Lord, I did not mean to disrespect your court."

This was a difficult situation, she herself had both dual nationality and links to the imperial rebels, she could not claim with an honest heart that they were wrong to distrust the mandalorians, but maybe she was now moving to a position where she would disown both the enclave and the rebels, the enclave was clearly not her place, but the second would be decided by the continued actions of this Court.


Joffrey del Fuego

Tags: (don't really know who to tag xD)
Clothes: black robes
Gear: //

The mad lad, called Joffrey, was sitting in his chair. Under the hood filled with darkness, a bright smile was hidden. His two elbows resting on the chair, he had his fingers from both hands pushed against each other. Both hands caught fire, therefore both flames emerged into one bigger flame. The brightness of the flame, hunted the darkness of his face, illuminating and revealing his face with a bright smile. His sharp bony teeth were seen quite clearly. Other than the others, he wasn't outraged like some other people here. Oh no, quite the contrary. He was feeling the anger, which just made him happier. Anger, grief, those were his nutritions.

Suddenly he started to like this very much. "Maybe.....not so boring......after all" he said quietly to himself whilst chuckling. In his mind he constantly was thinking about killing this baron guy. In his head were quite the many possibilities to kill him, all of them including in some way just burning him. Burning his organs, maybe just burning his skin until he looked like a chicken wing that was too long in the oven. That would be fun!

Buuuuuut, this was probably not the goal here. Unfortunately. So his focus was back again at the Baron and Ingrid. Hopefully, there were more people getting angered.


Sebastian Cross


Post: One
Objective: Meet and Greet


The planet was dark. Sebastian knew that from all the reports he had read while on the way to the rock, but to see it in the flesh was a different thing. Crouched on a small rock outcropping, Sebastian could hardly see his own feet, let alone the landscape that so interested scientists, and apparently rebels. Grimacing, Sebastian lit the stick he had sticking out of the corner of his mouth, briefly illuminating the dark void that was all around him. It was a habit he had picked up from his father, and something his mother detested. Modern medical equipment in the Eternal Empire helped heal the worst of the damages this habit did, but he was always told he needed to give it up.

Reaching into the black duster he wore, Sebastian brought the macrobinoculars up to his brown eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the sudden transition of pitch-black to the overlapping greens and blues of night vision. Station Alpha was outlined in a shimmering white, and individual figures walking around the exterior were highlighted when the macrobinoculars could get a read on them. Sebastian could not get an accurate count, but what details Blackwatch could pass down hinted at a few dozen at most.

At this distance, it was impossible to tell rebel from civilian, though that distinction was not one the rebels much cared about. Lowering the macrobinoculars, Sebastian took another puff from the stick in his mouth as his free hand ran along with the holstered pistol at his side. It was terrorists that had killed his father, and everything in Blackwatch told him that the Eclipse Rebels were no different than terrorists. Indirectly, then, the rebels were the ones who had killed his father. It was shaky logic at best, but for a man drowning in grief, it had been the motivation he needed to get through the intense training of Blackwatch, and the drive to succeed at every mission he took part in.

Rising to his feet, he tossed the stick in his mouth aside. Reaching back into the duster, he pulled out a face mask, large red eyes gleaming up at Sebastian, set into a skull face design. He ran his gloved right hand across it briefly, before turning it and placing it on the face. Links set in the neck guard of the duster connected to the mask, fully sealing Sebastian from the outside world, and he took a second to blink away the notifications and data feed running across the lenses. The world of darkness was illuminated all around him, and a flashing data icon displaying the mission parameters came online. Opening a communication link to the Blackwatch stealth ship in orbit, Sebastian said a simple sentence, before cutting all ties from the world.

"Command, this is Death Walker. The mission is underway."

Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

(Not jumping straight into your thing, just gonna ominously walk your way.)

Baron of Tygeria

Objective III: Emergency Meeting.
Location: Spire of Eternity
Equipment: The Shroudsabers | Hersir MK. I Military Attire | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip

Hi'los emerged from the edges of the room as he heard the Mandalorian speak. "She has a point." His voice could barely be heard, he spoke louder the second time. "We cannot treat Mandalorians like dogs. While how she got her point across was disrespectful, she does have a point. The actions of few does not represent the whole."

Hi'los certainly wasn't new to meetings such as these, but now that he was a Baron he would have to catch up on proper procedures. "The Baron also has a point. As he stated we would never dare challenge your decisions, my Lord. I suggest we take more action in this front, while being generous has its perks, it displays vulnerability."

Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Ladybug Ladybug | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai
Links: Armor and Gear in signature​

Seated in the booths, Adenn watched and listened to everyone else. It was clear rather quickly there was a divide in the assembly, though what this would entail for the future remained to be seen. However, in the present, it meant they had opponents in the ring. Turning his gaze towards Mikilanna, Adenn's mouth opening to give a scathing rebuke, but Ingrid beat him to it. Closing his mouth, he instead snorted quietly as the overseer was rebuked so soundly. Inclining his head to Ingrid in thanks, Adenn leans back in his seat, simply watching.

Switching his gaze to Anashja, Adenn snorted at her words, before responding with some amusement.
"She dares because she's ignorant, and doesn't know better. Insulting our honor, is simply her way of showing that." Snorting, he shakes his, even as she kneels. Helping her back up and into her seat, he quietly speaks once more. "You need only kneel to the Mand'alor."

With that done, he returns his gaze to the rest of the assembly, and to the Baron currently speaking. He seemed to be speaking carefully, not wishing to upset the Empress, and clearly showing more tact than Mikilanna. As the man spoke and quipped, Adenn laughed as well, one of the few to do so. This garnered a few looks of surprise from others, ones he ignored. He truly found the situation amusing, and wasn't insulted enough to remember it for long.

The Baron spoke for several moments longer, clearly articulating his side of things, prompting another voice to join in agreement. It truly did seem as if this hall was filled with those who weren't friends of the Mando'ade, though the Empress was certainly a great aid. Feeling his respect for the man grow just that tiny bit, Adenn nodded his head in acknowledgement. Rising back to his feet to speak, Adenn stepped forward into the light.

"While I acknowledge what you say is true, and I am grateful for such a relationship, there are some aspects that are incorrect. We have only ever truly visited the Mandalorian planet in the empire, with all the proper procedures followed for such visits, and hardly another so much as looked. Trade has also been negligible, at least to an empire as grand as this one. However, we aren't here to discuss the finer decimal points of such trade."

"No, what most care for is aid in operations, military or otherwise. In that regard, we have aided and been aided in turn. Clan Mortui has been called upon three times to aid the Eternal Empire, specifically my clan and I at least. Aiding with the takeover of Lwhekk, the defense of Panatha against the Ashlans, and the defense of Panatha against the Enclave. Two of those times, we answered that call. The only one we had refused was that against the Enclave, fellow Mandalorians."

"I can think of no other instances where my clan specifically was called upon. There have been a few instances where the Mandalorians within the empire were asked to attend, and I have been told that Mandalorians did attend those instances. And, as stated, had it been known the CIS would be there, we would have come to the defense once more." Standing confidently, his gaze sweeps across the assembly once more. His gaze meets the odd member, not challenging anyone, merely observing before moving on. Then his gaze stops for a moment, head cocked to the side in thought, before grinning and returning his focus to the Baron. "Actually, I do remember another instance where we aided the Eternal Empire. On the world of Riflor, as that planet was cracking apart. Clan Mortui came in alongside Clan Tal to aid in the evacuations. We had not been officially called in to aid, at least not as officially as the other instances. And yet, we still answered and saved the lives of many citizens. And I'm sure, should we look closer and not rely on memory alone, there will be a handful more instances."

A half smile on his face, Adenn thought on that moment as well. Taozi had asked him to come there, not some Eternal Empire menial, but Taozi. He had gone to aid and see her once more, not truly aid the empire. But they didn't need to know that, nor would they. Smiling genuinely instead, Adenn focused on Reinhardt, even as he continued.
"We have indeed exchanged much, with both sides growing stronger for it. All this, with a mere two stipulations to our treaty. One, we shall not fight our fellow Mandalorians. Two, we will aid where we can. Clan Mortui, nay, all Mandalorian clans in the empire, have followed that. Unlike some honorless curs out there, we have held true to our treaty, not betrayed our alliance. Just as the Eternal Empire has thus far. We thank the Empress and the empire for holding true to their word in that regard, and should all go well, know that it shall continue."

Inclining his head in thanks to Ingrid, Adenn finally took a step back. In this act, he ceded the floor to whoever wished to speak next. However, he also didn't return to his seat. Adenn clearly expected to have to speak once more, or defend himself and his vode quickly. his posture was relaxed however, with him standing easily and without a worry on his face or in his stance. In that, Adenn was also truthful, for no matter the outcome, he wasn't worried for the future. Whatever happened, good or bad, they would adapt and overcome.

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