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Do you think it is worth tiering up your company?

Or are you more apt to just tier up until tier 3 and stay there? ( you can build ships beyond 1000m and mass produce at this level)

We are in the process of revamping the Factory due to no dev and such, and in that companies have come into the spotlight.

The bulk of the feedback i've received over the years is that unless one wants the extra meterage for company fleets, there really isn't a reason to go beyond Tier 3 ( unless you enjoy the goal setting :D )

So, for those who enjoy the company game, do you think it is worth leveling up to the highest? Do you want to do it? Or do you just not care?

What would be some ideas on perks and benefits for higher tier ups that one may like to see?

Toss me your feedback -- it will affect companies as you know it.
Right now I feel that company promotions and tiers heavily favor a very limited pool of operations - mostly starships, as we can see that almost everything about companies is centered around the idea of growing a corporate fleet.

We see a lot of stuff that companies which produce starships benefit from - being able to make larger ships, being able to have their own fleets (although any company at a larger tier can have a larger fleet, a starship company clearly has the most to gain because they actually produce these ships), and being able to get by with mass producing starships with more leniency than a smaller company.

I can't say there's much benefit for any non-starship company, or company without the desire or need to maintain a corporate fleet, to grow in tier aside from the satisfaction of being a bigger company. I don't really have any ideas off the top of my head as of right now of how we can make it more beneficial for more companies beyond just starship manufacturers to grow in tier, but I feel like that's a good reason why so many weapon/droid/armor/etc manufacturers stay at tier 2-3.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Honestly tier3 is the best spot to be. I've had a tier 4 company and once you hit that level and beyond its no longer fun having it. It just starts to become a chore and be super tedious.

At tier 3 I can just relax, ease into whatever I'm doing, and put out whatever it is I'm looking to make. So I'd say anything beyond that is just too much work and not enough fun.
I've always thought that the company can be represented IC however the writer wanted, but that's only backed up by as much as they do with it.

Some people here have years of subs and work put into their companies. I don't believe in quantifying that amount of work with a number, I think it just simply speaks for itself.

The bonuses and incentives are neat, but imo, completely unnecessary.
It's 6AM here and corporate has been my game for years here, so I could write an essay about it.

But one proposal that immediately popped up in my head is: At T5 you can sub a T3 as a subsidiary. Maybe at T6 you can sub a T4.

Which, admittedly, is more fun for the people who are already in the system and already are motivated to do the work. But I am gonna give it some thought what could be neat advantages for every Tier, that could motivate people to really want to tier up.
Getting Silk, Akure, Iron Crown, Rekali, and Theed to T6 was fun, a lot of fun. In line with what other people are saying, though, I can't say as it really got me anything useful other than bragging rights and the very occasional opportunity to make someone wet their pants with an 18km warfleet.
I can honestly say I've enjoyed going up the tiers with Aurora, but I do think there needs to be more incentives tied in if we keep the tiering system. A giant fleet is all well and good, but I think there needs to be something else tangible for people to want to advance. I say keep it and make more shinies available for those who want to do the work
I like it, because I'm me. I set goals for myself and work out how to get it. Currently I'm working on making AE Tier 5. Does it help AE beyond having a slightly larger fleet? No. The extra 4500 meters total, 333 meters per ship is minuscule. It comes in handy for those of us wanting to go all Errant Venture tho.

Its mostly just extra fluff. I'm in support of that extra fluff because I can hang my hat on it and go "I did this." Not everyone cares to.

There are 13 T6 companies from 7-8 Writers. and 12 T5's with 9 different writers. Id say that's enough focus to justify its existence.
Getting Sasori and all fo the companies with it tiered up is honestly fun. Thinking of projects, thinking of ways to make not ship or weapon companies more viable. I have several project solo threads going to just make the things that are needed and it is some of the more exciting things to work on. If anything I would say make beyond just having ship size incentives. Depending on what the company can do and benefits. example: Clothing manufacturers at higher tiers can make clothing like in John Wick 2 (the top of the line assassin suits) Higher tier medical or food companies can make supplies that are better, smaller and work faster.
Then what would be neat incentives or perks for the higher tiers to entice folk to aim for them?

Oh, and please don't suggest company planets or flagships -- lolol, that will firmly likely never pass through staff.. no matter how many times it has been suggested. :D


I think Tier 3 is nothing, really. I don't see the point of remaining at that level, especially if you continue to RP with your company -- you could just as easily RP to get to the next level.

Of course it depends on the kind of company. If it makes sense for the corporation to be a mediocre thing forever, then sure; go for it. However, businesses don't really work like that. They want to make the most profit they can, which means most companies expand and grow and get bigger so that they would have more influence in the galaxy.

Applying that logic, most companies should go beyond Tier 3.

It doesn't get less fun. It gets more fun. If you don't have fun doing it, then you're doing something wrong. The feeling of advancement is a driving force. If you take all the things which advance people out of the equation, it gets boring -- there's nothing to accomplish anymore.

Tier 6 FTW!

I would say company based on the operations. Do it like tier 4 gives one bonus, and then tier 5 gives a second and tier 6 a third. THey don't have to be massive bonuses but give like 5 options based on the operations. (if it is an alchemy shop they can have easier access to some of the more exotic materials in the galaxy.... Have it be able to shape and use higher grade adegan crystals) There are different options you can have for it

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Cira"] well maybe a rework in the fleet size and Max company ship would be nice.

So to kinda tailor to companies tier 5 you could pick a specialization. This allows us to make things a little (I mean a little) better than what others would make. Tier six you get to pick a second.

This would show these companies are peak in it's development's. Also I know someone would attempt to abuse that system so limit the specialization to two per character or writer.

Just an idea
I agree with all of the statements above--if you want a fleet, then tiering up is great, if you don't its pretty pointless.

If Justice Shipping wasn't a fleeting company, it would have stayed a 3.

But I do agree that there could be more advantages to tiering up besides these things--and advantages for doing non-military businesses (cause honestly, its over saturated). Just my 2 cents.
For me, the company side of things is a distraction from the rest of it. If there's something I think could be useful, or something I want to see, or maybe even just something where I want to stretch my imagination, that's what my companies are there for. If tiering up the company happens to coincide with what I'm doing, or if it's a doable stretch when I have some free time, I'll go for it. Company stuff is not my main focus though, and tiering up is not my main company focus.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
It's not just the the perks that you need to focus on, but rather the paths to advancing tiers.

I think there needs to be multiple ways to tier-up. Could be X amount of contracts, or X amount of factory subs, etc

I'm a person who thoroughly enjoys writing subs for the factory, but I really don't like doing misc. threads. For me, that's a big reason as to why I haven't bothered to tier-up my companies.

Now, I'm not sure as to what changes you're making. So this could be a non-issue now. But that's my two-cents.

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