Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Denon daydream


Denon, Baker's Row

Denon, a place that seemed to be the total opposite of Garos IV was a change scenery to say the least. The whole planet seemed to be cramped with activity, which wasn't a surprise due to most of it being covered in a dense urban jungle. When they first landed on the planet, the air seemed somewhat polluted compared to the fresh breeze of Garos, something that was unwelcoming to Cartri. However, the city around seemed him to be mesmerising to the young boy. Never in his life had he seen so much activity and bright lights in one place, a sight that was beautiful to him even though most of the buildings they were walking past were in a state of disrepair.

The area they were in was called the seven corners, bakers row, notorious for the bakeries that covered most of the district. Although, they may of been known for their side business of selling spice to a specific set of people. Cartri could help but stare into each shop in curiosity as they walked past, looking at items he had never seen before. But, whatever they were selling it clearly wasn't a product from a bakery.

He slowly tailed behind Kade, the boy who had opened his mind to possibility of opportunity on Denon. So far, he had kept to his word on every promise made, but time would tell if the promise of opportunity was going to be fulfilled "I've never seen a place so busy..." he said while swerving in and out of people walking in the opposite direction, making sure not to bump into the wrong person. This area looked to be one of the many main hubs for people of the planet to go, mainly because of the variety of legal and illegal items they had available. Soon enough, something unusual would catch his eye and bring him to a halt in front of a shop. From where he was standing it looked he was staring at sand being stored in a jar, but it he seemed to be unknowingly examining a big container of spice being sold on the side "Hey Kade, what's that over there?" he said before motioning over to the store owner that was picking up the jar to sell to a customer "I'm guessing its not sand is it?" Cartri said with a small smirk, his eyes glued on the sale going on in front of them
'Back on Denon...kinda missed it.' Kade thought as he stretched his arm over his head. The Hoodrat had been showing Cartri around a bit, and decided the Seven Corners was the best place to go. The whole time: it seemed as if Cartri was mesmerized by the planet. Kade smirked, it must've been very different the teen was used to. Kade continued to make his way through people walking past.

"Welcome to life in an overcrowded city my friend!" Kade said with a huge grin. After the two made their way through the crowd, Cartri would stop outside a store and peer in. The redhead asked Kade what was in the jar. Saying that it definitely wasn't sand.

Kade followed his gaze to what Cartri was pointing at. The Hoodrat frowned and shrunk out of view, letting out a dry chuckle.

"That? That's spice. Highly illegal, and not something you ever want to partake it." Kade said as he shook his head.

"Seen more than enough addicts on the streets of the lower levels on Coruscant, to know: that stuff is dangerous." Kade looked over to Cartri. "It makes good money though." He added.

"How do you like Denon so far?"

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll
Spice... he had heard about the dangerous substance from travellers now and then, but only now was he able to see it with his own eyes. The thing was one of the popular highs around the galaxy and seemed to draw people back for more with its addicting qualities, something of which Cartri wanted to stay well away from "It makes good money to the expense of others it seems" he said with a small sigh, saddened that people would do this to another person for their own personal gain.

His head turned to Kade, who soon asked him a question about his time on Denon so far. He thought about for a few seconds before revealing a grin across his lips "It's different compared to Garos, but I know i'll get used to it" he said with a shrug, his eyes gazing at some of the pedestrians as they walked past.

From the looks of this place alone, the government who ran this planet seemed to let them down big time. They seemed to be forcing people into doing something they wished to never do, and that was to desperation "I can see why you guys are fighting the people in charge, everyone around here seems oppressed..."
Kade agreed. "It's definitely not a good thing for the galaxy." He said as he looked to Cartri. Cartri admitted that he was a bit out of his element, but he'd get used to how things were on Denon. Kade smiled at that as they continued to walk through crowds.

"Definitely, for me it took a bit of time to get accustomed to the ways of this planet. Things need to change here, for the better. I just hope Darkwire can be that change." Kade said as they continued down Bakers Row.

"We should be meeting up with a couple Darkwire agents soon." Kade stated as he continued to weave through the crowd.

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll
It was reassuring that Kade went through the same thing as him even if it was in different circumstances, but the possibly of getting used to such a busy planet was daunting to think about. Another thing that was clear to him was which side Darkwire were on, they seemed to be making all the positive changes around here compared to the companies that were slowly destroying the planet and their people just to fill pockets. At least the idea of making a difference appealed to him.

Cartri smiled slightly from the chance of meeting the other agents, as well as getting to know more on what they did. All he was hoping was that they were as nice as Kade was to him, but his hopes wasn't high due to the many possible personalities this planet had. The red head continued to follow kade through the thick crowd, travelling through the very heart of the seven corners. they seemed to go past many more shops and interesting happenings, most of which he had never seen in his life.

After what seemed like a few minutes, they stopped next to a bar called "The Blue Flame" which only had a few patrons inside for now. He curiously looked inside as they stood outside the entrance and admired the clean and oldschool look of the place. Cartri turned his head to Kade after gazing at an older gentleman by the bar, unknowing of who he was for now "I didn't think i'd be standing outside of a bar anytime soon..." he said with a smirk, considering he hadn't been inside a bar since ever "I'm guessing this is the place then?" questioned the redhead

Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham Kade Kade
Xan was, surprisingly, at Baker's Row for something they were familiar for. She spotted a karking awesome burger stand a while back and finally she had the time and money to indulge in that desire. She munched on the fresh burger, its bun still warm from the oven of a nearby bakery as she devoured the delicious meal. Her feet dangled off the side of a roof as she sat on the railing of a building. It was fun to watch people walk by, going about their business. It also allowed her to spot a target if she was feeling rather adventurous.

She just finished her burger when she noticed two boys beneath her. One of them seemed right at home but the other was definitely a fish out of water. A smirk crept onto her lips as she slipped her mask back on. With a simple wiggle she tossed herself off the roof and used the ascension cable on her pistol to fling herself around a corner into an alley. With an elegant landing she composed herself, slipped a hand into a pocket and let the other dangle by her side as she casually strolled through the crowd. The older one would be too aware. The other one, though, was a perfect target. They were heading straight towards the Blue Flame, this was her only chance.

She bumped into the ginger boy, using the opportunity to swipe whatever credits he had in his pocket. "Hey, watch it ginger!" she snapped at him as she reeled around to glare at him. She flipped him off and kept on walking, smirking as she played with the newly acquired credits in her jacket pocket. She rounded a corner and pulled her datapad from her pocket to check the time. That meeting was starting to get a little close. She hummed and slipped the datapad back into her pocket as she rounded another corner to get to the meeting place. She made her way to the Blue Flame's back entrance, wanting to avoid her victims in case they noticed.

Kade Kade Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll
Soon enough the duo would be outside a bar. 'The Blue Flame' Kade heard that this place was a front for Darkwire agents to meet up and plan for jobs, or just hang out after a long day's work. Allegedly. Kade laughed. "Yeah though we may be the first here." Kade commented as they got closer to the bar. Out of nowhere, a masked woman bumped into Cartri and snapped at him, but continued to walk away even flipping the duo off. Kade watched as she slipped something into her pocket as she rounded the corner.

Realization hit Kade. It was something he'd been around when he lived on the streets. A pickpocket. "Hey!" Kade snapped as he bolted after her and rounded the corner. As he rounded the corner Kade was irritated to find an empty alleyway. "Damn it." Kade said as he scanned the alley.

He should've caught her sooner, he kicked himself for not being aware of his surroundings. He let his guard down for a second and something happened. "Fething hell."

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll
Xan Deesa Xan Deesa
"So then Koop comes up. And do you know what he says? He says: that wasn't my dinner. That was my pet!" The three old coots guffawed at Shenn's story. The old Chandrilan could spin a good yarn and few appreciated the old war tales like his two friends who had lived through those times with him. Koop himself, the Herglic head chef of the Blue Flame who once served as a Private under once-upon-a-time-Colonel Rosham, was slapping his knee, remembering the story all too well. With them was frequent patron of the tavern Tawrrowaldr, a Wookiee who was Shenn's commanding officer for a time. The portly proprietor was but a shadow between his two towering friends. Yet, their laughter filled his heart and he felt as at home with them as ever.

Tawrro chuffed out a question in Shyriiwook. "Course I was sore. That was my favorite fish! Let me pet 'im an' ev'rythin'."

"Well then why did you keep him in the same tank as all the seafood you were cooking for the platoon?" Shenn knew the answer. They'd told the story a hundred times over. And the bar owner was sure they'd share the story a hundred times more before he had no words left for the galaxy.

"Cuz 'ee liked ta eat what ev'rybody else ate!" Another burst of laughter followed. The thing about war stories was that, unless you were there, or had been through battle, real battle, the stories really weren't that interesting. Honestly, they weren't really that interesting at all, the things that soldiers shared between themselves as they waited to find out whether that day, that hour even, would be their last. But having lived through a battle together, somehow, that made those moments mean something to those who shared them.

Those stories were almost enough to help Shenn forget... But never quite.

As he recovered from laughing at the expense of his poor old lungs, he spotted some guests in the doorway. The night was young, and though the tavern had a few patrons about, the business was slow enough where Koop could emerge from the kitchens and not stress about taking a long break to chat with friends. But, ever the welcoming one, Shenn wouldn't hesitate to say hello, especially when there was a new face.

Just as he was about to push away from the bar, the new kid got bumped by a masked being. Shenn didn't quite make the person out as they walked past but that wasn't unusual on Denon. The young tended to move far faster than the old. And the planet-city with its neon glow was definitely a place for the young.

"Welcome," Shenn called out, approaching the two in the doorway. " Kade Kade ! Good to see you. Come in. And who have you brought along with you, today?"

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Xan Deesa Xan Deesa

Feel free to use anyone from the Staff of the Blue Flame that you would like. The Wookiee is an NPC of Daiya Daiya so check with them first if you'd like to incorporate him.
"Yeah though we may be the first here." mentioned Kade as they were about to head inside, unknowing of a figure running at them through the crowd. Cartri felt his shoulder get pushed roughly by someone going at speed, forcing him to grunt as he took a few steps back from the impact. He snapped his head to the figure who passed him and watched as she began to turn a corner "Hey, watch it ginger!" said a feminine voice before making sure to flip him off. The boy could only offer a small smirk to the notion and went to turn back to Kade "I see th- hey wait!" chased the boy who tailed Kade in search of the mystery stranger.

They both ran swiftly around the corner only to find that the person had vanished, disappearing into the rough catacombs of the city "She could of just given me a sorry you know..." he said jokingly as he put one hand to his now empty pocket. His eyes widened slightly while his right hand thrashed around in search of the credits, but they were not to be found anywhere "I think my credits have gone with him too.." sighed the boy as he slowly rolled his eyes in frustration, he should of known to keep an eye on the people around here.

The pair turned to the alley way entrance and walked back to the bar doorway, where an older gentlemen seemed to be waiting for them "Kade! Good to see you. Come in. And who have you brought along with you, today?" said the man over to them in a welcoming way. Cartri looked over to him with a smile and slightly nodded to the bearded stranger "Names Cartri, sir" he said respectfully before extending his hand out for him to shake
"And you must be?"

Kade Kade Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham Xan Deesa Xan Deesa
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Kade let out a small sigh. "My bad Cartri." He would simply say as they made their way back to the entrance of the bar. Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham called out to them as they reached the doorway. Kade would smile. "Good to see you too Shenn." Kade would say. "Cartri this is Shenn, the owner of this fine establishment." Kade smiled he looked between the two before laughing.

"Cartri here's from Garos IV, picked him up when I was out grabbing some extra parts. Has a knack for obtaining other people's objects. Figured with some refinement he could be a powerful asset for Darkwire." The Hoodrat said as he ran a hand through his hair.

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll
Xan Deesa Xan Deesa
Xan slipped in through the backdoor and weaved her way through the building. She figured she would find the dude at his usual spot...but it seemed he wasn't there. She looked around for any of the cooks or someone, but nobody was where they usually were. She sighed with annoyance as she looked around, catching a glimpse of everyone outside the kitchen.

To her dismay she spotted him chatting with the exact same brats she stole from not even five minutes earlier. She pursed her lips as she thought it over for a moment. Were these two brats the contacts she had to meet up with? With another sigh she pressed on, exiting the kitchen and coming up behind Shenn. "Yo, what's up. These the two new recruits?" she asked him as she came to a halt beside him, looking the two kids over. "And before you two even start, yeah it was me." she continued flatly as she eyed them both. She was fully expecting them to start ranting over her robbing them.

To preserve the peace, she fished out some of the credits and slid it over to the ginger. "There's your money back." she grumbled as she looked off into a corner, resting an arm on the counter they were chatting around.

Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Kade Kade
Names Cartri, sir" he said respectfully before extending his hand out for him to shake "And you must be?"

Kade would smile. "Good to see you too Shenn." Kade would say. "Cartri this is Shenn, the owner of this fine establishment." Kade smiled he looked between the two before laughing.

"Cartri here's from Garos IV, picked him up when I was out grabbing some extra parts. Has a knack for obtaining other people's objects. Figured with some refinement he could be a powerful asset for Darkwire." The Hoodrat said as he ran a hand through his hair.

Shenn extended his arm and gave the young man's hand a firm shake in return. "Just fine to meet you, Cartri. As Kade says, I'm the proprietor of this establishment. And part-time information broker and contact for Darkwire as well." Shenn leaned in a little and dropped his voice to a bit of a whisper. With a wink he added: "Though maybe let's not say too much more about that by the door, shall we?" Straightening back up as much as the old man could, he motioned the two further into the bar.

As he did...

With another sigh she pressed on, exiting the kitchen and coming up behind Shenn. "Yo, what's up. These the two new recruits?" she asked him as she came to a halt beside him, looking the two kids over. "And before you two even start, yeah it was me." she continued flatly as she eyed them both. She was fully expecting them to start ranting over her robbing them.

To preserve the peace, she fished out some of the credits and slid it over to the ginger. "There's your money back." she grumbled as she looked off into a corner, resting an arm on the counter they were chatting around.

Shenn watched the exchange with his usual chipper smile. "Almost a nice pick, Xan," the Chandrilan said with a chuckle. He was rather indifferent about such things these days. At one time, he might've thought the act of pickpocketing was indecent. But he was old. And this was Denon. A lot of people had to do far more terrible things to get by. The galaxy was filled with shades of grey. Shenn was content, pleased even, to go with the flow of things as they were so long as he could care for the ones that mattered to him. "And yes. This is Kade. He's been with Darkwire in different circles. And he's brought Cartri to join."

The tavern owner motioned to the big Herglic at the bar. "Koop. Why don't you fix something up for these fine folk?"

"Aye," the chef said and made back to the kitchen.

"Shenn, good to meet you" he replied while providing a firm handshake. Cartri withdrew his hand and made sure to listen to the older man, nodding slowly as he mentioned to keep the Darkwire stuff under wraps. From the looks of things, Shenn didn't seem to be too keen on talking about such matters outside of his establishment, and he didn't blame him. It only took one person to ease drop and spread the word on their conversation, a disaster that was sure to spread like wildfire to the wrong people "Sure... I know what you mean" replied the boy as he followed his notion to enter into the safe confines of the bar.

Cartri was about to enter through the entrance when a familiar figure stood before them, the same one that robbed him of his credits only moments ago. His eyes widened slightly in surprise as he shot a quick glance over to Kade for confirmation, before looking back to the pink haired woman with a nonchalant fold of his arms. A small grin appeared across his lips when she offered to give back the credits in full, and he was more than happy to take them back. Although... she did get them fair and square. The boy reached his hand over and grabbed half of the credits for safe keeping "You know what, keep the rest. You did earn it after all". He carefully placed them back into the same pocket and looked at her once more "And maybe leave out the middle finger when you bump into us next time..." joked the redhead with a small chuckle.

Just when things couldn't get any better, the mention of food pricked up his ears "Oh, thanks a bunch!" he said with appreciation as he walked further into the bar, his head looking back to Shenn soon after they stood beside a table "I don't want to be rude but why are you doing this for me? I can always pay for it" questioned the boy. Throughout his life Cartri had to work for everything he sort after, not many people gave him stuff for free.

Kade Kade Xan Deesa Xan Deesa Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham
Kade listened quietly as Shenn and Cartri exchanged pleasantries and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as Shenn dropped his voice to a whisper and motioned for the two to come away from the door and deeper into the bar. "Right. Apologies." Kade said as he followed. That's when he heard a familiar voice, the one that belonged to the pickpocket. He looked over to the source of the voice and raised an eyebrow. Kade would share a look with Cartri.

Ultimately she gave back the credits and Cartri took it in stride. "You're a better person than me Cartri." Kade said with a laugh.

"Almost a nice pick, Xan," Shenn said with a chuckle. Kade had to agree with that. While it was a bit irritating that it had happened to them, Kade knew a good theif when he saw one.

"You definitely have skills. Even I can admit that, but you won't catch me off guard again lady." Kade said with a sigh as he moved to sit at the bar. His head turned to Shenn as the man spoke:

"Koop. Why don't you fix something up for these fine folk?"

Kade smiled, never one for turning down some food. "Much appreciated." Kade said, chuckling at what Cartri said next:

"I don't want to be rude but why are you doing this for me? I can always pay for it"

"There you go again bro questioning everything. Never stop." Kade quipped with a grin.

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll {} Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham {} Xan Deesa Xan Deesa
Xan huffed at Shenn's remark but said nothing. She eyed Cartri as he took his creds back, shooting her a witty remark. She was about to make a remark when Kade made his remark. Xan chuckled with a shake of her head. "Oh please, kid. That's far from what I'm proficient in." she quipped, her mask forming into a smirk as she looked him over. "He sticks out like a sore thumb, you might wanna help him with that. Especially the hair. Better colour that hair if you want him to have a soul." she quipped with a grin, glancing at Cartri.

Shenn offered them food but Xan merely shook her head. "Just a chocolate shake for me, please. I had a bigass burger a few minutes ago." she called out to Koop.

She sat on one of the stools behind the counter and leaned an arm on it as she looked at the two teenagers again. "So where are you from, kid? You looked lost as hell out there." she asked Cartri, turning slightly to face the two of them fully. Once her shake arrived, she took off her mask and slid it into her pocket. "Thanks Shenn." she said with a smile before taking a long sip of the delicious drink. "So Kade, what can your buddy do that me or you can't?" she asked with a bored tone. Her covert mind told her that children could always have a use somewhere, though she knew she'd likely get shot by someone if she suggested using them as a means to an end.

"Oh and by the way, ginger. If you get a chance to get something for free, take it. Otherwise you'll never have money in your pocket." she suggested, taking another sip of her milkshake.

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Kade Kade Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham
"Oh I'm sure that you can, Cartri. And you'll have plenty of opportunities to pay me back, with more than just credits." Shenn walked around and behind the bar. The bartenders hadn't come in for the evening shift yet so he took the job on himself. Prior to the approach of the Shadowrunners, he had been filling the cup of Tawrro. The large Wookiee and near constant companion of Daiya Daiya still sat at the counter, downing a growler of brown ale like the liquid was going to evaporate if he didn't drink fast enough. The trio talked among themselves for a moment as Shenn mixed and spun up the requested shake. He set the drink in front of the young woman and nodded when she thanked him. "The truth is close to what Xan here says, though. Denon is not so easy a place. You do what you have to do to survive. Sometimes the surviving is thrilling, as Xan I'm sure can regale us. Other times quite difficult, as Kade knows."

The old Chandrilan mixed together and spun up the requested milkshake. "For me, I'm at a point in my life where I have the ability to help those who could use some. And this being your first time here, I'm sure that you will find yourself in need of something or other. If the least I can do is give you a meal to hold you over until the next, then I'm glad to have been of service." He smriked. "If you need a more selfish reason, remember, I am an information broker. While the bar does well enough to pay for itself and a salary for my employees, it doesn't do well enough to fund a certain organization." He gave the insinuation a little wink. "At some point, I'm sure your services will be required. At which point, you are more than welcome to consider your debt repaid."

Another possible answer was probably more along the lines of: 'Because I felt like treating.' But that was a lame answer. And all of the knowledge Shenn was sharing was more valuable for the young man to hear. "It's not all doom and gloom though, eh? We look out for each other. And we find our ways to survive the best we can. And, maybe, have a little fun along the way."

The Wookiee held out his growler for a refill and Shenn stuck the large container under a tap just as Koop came out of the kitchen with a pair of bowls. "Ah, yes of course. My Herglic friend here made a stew of which he's quite proud. Root vegetables, tender chunks of nerf meat butchered from the collar, cream and some herbs he won't even share with me." Koop set the bowls down with a grunt and then padded back to the kitchen. "Don't be too offended. He just takes awhile to warm up to people." The unctuous smell of the stew made Shenn's stomach growl but he would wait a moment before getting his own bowl. The perks of being the owner of a restaurant were directly related to the length of his belt.

"So then. What's the first matter of business? Work? Pleasure? Living conditions?"

Cartri almost hoped that his question wouldn't get any stick, but Kade seemed to jumped at the opportunity and call him out on his none stop questions. The red head looked to him and nudged Kade lightly with a grin of his own "Hey... i'll make sure to ask more questions from now on" he claimed as his gaze went to Xan, who seemed to be looking them up and down in a judgemental fashion. She was right on the fact he stuck out like a sore thumb out there but the comment on the colour of his hair must of been some kind of joke, one of which made him chuckle to himself. "Oh please, at least mine doesn't make me look like a walking neon light" smirked Cartri as he sat down on one of the chairs.

He made himself comfortable and eyed the girl who awaited her tasty milkshake, curious as to what she wanted to ask next. She seemed to notice how lost he was out there and inquired about where he came from, a question that made him frown slightly after remembering how far away he was from his so called home. "Garos IV, a planet far different than this one" he replied before his eyes snapped to the appealing milkshake that was presented in front of her. Cartri really wanted to ask for one, but he didn't want to be rude and ask for more things. His eyes peeled away from the shake and looked back down to the table, preventing himself from being tempted further. Although, it wouldn't last long when Xan suggested a tip to him. All the boy could do was shrug over to her and have his own say "I get your point, but there's no hurt in filling the pockets of people in need now and then" he said as an unintentional jab to the woman.

Xan seemed pretty chill all things considered, but seemed to have the tendency of getting herself into trouble in different ways, similar to himself. Time would tell if they got along.

Shenn, the old man who he was speaking to originally finally had the chance to spread some knowledge to him. While he talked, the only thing Cartri could do was be silent and listen to the valuable information that was being shared. He could tell the old timer had been here for awhile and had seen pretty much everything the planet had to offer, if anything he was THE man to go to for anything about Denon. "Thank you sir, i'll be sure to have my fair share of fun during my tasks" he said with a respectful nod before something big stood before him. The man named Koop lowered a bowl of stew onto the table beside him, making sure to offer an unfriendly grunt to the boy before wondering back to the kitchen. Luckily, he seemed to be unwelcoming to pretty much everyone according to Shenn. With a sigh, he lowered his nose down to the bowl and sniffed in a marvellous smell that made him smile. Soon after tucking in, Shenn was interested to see what was next on the agenda.

There was one thing that was troubling him, and that seemed to be where he was going to stay throughout this new venture "Well... i'm not sure where i'm going to stay to be honest" said the red head in a lowered tone, almost hesitant to ask more from them.

Kade Kade Xan Deesa Xan Deesa Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham
Kade laughed as Cartri and Xan went back and forth. "He has a point. You kinda match the neon lights." The hhoodrat cleared his throat. "But yeah, I agree, he sticks out like a sore thumb. Not because of the hair. It's the way he carries himself." Kade noted. "He'll get into the groove of everything soon though." Kade added.

Xan suggested that if Cartri came across anything and he could get his hands on it, that he should take it. Cartri got the point but stated that there was 'no hurt in filling the pockets of those who need it.' Shenn voiced his own thoughts on the matter, Kade nodded to Shenn. The old man had a bunch of wisdom to drop, and Kade was glad Cartri attentively listened to each word Shenn said.

Shenn continued by saying that it wasn't all doom and gloom, and that everyone looked out for eachother as best they can. Hopefully having a bit of fun along the way. Kade ginned as Cartri thanked Shenn. "Yeah, don't let the world get you too down." Kade added as Koop shuffled out of the kitchen with something that smelled amazing. As the bowls were set down, Shenn explained what was in them. The old man added that Koop would warm up to them. Kade knew what that was like.

He looked from the bowl to Shenn. "Thanks Shenn. This looks amazing." Kade grinned. Kade glanced to Cartri, who had his nows down to to bowl. Kade chuckled. "Weirdo..." He joked. He'd definitely has done that more times than he could count. But he wasn't going to admit it.

Soon enough Shenn got down to business. He asked Cartri what he was looking for. Kade sat silently as Cartri lowered his voice and admitted that he wasnt exactly sure where he would be staying.

"Yeah, you definitely don't want to be stuck out on the streets. I'm sure we could figure something out." Kade said as he dug into his food.

Xan Deesa Xan Deesa
Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham
Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll
Xan smirked at Cartri's quip about her hair, glancing between him and Kade. "All tricks of the trade, sweetheart." she quipped, flashing him a wink. "Besides, I'm sure you don't mind the lights and paint at all." she continued with a sultry smirk, curious whether the country bumpkin would squirm or not. She took another sip of her milkshake, keeping the two boys in her line of sight. "You want one, ginger, just ask. No use eye-kriffing it the whole time." she spoke up as she put her shake aside.

When Shenn spoke up, she listened up. She'd only been in Darkwire for a very short while but she noticed early on how Shenn and the Blue Flame were valuable assets. Certainly ones worth protecting in this cutthroat business. She sipped away at her shake as she listened to them chat away, momentarily clutching her head as a bit of brain freeze set in. She let go of her head when the topic of accommodation -or lack thereof- came up. Xan slurped at her drink a little more as she thought over the situation.

Her morally correct side was nagging at her as she studied the boy. She knew what an issue it could be if someone didn't have a place to stay. The planet was ruthless at times to those out on the streets. A groan escaped her as she set her drink aside. "I guess you could stay at my place for a bit, at least until you get your own place." she offered as she glanced off at a very interesting corner. She didn't want to be stuck with a kid as a responsibility, however she couldn't deny that she was literally in the exact same situation. Looking back at Cartri, she studied him for a second. "It's not much, but it's a roof over your head and a warm bed. Just no smoking or excessive wanking. Got it?" she continued, shooting him a look suggesting she was being quite serious.

Shenn Rosham Shenn Rosham Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Kade Kade
"Sounds like a decent option," Shenn said. Having the Shadowrunners looking out for each other, that was what made Darkwire a successful group. Out of necessity, pockets of agents littered Denon and often never knew of each other. Yet within those pockets, bonds formed. They fought for a cause together. They survived together. They would thrive together. Seeing those connections made warmed Shenn's old heart and brought him some relief that the next generation would have a decent shot at freeing themselves from corporate tyranny.

He kept his glee mostly to himself. Too frequently, Daiya Daiya had reminded him that younger folks found the blubbering joy of the coot to be embarrassing at best and uncomfortable at worst. Still, he couldn't keep a giant grin off his face. The Wookiee, Daiya's guardian and companion, saw this and chuckled to himself into his growler.

"Hey Shenn!" Cichei, the Devaronian bartender, called as she walked through the door. Some other staff followed behind her: Dreva, Odri, Namnenil and Puck. Shenn checked his chrono and saw that time had waned on him, and soon the Blue Flame would start getting busy with clientele, not all of whom would be there for Darkwire activities. After all, the tavern was a successful restaurant and bar.

"Ah. Apologies, you three. But I must take my leave for a little while in order to prepare us for the rush this evening. But feel free to grab one of the conference rooms in the back if you want a private place to talk. The big one's set up with a sabacc table if you'd like," he added with a wink and then strode off into the kitchen, immediately starting up a conversation with the other Blue Flame employees.


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