Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company & Workshop Modifications

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Company: Drakos Systems
Modification Made:

  • Advancement to tier 3
  • Adding a new service(Vehicles, Droids)
  • Requesting that the tag "Drakos Systems" be added to the topic.
Rationale: To represent the growth Drakos Systems as undergone, and to begin a new chapter to Drakos Systems, exemplified by it's advancement in Tier. Drakos Systems also wishes to have the capability soon to produce vehicles.
Pertinent Development Threads:

Mass Products
​Miscellaneous Threads
  • A New Purpose: In the warning days before the death of the One Sith, Krayzen has an emergency meeting with top Drakos Systems' personnel, giving them a list of orders including how to deal with the end of the One Sith as there main customer, and expansion plans.
  • New Places: Krayzen leads an operation against a criminal group under an Iron Empire sanctioned operation. The removal of the criminal group would then lead to the creation of Drakos Systems' Csilla HQ.
  • New Beginnings: In a monumental meeting between top Drakos Systems personnel, Krayzen informs them of his intention to resign as CEO of the company.
Contact Threads
  • A Small Meeting: The Anzat meets with Darth Erebos, signing a contract with the One Sith in the process.
  • Meeting A Giant: The Anzati signs a contract with Apex, an up, and coming mercenary company.
New Submission:

Corporation Name: Drakos Systems

Headquarters: Bendali

Locations: Bendali: HQ

Galantos: Production Facilities
Coruscant: Research Lab
Csilla: HQ for Unknown Regions

  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Ships
  • Droids
  • Vehicles
Rationale: Krayzen, with help from a secret partner, was able to get the funding from his previous endeavors s as a bounty hunter to be able to provide the funding to create Drakos Systems. As originally agreed, the company's aim would be to work to produce weapons, and other products for the One Sith Empire, in order to help them maintain their path of power, while publicly produce ships. Now however, the company has dissaociated itself from the One Sith Empire, and works to produce armaments for other factions.

Tier: Tier III

Description: When meeting with an OS Knight, Krayzen and he agreed to create Drakos Systems, in order to help the OS continue their dominance in the core worlds, and as the predominant galactic superpower. Using his century old bounty hunter work, as well as his criminal network as a source of funding, both of the partners recognized the need to keep the company’s true intention a secret. With that agreement, Drakos Systems was born.

Soon, after a large amount of rigorous work, Drakos Systems was able to establish itself as an up, and coming ship-building company. With an established source of funding, they both decided to begin creating weapons secretly, mostly for the OS. Originally, it was believed it was for the security division of the company, but the company soon revealed itself to be a producer of weaposn.

As time went own, the company became contracted to the One Sith, producing weapons for it, and expanding in the process. A major change of the company however was that the company's CEO and shareholder, Krayzen went into exile. For a number of years, it had been managed by Krayzen's trusted personnel, before he returned. The company had undergone changes, cutting itself from the One Sith. Krayzen, having gave up the reigns as CEO(becoming however the Interim CEO), went on to become it's Chief Designer, but still maintains an influential voice in the company.
Parent Corporation: N/A
Primary Source:

Notable Personnel
Krayzen Dratos-Chief Designer; Owner; Interim-CEO

Notable Locations:
The Foundry, and Csilla Headquarters

[member="Alric Kuhn"]
Krayzen Dratos said:
New Beginnings: In a monumental meeting between top Drakos Systems personnel, Krayzen informs them of his intention to resign as CEO of the company.
This links back to this thread, please correct the URL.

Krayzen Dratos said:
Meeting A Giant: The Anzati signs a contract with Apex, an up, and coming mercenary company.
Development threads need to be at least ten posts to be used in the factory. Please reach at least this number and then tag me, alternatively you can replace it with another contract thread.
Company: Thought Bomb
Modification Made: Transferring ownership to [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Rationale: Darth Prazutis killed Darth Vitium and thus the company has been seized by him. And because I want to.

Pertinent Development Threads:
  • Your right to breath in my world - Darth Prazutis and Darth Vitium duel, wherein Darth Vitium is killed. The premise is that the duel is a kaggath in every way except name, thus all belongings of the Sith Lord go to Prazutis for being the victor.
New Submission:


Corporation Name: Thought Bomb

Headquarters: Ziost

Locations: Ziost, Khar Delba

Operations: Armstech & Armormech

Following the Sith Order's open rebellion against the Silver Jedi Order, Darth Vitium found herself in possession of a new body and a new chance at life. Although she could had simply hung up her previous life as a Sith Lord and tried to move on as a normal human being trying to make ends meet, Vitium opted to grow back her power base by first selecting an ideal apprentice and then forming a company that would be suitable for producing a profit that she could live on and grow more influential with. Utilizing the planet that she was reborn on as the headquarters for the corporation, and the planet of Khar Delba as its other location for manufacturing and storage purposes, the arms and armor manufacturing company known as Thought Bomb was born. By selling the family of Thalia Hart (the woman whose body was used in the ritual to resurrect the Sith Lord) into slavery and using the credits earned to invest in a small, but profitable company (which soon ballooned with profits due to ridding faux-Sith influence on Atrisia that opposed their growth on the world), Vitium was able to make a large enough return to invest in her own business.

Tier: 2

The galaxy has been in a state of war for nearly a century, and war builds new empires and tears down old ones. For every brick that is laid in the foundation of these galactic governments, there, too, is a company that made that brick and laid the mortar over it. For many governments, these bricks come in the form of weapons, with the mortar being the people - and the armor they wear - holding them together. Thought Bomb is here to provide both the bricks and the mortar, creating and dealing with weapons and armor to sell to the highest bidder and to arm those that align with opposing political and idealistic views.

Truly a company built for profit, Thought Bomb will design armor that will protect its wearer's from the hazards of war and the environment - even space - and weapons, such as guns, that will pierce it. In time, Thought Bomb plans to become a galaxy-spanning corporation and build its wealth on the backs of the soldiers that use their equipment to fight with.

Led, formerly, by Thalia Hart, the company openly protests the intrusion of outside forces into the Stygian Caldera, such as the Silver Jedi, and supplies many of the former Sith worlds with weapons to defend themselves with.

Following the death of Darth Vitium, however, the company has since passed into the hands of Darth Prazutis under his alias of Castus Varn.

Owner: Castus Varn (Darth Prazutis)

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A
Company: The Paladin Consortium

Modification Made: Upgrading to Tier 3, changing operation wording from "Shipping" to "Courier Services", adding locations on Bastion, Fondor, and Csilla; adding operation of constructing equipment for itself
Rationale: The Consortium has received a decent bit of attention lately, and with attention comes business. The PMC has brought in a lot of revenue and is yearning for an upgrade. The Paladins took over a military installment on Bastion and several shipyards on Fondor. He also invested a ton of money into a factory on Csilla that was capable of producing a variety of items. Rhodes realized his company needed more equipment and Black Sun hand-me-downs wouldn't cut it. He therefore authorized for the Consortium to begin producing its own weapons, armor, ships, etc. (not for sale)

Pertinent Development Threads:
  • Contract: Security - the Consortium signs a security deal with the Tingel Arm Confederacy
  • Contract: Packin' Meat - Janus signs a short-term agreement with Chandrila Group
  • Codex Sub/Misc. Thread: Consortium Lab Aurek - the Consortium's main base on Csilla
  • Misc. Thread: She Looked At Me With Them Big Brown Eyes - Paladins execute a contract as directed by the Underground
  • Misc. Thread: Those Forgotten - Paladins execute a contract to assist in a fight with the Galactic Alliance as directed by the One Sith
  • Misc. Thread: Touring the Facility - Rhodes and an aide take a tour of the Consortium's base on Csilla
  • Misc. Thread: I Thought You'd Be Taller - a new Paladin is tested and taken to one of the Consortium's training outposts
  • Misc. Thread: Hired Gun=Fun - a deal is struck between the failing Techno Union and the Paladin Consortium for protection

New Submission:
Corporation Name: The Paladin Consortium
Headquarters: Nar Shadaa

Locations: Denon, Ord Mantell, Fondor, Csilla, Bastion

Operations: Paramilitary/Mercenary Services, Courier Services, Production of Equipment for Company Use

Rationale: Janus is a man who really desires nothing but power. One area where he is weak is that of monetary power, so he decided to change that.

Using his assets within the Black Sun Syndicate, he managed to wage a small turf war in the bottom of Nar Shaddaa's Vertical City, seizing territory owned by smaller gangs and organizations. Some of this territory included old military training grounds, barracks, and other such establishments. He turned this into the headquarters for a paramilitary organization, The Paladin Consortium. He sent several of his officers foward to establish smaller bases on Denon and Ord Mantell, both areas close to the galaxy's main hotspots.

Tier: 3

Description: Crime wasn't enough for Janus, so he decided to expand into the corporate world. Using criminal assets, he seized a good amount of territory from several gangs and assets of the dying Hutt Cartel on Nar Shaddaa and converted it into his corporate HQ. Seizing a decent number of old troop barracks and training grounds as well, he founded The Paladin Consortium.

With backing in the criminal underworld, this company offers many paramilitary and security services. They are hired for jobs such as armed escorts, security, bodyguarding, mercenary work, Private Military contracting, and other such work. They never technically stick to any one side of a conflict, often times playing both sides of the ball to maximise profit. As a matter of fact, some may even call them war profiteers...

Their HQ on Nar Shaddaa is hidden in the lower levels of the Vertical City, making it hard to find their actual location without thorough investigation. Instead, they are usually contacted through a secure holonet line or through a courier. They operate with the utmost levels of professionalism, the penalty for deserting, betrayal, or disorderly conduct being instant death without trial. One thing is for sure with this group: if you ask them to do something, they deliver.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source: None
Malos Kas said:
Company: TransMeg Gal Industries
Modification Made: Transfer of Ownership from Malos Kas, to [member="Audren Sykes"].
Rationale: B/c I have not been active with the company.
Pertinent Development Threads:
As you're an active writer on the board, we will be following the transfer of ownership via an active owner rules:
1. If an active owner of a Canon Company wishes to transfer ownership to another writer who does not currently own a canon company, they must complete a development thread showing the transfer.

2. The new owner must create a new submission of their own for the same Company name.

3. A factory judge presiding will alert a Roleplay Judge, who will then attempt to contact the current active owner.

4. If the Roleplay judge confirms the transfer, Role-play Judge will then alert an Administrator who will then transfer ownership of the canon company and current tier level to the new Canon Company Owner, along with any edits made. The old submission will then be archived.
As such, please provide a simple ten post thread wherein the company is transferred to him.
Company Name: Alderaan Engineering
Modification Made: Tier Up III-->IV
Rationale: I did the thing
Pertinent Development Threads:
New Submission
Alderaan Engineering
The Beacon of Hope

Name: Alderaan Engineering
Owners: Royal House of Alderaan | House Organa
Headquarters: Alderaan
  • Locations: New Aldera City, Aldera
  • Production Facilities: Crevasse City, Garrus Valley, Aldera
  • Shipyards: Alderaan
  • Mining Operations: Juran Mountains
Rationale: The Royal House of Alderaan founded Alderaan Engineering in partnership with ArmaTech Industries in order to provide economic shelter to the people of Alderaan and stability beyond the export of Phrik and luxury goods, as well as to provide the planet with a sense of security that existed outside the shelter of its Mandalorian protectors. House Organa, as the Ruling House owns and controls the Company, with the Queen technically being the Chairwoman and CEO of the Company, and majority shareholder. The initial starting funds were taken from the treasury of House Organa, in small part, and largely bankrolled by ArmaTech Industries. Its Founder Draco Vereen having married into the Royal Family some time earlier was more than willing to accommodate in this matter. With the vast resources at his disposal, and those of Alderaan herself, Alderaan Engineering was intended to become the corporate backing for the planet, though not intended or designed to become a monopoly.

  • Shipbuilding
  • Armstech & Armortech
  • Reconstruction and Relief
  • Medical Research
  • Security
Tier: IV

Alderaan Engineering was originally founded by Princess Alyesa Organa as the official Royal Military in partnership with Alderaan Royal Engineers as the Corporate side of the venture, bank rolling the military and defense of the system. Following the Mandalorian annexation and protection of the Alderaan System, House Organa allowed the Alderaan Royal Engineers to go defunct with the disappearance of the then Crown Princess Alyesa Organa. Prince-Consort Draco Vereen later resurrected the concept with aid from his former corporation ArmaTech Industries, creating Alderaan Engineering as a two pronged plan to stabilize the planet after the birth of his children.

The First arm is the Economic shelter, providing employment to the citizens of Alderaan and Aldera, as well as diversifying Alderaan's exports. By producing and selling small arms, armor, and other craft, Alderaan's economy was no longer dependent on Phrik exports and mining visas. The pressure no longer riding on specific high-end exports, Alderaan's economy would become more stable and the planet as a whole more prosperous. The Second arm is the Defense of the Alderaan system. With Corporate backing and supply the Royal Military and the Knights of Alderaan would be able extend their reach and provide stronger protection to the people and heritage of Alderaan.

The Company is owned by the Royal House of Alderaan, currently House Organa, with the reigning Monarch acting as Chairman, CEO, and Majority Shareholder of the corporation, allowing them to make decisions for the direction of the company directly in accordance to their direction for the planet and people of Alderaan. Many of the other members of the Royal Family or Inner Circle hold temporary or permanent positions on the Board of Directors. Every Employee is a minor shareholder, allowing them to collect dividends as the company gains profit, spreading the wealth and prosperity of Alderaan to her people.

Alderaan Engineering only hires Alderi citizens as full time employees, though it has been known to hire contractors of sorts for short term jobs or part-time engagements. This was done in order to ensure outsourcing never became an issue with the company and that Alderi citizens wouldn't find themselves competing with migrant workers for employment.

The Company focuses on the production of ships, starfighters, and freighters, in the civilian, commercial, and military arms. Reconstruction and relief to impoverished communities is featured heavily, intended to be used in the Alderaan system, but also overseeing the construction of Alderaanian Embassies and providing relief after disasters such as the reconstruction of Coruscant or Atrisia. The company intends to expand into providing emergency medical services in partnership with Mandal Medical, and re-establishing Alderaan as a shipwright world.

Dev Thread: Mine! (Royal House makes deal with Mandalorians to establish a standing military)
Parent Company: ArmaTech Industries

Company: Meran Mechanics

Modification Made: Tier II to Tier III
Rationale: getting to big for 2 and please add mining and construction to description.

Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
[SIZE=9pt]Company:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Arctis Genetics[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Modification Made:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Removed “mineral extraction” operation and replaced with bioprospecting. Removed “Kamino” as a location and replaced with Felucia. Revamped rationale section. Revamped description section. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Rationale:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] It has gone unused for a bit. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]New Submission:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]Corporation Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Arctis Genetics [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Headquarters:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Adascopolis, Arkania[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Locations: [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Arkania[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Felucia [/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]Bioengineering [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Bioprospecting [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Rationale:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Controlled through a board of directors made up primarily of prominent Arkanian scientists and businessmen (which are usually synonymous) in the city of Adascapolis, Arctis Genetics struggles to compete with other industry giants, like Adascorp. Consequently, some of the directors have ventured into less savory realms to try and gain an upperhand on the competition. The leader of their exploratory corps is Ariston Altunen, a Sephi-Arkanian.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Tier:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] II[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]Arctis Genetics, a corporation designed to pave the path into a new age of genetic engineering. These specialists are determined to place the future in your hands, with each team bringing a different set of skills to the table. The Arkanians are known for their genetic breeding programs. They can create whatever your heart desires. Don't want to go through the pain of childbirth? Develop your own baby and have it grown for [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]​you! Want a personal house assistant? Design and produce one at Arctis Genetics! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Other products include overpriced vaccines and reconstructive surgery. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Arctis Genetics also engages in bioprospecting to create new, hitherto unknown pharmaceutical drugs and other medicinal uses. In order to acquire new biological material, Arctis Genetics employs a team of exploratory and investigative researchers to go into remote places, such as the jungles of Felucia, and retrieve rare fauna. Unfortunately, these exploratory teams occasionally run afoul of indigenous tribes. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A fact known only to two board directors is that Arctis secretly develops biological weapons for sale to the criminal underworld and has recently established ties to the Zareca Cartel. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]One of the more popular services is the private security feature, where you can select the species, or combination of species, build and temperament of a personal body guard that can be grown in less than a year using newly refurbished spaarti cloning cylinders. Space is limited, so they can only be developed in batches of twenty.* [/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]*Flash-memory is not 100% effective. Arctis Genetics is not responsible for any cloning madness or personality defects that may occur after purchase.More traditional development takes up to 15-20 years. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]**Start-up funding comes from sale of diamonds and pearls from small-scale mining operations crewed and overseen, or contracted by Arctis Genetics on Arkania.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=7.5pt]***Crews may consist of unpaid labor caste members, not limited to Talz and Arkanian Off-shoot.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Subsidiaries:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] N/A[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Primary Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] N/A
Company: Ringovinda Systems
Modifications made:
  • Upgrade to tier-4
  • Addition of Dulvoyinn, Geonosis, Dagobah to locations
  • Addition of droids to operations
Rationale: Expansion of business
Pertinent development threads:
Sign a contract with three more player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction OR a Tier-V+ company.
Make an additional four mass-production products.
Complete an additional four miscellaneous threads.
Complete a project of sizeable proportions. (100+ posts; provide a set of heavy starship components)
100 posts

New submission:


Corporation Name: Ringovinda Systems

Headquarters: Ringo Vinda

Locations: Soceras, Hosnian Prime, Glyss, Tatooine, Dulvoyinn, Geonosis, Dagobah

Operations: Manufacture of starship components, droids and weapons

Rationale: Ringovinda Systems was created in response to internal needs by Ringovinda StarYards, including landing gears, weapons and other systems used aboard starships.

Tier: 4

Description: Borne out of the growing needs of Ringovinda StarYards for special, tailor-made components, Ringovinda Systems began developing landing gears, as well as hardpoint-mounted weapons for capital ships, such as ion cannons and hypervelocity cannons, and lately ordnance, rotating flails, as well as shipboard food cloning units, for use on Ringovinda StarYards ships. It is free to sell components to anyone regardless of faction affiliation. With the former Ringovinda StarYards CEO falling into disgrace, Ringovinda StarYards bought out her share in Ringovinda Systems.

Due to its owner being contacted by the Republic to bid on replacement contracts for the procurement of technology, it has set up shop on Hosnian Prime, so as to cut on delivery costs to customers in the Core Worlds, and also because she feels that most other corporations contacted by the Republic for technological procurement had some gaps in their offerings that Ringovinda Systems could address. Also, to provide the lowest costs in their southern operations, it has also set up shop on Soceras, especially in the wake of Ringovinda StarYards also operating on Soceras.

Due to the Silver Jedi putting the onus on Jedi to provide for their own funding, after the announcement of Jessica Med-Beq being called in to replace her old boss Charzon Loulan, control of Ringovinda Systems was placed in her hands, and under her watch, Ringovinda Systems expanded to become a major private employer on Glyss, as well as setting up shop on Tatooine, despite both planets being a good distance away from Silver Jedi space.

However, in the tumultuous period following the excommunication of both Charzon (who died shortly thereafter) and Jessica from the Silver Jedi Order, it nevertheless managed to expand its offerings to long-range starship weaponry as well as to droids and ground weapons.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: Ringovinda StarYards

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Company name: Star Tours
Modifications made:
  • Upgrade to tier-5
  • Addition of Xal 3, Gandle Ott, Rakata Beta, Druckenwell, Riflor, Hoth, Ziost, Vorzyd V, Coruscant, Endor to locations
Rationale: Expansion of business
Pertinent development threads:
Sign a contract with two major factions OR Tier-V+ companies.
Make an additional three mass-production products. (Since Star Tours is a service company, codex entries are used instead)
Complete five miscellaneous threads.
Successfully complete a project of massive proportions. (200+ posts; open entertainment facilities and routes across the galaxy)
200 posts

Obtain the sponsorship of a major faction.
New submission:

Corporation Name: Star Tours

Headquarters: Dosuun

Locations: Spaceport THX1138 (JanFathal), Tomorrowland Spaceport (Eriadu), Ringo Vinda, Nar Shaddaa, Lanever Villecham Starport(Hosnian Prime), Bant'ena Fhernan Starport (Lanteeb), Flashpoint Spaceport (Cademimu), Spaceport Derretowa (Morellia), Lipsec, Jiroch-Reslia, Geonosis, Dulvoyinn, Xal 3, Gandle Ott, Rakata Beta, Druckenwell, Riflor, Hoth, Ziost, Vorzyd V, Coruscant, Endor

Operations: Interplanetary travel, entertainment

Rationale: Using the proceeds of a moneylaundering scheme involving a sizeable number of nova crystals, Dunames purchased a fleet of ships, mostly light freighters. And she then proceeded to hire pilots and make a schedule of routes for interplanetary travel. At the beginning, she also used Star Tours to smuggle and implement her own moneylaundering scheme, involving security deposits. But, in order to operate in First Order space, she had to modify the way she conducts smuggling to appear legitimate. In the end, these efforts paid off and the space line is operational.

Tier: 5

Description: Star Tours operates space flights from their six bases, Spaceport THX1138, Tomorrowland Spaceport, Nar Shaddaa, Hosnian Prime, Lanteeb and Ringo Vinda using a fleet made up of over one hundred ships, which they use for regular passenger services as well as for vacation packages. They also offer two levels of cargo services: some clients are content with using Star Tours as they would any other space shipping company, while others would desire, at a premium, which includes a security deposit, to have their cargo delivered safe from prying eyes and paying another layer of extra as security deposit if they need to schedule a stop due to the cargo necessitating a rush delivery. For this reason, some have been known to use Star Tours as a means of smuggling cargo and/or laundering money.

Cargo services have since expanded to include interplanetary travel of bulk freight, as well as of luxury cruises, with the advent of the Maersk-class bulk freighter in Star Tours service. As with its main supplier of starships, Star Tours swears to operate only using ships capable of landing on planets. In addition, Star Tours has been voted Most Improved Spaceline in 845 ABY by Hyperspace Traveler thanks to all seats being outfitted with holotrays for in-flight entertainment, meals designed from traditional cuisine at the endpoints of each flight, as well as a wide selection of in-flight duty-free shops. Its weekly in-flight magazine, Taking Off on a Star Tour, also covers the implication of the main galactic events on either their own activities or tourism at large, in addition to covering highlights of select destinations. Due to its involvement in the First Order's bread-and-circuses, Star Tours is nowadays more closely associated to the First Order especially since it systematically sponsors podraces in First Order space, and even deployed a ski resort on Mount Ison. Most importantly, it is one of the many sponsors of the Galactic Games.

In recent years, it is most notable for being the preeminent First Order shipping company. It has greatly expanded its network and entertainment offerings, both within and outside First Order space and, in recent years, it also operated a variety of entertainment facilities and spaceports, such as an amusement park on Jiroch-Reslia, a cinema complex on Druckenwell and a podrace track on Mindabaal. Finally, it started contributing to reconstruction efforts on Endor, Mindabaal and Rakata Beta.

Subsidiaries: Taking Off on a Star Tour (media)

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source:

*This is a canon company*
[SIZE=9pt]Company:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Zareca Cartel[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Modification Made:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Tier II to Tier III, adding an asset, removing an unnecessary development thread from initial submission.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Rationale:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] busy busy makin’ money[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Pertinent Development Threads:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]The Setup: Thengil Ri’shajirr negotiates a deal with Blackwell Agriworks.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Altering the Deal: Narbo makes a deal with the Helix Syndicate. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Wonderland: The leaders of Zareca, Helix, and Blackwell clean out an old fortress to set up a headquarters[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Terrible Hothpitality: Pauul Farrlo, employee of Zareca, works together with Pollux, thus establishing ties with the future leader of the Helix Syndicate. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Sons of Thyrsus: Thengil Ri’Shajirr hires the Sunguard.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]New Submission:[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To denounce the evil of truth and love, to extend our reach to the stars above.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Development:[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]​[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Celebrations Day One[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: An Aqualish drug dealer named Narbo tries to sell paint scraped off the side of a starship.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]TKO - Jelucan[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Again, Narbo tries to sell starship paint.[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]Corporation Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Zareca Cartel[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Headquarters: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]StarForge Shadowport[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Tier: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]III[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Rationale:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Zareca Cartel grew out of Narbo the Aqualish's narcotics operations on the shadowport StarForge station. The operations have since expanded to include a sizable operation running out of a mine on Roon and plantations on Rishi. While Narbo remains in nominal control over the operations on Starforge, he has since been taken over twice. First, Maleagant alias Pollux purchased his debt and forced him into a subcontracting position. Second, escaped war criminal Thengil Ri'shajirr came in with several Sunguard legionnaires and took over the Rishi plantations, effectively assuming direct control over the enterprise.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Locations: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Roon, Rishi[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Operations:[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]Mining Spice[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Growing Spice​ [/SIZE]



[SIZE=9pt]So-called due to its position near the Zareca String hyperway, the Zareca Cartel grew from the humble efforts of an impoverished Aqualish selling starship paint scraped off of hulls and into a multi-planetary organization engaged in the sale of spice to core worlds. The initial startup funding came from the Helix Syndicate and the various types of spice grown were imported from a seed store on Ryloth. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A hostile takeover initiated by rogue elements of a remnant Sunguard managed to capture the Rishi plantations in a surprisingly bloodless engagement. Afterward, their leader - an honorary legate called Thengil Ri'shajirr - forced Helix to hand over the reins. Apart from a few personnel changes, the aspiring warlord remains relatively paws off and only steps in to correct severe discrepancies. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Cartel's current efforts operate off a very simple scheme. Zareca grows the goods, then ships them inside of Blackwell Agriworks transports, which are full of livestock and feed. Once smuggled on board, the goods are sold to contacts in sales prearranged via Helix Syndicate contacts. Currently, all three organizations operate in conjunction with each receiving a third of the ultimate profits.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Cartel itself is made of no single gang. Instead, many disparate groups have been merged into a single whole. The Cartel is predominantly crewed by Rodians of the Tanwa Clan, though several swoop gangs on StarForge and Roon have also been absorbed. Ri'shajirr is the de facto head, with Narbo in charge of actual operations. Beneath him are the vigos, hitmen, and consultants. [/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]The Setup: Thengil Ri’shajirr negotiates a deal with Blackwell Agriworks.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Altering the Deal: Narbo makes a deal with the Helix Syndicate. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Wonderland: The leaders of Zareca, Helix, and Blackwell clean out an old fortress to set up a headquarters[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Terrible Hothpitality: Pauul Farrlo, employee of Zareca, works together with Pollux, thus establishing ties with the future leader of the Helix Syndicate. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Sons of Thyrsus: Thengil Ri’Shajirr hires the Sunguard.[/SIZE]
Company: Mara Tibx & Fuels

Modification Made: Tier 4, operation additions, locations
Rationale: Expansion

Pertinent Development Threads:

Tier III to Tier IV

[*]Make an additional four mass-produced products. (Service Company)

[*]Complete four miscellaneous threads.

[*]Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
[*]BDE - Planck Redistributor
[*]There In The Stars
New Submission:
Corporation Name: Mara Tibx and Fuels, Inc ( MTF) A subsidiary of Arceneau Trade Company
Headquarters: Tatooine with a secondary main branch at Sleheyron
Locations: Abafar, Sleheyron, Tatooine, Nal Hutta, Orondia, Nar Chunna, Dirha, Mandolore. Mandalorian space, black sun space, and confederacy space, Galactic Alliance Space, First Order Space, and The Kathol Outback.
Operations: Production, refinement, and distribution of Tibanna gas into TibannaX. Production, purification, and distribution of liquid fuels. Exploration of wells, Gravity and Geomagnetic Surveys, drilling extraction and refinement, terraforming, Quintessence Energy Alternatives. Production, refinement, and creation of new alloys. Survey and discovery of new ores, minerals, and elements.

Realizing that while Arceneau Trade Company was doing fantastic in prospecting, she decided to subsidize the entire fuel production and refinement into a subsidiary of Arceneau Trade Company, forming Mara Tibx and Fuels, or MTF for short.

Tier: IV
With a proven record in fuel mining, refining, and shipping, Danger Arceneau of Arceneau Trade Company wanted to branch out into other fuels. The collaboration of the Black Sun Criminal syndicates and the eradication of the Hutt presence now went paving the way for Danger to provide the refinement of Tibanna into TibannaX.

This, however, brought the attention that perhaps it would be more profitable to combine the current liquid fuel production and refineries with those of the newly acquired Tibanna, as a subsidiary of Arceneau Trade Company.

The current locations under Arceneau Trade Company are Tatooine, Nal Hutta, Orondia, Nar Chunna, and Dirha. It was only a matter of legal documents and paper work to add the Sleheyron production and refineries into the fold of the very profitable Arceneau umbrella, utilizing the tier 6 company as their primary promotion and distributor.

With a fleet of fuel stations, fuel tankers, and mobile fueling vessels, Mara Tibx and Fuels are able to provide not only quality fuels, but are able to offer any experience in tapping into a valuable resource for any government entity, for a fair price, and ensuring that the maximum amount of profit is attained for all resources. This includes the exploration of wells, gravity and geomagnetic surveys, drilling extraction, and refinement.

We provide Horizontal drilling, Multilateral drilling, Extended reach drilling, complex path drilling, drill cuttings and core samples, and well logging.

Mara Tibx and Fuels will be taking over all of Arceneau Trade Companies fueling prospects and contracts, allowing for expansion in potential business other than mere fuel to be added in for freighter services.
Since working in conjunction with PharmaTech, MaraTibx has taken over Arcenaeu Trade's terraforming production line. It has also begun steps towards alternative fuel sources, scouting for new ores, metals, elements, and even working towards creating new alloys.

I know the starting rank is tier 2, but since I am including established fueling processing and refineries, I thought to try and bump it to 3.

I also wasn't sure if this would need my link to all the threads in ATC pertaining to their fueling deals and acqusitions or if I should simply tack in the Arceneau Trade Company listing.

So I am adding this and if anything else is needed, please feel free to ask.
Company: Geonosian Industries
Modification Made: TII to TIII
Rationale: Show growth and expansion

Pertinent Development Threads:
Company: SIN Incorporated
Modification Made: Tier up to 3 and additional operations and locations
Rationale: Expansion and growth
Pertinent Development Threads:

Tier II to Tier III

[*]Make an additional three mass-production products.

[*]Complete three miscellaneous threads.

New Submission:

Corporation Name:[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]SIN Incorporated

Tier[SIZE=10.5pt]: [/SIZE]3

Headquarters:[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]The Rishi Maze
[SIZE=10.5pt]Owners: [/SIZE]Slevin Thawne | Natalia Thawne
  • Main Club: The Rishi Maze
  • Facilities: Ukio, Nar Kreeta, Rishi


Originally simply called "The Holdover", the business that would become SIN Incorporated was originally a cantina located within the Rishi Maze. The seedy bar was owned by Sal Virin, a Twi'lek with the mind of a crook. Sal founded The Holdover on the edges of the entrance to the Rishi Maze, creating the cantina as a rest spot for travelers looking to get into the Maze and explore it. Of course, Sal never intended for many of them to make it out of his doors. Because so many people went missing within the Rishi Maze Sal saw it as a perfect opportunity to turn his Cantina into a house of kidnapping and murder.

Over the years The Holdover collected many hundreds of people, kidnapping about one in ten people who walked through the doors and outright killing one in twenty. Sal robbed the rich, sold the poor into slavery, and scammed the middle class out of what little money they had.

The Holdover remained a staple of travel to the Rishi Maze despite its mysterious disappearances, becoming well known among people who denoted themselves as explorers.

That all changed when two travelers came to The Holdover from within the Rishi Maze itself. A man, and a woman, both with smiles on their faces and blood on their fingers. They stepped into The Holdover with a flourish, a predatory nature hanging around the both of them. They quickly spread cheer and charm through the cantina, talking up a storm and telling tales and stories of the Maze. The two caught Sal's attention, and Sal caught the woman's.

Within an hour of their meeting, Sal met his happy end within a chair in the back of The Holdover, a smile on his face and a cut of red across his throat.

The famous cantina closed its doors, Sal disappearing into the dirt and the charismatic man and woman taking his riches. They worked tirelessly, and within a month the cantina opened its doors once again, this time with a single word flashing above its doors "SIN".



SIN Incorporated, in short, is the legal name of a corporation that owns one hundreds percent of the SIN nightclub within the Rishi Maze and seeks to expand into further entertainment faculties within the Galaxy.

SIN itself is owned by two separate people who have denied giving their names to the public, though they are often seen within the confines of the main nightclub. Both figures, a male and a female, are enigmatic yet charismatic. Their names are known to but a few, and though they are approachable, more often then not doing so renders a chill down ones spine. Where they intend to take SIN is difficult to tell, yet the Club has gained massive notoriety during the short time that it has been open.

The street outside of SIN are lined with bright lights and ambient music, as one gets closer the music gets louder, much like a sirens song. The doors of SIN are decorated with a massive sign that reads three simple letters on the backdrop of a snake biting its own tail, a figure art carved from its body. The doors themselves are a plush leather that open automatically on approach, holding back a massive boom of electronic music and a roaring crowd. The club itself is expansive, and holds many features that draw customers to it.

The Club is the main attraction of SIN, the star and the very core of its foundation. The massive structure holds what many people would consider to be dreamworthy. Dozens of beautiful women, three separate bar areas, a VIP section, and of course a massive dance floor within the middle of it all. The Club seems to spread out for forever, bright blaring lights deafening music dimming the senses. There are no windows and no sign of a clock anywhere, SIN itself is designed to make one forget themselves, make them leave and spend their time within a dream instead of reality. Every facet of SIN is geared towards this, from their advertising to the decoration of the club.

Yet it is not the club itself that draws people to it, rather it is the people within and what SIN represents.

SIN sits on the entrance of the Rishi Maze, the satellite galaxy that so many are drawn to. Like the Galaxy that surrounds it SIN is a mystery, an enigma. It is the lighthouse before the dark, the bright and shinning globe within the black. In short, SIN has become the last stop of explorers before they enter the Rishi Maze. People from all walks of life pass through SIN, and as they do they find themselves changed, for the better or for worse.

That is the meaning of SIN.

Being founded within the Rishi Maze, and holding to no laws of god or government, SIN is a Gomorrah among the stars. The company follows no moral code, seeks no oppression, and is content to let the wants of the people run wild. There is no judgement within SIN, no reckoning that will land, those who enter the doors of SIN go to live their dreams and are as free as when they were born.

As the Club expands and the company begins to shift forward SIN seeks to further it's hold within the entertainment industry, as well as the hearts and minds of its patrons.

Operations[SIZE=10.5pt]: [/SIZE]

Entertainment: Above all and before everything SIN seeks to entertain. The Club was founded on a singular and rather simple principle, aiding those who seek to get lost. The Rishi Maze is filled with the bodies of those who have gone to explore it, lined with the gold and credits of those who found themselves adrift within it. SIN was created to catch those bodies before they could be lead astray. The Club, and the company itself, seeks to be the light one goes through before they see the dark. The club and everything set around it was made with the purpose of parting every passersby with their money, and perhaps more.

Escort Services: Of course, music and alcohol is at times not enough for those within this galaxy, and for them SIN offers a more earthly delight. Being well aware of the variance within the galaxy and the shifting nature of ones will, the proprietors of SIN have ensured that those who enter into business with them are properly enticed at all times. Through means of will and want SIN seeks to entertain all the dreams of it's patrons.

Haute Couture The newest division for SIN includes the expansion into manufacture, production, and distribution of Haute Couture. Using quality materials, S.I.N. invites itself to the premier fashionista society to embark on products lines such as clothing, shoes, perfumes, accessories, beauty, and many more.
Wear your S.I.N. proudly.

Agriculture: One of their nest acquisitions includes farmland and pilfered estates on the agriworld of Ukio. This includes growing flora that can be utilized and refined in their pharmecutical diviison into high quality drugs.

Pharmaceuticals: A deal with a local hutt in Nar Kreeta has opened up the opportunity to fine tune into the pharmaceutical sector. S.I.N. utilizes spice as well as other drugs to craft new methods of being able to provide

Subsidiaries[SIZE=10.5pt]: [/SIZE]
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