Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Commen'or Leaving? | GA Dominion of Commenor

Location: Space - Above Commenor
With: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Loomi Loomi | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Equipment: Lightsaber | Field Robes | LPD-11 Heavy Blaster Pistol

At that moment, Caden stopped caring.

Where he'd been trying to preserve life by only taking arms and legs, he was now cutting through pirates as if they were nothing. His yellow blade hacked and slashed through groups, blaster fire around him taking down those he missed. The head of a Kel Dor pirate rolled between the legs of the young Jedi, severed by the edge of a plasma weapon, but in that moment Caden didn't care.

There was a lot of distance to make up to get to his friend. He'd been the opposite side of the room when everything had happened and as a consequence there were a fair few pirates between Caden and Loomi. A lot of those pirates fell, either to the wrath of the Jedi or the blaster fire from the Alliance Soldiers moving with him towards the Godoan.

Caden had lived by rules for so long. He lived by rules not only to prevent his own fall, but to keep safe those around him. Caden had been raised during times of war, he was nothing but a perfect soldier. He had kept his rules for so long to prevent himself becoming that perfect soldier again and yet finally he'd met a foe who had harmed someone he cared about.

His rules went out the window at that moment.

From somewhere in a corner, a sheet of durasteel was torn from the wall. It fell, crushing two pirates who were trying to shoot down Minerva. They screamed out in agony, but Caden hardly noticed. A second pirate attempted to attack the Jedi Knight, bringing his vibroblade down to cut the man from head to toe. Caden kicked him away, preventing himself being sliced in two, and pierced the man with his yellow blade.

Loomi was close now. Pirates were running, on the retreat from what Caden could tell. He took the time to decapitate one more who tried to run past him. The yellow blade of his weapon retreated into it's hilt, as Corazona took up a defensive lightsaber form to prevent any incoming blaster fire from the retreating pirates from causing harm to any of the group.

Crouching down, Caden took Loomi's hand and shook his head. She seemed to be okay, no physical injuries of note. No, Caden suspected her injuries were much more internal and much less healable, even by his basic understanding of the abilities provided to him by Force Heal. Her injuries would require traditional methods to cure, such as therapy.

"Hey, hey hey. Don't apologise. No-one got hurt, except a few pirates"

From executioner to carer, Caden switched in seconds. Gone was the wrath that had fueled him only moments prior, replaced now with nothing but care and concern for the young Godoan. He squeezed her hand gently, taking a deep breath. He spent a few moments, just holding Loomi until she appeared calmer. Minerva was close, Corazona was finishing up with the fleeing pirates. Everyone had survived, except a few pirates.

"If you're feeling up to it, they'll be moving for the bridge. I reckon we can cut them off and give them an interesting surprise when they arrive"

The Jedi Knight got up to his feet, and offered Loomi his hand.

"We've still got work to do, unfortunately"
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ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ

Objective II: Securing the Future

Jand had been on the leading end of kill missions. Those had mostly been during war-time, against the Maw and dark side. Now, however, there was supposed peace in the galaxy, which some believed indicated a shift in the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi Order, one geared less toward war-like encounters or methodology; missions were more than hold back an enemy or overrun a position now.

"Our lives are already in imminent danger, by infiltrating the pirate base," Jand said to Silas, as he looked to the other. "Killing the captain would invalidate our efforts, and the simpler alternative of bombers blowing the base up would have been opted for. We complete the mission, for it is assigned to us for a reason and purpose: to capture."

With luck, Silas would accept the rationale and understand the risk was worth the reward, as SIA worked to sniff out more pirating networks. It also seemed that Daisy had answered Dreidi's query, the remainder of the pirates were less important, and appropriate response was expected to defending oneself as a member of the Jedi team. They would go in relentlessly, but mindful.

Suddenly the comm system activated.

<"Bantha One, we've gotchu on our scanners,"> a voice said through a choppy line. <"Yer runnin' late. Transmit the codes an' verbal password.">

Jand turned to Daisy and watched, as she was the one designated to handle the transport specifics. Ahead, a tight-beam laser activated on a distant asteroid, which lined up with the hidden pirate base, as well as the glimmer of hulls as ugly fighters launched. The location had been revealed, along with a patrol.

<"Sendin' our lads to guide ya in,"> the voice continued. <"Hurry up, need to make up lost time!">

The ploy with the codes, and whatever response Daisy gave, seemed to have worked. Within minutes the Jedi team would be landed, and that's when the charade would end, as it would be very obvious the four were not pirates and most certainly didn't belong. But, before Daisy took them into the hangar, they had final moments to prepare...


Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Objective 2
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Loomi Loomi Caden Evesa Caden Evesa

Minerva had to resist the urge to shake her head. The young Jedi was wounded not in body but in soul. She knew that it is not something that can be shrugged off. Time was not on their side but Minerva had concerns. Does this padawan still have the will to fight? That could endanger the lives of her troops if Loomi breaks down again.

Considering Caden's plan she declared to the troopers.

"Second squad will go with me and Caden, we'll advance to the bridge. First squad you will take up the rear to cover it and reinforce us when necessary. I suspect the pirates will try to pull a fast one so we need to have an ace card just in case.

Turning to Loomi she said in a sympathetic tone. "First squad is going to need help. I suggest you stay back with them until they're ready. We're counting on you, young one stay strong."

To Cora the Mandalorian nodded.

"Best to do the same." Leaning forward she added in a whisper. "Keep your Jedi sister company."

Drawing her blaster rifle she signaled to the second squad and they advanced into the hallway.
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Joland Graves

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres , Maran Maran

The squad fought their way through the bowels of the pirate ship.

"Impressive," Joland earnestly said to Maran.

The Mirialan padawan hung in the back, rendering her victims unconscious or otherwise gifting them with the pleasures of severe IBS. Joland deliberately stepped infront of her to act as her shield. Using his low-powered lightsaber, he deflected the blaster bolts thanks to his novice understanding of Shii-Cho. Makko had his own shield and seemed like he could hold his own.

"Stun cuffs!" Joland shouted to the GADF commandos with more authority than was intended. He was finding his footing in the belly of the beast. Adversity molded him like clay. He was a Jedi — a peacekeeper.

But at the moment, it hardly felt like peace. Joland's slugthrower remained nestled in its holster, hoping not to be disturbed from quiet slumber. He would exercise restraint, but the pirates certainly didn't have the same intention. Unfortunately, his allies' lives were on the line, too. Hesitation got people killed.

The squad fought their way to the bridge. When they arrived, a few pirates were keeping watch over the ship's operational systems. As they entered, one of the pirates spun around, blaster rifle in hand. A GADF soldier fired a shot through his chest and put him down. He died, along with any further resistance from the bridge crew.

Joland winced, then put his game face back on.

"Untether the Hook," Joland said. "Then we move out. The captain must be with the others. Let's flank 'em and put an end to this."
Obj 2
Loomi Loomi Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

The situation seemed to die down for the moment—which was good. It would allow the small group of Alliance personnel to recollect themselves before the fighting began again in earnest.

As the pirates retreated, Cora killed her lightsaber and took in the scene before them. The scuffle had left a handful of crates destroyed, an unfortunate side effect of battle. Several dead pirates lay strewn across the maze of boxes, and those who'd survived—albeit, now missing a limb or two—were being wrangled by Alliance soldiers for questioning.

Behind them, Loomi's whimpers caused the other Padawan's heart to sink. It wasn't so long ago that Cora had found herself in the same position, freezing up during the chaos of battle. She'd even made herself sick at one point.

It was never easy.

Half-turning, found her gaze on Minerva as the Mandalorian leaned in, nodded curtly to her suggestion. Then her eyes fell to the Jedi in the room. Caden seemed closer to Loomi and had a better handle on the situation, comforting the frightened Godoan with soft words and a gentle hand.

Which stood in stark contrast to the intensity she'd felt radiating from him earlier. Even on opposite ends of the compartment, she could feel the Force thrum with instability. It left a bad taste in her mouth, and she gave the Knight a sideways glance.


Kneeling down, Cora retrieved a monogrammed handkerchief from her pocket and used it to dab at the bloodied spots on Loomi's face.

"It's not real blood," She murmured quietly, lips twitching upward in an attempt to be soothing. It was a struggle to be soft and consoling with the adrenaline pumping through her system. As Caden offered a hand to Loomi, Cora rose and wiped the crimson from her own face.

"Are you able to stay with us, Loomi? The danger isn't over, but let us know if you're not feeling up to it."

She felt for the girl, she really did—and they could dissect what triggered such an intense reaction in her once they were safe.

While Caden helped her up, Cora turned to Minerva and place a hand on the Mandalorian's armored shoulder with a look of concern.

"Watch him." She murmured lowly. "Something felt off."

Loomi took a moment to collect herself. Nothing that was being said was hostile. There seemed to be a fair amount of genuine concern, even from the Mandalorian. It made her feel a bit less terrible about derailing the entire mission...

Even if there was still something wrong with her.

"If you're feeling up to it, they'll be moving for the bridge. I reckon we can cut them off and give them an interesting surprise when they arrive"

The Godoan hesitated for a moment before accepting Caden's hand, getting up to her feet. There was still a chance for her to fix all of this. She took a moment to recompose herself, trying her best to clear up her face, which Cora had been kind enough to clean up a little herself.

"I... want to see the mission through to the end," she finally stated, clearly not as shaken as before. "I can keep going."

Loomi turned for a moment, facing away from the rest of the group.

"Thank you... I... thought you'd tell me to leave."

She'd make good on their charity. Loomi didn't just want to see the mission through, she had to. It was the only way she'd be able to sleep whenever they returned. She owed as much to the rest of the team.


Jand Talo Jand Talo | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

“Transmitting,” she replied, her finger on the switch she needed to press to talk, which she abandoned briefly to key the codes to send. Once that was done, she provided the verbal: “Password is… ‘fuck the fucking fuckers’.”

Ichika kept the distaste she felt out of her tone. Such a filthy thing to say. The silence was brief, while they ran the codes. At first, the sight of the launch of their uglies made her hands tighten around the steerage, but the follow up from the base eased that moment of tension.

Yet their urging delivered a pang of irritation. Her hand hovered over the comm switch, but she curled her fingers into a fist and resisted the temptation to get snarky, then pressed the comm switch anyway, “You got it,” then released the switch, providing no further response other than matching speed with the incoming uglies and altering course to take them toward and into the base.

“We will be in the hangar and landing in less than a couple of minutes,” she advised back to her companions for this mission, “Be ready.”

That was not a suggestion. She would don her blades and be ready as soon as they landed and powered down. Following the escort, the approach was about as swift as could be managed, and she would guide this… inelegant thing into the hangar, and set it down gently. Just like she had practised once the vessel had been made ready.


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Objective: 2
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo | Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Listening to what everyone had to say about what it would be the best approach for them to take. Dreidi interpreted this as they assumed that the only pirate they needed to be concerned on not taking out was the captain, if the others did not surrender or attempted to attack them then what happened to them was on them. It seemed logical. Dreidi kept quiet, taking it in all then heard Daisy transmit the passcode, which caused her the stifle a snort of laughter. That was certainly a creative choice in a passcode and the clear distaste in the colourful phrasing did not sit well with Daisy, something that only made the situation more amusing to her. However, she could feel some sympathy towards Daisy.

Checking herself and ensuring that Dreidi still had her Lightsaber clipped to her belt and held onto one of the handles to keep herself steady. Breathing in deeply as she waited for them to dock. Assuming that Jand would take charge in the launch forward. Dreidi was happy to offer supportive combat role in this situation. Her mind clicked once more and she remembered to check that she still had a lighter on her, patting her side to ensure it was still there. While her skills with Magick were stronger, she hadn't mastered the manifestation of fire from nothing so it was better for her to rely on the lighter.

It was still there, which was good, she was fully kitted out.

Her hand reached down and grabbed her Lightsaber, not hovering over the button since she didn't want to accidentally ignite the blade before the fighting began.

Location: Space - Above Commenor
With: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Loomi Loomi | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Equipment: Lightsaber | Field Robes | LPD-11 Heavy Blaster Pistol

The sideways glance hadn't gone unnoticed.

No mention of it would be made by the Knight, he didn't want to derail the mission any further. It was noted in his memory though, the sideye that the Padawan had cast his way. It was something to be dealt with after the mission's completion, when everyone was safe and the mission had gone successful. It was something to be dealt with in private, not a public issue.

"We're a team, kid. If you go, we all go"

Softly, he spoke in response to the Godoan. He wasn't going to ask her to leave, especially just because she froze in battle. Everyone froze at least once in battle, if they didn't they were lying. Loomi would prove useful during this misson, of that Caden was certain. She had something to prove now, a want to prove she wasn't a failure who panicked.

"The Mandalorian's right. You two stay back. Loomi, you know my signal if everything goes wrong. If you miss it, just listen out for the blaster fire. Don't come in until you get the signal, unless you're worried I'll do something stupid, of course."

He cast a glance towards Corazona as he spoke the last sentance. He didn't say anything further though, it was up to the Padawan to infer the meaning of his glance. Instead, he turned to Minerva and began adjusting his robes and armour ready for the push to the bridge. He double checked his weapons, ensuring his lightsaber was at his hip and his blaster was ready to go.

Within minutes, Caden led the group out into the ship's tight corridors ready for the move to the bridge. He was aware that there could be pirates around any corner, especially as they all still seemed to be on the ship. He hadn't heard any escape pods jettison so he had to assume all of the pirates remained on board. He had to assume they were all going to the bridge.

Weirdly, the walk was uneventful.

Caden led the group slowly, taking care to look around every corner both with his eyes and the Force. There was only one pirate en-route, and Caden took him down quite quickly with a cheeky Force Push against the wall. The dull thunk of the pirates skull against metal plating wasn't pretty, but Caden was hopeful there was nothing life threating as a result. Probably a decent concussion though.

Once the turbolift to the bridge came into view, Caden took a moment to compose himself and begin to formulate a plan. There was no obvious other way up, there didn't appear to be any stairs or anything. The only way up and down from the bridge appeared to be the turbolift in front of him. What that meant is either the pirates were already up there taking control and waiting, or the Alliance would get the drop on the pirates and beat them to the bridge.

Either way, there was only one way to find out. Caden turned to Minerva and smiled.

"Guns at the ready? I reckon we're getting out of this turbolift into a firefight"
"This your first time on a ship or sumthing?"

Branching off with Colette, Capris simply shrugged, canting her head down the same corridor Colette seemed pulled to.

"Your bet is as good as mine. I say we go with the gut-feeling, worry about repercussions later."

A motto she truly lived by.

Without wasting any more time Capris pushed down the left lane, blade drawn and defensive as they began to uncover whatever awaited them.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Colette Colette




Two SIA agents and three GADF Marines fed into their shared commline and confirmed nothing on their mutual HUD. At the very least, that meant their visuals were synchronised.

Synchronised in visuals and understanding — nobody had to tell anyone twice about the demonstrative nature of this insertion. Major Ocano had hinted at it the best; show what happens when you turn on the Starbird from within. This strike team was the first wave of intolerance.

Consequently, nobody had to tell them to be alert as they made their way silently up through the rolling fog and inhospitable terrain. Meters left traded for meters made, and soon the perimeter of the promised camp was a black silhouette at the crest of a cliff through the grey-brown mist.

Repel-lines blurt out from their belts or vambraces, pierced into some stable part of the rockface, and after each tested the support, the group ascended up the cliffside.

Hanging there, no longer under the cover of the foliage and bushes they’d been concealed by, Cordé poked a head over the edge of the cliffside. They were right at the inlet between the control room and the main entrance.

From here, they’d go to the control room together. The SIA agents would provide eyes from the control room — and download some of that inarguable evidence from on-the-ground cams — while the marines hit what was supposed to be the barracks.

It made sense for Dark Ops to slip in before everyone else.

<You’re up.> Cordé murmured to the agent she’d met on Vonnuvi, and braced her elbows to support her weight on the cliffside, peering over like a wartime cartoon.

<Remember, limited to no biothermal detection. This place is droid-guarded.

I'll be right behind you when you give the signal.>
She looked over her shoulder, feeling the strain and the tension building in her muscles from the awkward half-hanging position as if to communicate then you to the marines.

IMPLEMENT: SIA AND GADF COMPLEMENT | Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv | Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | OPEN

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Laborrous Deeds

Operative "Sable"
Special Intelligence Agency

Location: Core | Skako
Assignment: Trade Federation Investigation
Tags: Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo | Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Open
Carbine held in the low ready, Sable treaded the distance like a prowler of the night. Fog shadowed his movements through the uneven terrain, deterring only those without the physical endurance and mental discipline to push through an environment that only added difficulty in the very first steps of an operation. an obstacle that can be overcome like any other adversary.

Inside his bucket the different colors associated with infrared filters came to life, the controlled clattering of his teeth bringing the HUD to life. In his time in Dark Ops, identifying Kill Teamer from enemy was simple as the HUD automatically coated the friendly Operator in a deep black silhouette. It came differently here with the one agent and three Marines accompanying them, as they didn't carry the same armor he wore. Of course, tagging them on his HUD as friendly might help, but the tags would only just get in the way.

Fortunate enough for him, nothing grew above the number six when it came to the people present in their misty approach. Not for a lack of remaining vigilant nonetheless.

It wasn't long before the tell-tale sign of stars being blotted out from the sky by solid shapes would come into view, much like the rock face they approached. The Dark Operator fired a line from his vambrace, letting the line secure itself in place before climbing. As much easier as it would be to allow the line to pull him to his destination, he himself didn't trust it to be any faster than climbing the rockface himself.

Grabbing handholds and advancing up the face of the rock wall, it was evident this wouldn't be the first time he's done something akin to this strenuous activity. It was almost too easy, despite his clear focus on the activity itself, so much as to not let the carbine maglocked against his chestplate not scrape against a jutting out surface whatsoever.

< {Check.} >

His fingers reached for the final ledge to the tallest obstacle they've had yet to come across. The confirmation came before he pulled himself up over it, hushed and with little struggle from the strenuous. His voice wouldn't spill out from the safety of the bucket, yet adrenaline and natural instincts brought that cautionary tone out of him. Not even the one percent of the one percent would ever get that out of their systems throughout all their training to the role they played in Dark Ops.

On his feet, the rifle was instantly up in his hands as they jutted the muzzle of his weapon forward. Like a smooth mobile platform, Sable trudged forward in anticipation of definitive contact at any point. People were one thing to worry about, yet droids didn't take random paths to go take a leak or enjoy a more 'scenic' patrol route. If they tripped any preliminary alarms that triggered an investigative response, and if the droids were connected directly in some fashion to this system, a patrol could be here any moment.

That's what he was on the lookout for as he got into position. Blending in with the shadows of the night as best he can against the wall of the camp itself, he trained his weapon to a corner that would be the natural blind angle to the team's approach for further entry. A few seconds passed as he remained nearly still as a statue, the only indication to him being set for their approach being the team net clicking twice in concise order.

Time to move.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon Colette Colette | Closed

<I know,> Valery said with a worried tone regarding Colette. This mission was a lot more intense than she had hoped it would be, so she was already reminding herself to talk to her Padawan afterward. Kahlil was right — they had to be a lot more careful and thoughtful about what kind of missions they'd bring their Padawans. The pressure of war was gone, and even though some might want to dive headfirst into danger, it was their job as their Masters to address it.

:: Joining up with you to keep these pirates distracted :: Valery communicated back to Kahlil.

She watched the Padawans break off to go for the engine room, and dashed through another set of hallways herself to lure as many pirates into following her as she could. It meant that a lot of enemy fire was concentrated on her and Kahlil, but she knew they could handle it.

"I think the Padawans made it through, but they do have some trouble waiting for them up ahead as well." It was not easy to split up from a Padawan, but she trusted both of them to handle it.

However, as the intense fight continued, both Jedi Masters got a warning signal from the Bastion — another ship was dropping out of Hyperspace, and it wasn't Alliance.

"Love?!" she called out over another rocket exploding. "I think they might come for our ship!"

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon / Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble / Valery Noble Valery Noble

“Yes, actually.” Colette said with a sheepish smile. “This one, at least.”

Happy funtime was over though. No sooner than Colette seemed to have turned her blade off it was time to turn it back on again. A bolt shot at her from seemingly nowhere. The force shrieked, her hand trusting it to guide her arm to help swat it away.

“We’re heading the right way.” She noted to Capris given the evidence. Another barrage of bolts were sent in the direction of the two padawans. The guards seemed to group around the door up ahead. “That must be where they are keeping the prisoners.”

Her blade impacted with another bolt that nearly became a clean return-to-sender. Although thankfully it impacted on the wall behind him instead.



"Well we can't have our way out taken."

Kahlil shifted beside Valery, his blade shifting through the air to batter back the blaster fire sent their way. He dipped the blade low, though, letting it pass through the ground as he kept to the defensive. Lines of red through the metal below until he reached out. Valery already knew what was going to happen. The sequence ignited in a burst of ice, washing forward to freeze the pirates where they stood.

"Handle the stragglers, I'll deal with out new guests."

He flashed a grin before turning to dash back to the Bastion. No one was going to hurt his ship.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Colette Colette | Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon


Tag: Loomi Loomi Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Caden Evesa Caden Evesa

Minerva silently took the warning from Cora but otherwise said nothing. She hoped Caden wasn't slipping. That would endanger her squadmates and force her to take action. Even though the Mandalorian wasn't part of the enclave anymore she still lived it's beliefs including the policy. No Sith, no exceptions…

Fortunately they focus back on the mission, advancing without much trouble. Until they entered the turbolift. Once inside she switched to her dual pistols just as Caden made his cheeky remark. Inside the helm Minerva rolled her eyes in amusement and snorted.

"Heh maybe when you get promoted they should call you Master Obvious."

As if to prove the point the lift stopped and the door and immediately they were fired upon. Minerva rushed forth and rolled out. Then she blasted a Weequay pirate with two bolts into the chest and the latter dropped backwards. Pain seared into her side as an enemy shot caught Minerva into the left side. Using her jet boots she evaded the next three bolts before returning fire midair, killing a freckle-faced human male who slumped onto a console.

As before she flies around as a diversion and provides covering fire for her comrades, Alliance and Jedi alike.




Anticipation was a buzz in her hands and the back of her throat. The darkness and fog eclipsed the dark operator, as intended, but it made it more difficult to provide cover for someone who blended in so readily.

No alarms were detected, and after several painstaking seconds of nothing, something came through. They were in.

Hastily the team made their way through the shadows to the entry points the dark operator — Andrew Cole as Cordé knew him — had made. The marines under Major Teshi’s oversight were surprisingly fluid. Shed from their typical armour and donning something more svelte put them more in step with agents like Sable and Dulcet.

Silence was their ally, and as soon as they were in the control room the mission accelerated. The rotations of the droids were downloaded and patched through their local network – especially for the marines who were in charge of securing the federal agents who’d been taken captive.

Meanwhile, as unobtrusively as possible, Cordé’s accompaniment — Agent Grier, tech specialist — downloaded historic video audio feeds of Laborr’s labour camps. While he worked, Cordé watched.

<Heads up Ocano, you have a pair of sentinels approaching your next corner. Six o’clock..>
IMPLEMENT: SIA AND GADF COMPLEMENT | Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv | Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano


Laborrous Deeds

Operative "Sable"
Special Intelligence Agency

Location: Core | Skako
Assignment: Trade Federation Investigation
Tags: Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo | Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Open
It was almost like he was back in his younger Strike Team days with how smooth the operation ran so far. Not a word needed to be uttered as he waited for the last man to pat his shoulder pauldron to flow right into the stack flowing interior of the structure itself. For the base itself to be a labor camp, or at least holding highly valuable targets on site, security thus far was too lax for his liking. Yet was just enough to remind him of the less adrenaline pumping missions he's gone through until the point of reaching Kill Teamer status.

He was the last agent to enter the control room, crimson visor focusing to the blast door panel to seal the doors behind them as they began to get comfortable for the remainder of the mission between contact and asset recovery.

A moment later and his HUD filled with files the tech specialist attached to the element was able to acquire thus far, before being minimized to the side to bring up a panel of optical feeds on current run time. Refreshing over not only the intelligence that was given to the team before touching down on planet, and putting location to current state of affairs. Plus, it never hurt where the patrols were specifically in correlation to his current position. Especially when things were just about to get hot.

Despite preparing for the possibility of having to reinforce the reconnaissance Marines if they got into too tight a spot to fight out of, the Dark Operator remained in place to watch the backs of the two SIA agents. The flow was too smooth so far. So when was the obstacle to overcome going to arrive?


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