Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Closed Season - SJO Dominion of Yurb

Objective 2: Get into trouble Setup Silver Jedi Embassy​
Tags: [member="Veiere Arenais"]​
Sylas was hanging off beams near his master watching his group going about being kids and padawans which they rarely did anymore. That's when he heard about his master's condition and the doctor's name. He got up sitting on beam before using the Frost Wolfs private channel. "Hey Doc Manners have you ever heard of Doctor Hale?" As he sat waiting he looked worriedly at his master. What he was hearing wasn't great.

"Yeah I have worked with her a couple of times. Very interesting woman. More passionate than even me. Why do you ask?" Sylas waited for a bit taking in that information. "Just randomly thought of it can you gather the others and put them to work I need to have a quick chat with my master. I will still be reachable but unless it's important try to keep me out of it." Looking down he saw them both nod as they went off to gather the rest of his team.

As they got together and began helping sylas jumped down from the beam into the corridor that his master was in doing a combat roll to soften his landing as he went along with a bit of force bubble. He stood before his master nodding to the droid as he came to him. "Master I heard the conversation. I know that you were injured but if my own medic says one of the best in our order is telling you to rest and you aren't. Well what is it that's always said to me oh yes 'We should respect those who know more than us Sylas lest we become lost ourselves.' Please master rest. My team can do most of the hard labour." Sylas would still look worried at his master confused as to why the man wouldn't simply take the doctors advice
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Ura nodded to the master, while Ger’Off decide to make himself known the only way he knew how. With a lot of wet licking.

“Of course Master.” If anyone here knew a lot able Yurbian politics, it was Ura. This was her homeworld after all. She nodded to Jessica, and spoke again in her monotone, finally shaking off the embarrassment of speaking with he old militia mentor.

“As you can probably tell things haven’t always been the best. This stations out there, the Glassers, were old Imperial blockade stations. When the Empire fell, Yurb took the stations, but... not before one was used. They aren’t called Glassers for nothing. We turned them into defense stations, but since Lervon have long lives, 1000 years in fact, that the memories are still fresh in many minds. It’s why Yurb is so isolated. Poachers are another issue. Razor-Tail Tiger are good money on the black market, and even with stations, light cruisers, a star destroyer, and fighters, we can’t stop them all.” She then looked out to her home. “Anything else you’d like to know before going to meet the Minister of Yurb? I can tell you about him, or any other questions about Yurb.”
Post: 2

Objective: BYOO (Defeat Brain Demon Cultists)

The blond witch's attack pattern was a cautious one, despite her earlier boasting. She thrust and made quick lunges that, while Syd was able to parry, they were frequent enough that Syd had not yet found an avenue to attack herself.

She had tried torching her, obviously. But the witch had used some strange blood magic to shield herself from the heat (Syd knew this because she could sense the taint of it at close range). Figures. Syd was going to have to do this the hard way.

As the witch again made a feinting thrust that transitioned into a series of deadly vertical swipes that put her on the defensive, Syd shifted her posture to dodge the thrust, slipping into her knowledge of Broken Gate delivering an open palm strike that connected with her foe's stomach, knocking her backward.

The flare of magic behind her alerted Syd to the witches who had seemingly dug themselves out of the sands, conjuring swords seemingly made of glowing green smoke. Spirit Ichor, Syd guessed.

The Force alerted her to the gutteral roar of the lead witch, who begin hissing in the language of the ancient Sith.

Syd snarled in pain, her body rippling across its surface like water, the four witches behind her closing in. The suit blocked most of it, but that was only an indicator of how strong her opponents magic was. Syd fought through the intense pain as her body rippled, the witches seconds from reaching her, managing to draw her crossbow pistol and fire it right at one witch, hitting her in the throat and killing her instantly, barely managing to concentrate enough to use the magic of the pistol to teleport out of range of a strike that would have pierced her face, next to the corpse of the witch she had killed. Syd flew forward at the witch she had teleported behind, who wheeled around, catching Syd's lightsaber with her own ichor sword.

Syd twisted the blade aside, executing a follow up thrust that pierced the witch's chest. Syd recoiled in disgust as nothing but yellow pus instead of blood spilled onto the desert sand as the witch toppled backward dead.

Danger seethed towards her from the east, and Syd barely caught the frost blue bolts from the cryoban pistols one witch duel wielded against her. Her hilt wasn't as good for deflection. Normally she would have brought her blue blades, but she was trying to force herself to refine her single bladed technique. That meant adapting and learning to use what was available.

But for all an admittedly heroic effort to deflect, the deficiencies of using a curve hilt nonetheless caught up with her.

Two bolts hit her and her entire psionic shell rippled as she doubled over in pain, unable to focus. The head witch advanced with her surviving companions. The witch with the pistols fired, and Syd caught a bolt in the leg as she desperately rolled to the side, nearly fumbling a bolt into the pistol, as she continually rolled through the sand, feeling the suit react and repel the Force choking attempts to a degree, though she still felt pressure on her neck, but just not enough to cut off her air supply. Syd fired at the pistoleer witch, hitting her right in the forehead. Syd dived for one of the pistols as one of the lead witch's acolytes bore down on her. She wheeled and fired as fast as she could at point blank range the frost blue bolts getting past a hastily put up defense, hitting the witch in the face and freezing it solid.

Syd struggled up, pointing the pistol at the lead witch, who smiled, guarding with her lightsaber.

"So...even one such as you feels fear..." The witch hissed, sensing it dance around in Syd's being, albeit greatly muted.

"Maybe..." Syd, growled, leveling the cryoban pistol at her head. "But I still like my odds..."

The blond witch cackled. "You may not feel that way in a few seconds..."

Syd spotted the pus-blood she had spilled in killing her main enemy's acolytes, hissing and being absorbed by the sand.

They rose, fueled in part by stolen Lurvon life force, the rest by a corrupted magic, bodies made of sand, in the form of the witchs she had slain.

The sand witchs smiled psychotically at her as they advanced, picking up their weapons.

Syd knew the flame would no more work on them then it had with the blond one, both protected by the same magic.

And Syd had a real problem...
Location: Yurb
Objective: BYOO: Enjoy the Hot Spring
Tagging: Whoever wants to come

Stay in bed they said, you're too weak to move, you need to give yourself time to recover, for your body to hearl. The healers weren't wrong, Asaraa knew that she had almost died in the orbit of Azure, she could close her eyes and still feel it. The regret, the dimming, as the world around her faded away, the force surrounding her, if she was honest a part of her still felt she was still there. She felt drawn, cold, as if she wasn't quite whole, but it was more than that. he could feel the force surrounding her, almost as if she were still drowning, but everytime she reached out to touch the force, to draw it in it hurt. No it was agony, her connection to the force was still so raw that even the smallest thing left her double over in pain, tears streaming down her face. She'd been told that it would just take time, but the force was everything to her she hadn't realised how much she'd come to rely it in her everyday life small things like opening doors or pulling things across the room. The healers had been very insistent though, no fights and no using the force till they had agreed she was recovered.

Which to be fair was a ruling she didn't plan to argue with, too much at least. If she was honest the young Jedi felt weak, as if she could be blown over by a soft breeze, not that she'd ever admit that out loud. She had decided not to head out of the city, not because of the healers, just because she wanted to, that was totally it. Hands clutched at the railing as she took a tentative step forward, water pooling aorund her ankles. She's never actually been to a hotspring like this, but she'd heard great things why not test it out right? THey were supposed to be good for health and healing. Another few steps had the water swirling around her knees then thighs as her hands came up to clutch the towel wrapped around her body as she shuffled slowly to a ledge, lowering herself down into the water. This...actually wasn't so bad, kinda relaxing.
Objective 3: Establish a Silver Jedi Embassy on Yurb, for quick and easy communication between the formerly isolated world, and the Order.
Tags: [member="Sylas Taff"].
With: Chip.

"Master I heard the conversation. I know that you were injured but if my own medic says one of the best in our order is telling you to rest and you aren't. Well what is it that's always said to me oh yes 'We should respect those who know more than us Sylas lest we become lost ourselves.' Please master rest. My team can do most of the hard labour" His Padawan spoke ever so wisely, and in many cases, Veiere would have been pleased.

"And what is it they say about listening in on other peoples conversations, Sylas?" Veiere countered the boy with a half smirk, both impressed, amused and a little frustrated that he had to explain himself now to the younger of the two, "Hardly a way to respect someone who knows more than you do, hm?" The Jedi Master's smirk grew a little wider, and his tone would give away the humor in the situation he found himself in.

On the subject of the boy's team however, Veiere couldn't help but be intrigued; To his knowledge, he hadn't met these other members of Sylas apparent troupe, and it was probably for the best that he do so. "And who are these cohorts of yours? No doubt equally as mischevious as yourself, I'm sure" Veiere chuckled quietly under his breath, though if that was truly the case, it was likely to be at his expense.
Objective: Take Down Local Poaching Operations (Possibly by creatively interpreting the definition of 'left alive'...), Befriend Razor-Tailed Tigers

Allies: [member="Verana"] and [member="Noah Gloom"]

Seth glanced to Verana as she began to determine what to do. When suddenly a new presence entered the fold. He glanced over as the man spoke. Glanced to Verana as she took her turn once more to introduce herself. Then followed up with a soft nod of his own head and the words. "Seth, I'm also with the SJO." He expressed while he looked back to Verana as she covered over the facts.. Well mostly over facts. Seth did not recall any mention of leaving the poachers alive in their report. A sharp gleam flashing through his eyes at the bending of the truth.

However, he did quickly find resolve. Falling into a more forced calm than natural calm. If Verana preferred the poachers be left alive. Seth would make sure they were at least left breathing. Whether they were left in a good quality of life following his arrival. Depended upon how diplomatic they were, compared to how aggressive. Seth was probably one of the most guilty at throwing force at force in such situations.

He finally mulled around with the presented options. "I believe your logic is mostly sound." He finally piped in. Utilizing the shadows would give them a tactical benefit, and that could be turned into leverage to end the situation before it escalated to the point Seth felt inclined to determine at what point an individual was past what most would consider living.
tinker tailor soldier spy


The arrival of Kahli was a surprise.

There was a friendly rivalry going on within the Rangers. Intelligence pitted against intelligence. Always trying to one up one another. Might not be the most professional thing there is, but it kept them all quick and on their feet. And none of it was about the vitals. Nobody willing to risk the lives of their comrades. Not just to show someone up.

Who were they?

The New Republic?

"Nice of you to join us, Kahli, I'd clasp your arm but-" An unassuming gesture all-around followed. "-I am kinda pinned down here." Always strange, that. How constant brushes with death twisted your humor. Coated in shades of dark and darker. All just to keep everyone going. If they couldn't laugh about it all? They might have to face just how karked-up these situations truly were. Nobody was interested in a soldier with that gradient of self-awareness. Typho kept monitoring Quez' progress, mapping it out on his wrist-pad.

"I dunno, I prefer tellin' Death to come a-round another day, dig?"

Then a shrug there. Shoulders tensing up as another explosion rocked the scene. This one a bit too close for comfort. "All on ya, LT, say the word!" It didn't take long for Vizsla to see his reason. That was exactly that. All these folk were new stuff. Green around the ears. That's why they were here, instead of dying by the score against the Mandalorians or the Sith.

Still had to break them in.

So to speak.

"Aye-aye!" Drawing away from the shield, barking orders for his fire team to move up. Just before he'd leave the scene though- "C'mon, Cap', ain't anything more stirring than a swim through shite. Ya got somewhere better to be?" A salute fired off her way, if she decided to take her own path. Then Typho and his boys made a path for Amon to move through.

The path circled around. They had to climb at multiple places, but it sure beat trying to brave the machine fire.

The resident sergeants might disagree. Well. They'd just have to eat less. The job ain't there to expand your gut after all. "All clear, LT." Tapping his piece, making it known to Amon he and his boys had a straight way on through.

"Nim, all frosty in there?"

[member="Amon Vizsla"] | [member="Nita Quez"] | [member="Allura Kahli"]​


A bark of a laugh followed Typho's response. Then a bolt that grazed her left shoulder caused a brief twist to the Captain's torso from the impact. "Means you'll do it back at base. Winners gets a free drink." Nothing like some friendly sport after nearly getting killed between friends, right? Make up for lost time. And they'd all take their frustration out on these Orderlies screwing with their well laid plan to capture the Outpost.

Amon then spoke of replacements. The Captain didn't bother giving the men in question even a glance. No point letting them know they were being spoken about; they needed to keep their eye on the enemy position. She'd had enough time studying them from behind the line, and their records before that anyway. They weren't hardened, but they could be adequate. Time would tell. A mission like this would be a good opportunity to gauge their mettle -- nothing insane like storming a Mandalorian stronghold. Just a well fortified bunker on a hill. Not insane, just quite lethal.

"You don't need to worry about that, Lieutenant. I'll keep my eye on you and your men." The telltale Umbaran pale gaze stared at the man as he roused the men and women to action.

"Jhyde!" Allura called out as a blaster bolt whizzed by her helmet. "Throw cover."

Two large canisters were flung into the air as Amon and Typho began to move. A soft pop and black smoke began to billow out over the hillside as it might an open window of a building engulfed in flame. It was as much to keep the machine guns from trying to track the repositioning unit as it was to hide the fact that they were relocating somewhere else. A ruse that wouldn't last long, but the Captain planned to keep the enemy's focus so they didn't feel neglected.

"Break them in. Just don't break them," Allura replied back over the comm to Typho with a smirk even as she kept her eyes forward. Those men were getting something broken alright.

After their team slipped away, the black armored figure reached up and switched the faceplate to blackout. Where they were going, no one needed to see her face. At least Amon would know who not to shoot once they met again. Least he could do when Kahli would try getting him a secure way out of the pit they'd find themselves in soon enough. Much as the Captain would like to show camaraderie joining them down there, it wasn't her style. Some called it reckless. She called it living.

"Jhyde, Aisen," the Captain slowly bent her legs as the smoke grenades began to clear out, "lights out."

Tag: [member="Amon Vizsla"] | [member="Kenth Typho"] | [member="Nita Quez"]​
Sapphire Cerulean, The Jewel
Objective 3: Establish a Silver Jedi Embassy on Yurb
Location: Jedi Embassy Facility, (Under-Construction), Yurb
Nearby: [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Sylas Taff"]

Cold, refreshing water flowed and quenched her never ending thirst, Sapph closed her eyes and enjoyed her water once more with a peaceful mind. The sense of relief of staying hydrated filled her with elation and gently placed her special water bottle back to her belt. It hung there along with several other bottles, five to be precise and save for two, all filled with forty eight ounces of crystal clear water. Chilled and distilled by Saph’s own hands, the young Silver Jedi took her hydration as serious as a heart attack.

Which lessen with a balanced intake of water for humans.

Though her own eyes sparkled as she gleamed at the construction of the new Embassy for the Order and the planet of Yurb. Connection, the very thing that comes so easily with those in-tuned with the Force, the flow of life that moved through the galaxy, how emotions trickle through anyone who was sensitive enough could detect even the smallest ripples of the great lake that was the Force. Even if we are nothing but grains of sand attempting to send ripples in this ocean of the Force. Sapphire held both her hands behind the lower curve of her back and continued her slow walking pace through the under-construction facility.

The small ripples of people moving through the hallways, some tagging along with their droids while other appeared much more displeased with how slow some certain aspects of their jobs were, but over-all Sapph felt the easiness around her, the sense of accomplishment. As clear the water in her bottles, there were no negative emotions darkening the clear view of such positive emotions. Nothing to muddle the water, nothing to contaminate and ruin the pureness.

Light footsteps, Sapph moved herself with fluid motions through several barely constructed walls, quickly dodging the ire gaze of many foremen and even a somewhat rude construction droids. Lest, she assumed it was rude as the droid’s beeps sounded a tad threatening in her head, Or perhaps it always sounds angry. Sapph continued dodge more gazes and concerned voices of ‘needing to wear a helmet’ before she finally reached the other end of the facility, the back entrance where it led back outside.

Grabbing her bottle once more, the young Silver enjoyed another long drink of water before continuing her meandering.
Objective 1: Diplomacy
Allies: [member="Ura Iolar"]

"Any other social or commercial issues to be addressed, such as a shortage of certain goods?"

I feel poachers alone aren't the end of the story with them, she thought, while realizing that time was short before the two of them could meet with the Minister, regardless of whether that position came with a specific portfolio, or is just a Lervon convention to call the head of the executive as such. She would need some information on, well, etiquette and protocol. Lack of respect for local etiquette would cause issues, and she knew it. She wanted to at least have some clue as to the cultural dos and don'ts, and other faux pas to avoid, before meeting with the Minister. Sure, she could only assume that any accord that comes out of it, if any, would need to undergo a ratification process to become legally binding.

"One last thing: I may not be the most familiar with Lervon etiquette. Are there things I should do, as well as other things I should avoid with the Lervon?"
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Ura listened carefully to Jessica, giving her a nod.

"Well, there is very little farm land here on Yurb. While we have water, most is sea water, and wells have to be deep. The surface is basically sand, even around the water source, so it's difficult to cultivate. While there are few non-Lervonian on the world, a more steady source food would be a big help. Also, while Yurb has plenty of protection, it wouldn't be enough to face a larger group such as the Sith or another Empire." The master then asked if there was anything to do or not do around Lervon. Ura tilted her head for a moment, thinking about it for a second. There wasn't much, but she knew a few things.

"Not many things. You shouldn't play with any jars you see in a Lervon household, do to the likelihood that they could be a growth jar. I would also avoid calling a Lervon a 'sand spirit.' While it is a common name for us by spacers, some don't view the term very well." Ura paused for a moment, thinking back to her friends, and a hint of... whatever this little feeling was she had, showing through the Force. "Also, you may notice some Lervon that look like two mixed together, and never look alike. Just try not to stare. They are either twins, who are formed that way, or a pair that have chosen to be that way. A relatively rare sight, but one should remember it could be natural."
Objective: 2 Stop the poachy bois​
Tags: @Seth Brackson l [member="Verana"]​
Noah would nod to Verana. "I have not heard of the Jedi Parxeum before but then again I never had a master and don't leave the silver rest much. This is actually the third time I have left it since I joined the silver jedi." Noah would curtly nod to Seth "It's good to meet another silver on the job. I assume we have all read the report and know the dangers."

Half a day from where they where. It felt like an odd choice to Noah being that far away from an objective. But clearly couldn't just land in the valley where the poaches were supposed to be that would be what his prison mates would have called a hot box. Anything that didn't give the right codes could be easily blown out of the sky faster than anything else. Keeping to the shadows not his style but he could get behind it.

Noah could remember that the report didn't mention they had to even remotely be alive but he could get behind keeping them alive so that they would be able to technically be saved and helped. So he lied as well "Oh yes I remember it saying that we should keep them alive. It will be good for the people of yurb to get their justice against those who would poach their animals."
Objective: 2
Goal: Deal with poachers
Allies: [member="Verana"] - [member="Seth Brackson"] - [member="Noah Gloom"]
Edit: Fixed the prior issues. Apologies for any inconvenience.

This would be Josh's first mission since his near-fatal encounter on Azure. Healers had advised him to continue to rest up, but Josh knew that deep down, he just couldn't do it anymore. He had to get back out there. Perhaps not on anything crazy just yet, but poachers? He could handle poachers. He had taped up his torso under his robes, though he was going without the Magnus Armor this time to reduce the weight on his body unfortunately. He felt naked, but that just meant he would have to be ever the more alert to ensure success even with a handicap.

He had been late while the others planned, due to his condition. Though on the trek here, he had been working on his technique to use the Force to right his slouch and subtly increase his walking speed at least. The worst thing that could happen is the poachers could gain confidence thinking him weak and feeble. Giving them incentive to do something crazy would be bad.

"Josh Dragonsflame" He finally spoke up from behind them when he arrived, taking a moment to stretch out. "I sent my companion to scout for poachers, as well. Should he return, we should have a better idea of where we're going."

Hopefully he would be able to hide that he was hurt, even with just them around. He had no desire to hold anyone back out of fear for his safety.

Dorn Company
3rd Battalion

He simply glared at the two intelligence officers exchanging words which meant something to them but nothing to an infantryman. It slightly reminded him of the friendly competition between Mandalorian bounty hunters when they boasted of their hunts. Nonetheless, his mind couldn’t stray away to the Mandalorians again. Not now, with all the greens under him.

Captain Kahli initiated the maneuver process with a tactical black smoke screen to hide the platoons movements towards the sewer entry further away from there. Amon gave her an understanding nod when she informed him of her decision to avoid the shet tunnels instead opting for a handshake with Death. Vizsla had no rank above her to order her otherwise. Fair enough.

Meanwhile, under the guise of fire and smoke, Typho and his scouts lead the way trekking a rather steep and inhospitable path for the others to follow. When the intelligence officer patched him through for the all clear, Amon took point for the battalion and brought them to where Typho and the scouts were.

The stench nearly made him revert back and tango with death instead.

It caused murmurs between the squads which sergeants quickly silenced with a snap.

“Nothing better than this, Typho?” the question was rhetorical and as a matter-of-factly. He lit up the integrated flashlight on his helmet and proceeded forward.

Not a minute later they rendezvoused with an unknown woman (Nita)with unknown motivations. In the middle of the sewer.

Amon’s short carbine raised up to point at her.

“Who are you?” the Mandalorian asked coldly.


[member="Josh Dragonsflame"] // [member="Noah Gloom"] // [member="Seth Brackson"]

Dangers was a relative term. If a person approached a known predator without reverence for its nature, was it still the predator that was the danger or was it the person approaching it who was the real danger? To approach these razor-tailed tigers it was true that they would be faced with a situation where the hunter became the hunted, but if they played it right that wouldn’t happen.

A curious brows perked at Noah as he played along with the lie. Needless to say, Vera approved of it despite the nature of what they were doing. The other brow would however join in as Jedi Master Dragonsflame came into the picture. What had been a small gathering was quickly turning into a solid squad of people looking to do something right. And Josh had been able to utilize his companion, too. Vera would be lying if she said she hadn’t wished Vex to be present for this either.

As they headed out they were met by a transport. Climbing on-board, it was clear that whoever was piloting this machine had been briefed on the situation already. As the craft took to the air, Vera looked at the landscapes down below.

“What are we good at?” She said before turning to look at the others. “I am competent at tracking with and without the force. Got a good sense for animals and their minds.”

Better leave out the part where she had a rampant empathy for the creatures and to some extent people though.

“Just wanted to make sure we know where our skill sets differ, where each of us will be the most efficient to the group.”
Post: 3

Objective: BYOO (Defeat Brain Demon cultists)

Syd fired the cryoban pistol at the sand women. But they dodged her shots. She wasn't good at all with blaster weapons but so many were closing in on her she had no choice. Her crossbow pistol was a slow reload.

The women became like the Lurvon she had slain to reach her, becoming clouds of dust that wafted out of blaster fire. She tried to fly up, but a tendril of sand caught her, slamming her back into the dirt, and wrapping around her neck, cutting off her air supply. Her body rippled as she choked, the lead witch approaching her with a cruel smirk.

"How the mighty have fallen, Geist. How the mighty have fallen..." she hissed. "There was a time when everyone who had a brain feared you.

She knealt next to Syd, who struggled to focus as the sand-witch's heads formed at the ends of sand tentacles leaning over her, learing.

"We know who you are...we know you once heard the call of the Brain Demon, as we did. We can make you feel her dark embrace again, Lady Phyre...

The words made Syd focus on the grinning blond witch with a death glare, glowing orange eyes stare into moldy yellow.

" hell..." Syd spat.

"Is that you saying that? Or the programming?" The Witch cruelly taunted back, drawing a knife covered in Sith alchemy runes. The witch began hissing a spell so dark, that only the fact her suit provided such an intense resistance to magic allowed her to withstand the felt like someone was trying to rip apart her very spirit.

Syd had one play left. One she wasn't sure would work. They had her cold, and in a few seconds the enchanted knife was going to comedown, and then it might not matter how resistant to magic it was.

Syd concentrated and simply...let her shell collapse. She would be more vulnerable without the suit...

But she was also free...and with a destination...

The witch had enchanted the outer layer of her skin...but what about the insides.

Specifically, what about the nostrils?

The living flame flew out of an empty suit right under the witch's face as she brought the dagger down, flying into her nostrils. The witch screamed as the fire went up her nose, cooking half her brain in the first few seconds, not even giving her a chance to scream as the fire flew down her mouth. The spirits of the witch acolytes cried out in agony as the magic of the lead witch was fatally disrupted, the rest of her catching fire as she thrashed about in mindless death throes, cooking and melting on the sands The sand tentacles with the heads of the witches disintegrated, though the sands pulsed and writhed as they fell, the evil spirits within the sands momentarily disrupted.

Syd used the corpse as kindling, reconstructing her shell over the course of five minutes, though she was completely nude when she emerged from the flames.

"Nearly four centuries you had while I was imprisoned, and you feths still can't plan a proper fething ambush..."

Syd suddenly went still as a great surge of Darkness, the strongest she had felt yet while here, shook her to the core.

She could see little bubbles of sand surge upward and popped, the screams of the acolytes spirits traveling silently through the wind, their power going into the burned remains of the lead witch, which sank into the sand. Syd could only back away, not at all familiar with the kind of dark magic taking place. It began to occur to Syd that perhaps she had been tricked in some manner...

Sand began to cover the burned corpse of the witch. Syd backed away as she felt the screams of the acolytes spirits condense into insane laughter in the Force.

The sands glowed red, and the sand mound covering the corpse sank into the dirt, which now bubbled like liquid. Syd, knowing she was in no position to fight at the moment, and too weak to have more than one use of the force grabbed her equipment and flew off, but landed soon after...she didn't want to lose it...she wanted whatever it was becoming to catch up to her...she had been greatly weakened by the attack...she had barely had the strength to fly. But a direct engagement was now out of the question. She quickly threw on her suit as she heard a feral roar in the distance and ran, occasionally darting behind her, aiming with her crossbow pistol. She saw nothing. Nothing but Arid Desert seething with the Dark Side of the Force, of which she had foolishly been tricked into making stronger...

Syd had to find a heat source. Or make one. But she was starved for fuel herself...and with every step she took, she weakened further.

Syd spotted a canyon ahead of her and continued walking, her face slowly cracking and going ashen...
Objective: Stay sane while trying the 'hug the poachers into submission' approach. (Huzzah, for allied pacifists.), Befriend Razor-Tailed tigers.

Allies: [member="Verana"] [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Noah Gloom"]

Seth noted the man who announced his presence. Really, he should of been more attentive on the situation. He'd worry about the details of scolding himself later. Right now it was becoming ever increasingly clear. That the party was being stacked up with folks willing to blatantly lie, rather than do their task in an efficient manner. Seth was all for find a route void of violence, if one existed. Though the galaxy rarely operated in such a smooth manner, and there came a time, and a place where talking reached the end of it's tracks. Then actions had to be taking. Sometimes those actions weren't the easiest choices to be made, and sometimes you're left wondering if things could of reached a better resolve. Then again sometimes the decisions while ruthless in nature, also were the choices necessary to minimize threats on a larger scale.

Seth closed his eyes and breathed. Okay. He was letting emotions get the better of himself. Poachers, while obviously not the nicest of folk. Didn't fall into line of a galactic, or even planetary threat. Therefore, unless they decided to strike. Seth would need to keep his resolve and make sure he didn't become the problem. He took some time to center his thoughts. Once he found a state of clarity. He opened his eyes again and looked around the transport vehicle.

He listened to Verana as she called for a placement of skills. Really? That was more information than what Seth was comfortable revealing. Of course the more time that passed amoungst this group. The less and less in his element Seth was finding himself. On a different perspective it would better himself as an individual. Her request was sensible in the whole of things. It would provide for better team dynamics.

At least he could hope they stumbled upon some tigers. That would perk him up just the slightest bit. He pondered over Verana's skillset and relaxed back. Trying to think of what he offered to the group. He sighed softly after a moment. "I also am rather familiar with handling animals." Seth expressed to begin things off. One of the first skills he had asked his mentor within the order to teach him was techniques which could be used to work with them.

Seth also had a natural affinity for sensing things with the force. It was outshined only by his control abilities. Though that was because despite his lower title. In terms of raw potential and force affinity. Seth held quite a deep connection.

Seth finally listed what else he brought to the table. "I suppose damage control is my other skill set possibly relevant in this instance?" Seth was not so confident about his wording of it. Really, outputting damage was more his cup of tea. Though he was able to utilize force barriers and as stated. His control abilities were his primary strong suit. Paired with his many forms of practiced combat, his quick reflexes, thinking, and movements. As well as the ability to control the field with the force. Seth figured as long as he could control his emotions. He could supress any threats that arose, and probably do it without much loss of life. Though again it all boiled down to how calm he could remain.
Location: Yurb
Objective: BYOO: Enjoy the Hot Spring
Tagging: Whoever wants to come

She could feel the the warmth of the water sinking into her bones, a refreshing sensation that she could feel slowly working through her bones, her breathing shallow, relaxing as she closed her eyes and slid down in her seat, the water washing over her shoulders as her long hair spread out behind her head as she felt herself drifting away. The young Jedi could feel herself drifting away in the warm embrace of the water. It felt a lot like the force she remembered, the warm comforting embrace that was always there to welcome you in...the embrace that she'd almost lost herself in as she drew more and more power from it. Asaraa's face twitched as the memories spilled over her, the energy pressing in on her, surrounding her and drowning her. Even in slumber she twitched and shifted in the water, panic dancing across her face as she relived the moment that she had felt herself drifting away. She could feel it still, that sense of drowning, of falling away all over again. It was like she was drifting away all over again. It was a natural instinct that Asaraa responded with, reaching out to the force that had always been there for her, a protector, a guide, the energy flooding into her body, along with a sharp edge of pain that left her screaming in pain as her crystal blue eyes flicked open. She wasn't thinking, just reacting the force and expelling it, a vortex that surrounded her as water, soap, wood and glass swirling around her and streaming away from leaving the girl sitting in a now empty bath staring at the wreckage surrounding her as the sound of hurried footsteps echoed around outside. She couldn't face the worried employees, not really, she had nothing to tell them, just staring dumbfounded at her hands.

It had never been that powerful before.
BYOO: //Epic Fail!!\\

[member="Nida Perl"]

She was not sure if it was the heat, or that the vines were wet or if it was her hands, but the climb up the vines was very hard. Her legs wrapped around a chunk of it, but did not help her much, in fact it only slowed her down, but with no last push using all her strength Thora let go her hands and reached high.

It didn’t work in spectacular fashion; her grip did not take, and she tumbled backward hanging upside down as the vines slide through her legs and she had to release them. Thora fell, landing hard on the metal below and began to tumble over and over out of control until catching air and thudding to the hard ground.

The wind was knocked out of her, and she gasped for air, her back and small bottom hurt something bad as she rolled on his side and reached around to rub her bottom. She looked back up from where she fell, it had been a long way she noticed and was lucky she was not hurt more than she was. Okay so she was not a good climber, this was so different to the places she had climbed on Midvinter and she took a massive dint to her confidence.

Scrambling to her feet, she brushed away the dirt on her clothes, they were robes borrowed from the Jedi and she did not want to return them so dirty, she would not have cared if it had been her own clothes.

Thora took a step not sure now if she wanted to try again, her leg hurt bruised from the fall, and she doubt she had the strength to try again anyway. She let out a sigh of disappointment, mostly in herself, but she so did want to see the view from up there.

Two things went through her mind, she could return to the Jedi now and be done with the day or.. she eyed off the old ruined structure and explore that! Thora limped off toward what looked like an old rusted door.
Byoo: Amber Alert
[member="Thora Heavenshield"]

Oh no, oh no no no no no no!

Trundling through the brush as best she could Nida was sure she’d lost Thora. She’d taken it upon herself to keep an eye on the young Heavenshield as they’d landed on Yurb, and now she’d lost her. Lost! The Heavenshields had always treated her kindly, but she paled when imagining how Theo would react to the news of his only child being eaten by a Razor-Tail Tiger.

“Thora!” Desperation rang clear in her voice as she meandered, imagining the worst. “Thooooora!” The sounds of scraping, scrabbling reached her and she turned towards he dilapidated building, eyes narrowing as she searched its walls from a distance. Several dulled thuds later, and Thora came into view. Nida exhaled audibly, putting a hand to her chest where her heart was still jackhammering away. “Oh, thank the Force.” Speaking to no one in particular, she set out towards Thirdas’ niece at a hurried pace. “Thora, don’t worry, I’m coming!” That fall looked like it had hurt, and Nida’s next priority was to ensure that there was no lasting damage. Fortunately, she was a far better healer than she was a tracker.

Hardy as ever, Thora didn’t seem to be too troubled by the fall. It was a relief to see her pick herself back up, albeit with a limp, but she wasn’t heading back towards camp, she was making her way over to the temple of OSHA hazards.

Idly, Nida was impressed with the physical strength of her own heart not to beat clear out of her chest.

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