Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Cause and Kiffex | GA Dominion of Kiffu and Kiffex


Objective I - Iron Curtain
Coruscant, Senate Building

Tags: Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama | Argale Thaste Argale Thaste | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa


Talia had spent years as an apprentice under a senator that once graced these halls. She had learned and built an understanding of how the Senate worked, who to watch for, when to listen. But this was her first time officially as Kuat’s senator.

And for the most part, she had remained a silent participant to the current debate. Senator Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi had brought forth a bill that would seek to build defensive measures against the Empire. Be it through stronger patrols, place strategic embargoes, and so on.

Senator Kohlhaase Gotthard spoke about exactly what had been in Talia’s mind. At this point the Empire surely had a self-sufficient economy by now. Built together through alliances formed when the New Imperial Order had split from the Sith Empire at the time. Trying to hit their trade would do very little, unless they could find some way to disrupt the Empire’s economy from within.

But that's another matter entirely.

Something the Lord Speaker Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce mentioned caught Talia’s attention. Sure, the news about the Empire’s Lord Regent was news to her ears. But the topic of galaxy’s super-hyperlanes was what drew her focus.

Part of her studies growing up had been about the various hyperlanes that wove about the galaxy. Namely because the Kuat sector as a whole had numerous lanes going through them. All were incredibly important, and were subsequently monitored for various matters, smuggling, piracy, you name it.

But it was the Empire’s actions above Ilum that got Talia thinking.

Their use of this new superweapon was a clear sign of their intent. It was flashy and bombastic, destructive on a devastating scale. But Talia knew that couldn’t be all the Empire’s R&D department was up to.

As much as she hadn’t been under IVI IVI 's tutelage, the Chiss Director’s way of thinking had rubbed off on her.

Talia waited for Caulder Dune Caulder Dune to finish, before she stood up and finally spoke.

If I might interject for a moment.” She took a breath as her podium moved into position. Talia was speaking on her own right now, Arage Bao Arage Bao was meant to be in attendance but another matter had drawn her away. “The Lord Speaker mentioned something that I don’t think has been given quite enough attention. While yes I agree actions should be taken to bolster our defences for future attacks. I also feel we need to turn some focus to the hyperlanes too.

Talia paused, looking around for a moment. “The Empire’s actions above Ilum have shown their hand. They’ve been busy, built a weapon that can tear through fleets of ships in a single blast. And yes, we should react accordingly to such a blatant act of aggression, but we also need to look towards the routes less taken.” The Empire had shown a hand, but it was a question of whether there was another hiding behind its back. “What if the enemy is developing more subtle technology? We need to prepare for the chance of more surgical strikes. Thus, I propose we increase the monitoring of all hyperlanes that go through Alliance territory.

She drew quiet, to let responses filter out across the Senate. But she wasn’t entirely finished speaking, there was one last thing that had to be said.

I doubt I need to remind the Senate that the Galactic Alliance has been dealt more than one blow by our enemies' deception. Be they unseen, or under our noses.


Iago Stark, the great Alsakani himself was speechless when first shown the initial reports from Illum. Not that the Empire had built a superweapon prototype, no he vaguely suspected something of that magnitude would be accomplished under so the so-called Tarkinist Triumvirate or Administration or whatever the hell they called it. No, what surprised him was the fact that other Senator's were surprised. Seriously? Did they not know how imperialism worked? Did they not live in the same galaxy, the galaxy that had been tormented by empire after bloody empire?

It was time for the establishment to wake up and smell the fresh ground, all natural Azure caf.

"Um, Senators, Lord-Speaker" What a title. Lord-Speaker of the Federal Assembly of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances! Imagine having that on a business card! No, Iago, focus he reminded himself. "This is pretty much what I expected from the Empire quite frankly"

"I mean, we were allies of last resort, a powerful economic and military partner that could neutralize the industrial capacity of the Sith Empire. A means to an end. Whoever thought we could hold hands and sing battle hymns is an optimist and we live in a society that can't afford unnecessary amounts of optimism. The Brotherhood of the Maw has proven that! Yes, yes the Maw is a very real threat but so is the Empire!"

The Senator stood at this point, swatting away his aides and counselors and going off script. He felt the lurch of the repurposed as he moved to the center of the room, "The Maw is the threat of today. The Empire is the threat of tommorow. This bill isn't perfect but its a start. You may not realize it, but it just got a hell of a lot colder in this massive chamber"

"I suggest you bring a jacket. Its going to be this way for a while. Time to wake up folks, cause this situation just simply isn't changing. And ignoring a schoolyard bully never ends well"


Kiffu, Objective II
Tags: Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson , Iris Arani Iris Arani

Jasper noted the strange face Cale made when he mentioned that he didn't have a master. It was unusual more than anything, though he seemed to gather a hint of frustration. For what reason, Jasper couldn't conclude. He brushed it to the back of his mind as they continued. It probably didn't mean much.

"Guess we're gonna go find some lizards."

"I've got a pretty good idea of what we're lookin for," Jasper stated, recalling the research he had surprisingly done before setting off to look for Spark Dragons. "They're big, blind, and can eat you whole. Sounds like a grand time."

They were truly interesting creatures. It was not very common that electricity feeders grew to be so large, let alone be an apex predator. They had a fascinating range of weird abilities as well, like only being able to see metal. With the ability to rip through durasteel, it was no wonder why the locals were so weary of the things.

"Oh yeah, you might wanna take some of these," he continued, reaching for a satchel slung over his shoulder. Jasper opened it, revealing six silver orbs. "EMP grenades. I swiped them from the Defense Force a while back. These things will eat a person if they feel like it, but apparently they find electricity and shiny things much more appetizing. Figured they might be useful."



I knew a Kiffar once.

He flashed a smile, a real smile, for the first time in what seemed to be forever. His Jedi robes were not fit for the climate of Kiffu, or so said the beads of sweat that formed across his brow and wetted his hair. Children with thick, dark locks ran around the Jedi with their sleeveless shirts and distinct tattoos. Familiar tattoos. Her tattoos, even. Their small bouts of laughter stirred some of his own.

Her name was Ayessa Kroan, a Jedi; kind, sweet. Dead now, I think. It's been years since anyone last saw her.

His arrival earned the cautious interest of the more mature members of the clan, all their tattoos the same. Some stood off to the side, their arms folded over their chest and others let an idle eye settle on his frame in the midst of their work, no matter what it was - some heed him no mind at all, content to continue on with their lives. It was to be under reconstruction - the settlement - it was mere ruins some years before. Ayessa told Rakaan that much.

This was her home, the home the Jedi never could be for her. I could see how it broke her heart, to know her home was destroyed and her people left scattered, even when she spoke of it in the most vague of terms.

His features sobered, a smile traded for a sombre touch as an elder ushered the children aside as three men wandered forwards. None of which carried weapons, not even tools. But their features were stoic, their posture stiff. On edge, guarded. It was palpable, even without the aid of the Force. Rakaan could do little else than slowly stop in his tracks before them.

I could sense it, that pain, like how I can sense the rest of Clan Kroan is not thrilled to see me. Master Korvan thinks my senses could be better, too clouded, but I can feel it as if each of them decided to say it to my face.

For a time, no words were offered. Just silent stares. The Jedi reached for the black fabric clasp around his neck with both hands and lifted it over his head, to then hold it out in front of him for the others to examine. Tied and woven onto the strap of the necklace was an ornate, hand-sculpted piece of artistry flanked by the tooth of a msak hound on either side.

"This belonged to a friend of mine many years ago. I don't know what became of her." His second statement sounded blunt, almost callous, but most of all a simple fact. "Her name was Ayessa. I think she would've wanted to see this returned to her people."

It was the least I could do. It was no grand charitable act, especially since I was meant to be in the system anyways. Korvan needed me with him to help mediate talks between two clans. Said he needed me, but I think he just wants me around. Not that he doesn't trust me. He worries, I think. Maybe too much. But this isn't about me or him.

The three would-be 'soldiers' for Clan Kroan each narrowed their dark eyes in examination, the small details taken in and absorbed with quiet chatter between themselves. The deliberation went on for some time, the back and forth, all in their native tongue that Rakaan had no understanding of. Left dumbfounded, it seemed. His necklace wielding hand lowered to his side, where it hung. In time a newcomer approached, although one considerable older than the rest of them, maybe even all of them combined; she was frail in her movements but stocky in her build, able to wordlessly command the three men to step aside and allow her through.

She stood before Rakaan and old, weary eyes washed over him. From head to toe, the woman that looked to be a fraction of his own height offered nothing more than odd, blank stares. Rakaan maintained his sombre composure. In time, her wrinkle-ridden hand reached for his and had risen it with his assistance. The necklace hung loosely before the elder and she set shaky fingers over it, into the grooves, across the serrated edge of the old teeth and all, falling into a deep focus. If not a trance.

Ayessa would do the same. It was psychometry, she called it. Told me should could see into the history of inanimate objects, even those that were once animate - like a corpse. I assume that's what she's doing now, seeing into it. Trying to tell if I'm a liar or not. I can't say I blame her.

The elder's eyes opened slowly, the pale colour to them aimed upwards and into his own. She gently pressed down on his arm, lowering it with his aid once more. She smiled weakly, almost sadly. Old hands cupped his face for a fast-ending moment.

"Come, come." She croaked with her short, shuffling steps with a wave to follow.

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Ava Cartwright-Pryce Ava Cartwright-Pryce

Jedi Temple - Medical Wing

Swish. Swash.

Everyone thought bacta was like water. That's what all the holos made it look like, especially when you were floating there for everyone to gawk at.

Swish. Swash.

The truth of the matter was, Bacta was slimy. It was like a slimy nutrient pack. It was chunky like gel when it got in your mouth and nose, and it smelled funny.

Swish. Swash.

And now he had to wear a suit of the stuff. The Jedi Healers told him that it was either the suit or another few weeks in the tank. He still had to have sessions in the tank now, but he wouldn't have to be stuck in the tank the entire time. Plus the healers said the recovery in the suit would be faster. Since he could move around his muscles wouldn't atrophy, since he could eat proper meals he wouldn't lose weight, since he could talk to people he could see-

Well, he didn't need to think about them right now.

Swish. Swash.

He was pacing the medical suite they had him in waiting to see his mother. She'd been coming to see him pretty often. It was probably the first time in a long time, he thought, that his parents were living under the same roof and that made him happy he got electrocuted.



Location: Senate Hall, Coruscant
Objective: Participate in Democracy™
Tags: Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi Kohlhaase Gotthard Argale Thaste Argale Thaste Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Talia Halcorr Talia Halcorr Ruto Tane Ruto Tane


Forlan rose to speak, his mind trying to keep the many strands of thought together into a single argument.

"It appears that most of us understand that, whatever the operational details that the experienced commanders of the GADF decide, it is clear that funding must be provided."

But economic sanctions do little against an economy which has been mostly self sufficient by now. If war is to come and it will happen as you say. The Alliance must adopt a position of defensive holding; responding when and where we are attacked as needed but never more than that.
"I understand the concerns raised by the Senator from Corulag. But his points do not concur with each other. If the Imperial economy is as autarkic as he states, and we have reason to believe it is more true than not, then operations inside the Empire will be absolutely vital in breaking their economic engine and to further widen the strategic capabilities between ourselves and the Empire. These operations will need funding.

"I understand that the Alliance cannot and should not become an all-conquering force, but there are no doubt populations in the Empire that would welcome aid from us to overthrow their oppressors, especially ever since the emergency decrees that have suspended much of their rights for several years already. This would require funding."

What if the enemy is developing more subtle technology? We need to prepare for the chance of more surgical strikes. Thus, I propose we increase the monitoring of all hyperlanes that go through Alliance territory.

"The Senator from Kuat brings up relevant points: A defensive posture would be a long, drawn-out stalemate. Defence no longer holds the advantage, especially if the attacker is willing to risk much to strike hard and fast and raze the defender, as evidenced by, well, practically the entirety of the Hyperspace War we are fighting against the Maw. This is why we must adopt an offensive posture. To counter these technologies that my Kuati colleague mentions, the GADF will, as I hope I am making clear by now, need more funding."

"The repeated trespasses carried out by the Empire against the Alliance must be answered. Not on an ad hoc basis as the senator of Corulag suggests, but with sustained and proactive policy."

"I mean, we were allies of last resort, a powerful economic and military partner that could neutralize the industrial capacity of the Sith Empire. A means to an end. Whoever thought we could hold hands and sing battle hymns is an optimist and we live in a society that can't afford unnecessary amounts of optimism.

"The Maw is the threat of today. The Empire is the threat of tommorow. This bill isn't perfect but its a start. You may not realize it, but it just got a hell of a lot colder in this massive chamber"

"I suggest you bring a jacket. Its going to be this way for a while. Time to wake up folks, cause this situation just simply isn't changing. And ignoring a schoolyard bully never ends well"
What was the Alliance coming to... Corpos speaking sense? Cold day in hell indeed, where I agree with them.

"The Corporate Alliance representative and Senator of Alsakan summarise the stance we must take: passiveness and defensive posture will only bleed us dry, especially on two fronts and especially against ruthless enemies. We must take the initiative; raise hell in their own backyard, arm freedom fighters, utilise the strategic flexibility of the Starfighter Corps. All of this requires more funding. If there are concerns about Federal budgets and short-term GADF manpower shortfall, might I remind this august body that the Common Soldier Corps exists. Static defences can be manned by these forces while the GADF stretches its legs to its full potential in strikes, or even bolstered by the best of these Common Soldiers."

"We are not 'seeking war'. We are already at war. We would always have ended up at war with tyrants and oppressors. They need war. They always need war and an enemy. The fact that we have not already prepared much more for this is an indictment on the previous administration. The best time to prepare for this war that we are already in was 7 years ago when Rurik showed his true colours and broke the Accords, the second best time was during the Tion Crisis. The third best time is right now."

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Living In Color
Codex Judge


"If you're annoyed he doesn't have a master, maybe you should take him on. Or help him find one, at least."

If they weren't going to talk about that little bit of frustration that popped up, Iris certainly would. Her own master had several Padawans, and some were because they didn't have a Master despite being in the order for a while. And still there were more. She knew too many, in her opinion. Iris tilted her head, glancing to the EMPs as they were revealed. So they helped to keep these dragons at bay?

She took one and tucked it in a pocket. Better safe than sorry.

"So, what's our objective anyway? Check up on them? Relocate?"

Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


Jedi Temple - Medical Wing
Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce

"I'm just about to go in and see him. Yes for reals, though I understand Gabe's in some sort of healing suit. I'll take a holo if I can and send it to you guys. Your brother is still pretty banged up but improving each day so don't worry, okay Gabriella?"

A single chime rang and a soft voice came over the intercom system in the waiting room of the Jedi Infirmary indicating that visiting hours had begun.

"Well, that's my cue, sweetheart. I'll see you in a few days when you guys get here. Tell the others thank you from the bottom of my heart and your dad's for their good wishes and prayers. I love you, bye," Ava said before ending the comm call with her daughter who was still back on Corellia staying with Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce 's family.

The Ralltiiri took a deep breath to calm her frazzled parental nerves because she needed to be strong for her son, then she tapped the wall panel and entered through the automated doors of the medical ward where her severally injured child was recuperating now that he was out of danger and the dreaded bacta tank. Gods how she hated the thought of being "tanked" as it triggered a memory of her own time in one after the battle for Corellia.

It had been several harrowing, gut-wrenching days since the young Jedi padawan had been electrocuted by an Imperial Knight and was brought to Coruscant. Gabe had been stabilized initially at the small and overburdened medical facility at the Jedi Temple on Ilum after taking in all the wounded from the attack.

He was then transported back to the Halls of Healing in critical condition, escorted by his father on the ship that brought the Vice-Chancellor with haste to Ilum in the first place after the early reports of Imperial action against the Alliance came in. And too, that Gabriel was there on a padawan training mission.

The former Alliance Admiral had just arrived in orbit to witness the destructive power of the Empire's new superweapon for himself. Seeing that blast firsthand had shaken the stalwart Corellian to his core by all accounts, then coupled with also viewing his pride and joy floating in the healing nutrient bath clinging to life had to pull at his heartstrings...

The duty-bound man had thrown himself immediately back into his work without a skipped beat, but was it out of necessity, or was he more so hiding behind it in order to not face her? Dracken hadn't opened up to his wife yet as he was a master at keeping his feelings close to his chest. Ava hoped the latter wasn't the case as they needed to lean into each other to get through this near tragedy and move on. It would only strengthen them as a couple, but more so the Porte's as a family unit. Space and time apart were hard on all of them, especially the kids. It was a worry always sitting in the back of her mind.

Ava too knew the Jedi were his family... It was something she had accepted long ago, sharing Dracken with them, her. It wasn't jealousy of the Togruta Jedi Master per se, but Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor had a bond with the man she could not have and Gabriel now as well. She was very grateful though that her two beloveds had the other woman in their life to be a comfort and to help guide them. It was for the betterment of all, and she could live with that.

Steel blue eyes of the tall blonde caught a glimpse of young Pryce pacing the hallway in his bacta suit as she came around the corner. Her mother's heart clenched at seeing him that way, but it was better than not being able to see him at all. Though the way the teen admirably swished and swashed as he walked brought an amused smirk to Ava's face. It wasn't funny, but it was and that is what she clung to for sanity's sake... the hope of better things to come.

"Hey there, tiger... " Ava smiled warmly as she stepped closer to where Gabriel had situated himself. "I brought your favorite snack now that you're up and about and some of those comics you love to read," she grinned softly offering up a small bag carried in greeting.

Gods she wanted to swoop her baby boy up in a motherly hug so badly but didn't know if it would hurt Gabe or more so embarrass him as he'd gotten to that age where the teenagers didn't like all that mushy stuff.

"How are you feeling, hmm? Mister Swishy Swashy."

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Objective II: Dragonbreak
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

"Knew a Sith like that once." Cale remarked about the rather voracious appetite of their quarry. For all his frustration with Jasper's lack of a teacher, he had nothing but a hidden smirk when the kid offered up repossessed EMP grenades, of which he took several, storing them in the webbing across the light armor he wore beneath the coat.

"Good find kid. Smart thinking." The Knight gave his commendation for the act, before his gave shifted back to Iris. She certianly spoke her mind as she pleased, and Cale found himself somewhere between finding it amusing and grating. He wondered if he'd been like that, like either of them, it seemed unlikely given what a stickler for rules and respect he'd been. Must've made him a rather boring Padawan.

"I just finished doing that, need some time to myself." Cale answered her with a shrug. In truth Aleks was more his son than his student, that'd been the only reason he ever took up teaching him, or perhaps it'd been through teaching that the boy had become more than a student. It wasn't something he gave much thought, as in the end, it didn't matter. "As for the dragons, researchers want data, so I'm gonna go and see what we can get. Observe, interact, fight, whatever comes."

It wasn't much of a plan, but up until they'd arrived, he hadn't really needed one.

Kohlhaase Gotthard




The winds of the senate had shifted against him at this point

The Senator of Corulag realized with all due interest that the Senate had already made up its mind on warfare with the Empire and that this current session was nothing but a rubber stamp protocol to appear legitimate. The next one to speak up was the Commerce Guild Representative Caulder Dune Caulder Dune had made his presence known in a typical fashion. He made his opinion very known with a full support of the proposal sponsored by Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi of Duros. He suspected that games were being played behind the scenes between the Corporate Senators and the War Senators to insure that the bill passed without major opposition. He was just another roadblock for them to run past.

Proactive Policy would only lead to the Alliance using more and more violence to get their way instead of other alternatives which were more suited for the claimed democracy of the galaxy. It was rather amusing to see that the umbaran was also suggesting that the pathway to peace must be left open. More than likely the Commerce Guild had rather deep pockets within the empire already and wanted to recoup their losses.

The next speaker was none other than the Senator of Kuat Talia Halcorr Talia Halcorr interjecting for just a brief moment to speak about monitoring the hyperspace lanes for enemy activity. Gotthard agreed with her somewhat on her proposal but the ever present Ruto Tane Ruto Tane made himself known. Going on and on about rather obvious information in his own special way of speaking. In his current opinion this 'Stark' was nothing more than another corporate attack dog in the guise of a senator of this alliance.

There it is the horned commander

The Senator mused as Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama rose up from his seat and basically boiled down to one message of 'funding' this and 'funding' that like the alliance was made out of credits. What he was suggesting further was that they engage in blatant terrorism against the empire targeting their economy which supplied many innocent people. The Populations within the empire might welcome them but that doesn't change the fact that they would be exchanging one government for another without solving any of the lingering issues.

It became apparent to him that the senate was united against him and he would need to push back with as much force as possible.

"It has become a sad day indeed when this chamber is all too ready to head to war. When are the days when the alliance stood for something other than military force to solve the issues it is facing. Senator Norsama proposes that we launch operations within the empire to halt their industrial machine. What about the people within the empire that rely on the supply chain to survive and the innocents that have done nothing to the alliance; are we going to ignore them and let them die simply because they are outside of our border and support another government to which we oppose."

Senator Gotthard said towards the chamber in response. Senator Norsama plan would involve the needless suffering of the imperial population by disrupting the supply chain of the empire as a whole. All that the man cared about was funding for this and funding for that instead of looking at the bigger picture and the consequences of his actions. '

"Who do you think the empire is more concerned about when their economy is sabotaged; the military or the people?".
He asked a rather obvious question to the chamber. "All we would be doing for our troubles is backing them into a corner and they become even more of a threat as they would have nothing to lose. I will personally hold this chamber responsible for the blood on their hands if millions of people die during this conflict simply because we picked the wrong path."

He further added to emphasize his point.

"While this chamber may support going into war without considering all the consequences; the people of corulag cannot. Therefore as the Elected Representative of Corulag and the holder of the senate seat. I officially invoke my right as given to me by the Sovereign Government of Corulag to withdraw our delegation from the senate until further notice."

The Senator of Corulag said; moving his pod back into its slot as the lock clicked close. A single whoosh of his robes as the entire corulag delegation moved out of the chamber to follow his lead in protest. If they were going to war than let their people suffer the consequences for it. Corulag could not and would not support war in any shape or form.

Argale Thaste Argale Thaste
Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

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“Our perimeter should be prepared in the event that our enemy should be so bold and so foolish as to launch several simultaneous deep strikes!” Aeris mimicked over the silence from the televised debate and shook her head as the hologram flickered into nonexistence. “Hope they figure that one out.”

It felt cold if not outright callous to hang up her coat in the corner of apathy, but when you were still playing catch up with a world that had quite literally passed you by there was only so much that you could handle and take in at once. Ilum had been attacked twice in her absence, and both times it seemed that the words she had sworn by rang ever so hollow.

A waste of time.
Fortify something else.
That Ilum is long dead.

Aeris’ hand grasped at the side of her head and began to apply pressure to try and distract herself from the intrusive thoughts. She had always had a good point, and yet the reality of things contradicted it. She was right, but she was wrong, she was at fault and yet she wasn’t at the same time, and none of it mattered anymore because her intention for Ilum was so widely different from the second and third intention that others had for it. She understood the reality she was facing yet her mind actively couldn’t grasp it as if it refused to believe that all those months had passed.

Well, the only way forward was to keep on trucking. This week had been slow, unusually so. She pushed out of her bed and slowly stretched from side to side before she left her quarters. It felt weird to be in the temple again. It was almost too clean, too… Intact. How long would it be before that changed again? The cynicism proved as difficult as ever to hold back. She needed a distraction and she needed it now.
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Kiffu, Objective II
Tags: Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson , Iris Arani Iris Arani

Jasper became slightly awkward when Iris suggested Cale at least aid him in finding a master if it bothered him. She was very forward about things in a manner that Jasper wasn't. That certainly had it's strengths, but sometimes it made situations like this one. Fortunately, Cale gave a straightforward response and didn't seem particularly bothered by it, much to the young duelist's relief. Before hand, Cale had even complemented Jasper for his forward thinking, something that he was starting to get better at. Things seemed to be going pretty good, at least until he heard the plan...

"As for the dragons, researchers want data, so I'm gonna go and see what we can get. Observe, interact, fight, whatever comes."

That wasn't much of a plan at all when he thought about it. It didn't particularly fill Jasper with confidence, but he was good at thinking on the fly. Perhaps there was something he could concoct on the way.

"I figure if we can get a sample of one of their scales, we should be solid," Jasper reasoned. "The only problem of course is getting our hands on one..."

They would need something that could distract the dragon long enough to acquire a scale without it being bothered enough to eat them. It was a had ask, but Jasper was already beginning to think of a way to take care of the distraction part.

"If I can daisy-chain two of these grenades together and override the factory settings, I can rig up something that can create enough voltage to distract the thing for long enough," he explained, quickly taking inventory of his tools. "I'll need to set it up on a timer. Unless you wanna know what it feels like to get struck by lightning, I wouldn't recommend going near it. That's... about all I got really. Anyone got a plan for getting a sample off of one?"
Jumping between the number of occupied patient rooms had more or less been a never-ending cycle for Amani, ever since the injured padawans were brought to the Halls of Healing for treatment. They were short staffed as is, and now with one of them off-world, and another still MIA post-Ilum, the Chief Healer was working in overdrive.

At least the worst had already passed.

Amani stepped out of one suite and walked just a few feet over to enter the next, her eyes too glued to the datapad in hand to realize that there were actually two people in here, "Oh-" She stopped abruptly, looking up at last. The mirialan seemed a bit frazzled by the workload, but nonetheless plastered a smile across her face, "Hello. I'm not… interrupting anything, am I?" She asked sheepishly, shrugging a shoulder to bring attention to the fresh canister of bacta she was carrying, which was to be switched out on the machine the young Pryce's suit was hooked up to, "I was just coming to refill Gabe's bacta."

Stel Tane



"Senators, the core of the issue is that -- while our Alliance may be vast -- we do not have the resources to contend with the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Imperials at the same time. Both threats remain but one is a civilised society and the other is a batch of barbaric marauders with that Sith cult at the helm." The Federalist Senator of Pantolomin voiced for all to hear, "The Triumvirate of the Empire can be reasoned with, this... Dark Lord of the Sith cannot."

Entire worlds set aflame, turned into mockeries of what each once was as their sole purpose is to become victims of the Maw and their tribes, and manufacturers for their endless war machine; a destructive quest to see all life reduced to ashen dust, should that mission of the horrific Darth Solipsis still be set upon by the new Voice of the Maw.

The Empire introduced a technological marvel. He wondered, what halted the Alliance from crafting their own?

"If we are committed to a war on two fronts, then our armed forces must be strengthened and continuously. In the event of, I propose the reconsideration of a clone army. Failing that, a lesser droid army. Our Mandalorian allies in the galactic south currently own the Kaminoan cloning facilities."

Kohlhaase Gotthard Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi Talia Halcorr Talia Halcorr Ruto Tane Ruto Tane Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama Argale Thaste Argale Thaste Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"So be it."

Senator Stazi glowered at the departing Corulag representatives. Caution he could respect yet now was not the time for such timidity. Vocal support from other worlds, including the Vice Chancellor himself, emboldened the old duros.

"I understand your concerns," he raised both arms in a placating gesture, "But I assure you these are matters of national security. We cannot maintain open borders with a rogue nation."

Mazik pointed a gnarled finger at the delegate from Kuat.

"Listen to Senator Halcorr and Vice Chancellor Pryce for they speak wisdom. Imperial intelligence is just as grave a threat as their armada. We must lock down the hyperlanes or the next attack may be here."

He closed his eyes, considering Senator Tane's radical proposal.

"We are at the brink of war," the duros growled, "This Senate must take steps to defend our people and their sovereignty."


The delegation from Corulag withdrew itself in protest. Foolishness. Hardly worth another thought. Stark's prolonged outburst was what really made Caulder grimace, though. Churlish. Forlan also erroneously referred to him as a representative of the Corporate Alliance, but he supposed that was only natural. There were just so many corporations these days...​
Caulder had considered retiring his senate pod back to its dock when the Senator of Pantolomin chimed in. Military expansion. If it came down to droids or clones, Caulder already knew what side of that debate he fell on.​
He thinned his lips.​
"Leaving the Alliance dependent on a planet quartered within a foreign nation is an immense security risk, whether or not they are our allies," Caulder addressed the Nautolan, before speaking once again to the senate at large. "The industrial droid foundries of the Affa and Mechis systems are safely within our borders - among others, I'm sure. If such a proposal is to be considered, the Commerce Guild stresses the need to utilize our resources at home before leaving ourselves at the mercy of Mandalorians."​
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Trading Outpost - Sands of Kiffu
Tag: @OPEN


A bulky heavy blaster pistol sat on the table. Arkyn laid her hand against the cool metal and focused…

And focused…

And focused.

Nothing came to her- no sights, no sounds, no smells, save for the things she could already see and smell. No memories, save for the ones in her head. Well, there was a smell, but she was certain that was only because her companion had farted.

She sat back in her seat and sighed in frustration- she'd been at it for hours. “This ain’t workin, Vath’.”

“That’s because you’re thinking too hard,” Vathos replied. “As I told you an hour ago. You know the Force doesn’t work like that.” He reached across the table to pass her the jari leaf cigar.

Arkyn scowled, lips curled into a sneer. “I don’t know chit about how the Force works, worm-head.” She took a long drag from the cigar and exhaled a thick plume of smoke. “That’s the point. I have no clue what I’m doing. You’re a kriffing terrible teacher, ya’ know.”

The rawboned Kiffar smuggler barked out a laugh. His qukuuf looked like claw marks, or whiskers- with his long face and sharp features, he looked like nothing so much as a wolf, molded into the shape of a man. “More like you’re a terrible learner.”

Arkyn threw the blaster at him. Vathos casually snatched it out of the air and slipped it into the holster strapped to the small of his back.

“You said that every time you’ve used the Force before, it was in the heat of the moment. While you weren’t thinking. Like…moving meditation.” He paused in thought. “Tell you what…let’s take a little break, maybe go for a leisurely ride across the steppes…and then we’ll come back and try again.”

Arkyn hopped up almost immediately, taking one last long pull from the jari leaf before she put it out on the heel of her boot. “I’m driving.”

Vathos grimaced. “I said a leisurely ride.”

Arkyn was already out of the door.
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Pleasantries and small talk each had their place. And as tedious as they were, they were easy to move on from. And necessity begged moving on.

When everyone was acquainted and sat, M leaned back into her own chair and got right to it.

"It would be presumptuous of us to look at our position against The Brotherhood and be satisfied.

While they're on the backfoot, I have every intention of pushing them back where they came from."

She cocked her head to the side, considering how much to reveal. "We have The Maw's technology and the opportunity to use it against them.

One, Their Sith Wayfinder we recovered from the remnants above Coruscant.

Two, the massive ship left orbiting Empress Teta. Early scavenging of whats inside is both repulsive and genius.

Three, the schematics from the first appearance of a galactic Superweapon where Csilla used to be."

The director paused, eyes gleaming. She already had loose plans drawn up for initial blueprints.

"The Era of Reclamation is in full swing, and I'd like to see our minds and manufacturings united to see that it maintains momentum.

Lady Bao, your stealth technology is unrivalled.

Master Noble, your hold over the lightside of the Force is enough to burn out the remnants of the One Sith's darkness.

Let's discuss what a union looks like."


The Fresian nodded his head in approval to the Senator's proposal that they utilize the Starfighter Corps. While he wasn't going to verbally voice it due to his obvious conflict of interest, he couldn't help but silently signal his agreement to that course of action. Meanwhile he also listened intently to the discussion of contracting the Kaminoans or building an army of battle droids to help provide manpower in these wars - both of which worthy propositions in their own right and likely actions best taken together - though he also nodded slightly when the Corulag Senator noted the possible issues with relying on a foreign government to provide them with an army.

Frowning somewhat, he did his best to read the rooms' reactions before either making reply or retiring the pod back to its dock. Multitasking, he wracked his mind for all the knowledge had of cloning and its history, and the same with battle droids, though neither were areas of expertise for him in science or engineering. Sure the Kaminoans were the most highly regarded cloners in the Galaxy, but there certainly were others - though he remembered that, except for those produced by Grand Admiral Thrawn during his campaign, almost all non-Khommite Spaarti Clones were far less effective than using Kaminoan methods.

"Might I suggest we look to the Khommites? they've seemingly mastered the Spaarti Cloning method - and with good reason given its their primary method of reproduction. Either way I see no reason why we should not pursue a balance of all three methods of staffing our military - Clones, volunteers and droids, such that if a weakness or lack of supply were to appear in one, the others would be able to fill the gap."

While he was trying to take the middle ground in the debate, he honestly hoped someone else would oppose building a droid army. While he certain recognized the worthiness of the proposal, Argale always had a distaste for droids especially in the field of battle.

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Classified | Project Lightpoint
Tag | IVI IVI Arage Bao Arage Bao | closed

Valery hardly needed to use the Force to feel what was going on in Arage Bao Arage Bao 's mind, or to understand how she felt about being here, but it hardly mattered to her. As long as she could stay professional and work through the meeting, Valery didn't really care. So after a brief exchange of glances, her attention shifted to M.

At several points during her meeting opening, Valery either narrowed her eyes or raised an eyebrow, as she took note of it all. Some of the things that were mentioned, such as the Wayfinder, she had some experience with already. It was, after all, her team efforts with Lyrrin Lyrrin and Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez that had brought the Wayfinder into Alliance hands.

"I studied the Wayfinder briefly with Master Locke before her departure. It is our key to finding Exegol..." she trailed off and looked into M's eyes when she realized the purpose of the meeting a little better. This was something very big. "I'd like access to it again, so I can work with other Jedi to decipher it."

She then looked at Arage and continued with something more important to her role in this, "As for the station we retrieved at Empress Teta, its tech is highly dangerous or even corrupted. I can arrange Jedi to recover and purify the Kyber Crystals I read about in the reports, but we need good people to deal with the rest."

Finally, her eyes settled on M again, now to address her mention of Valery's hold over the light side, "I can do what it is you're asking, but we may need to discuss the extent of what we're planning to turn against them. What are these superweapon schematics about, and what do you want to repurpose the Maw station for exactly?"



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