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Approved Tech C-9 "Canary" Assault Pistol

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  • Classification: Repeating Blaster Pistol
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Gas Canister
  • Ammunition Capacity: 70 - Average
  • Effective Range: 50m - Average
  • Rate of Fire: Very High
  • Damage Output: Low
  • Recoil: Average
  • Rapid Fire: This weapon supports an impressive rate of fire.
  • Modes of Fire: Can switch rapidly between; Full Auto, 5 round burst & Semi Auto.
  • UV Guided: The stock weapon comes with a UV under barrel laser sight invisible to most naked eyes.
  • Ion Compatible: Its power battery and protective insulation afford the canary to easily swap between Ion and standard Blaster bolts.
  • Titanium Shielding plate: A titanium shelf that protects the user's hands in case of a misfire or the blaster gas being hit.
  • Highly Modular: boasts several modular connection points for attachments, expanded power cells, gas canisters laser sights etc.
  • Biometric Scanner: This weapon will not unlock or prime without a finger on the trigger, which can be registered to a specific user.
  • Fully Automatic: The Canary is a fully automatic weapon capable of rates of fire of up to about 850rp/m. Though not a rate of fire that compares to slug-throwing machine pistols it stands out as a blaster pistol with one of the fastest rates of fire on the market, capitalizing on the low recoil inherent in blaster weapons to be able to fire a steady staccato of rounds without sacrificing accuracy.
  • Removable Power Supply: The power core of the Canary is capable of being removed much like its gas canister for replacement or alteration, allowing it to be replaced with a higher quality model which can allow for more rounds fired. Or, more prominently, to allow the user to alter the weapon between Ion and Thermal type rounds either to cycle between lethal and non lethal ammunition or to better disable mechanics, shields and droids with equal efficiency.
  • Low Recoil: The weapons' recoil is low enough its capable of being fired by civilians with ease with an outstretched arm.
  • Highly Customizable: Modular accessory slots on the rail, barrel, under-barrel sides combined with universal power point jacks and blaster chamber attachments and even removable grips and iron sights make this weapon one of the easiest on the market to make your own.
  • Wind Up: When the Biometric Scanner is activated, if the weapon is in full auto or burst fire modes the weapon takes a second to charge its internal storage of blaster gas before firing, meaning that as far as quick-draw weapons go, its not always the fastest on the draw.
  • Light Staccato: The individual shots of this weapon, while lethal to and very effective against an unprotected humanoid, as well as having the ability to hew through lighter armours with its rapid fire bursts. Against the likes of heavily armoured opponents or opponents with high quality armour, short of being in point blanc range the Canary does not boast the up front power to tear through materials like Refined Phrik or Beskar.
Named from the fact the individual blasts of the weapon sound like a hundred small chirping birds, the Canary is a light-weight all purpose highly customizable weapon used by House Aquilas' private Military organization 'The Avery.' Predominantly a side-arm small enough to be attached to a shin holster and not worry about weighing down a unit or being otherwise hidden, this compact pistol carries a surprising amount of punch given its small frame and is more than capable of shredding light armour and dealing some significant damage to medium armour with some concentrated fire. Although when it comes to overcoming heavy armour or medium armour of high quality it takes significant effort and point blank shots to hope to effect anything larger. But that's not the weapons' primary purpose.

The weapon was designed by the Aquila Quartermaster's guild for The Avery to be able to adapt and outfit the weapon as necessary from mission to mission as well as to optimize it as new technology was developed in order to improve the base framework. They hoped to create the handgun that need not be replaced, but was affordable enough to market it to a wider audience, and in many senses they succeeded. Of the few issues the weapon has, accessibility certainly isn't amongst them, but as a high end pistol, it certainly stands out among the shelves in its own tight niche.

Finally, safety precautions within the weapon include a thin titanium blast shield behind the blaster gas compartment aims to deflect blasts away from the user in case of a misfire, that, combined with Ionite laminate shielding and personable biometric scanning within the weapons' trigger gives this weapon an A- safety rating among many who would seek to pan the weapons functions as more or less dangerous.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

After I saw AMCO's decision and what you speak with John in the CIS discord, I asked him to I can withdraw the PA. So I would request the same from you what AMCO did in the other thread:
  • Please delete the Armour Penetration rating/line.

After the edit I'll set your submission to PA again.
John Locke John Locke

Submission Name:
  • C-99 Harrier and C-9 Canary
Link to Submission:
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex:
  • Have to fix up some of the coding here which is really badly hurting my OCD :(

Moved to pre-factory per OP request. Please remember to include a list of changes made when you tag a member of factory staff to move the submission back to live judgement.
Submission Name: Canary & Thunderbird talon
Link to Submission:
Reason for Pre-Factory Request: its underpowered by a point, re balancing.

Moved to pre-factory per OP request.

Please remember to include a list of changes made when you tag a member of factory staff to move the submission to live judgement.
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