Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Business as Usual [TSE Dominion of Etti IV Hex AN-17]

[SIZE=12pt]The destruction of Ession had not gone unnoticed by the Corporate Sector Authority and the Corporate Sector at large. Not unnoticed… but ignored[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]. When the emergency calls came, they went unheeded. When the refugees (some managed to escape the onslaught) appeared?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]They were imprisoned.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Awaiting to be given away to the coming Sith Empire.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Because nobody in the Authority had any doubt that Ession would not be the last that they had heard of the Sith. With their aid in securing Black Star Station not long ago, and Ession on the near horizon, the entities within the Corporate Sector decided that it was far more profitable to welcome the Sith…. The alternatives simply did not suit.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]In the end, they invited them. Opened the doors. There was the potential for profit for all parties that way, as opposed to leaving them closed. Offers were made, trades were set up. The prisoners from Ession and access to the Corporate Sector in return for safety. As business deals went it was a simple one. The agreements made from a distance even before the Sith set foot on Etti. No risks taken. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]None that would not absolutely be worth the rewards, at least.[/SIZE]

  1. [SIZE=12pt]Process the Prisoners - Relieve local law enforcement of those put on hold for the Sith. Arrange transport to appropriate locations within the Empire, or divert some, under the table, for your own use (don’t get caught).[/SIZE]

  2. [SIZE=12pt]Riot! - At one of the holding locations, a prisoner transfer has gone wrong. Angry and desperate, the prisoners have overcome the local guards and have taken over the complex. Put them down, hard[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt].[/SIZE]

  3. [SIZE=12pt]Secure the Hyperlanes - More than one Hyperlane, some large and some small, intersect at Etti IV. Clear the system as safe for the Empire and reset hyperspace relays to account for all Sith Imperial Vessels. [/SIZE]

  4. [SIZE=12pt]Let’s Get Down to Business - Etti IV is the heart of the corporate sector. Make business contacts or contracts, establish a toe hold for your company, or supply something for the Sith Empire to claim a MF contract![/SIZE]

  5. [SIZE=12pt]BYOO - As always, if you have something else you’d like to do, have fun! The thread is your oyster.[/SIZE]
[member="Cassandra Paige"]​

Theatrical.” Itash murmured to Cass as they stood at the top of the CSA compound and studied the skies out of the viewport. They had darkened, the storm brewing just as the reports came flooding in.

The Sith were coming.

But apt, I suppose. The ExO is expecting us. We shouldn’t keep him waiting, love.”

There were negotiations to be had. In truth it was less negotiations and more exploiting a situation for their own profit. The appearance of the Sith Empire had suddenly shifted the winds into their fortune. The CSA was noticeably elitist and unwilling to allow new members on the board. It was no different for Didact Defense Solutions and GenPals.

Even DDS, which was subsidizing much of the Sector's security through their expansion.

"If we run this right we will own the Authority by the end of the day."
Vestille Thumahra

Processing Center Besh, Etti IV
Objective II :: Squash the riot.

When an animal is dissident, it must be brought back to order.

Vestille's hand was soaked in the blood that he had spilled across the land during his time upon Ession. Man, woman, child, it didn't matter who was lined up down the sights of the blasters of him and his men. Orders were orders but the human condition always made empathy a concern. The 105th had been plagued by post traumatic stress and guilt over their personal hand in the butchering, to which they tried to keep under wraps and out of earshot of their superiors but the road to recovery was long and uncertain. As they remained within the core worlds of the Sith Empire, counselors and their own means of trying to deal with their personal demons, Vestille was once again out on the front-lines of Sith expansion. It was this that set him aside from his men, a Captain that had nothing left to lose but a duty that would drape over his shoulders until his last breath. A lack of empathy, perhaps even humanity, was what kept the man beneath the armor marching time after time; there was no rest for the Captain of the 105th who thrived in the heat of battle time and time again. Perhaps this is why the Sith found him so useful, alongside his adaptability and extensive knowledge of various battlefield doctrine; their requests of his presence never seemed to cease.

Vestille found himself upon the planet of Etti IV, in the midst of a mass processing of refugees from Ession, survivors that had tried to run from their fate amid the smoke and fire, trying to avoid the sword swing that would send them to the abyss. The Corporate Sector Authority had been reasonable and welcoming to the Sith, no doubt fearing that refusal of their presence would result in the same fate as those who were now being detained and processed in the centers that scattered the surface. The Captain was not here for diplomacy, however, at least diplomacy that required handwriting or honeyed words. Reports of a riot springing to life in one of the centers had reached their ears and to both the Sith and Corporate Authority alike, this could not be allowed to linger. It was to be put down without mercy or restraint; those who tried to resist would face the same fate of a rebel.

As he entered the administration section of the overall processing center, he was greeted by Corporate security officers armed up with shock batons, riot shields and tear gas; the typical tools of bringing a riot to the curb. A good start but alas, Vestille knew that if this was to be quelled quickly, a certain aspect of fatality needed to be applied to bring the swarm of angry prisoners back to their senses. The Captain hadn't arrived alone, instead bringing a choice few Legionaries to assist with the quelling of this uprising; armed with scatterguns and no more than three marksman to take positions above the chaos and locate ringleaders and eliminate them quickly and without fuss. With the forces gathered and briefed, they moved out towards the large holding areas to which the prisoners were now running rampant.

This would be over by the end of the day.
Location: Processing Center Besh, Etti IV
Allies: [member="Vestille Thumahra"]
Objective: II - Riot Suppression

Xavier had known conflict for as long as he could remember with the exception of a brief lull between his earliest years and adolescence, be it the struggle to survive under his stepfather's regime, or being thrust into the unknown and left to make his own way as the place he thought to call home disappeared around him. He knew struggle, how it felt to barely eek out an existence, and how desperately one would struggle when they saw no other way. These rioters were indeed much like wild animals, starved game backed into a corner with no other choice but to fight in their eyes.

It was so terribly unfortunate they could not open their eyes, subjugation was not only inevitable but essential, they stood against those who acted as the very will of the cosmos. Perhaps their minds were simply too closed to comprehend their role, to appreciate the role they were meant to play. He pitied them in that regard, but those who did not serve purpose had to be wiped away so that others could. It was the only way.

Following behind the Captain of the 105th, the Vi'dreya was utterly silent. As much as he may have wished to ignite a saber and descend into the ravenous mob, their were far more effective measures to be taken. Thumahra had already begun seeing to that. For now he would simply observe, and personally intervene if need be. He only hoped that this would be over quickly, the fate of the galaxy could not be postponed over petty riots after all.
Intergalactic Solutions Towers

For the most part, things ran as normal.

Intergalactic Solutions had built a core network within the Corporate Sector Authorities ever since the fall of the One Sith. Since then, under the oversight of the Trade Federation and the management council, it had managed to brand a new reputation for itself. Neutrality had been key, as had been the driving focus that every move henceforth would be to bring a lucrative return to their shareholders.

The only problem being that @Darell Irani ([member="Jairus Starvald"]), the second half of the council that ensured that Intergalactic Solutions ran smoothly had been absent as of late. Which is one of the reasons Danger Arceneau had returned to the corporate tower on Etti IV to try and determine just where that charismatic fool had gotten himself into?

"Try his number again," Danger would relay towards Aeri Vyn, the Zeltron who had become a staple at Arceneau Trade Company as much as Saffron.

"Where has he hidden himself off to?" she'd murmur, mulling to herself. Til this day, Danger Arceneau had no idea that Darell Irani was none other than a Sith Lord, Darth Carach at that. Her attention had been in her own company to really focus on Intergalactic Solutions recently, but the pressing inability to get in contact with him meant that now Danger was going to do so personally. Not to mention expanding Haven Shipyards with a new production facility on Etti IV itself.

"Odds are he's decided to travel to some deserted tourist world and is busy getting a tan alongside some buxom bit of fluff." Danger would say wryly. Beside her, Aeri's datapad gave a small beep. It was a news feed.

"Well, we might have more interesting conversations that where Mr. Irani has been dipping his wick." the Zeltron would state, flicking her hand and bringing the news feed up towards the floating holographic screen.

"The Sith Empire has been detected moving into this sector." Danger's brows rose a bit.

"Not a surprise, they've been establishing footholds across this section of space for some time. It was inevitable." a small shrug, and a nod.

"We'll send our warmest regards. I am sure that the usual will need to be set in place; tariffs and a percentage of the profit." it also meant that Arceneau Trade company along with all of its affiliates within this sector of the Corporate Sector would need to follow Sith Empire trade guidelines.

"Check with our departments on Telos; I want to double check if there have been any changes. We'll work on the assumption that our corporate sector facilities will need to adhere to Sith Empire standards."

"And find out where in the nine hell's Irani has gone off to!" Danger added, "If the Sith are here he should stop karkin' around and get his hide on a shuttle to Etti."
Location: Processing Centre Besh, Etti IV
Objective II: Enforce the Imperial Peace.
Allies: [member="Vestille Thumahra"] & [member="Xavier Vi'dreya"]

In many ways, Adrian could understand the actions of the refugees. The desire to live, to survive, was the very cornerstone of organic existence. To deny that instinct was nothing short of folly, though such folly could certainly be useful in subordinates. Still, understanding mattered little. At the end of the day, one could not allow oneself to succumb to lure of empathy. At the end of the day, the fate of the few mattered little in comparison to the fate of the many, the fate of strangers mattered little in comparison to the fate of one's friends and allies. At the end of the day, the greater good reigned supreme.

That was why, rather than engaging in pleasant conversations with business contacts in the Authority or enjoying the local amenities, Adrian found himself in an airspeeder landing outside one of many holding centres on the world. Seated next to his sharply dressed form was a pair of armoured troopers, opaque glasteel visors hiding their grim faces, gleaming white rifles resting atop their laps. Part of his own personal guard, well-trained and tested on the field of battle, but never like this. Never against opponents that were nothing more than scared civilians. It would be interesting to see how they would cope.

With a soft hiss, the doors slid open, depositing the trio right outside the centre. The riot had been contained. They held the complex, they thought they felt freedom. They were wrong, oh so wrong. Freedom, true freedom, was reserved for those with the capacity to resist outside forces. To safeguard themselves from coercion and death. The prisoners, for they were still prisoners, were not so lucky. They were sheep pretending to be wolves. As with all pretenders, the mask would fail the moment they faced true power. They would tremble, they would fall. The only question was how many would perish before they accepted the inevitable.

Entering the complex, he quickly fell in line with the forces assembled to quell the riot, critical eyes combing over his allies as they made their way towards the prisoner-controlled sections. The usual CSA goons were armed with nonlethal weapons, the small number of Legionnaires spread out amongst them? Not so much. Not that that surprised him. There would be bloodshed today, he could feel it. Strangely enough, that was not why he was here. With any luck, his presence would limit such foolishness, rather than exacerbate it. Sacrifices had to be made, to be sure, but that was no excuse to be wasteful.

"Well met, gentlemen. Lovely day, no? It's a shame these cretins are so determined to spoil it."
In Umbris Potestas Est
Objective 3/4
It was the Ablution that now found itself in the void, awaiting the opportunity to showcase the Sith Empire the newest technology available for its naval armada. Once more, the vestiges of the former Sith Empire had reared their head - another pirate group, this one using ships of a more modern vintage. Of the Sith Empire forces that existed at the time of the galactic power's dissolution, perhaps half had defected in some form or another. Some had surrendered to the Fel Imperium during the war. Others had joined the then-fledgling One Sith. But the route most of the defectors had taken were that of pirates, using their limited forces to terrorize local shipping across the entire northeastern region of the galaxy.

Into the field of battle traveled an older ship, one that had been taken from the Imperial Graveyard and rebuilt to perfect modern specifications - the Cyracuse-class Drone Carrier. This particular ship was joined by two wings of Coryphin super-heavy bombers, which had been brought here for the purpose of eliminating a rumored Tulak Hord-class Star Destroyer operating as a pirate flagship in this sector.

This was going to be an interesting conflict.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]​
In truth Jairus Starvald, one time Darell Irani, one time Darth Carach (Voice of the Dark Lord and many other titles) had not given his corporate holdings much thought.

Iron Crown Enterprises and Saiba were guided along nicely by a board of advisors who seemed to enjoy being finally able to run the vast mega-corporations according to their own specifications. Rather than be forced to constantly make changes here and there according to the whims of an eccentric CEO. Oh, those whims almost always led to profits, but-

He was a gorram menace to stability and the shareholders reflected that.

When the calls had come from Arceneau Trade they had simply been redirected to that board. They had wrung their hands, shook their heads and mumbled that Darell Irani is sadly no in today, can we relay a message?

But somehow, somewhere his commlink still had a priority aleph when it came to Danger Arceneau's personal transponder.

It came through in his ear right as he was ducking an edged blade. "What?" Jairus called out as his fist slammed itself into the face of a Dark Jedi (Krath cult, long story, things had escalated). "No, I am fething busy here, Delin, just get them to-" Something garbled in his earpiece, they seemed rather distressed and high-pitched. Virtual Intelligence programs seemed very emotional these days.

"Oh my Force, fine, put her through!"

He pivoted over a second blade and his heel stomped straight into a nose.

"Miz Arceneau, what a pleasure... it has been a while since we last spoke..." Darell put his Darell voice on- "I am kinda in the-" She'd hear a blaster shot and then Irani swearing in three separate languages, before something screamed.

"-sorry about that, in the middle of things. How can I help you?"

Deserted tourist world it was not.

Seamus Valik


Whatever else was happening on the world, Seamus couldn't really say. He sat calmly in a small caff shop and did his best impression of an absolutely normal person. Azure eyes scanned his datapad as he read the latest post on Terrawarsrp.holonet. It was a guilty pleasure and he would deny it if asked but that didn't stop him from going back.

He took a sip of his ice blended caff drink and a bite of his heated pastry and tried hard to bide his time until he could do something about his tenuous position on the planet. Escape at present would without fail end in a cell. Fighting most likely had similar or worse outcomes. That left hiding, waiting, or just pretending to be a completely inconsequential being. Which let's face it, he was anyway.

The cylindrical shape of his lightsaber felt like it was hundreds of pounds as it sat in the cargo pocket of pants, but ditching the tool was not going to go unnoticed. So, he sat and scanned the post, none of which were for him, and pretended to enjoy his sugary treats.
Location: Bonadan
Objective 4/5: Business

She had to say it, this world was absolutely ugly to look at from space and on the ground. From space, a nasty looking yellow world, scarred by pollution and strip mining. On the ground, it was a world littered with mines, factories, power plants, and everything else needed for a heavily industrialized planet. Taeli sniffed as she looked out from the rented office she was in at the moment. Today, she was not here as Darth Arcanix, the Lady of Secrets and Deceiver of the Alliance (although those titles did give her a tickle of pleasure), she was here as CEO of her companies.

Although with how this conference holocall with some of the Direx was going, she might need to show them that side of her.

Aurora Industries had started to gobble up a few droid factories on the planet, and two of the ground-based shipyards, and the Direx board had noticed. They were... admittedly not too happy that an outside company, one not of the Corporate Sector Authority, was gaining as much traction as they were. She felt it best not to mention that one of droid facilities was secretly being expanded below ground to act as a secret Spaarti lab. She was eager to accelerate Project NEMESIS and TITAN.

"Lady Raaf, the board understands and appreciates your investments into the CSA," one member was saying. "With the Empire coming into this region of space, we even welcome closer economic ties with companies such as yours."

"However, we want some... guarantees," another member stated. "Weapons are banned on Bonadan, barring our own security forces. And we would ask that any further expansion plans for Aurora are given the chance to be reviewed by us."

Taeli smiled thinly.

"I understand," she said.
Vestille Thumahra

Processing Center Besh, Etti IV
Objective II :: Squash The Riot
Allies: [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Xavier Vi'dreya"]

The bulkheads unlocked and slowly started to open, allowing the sea of chaos to sweep through the no-mans-land, straight into the unbreakable wall of order.

The plan was straightforward and routine. The Captain of the 105th had been dealing with situations involving unrest since his time within the Galactic Empire. From quiet collaboration to full blown insurgency against the rule of authority, from a handful of criminals to a multi-cell group, Vestille had been the hand that swung the sword time and time again; putting group after group of rebels, scum and terrorists under the ground where fate waited for them with open arms. There was to be no quarter, no sense of restraint when dealing with such matters, no reprieve for those who sought to bring down the law and order held securely aloft by the powers that be, perhaps in this particular situation more than any other. To him, these refugees were already dead, their fortune somehow allowed them to avoid death as it swept through the streets of Ession and yet, they found themselves being placed into the hands of the Sith regardless. If anything, the rioters had courage, enough to pull themselves up and unite in a final ditch effort to save themselves; as commendable as it may have seemed, it was ultimately fruitless.

As access was given to the holding cells, the men that Vestille had briefed began to take their positions. Marksman began to relocate to their positions high above to conduct their overwatch whilst the wall of riot shield carrying officers formed their wall, those with batons behind them followed by those armed with actual ranged weapons. The prisoners had overthrown the guards already inside the Center, the administration building having been the last refuge of order as it towered above its designated holding locations like a lord looks over his vassals. The layout wasn't particularly complex or difficult to navigate, only the fact that the administration building had the only exit out of the Processing Center. The task was simple, then; hunker down and wait for the horde of offenders to arrive like lambs to the slaughter. Like magnets, they would be attracted to one another soon enough, it was just a matter of waiting.

Vestille wasn't alone, however. Beyond his men, it appeared that not one but two Sith had come to assist with the crackdown. As he went about organizing and tweaking the lines of battle, a sharp nod of his head went to the two that had no doubt come to join the fray. One remained silent, the other mentioned how good the day was but ultimately their presence simply made the operation ahead smoother and swifter in the time it would take to fully dismantle the riot. As much as he hated to admit, for all the scorn that Vestille had gathered for those attuned with the force over the years, they were extremely useful. Said scorn was not of concern, however, simply a hatred of the powers that had been used against him time and time again; as far as he was concerned, the Sith were his superiors and were to be treated as such.

Eventually he moved to greet them both, giving them a typical Imperial bow as was to be expected when greeting Sith of any rank; "My lords, Vestille Thumahra, 105th Imperial Shock Company. Shall I run you over the briefing?" he asked, his head raising and allowing his hands to form behind his back.
Same Elsewhere as [member="Jairus Starvald"]​

Irajah looked over at Jairus quizzically, dark eyebrows arched.

"Darling," she said, then paused.

To be fair, her attention was on the dark Jedi currently trying to get his fingers around her throat. Very annoying. It wasn't often that Irajah came along with Jai on his cult business. He only asked her when he needed her particular expertise. Or thought he did. As it happened, his more usual areas were relevant here, but in for a credit and all that.

"Why," she said, reaching out with the Force to wrap around the man's heart, "Are you using your Irani voice? It's not Taunsday," she continued with a smirk.

"Shhh, no, it's alright," she murmured, not to him this time as the other man's hand convulsed. She squeezed with the Force, watching intently as a serious of emotions flickered across his face. Interesting, usually it was surprise first. Someone had done this to him before then. Might be worth taking back to the lab.

"Shhhhh, you'll be fine."

That was a lie.

They were never fine by the time she was done with them.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
"You think the Sith brought the storms on purpose?" She asked with amusement.

"And this is exactly the time to keep them waiting," she said, grey eyes casting over the view beneath them. "We have the connections they want. You were raised to power, Itash. But I was raised in business. No, let them sit. Not long, no reason to taunt them. But they need us now."

The pair had been working with the Sith Empire for over a year now. As they had built their businesses in the Corporate Sector, they had built bridges while so much of the rest had merely watched and waited, to see which way the wind blew. Now that it was clear which direction that would be, the gambles they had made paid off. They were in the position to offer guidance. They had the connections, the knowledge.

A few minutes passed before she finally nodded.

"That should sufficiently irritate them," she murmured with a small smile. "Shall we?"

Arm in arm, the pair headed down the hall and toward the lavishly appointed meeting room. It wasn't merely the current ExO, but several members of the Direx as well. Enough, she realized and glanced at Itash with a measured look.

"Lord Itash, Miss Paige, thank you for gracing us with your presence." The sardonic tone was clear, and Cass's smile only widened.


[member="Itash Mecetti"]

Fiolette Fortan


Bonadan System | [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Obj. IV + V
Adjusting the faux military coat over the plain white tee shirt, the military jacket was a throwback to ancient Galidraan armed forces and her pants were long black trousers with a gold stripe down the seams. Red hair down, with her large necklace hanging around her neck, a hand ran through the fabric that a vendor showed her. "This is lovely, and this comes in black and purple?" Fiolette pursed her lips together, "how much? Okay, great I'll take two rolls of black, yes full rolls and one of the purple." She then sent information for the dressmaker. "Miss Georgina Compton, yes, yes that's the one on Galidraan IV."

A smile, "no this is great."

The rear admiral was off duty and was here as just another person. Most on the port hadn't a clue that she owned the place, though she supposed a bit of celebration was in order as Port Elim would now officially be within the Sith Empire's sphere of influence. The markings on this level read T-4, Thesh 4 within the second tier of the station, it was interesting for Fiolette to watch one of her stations run. Often she was in her own suite and then go off to do business scarcely an opportunity to 'be where the people are,' as it were.

"Hello C2." She greeted the droid who bumped her feet. "Yes, and no, Dansen is here but no he is not on Port Elim. Yes, I remember when we met Khonsu and yes he was a lovely chap, no Dansen is- darling, he is off with Raol having his armor polished at a... droid spa."

"Oh pish posh you'll be fine come along now, let us see if we can't find a decent metalsmith here."
Intergalactic Solutions Towers
[member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Jairus Starvald"]
Ah, the ever dulcet tones from Irani himself.

Danger brought a small earpiece that would connect to her comm and allow her to speak handsfree. With a quirk of her brows over at Aeri as if to say, nabbed the scoundrel, she opened her mouth to respond with her own quip only to pause at the sound of a blaster and a scream.

A roll of her eyes came next.

"Busy, Irani? Are you seriously lockin' yourself down so that you can play the new Battlefront?" while Danger could very well recognize the sound of real blaster fire, the newest installment of Galactic Battlefront from one of the top holographic games had recently become available. Anyone who had an itch to test out the lifelike graphics and full holographic immersion as one fought through simulated missions against stormtroopers, Sith, Jedi, and various peer to peer enemies.

Myra had told her that it was the latest thing and everyone was playing it.

Maybe Irani was one of them. She could see him holing himself up in a full immersion holographic warehouse just to play a first person shooter.

"Well, it is good to hear you are not dead." a gesture was made to Aeri, who was currently going over the designs for the construction of a new Haven Shipyards location at Etti IV.

"You've any idea how long my folks been tryin' to get a hold of you? " she continued on, reaching for a pitcher of sweet tea to pour herself a glass.

"We've got a situation. the Sith Empire has come knockin' at the Corporate Sector and I reckon they'll want to chat. I need you here so we can do this together."
[member="Cassandra Paige"]

"I would not be surprised if the Dark Lord was pleased with the aesthetic, no." Tash murmured back in amusement, while studying the coming storm.

There were already reports being made.

The Sith moving to accept the processing of the prisoners, coordinated by Didact Defense Solutions, of course. It had been the brainchild of them both, but GenPals couldn't rightly afford being associated with such acts in the public eye. While Didact profited from being seen as ruthless and efficient.... Cassandra's company had other strengths it was leaning on. While they waited Tash hummed- "How is the development going for the latest cartoon animation?"

He had given the idea after they heard of the sacking of Ession.

Start weaving threads and teach the youth a lesson about Ession's fate. Make it clean, neat, but let the lesson shimmer through. The Sith would appreciate it.

Regardless of the answer they found themselves in the office soon enough. Eyes met, understanding passed at the number of Direx members sitting in attendance. It was enough to force a vote. Three of them were already in Antigone's pocket. Two were hold-outs. Four were loyalists. They settled down in front of them. Comfortable chairs for the most part, but just a few inches smaller than their size so they had to squeeze their way in.

Oh, how charming.

"Of course, ExO Ge-Si-Do." A Tiss'shar out of all things. How the Corporate Sector Authority had allowed a lizard to be put in that position was anyone's guess. "Antigone L.L.C. is always interested in providing a new point of view for the Corporate Sector."

They had been displeased by his trail-blazing of the two new hyperlanes.

Oh, the commerce had been a boost (both to the sector as well as to their reputations), but the control the corporate alliance exerted over the two lanes had squeezed them out of more profits.

"Yes, well... we need to establish dialogue with these Sith, before this turns into another Ession. The Authority can hardly afford losing another industrial world."
Cass managed to keep her distaste for the ExO in check. Mostly. She had no doubt that the creature was perfectly aware. But she wore that particular, plastic smile. Perfect in every way, to the point that it's perfection gave it away. Of course, what could you say to that?

She smiled too perfectly at me so I know she truly despises me.

Ah yes, that would work so well for him.

"Oh, I didn't realize," Cass said, raising a hand to her chest in mock surprise. The ExO turned to give her a cold stare.

"Didn't realize what?"

"Well, I thought you knew." She glanced at the other members of the Direx sitting around the table for a moment. "How silly of me. The Sith have already been in talks with someone else."

The table erupted in noise. Not everyone jumped to their feet- some of them already knew what was coming, after all. The ExO managed to restore order, but only just.

"Who," the Tiss'shar said, voice as flat as his eyes. "You, Miss Paige?"

She laughed, waving her hand. "Of course not. While GenPals maintains several high ranking Sith as clients and holds a significant marker share in Imperial Space, I am not interested in politics. I would hardly be an acceptable choice."

That was a lie. But a useful one.

"I would have thought she would have spoken to you," Cass continued, inspecting her nails casually. "But I suppose if they haven't spoken to you, they must have a good reason."

They don't trust you hung in the air.

[member="Itash Mecetti"]
Why did it seem that 'leave' always came with a ticket to a world of interest to the Sith Empire? Well, not always. It had actually been quite awhile, not since Tion. But it was often enough that it left her vaguely annoyed. But with [member="Morgan Vance"] on his own assignment, and [member="Jairus Starvald"] breathing down her neck, she took the opportunity and ran with it.

Dante found herself in line at a small cafe. Etti was a powerhouse of commerce, it ran on greed and credits. But she had to admit that the caf was really good here. Probably because of those things, but she didn't really care.

"Nope, not- yeah that one, yeah, the one with the jelly inside," she directly, pointing into the case as she leaned over.

"Black- no I don't want blue milk in it how would that be black? Thank you, yeah, keep the change."

Dante turned around, already digging into the bag to get at the pastry. Most of the time, the new leg she'd gotten after Rimcee didn't give her too much trouble, but every now and then-

Her ankle clipped a chair and she stumbled a little, reaching out to steady herself on the back of it.

"Oh hey, I'm super sorry about thaaaaaa-"

Dante blinked.

[member="Seamus Valik"]
Darkened clouds were not the only thing that loomed over the bustling metropolis of Mondder.

Thunder boomed and lightning crackled, briefly illuminating the faint visage of a massive object cutting through the clouds. The rain that pelted the inhabitants of Mondder began to gradually subside, disappearing entirely as the loud hum of atmospheric displacement drowned out the braying of the storm that had preceded the Sith Empire's arrival. If one looked up they would find that the sky was filled with a hundred different lights, each one blinking in and out of existence in seemingly random patterns. To the unobservant, it would've appeared as if night had descended on Etti IV during the business hours that constituted the majority of the planet's daylight cycle.

It was only an illusion. The Emperor's flagship, the Behemoth, had maneuvered into Etti IV's atmosphere right over the capital city, cutting through the clouds and blocking out the rain in a ten-kilometer line over the center of the city. The lights from above were from the various sensor nodes and targeting vanes that jutted out from the ship's hull, coupled with the interior light shining out from several ventral viewports and the firing centers of the warship's numerous weapon emplacements.

If the Emperor so desired, he could wipe out Mondder in less than an hour at this distance.

But he had not come to Etti IV to conquer and destroy, he had come to bargain.

From the cavernous hangar bays of the Behemoth emerged several shuttles, each one of them carrying a diplomatic envoy and their Sith retinue down to the Sector Authority's stronghold in the city. The most notable of these transports was the Emperor's shuttle, the Crestfallen II. In time they would reach the fortress of the ExO, and deliver their terms of integration.

Seamus Valik

He felt his chair jerk slightly as a woman who had been at the counter kicked it. The sound of the chair scrape slightly was honestly more disconcerting than the simple accident. He turned his blue eyes up toward the person with a forgiving smile.

"No worries, mi-" He paused midsentence mouth ajar like a small child who had just seen his first startfighter take off. "I...yes...well."

He closed his mouth again with a click of teeth and tried to decided whether to sit stand or make a hasty exit. As the heat rose to his cheeks he couldn't help but think the latter was indeed the very best option available. He stood anyway, and tried hard to remind himself that he wasn't some awestricken school boy. They had both been fully aware of what they were about that night and the fact that he had called again and received no reply should have never surprised him at all. He had been unbalanced.

"No reason to apologize." He said because it was true, not that he hadn't been disappointed. "You did forget you blaster though."

[member="Dante Sotari"]

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