Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blocking Art

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
[SIZE=11pt]The fact that she said she won’t hurt Ronin or anything in this demostration. The fact that the second skill will not be taught by her. Viathae was rather disappointed. She was curious to see cryokinesis in action, but maybe that had to wait for another time. For now, she had to watch this first one. Viathae didn’t really knew why she waas even here or anything… she was a Mandalorian, who was mastered at fist combat. She didn’t had to watch and see how Jedi do it…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]No, she had to .This was apart of her training. If she was going to even advance, she have to see how Ronin was going to be in this situation. It was slightly dreading to just resist not wanting to step in and be a demonstration, but.... That would be slightly embarrassing. But she actually did had sometihng in mind.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"I have a question." she said glancing at Jairdain. "Could I use my raw strength that is within myself to help make the effect of the block even stronger?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Kaiza Pawaro"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Douglas Starwind"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] | [member="Faye Demos"][/SIZE]
[member="Jairdain"] | [member="Faye Demos"] | [member="Douglas Starwind"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] |[member="Kaiza Pawaro"] |​

I don't think we will ever be on the wrong side of each other, brother.

Came her reply which for a brief moment made him smile even more and almost let out slight chuckle which he had stifled. As he didn't want to disturb the seeming academic demeanor of the crowd nor make her look bad or give any of the other students the wrong impression. At which time as she gave his hand one final squeeze before letting him go to then regain his footing before return back to the class.

"Are there any further questions?"

As she notion to him do so as she posed the question towards those gathered including some latecomers to the class. And seem continued on to her lecture while he sat on the foreground listen along with the rest of the class when soon enough. One came from someone he noted sat on the sideline.

"I have a question."

Then after a brief pause continued on to say.

"Could I use my raw strength that is within myself to help make the effect of the block even stronger?"

"The Force Barrier is usually only active for a few hits before it looses it's strength and dissipates. As you are just learning this, it's probably going to cost you more of your Force reserves at first. The more you practice though, it'll be easier and you will be able to adjust your Force usage to compensate."

Then after a brief pause continued on to say.

"Another large difference to keep in mind between the barrier and Tutaminis is a barrier can work as a defense against almost anything. As long as it isn't something like a thermal detonator. Even then, if you're strong enough that barrier might prevent you from getting too seriously harmed. Tutamins in ONLY good against energy attacks."

To which slightly shift of his head to glance back and forth between first at the one asking then back Jairdain as the two conversed. And out of curiosity he then came to ask as well.

" that case could they be used back to back or is there a limit on how one could shift between the two? Seeing as I've read and know that some skill can be too taxing that one can't while other that one could with Mastery of it."

I don't think we will ever be on the wrong side of each other, brother.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Normally Sukai would have a lot of question to ask, but Knight [member="Jairdain"] explained, demonstrated the difference between the two force powers like a master, as such the young Jin was more concentrated on trying to remember all the information being thrown around then pondering any real questions. The way Jaidian used the force barrier as a weapon was very intriguing, almost like carrying an inflatable jail cell, a skill that would come very much in handy when not wanting to hurt an opponent, or to keep a certain annoying younger brother away.

Like [member="Viathae Qarmast"], Sukai was also a little disappointed in them skipping over the other skill, but remembers that everything came in time, and that patients was necessary to master any skill, not matter one’s strength or skill. She was about to ask a question on the strength of the barrier, when the mando woman asked it for here, though Jairdain had pretty much already answered the question in different words, practice and amount of energy. Though that did spark a question, that wold require tact.

“I have a question, let’s say if you could hypothetically absorb energy from someone, could that be used to strength the shield, weather you are using it for protection or trying to keep someone detained”?

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Viathae Qarmast"] [member="Ronin Wendigo"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Listening to the question posed by Viathae, Jairdain did not hesitate to answer.

"Your physical strength has nothing to do with that your barrier can withstand. However, your willpower might help, not at first though. You need to know how to perform the barrier before you should think about employing addition methods on improving it. The barrier is meant to be something temporary only. So please never expect it to last for a long period of time."

Many people thought the barrier was something meant to last. That wasn't its purpose normally. In fact, the only time one should last if its being used as a breathing method. To keep poison air from reaching a person or keeping water off in the case of being under for some reason.

When Ronin spoke, she tilted her head for a moment and nodded at him.

"Yes, you can use both at the same time...provided you have reserves and concentration to do both."

Holding a hand out, she called to it one of the training sabers that were set down on the table.

"The answer to that question sort of leads into the demonstration I was about to do actually. Please, come to stand next to me and take this saber."

Jairdain handed her the training saber and raised a simple barrier around herself. Giving her a nod, she moved to address the class again.

"I'm going to have Sky'ito try to hit me with that training saber. Watch what happens to my barrier and then when that fails, I'm going to use Tutaminis."
[member="Jairdain"] | [member="Faye Demos"] | [member="Douglas Starwind"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] |[member="Kaiza Pawaro"]​
It was then in the midst of all the chatter that her answer came back to him from her and he turns bit to listen.

"Yes, you can use both at the same time...provided you have reserves and concentration to do both."

At which time he then nods to then add.

" I see well guess that good to know then....."

As soon enough the lesson continued with her seem moving on to another demonstration which he came watch intently. Seeing as in all intention purposes he was more than wanting or looking to see about learning new ways of offense that he could employ. That would not hopefully have him have to resort in take another life like she'd witness him do. For as much, he tried to keep it to himself as not worry her....

Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
Doug had been quietly observing as the lesson progressed. He was one that did not ask many questions sometimes, but always welcomed when others around him did. Sometimes he wasn't sure how to really articulate these things, but he usually caught onto the basic gist of things. The Barrier being a temporary thing and to be careful with it and how Tutaminis works. As he observed, he actually had caught his own Master, [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], arriving to observe the lesson. He actually hadn't expected Josh to show up, but more familiar faces were always welcome.

Remaining quiet, he watched as Jairdain prepared another demonstration, this time with Sky'ito. He was curious to see how a dual usage of the Force Barrier and Tutaminis would go, keeping his focus on what would happen from there. Willpower and focus...
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai mentally nodded to herself as more was explained on the use of force barriers, how it was mainly due to will power that one created and maintained it, and how it was not meant to be a permanent thing, 'looks like my idea is out but that's good to know for future reference'. So far, this lesson had been very informal, perhaps next time she would have to bring a data pad to take notes, lest forget some of the important details that where discussed.

At Knight [member="Jairdain"] request Sukai took hold of the training sabre, activating the not lethal blade, giving it a few practice swings before taking an offensive stance next to Jairdain, “ready when you are”. When prepared Sukai would raise the training sabre, bringing its blade against her shield, putting a decent amount of force behind the hit, intentionally trying to break through her barrier, but not attempting to cause any physical harm.[member="Ronin Wendigo"]
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Douglas Starwind"] [member="Ronin Wendigo"] [member="Viathae Qarmast"]

The training saber was just that. It would only cause minor discomfort when it connected and at worst leave a bruise. While Jairdain was confident she could deflect a lightsaber, she wasn't ready to put herself to the test in front of the others.

When she was ready, Jairdain nodded to Sky'ito. A barrier came up around the Knight and when it broke like she knew it was going, Jairdain had her hand ready for it. As the training saber connected with her hand, she held it and through Tutaminis, the energy she took in through the skill was expelled out through the other hand. If she had wanted to, she could have sent it back to Sky'ito as an offensive action or further powered her Force reserves. This display though would be more visible.

Letting go of the training saber, Jairdain nodded to her before turning to speak to the class again.

"Before we practice Tutaminis, I would like all of you to start with the barrier. It was an easier skill for me to learn and it's uses are far more beneficial than the other, in my opinion. Are there any other questions before we begin?"
"Are there any further questions?"

"I have a question."

"Could I use my raw strength that is within myself to help make the effect of the block even stronger?"

"Your physical strength has nothing to do with that your barrier can withstand. However, your willpower might help, not at first though. You need to know how to perform the barrier before you should think about employing addition methods on improving it. The barrier is meant to be something temporary only. So please never expect it to last for a long period of time."

"The Force Barrier is usually only active for a few hits before it looses it's strength and dissipates. As you are just learning this, it's probably going to cost you more of your Force reserves at first. The more you practice though, it'll be easier and you will be able to adjust your Force usage to compensate."

"Another large difference to keep in mind between the barrier and Tutaminis is a barrier can work as a defense against almost anything. As long as it isn't something like a thermal detonator. Even then, if you're strong enough that barrier might prevent you from getting too seriously harmed. Tutamins in ONLY good against energy attacks."

" that case could they be used back to back or is there a limit on how one could shift between the two? Seeing as I've read and know that some skill can be too taxing that one can't while other that one could with Mastery of it."

"Yes, you can use both at the same time...provided you have reserves and concentration to do both."

“I have a question, let’s say if you could hypothetically absorb energy from someone, could that be used to strength the shield, weather you are using it for protection or trying to keep someone detained”?

Josh had been listening throughout the question set, and Jair's lessons, though Yumi's question brought him pause and a quirked brow. Draining energy wasn't usually in the Jedi power set... That was usually more in the Sith category. While there were some powers that could be done on a more neutral stance... Draining as far as he knew was not one of them. He knew this personally... Drain Life, Drain Energy and what it took...

What it took to pull it off was reminded to him once again and he had to keep himself from throwing up at the memory.

Regardless, Jair seemed to know something about draining, though it was more draining energy fired at the user than a more direct means... Or at least that was what it sounded like, he wasn't entirely sure. This garnered his interest but he continued to say nothing. He watched the demonstration, watched the exchange and how there was a notable shift in energy. He was curious about where she had drawn the energy from, whether it was the force of the attack, or Sky's direct reserves... Something he was tempted to ask.

Jair would explain to start with the barrier and he nodded his head in turn. When she asked about questions, he decided to bring his up.

"I'm curious, actually. Perhaps I glossed over a detail, but the energy you just gained from the maneuver. Is that taken directly from the opponent's reserves, or from another means?" He would inquire.

Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai could feel the sabre hit the barrier at the full of her swing, the feeling being similar to that of an energy shield, not totally solid, like a very springy matures, regardless the force barrier soon gave way, with [member="Jairdain"] stopping the blade dead in its tracks with her bare hands, a hard connection being made between the two, energy coursing out of the bare and into the ground, truly Tutamins was a very powerful skill.

With the demonstration out of the way Sukai disengaged the saber, rerunning it tho Jairdain before taking her place back among the students ready to begin trying the skill for herself since all the practical stuff out way for now. She had a rough idea on how to force the barrier and was more then eager to get started but not before [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] posed a slightly worry. The mans question about her talk on draining energy make Sukai tense up a bit, "Were you talking to me about that or asking Master Jairdain"? Hopefully they would not push the subject much further on her, she had been able to keep the fact she was half vampire a secret, if it was revealed now at a slight slip of the tongue.

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