Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bashing Royalty[TRE Hex Invasion of Serenno]

Location: Kushiba Orbit
Objective: Dinner
Allies: TRE
Enemies: Whoever wanna fite!

In was quiet in space. Quiet like death in its initial moments of fleeting and crippling impotence. Two Anubians flanked the chair he sat on in his vessel, a simple craft not too large to be of naval threat in orbit but not too small as to not sport the necessary things Mythos needed to enter battle. The first time he would enter battle... since his resurrection. A Diathim, his singer and muse to lull and sleep where the screams and images of chaos constantly kept him awake stood on the end of the center of the command port. It was turned into a small ritual room as the ship laid in complete stealth given all stealth systems to aid it to do so, Stigyan cloak being the last. From beneath the sands a robe had been crafted using the same linen that the ancient pharaohs were wrapped upon death with one major difference: the Sith runes drawn with the blood of Set priests upon it. Every inch of his body was painted with the blood ink and covered with the wrap. He wore neither lightsaber nor weapon of any kind, Mythos had seen death and come back fully believing that weapons in their entirety were a distraction. What good was a blaster bolt when the power of the force was involved? The Maleibus known as Gorgoth stepped forward and knelt before him two more flanked him as they rode. The ship with these alone was heavy but it still held enough ground. They carried between them a box that was gold encrusted and as Mythos' eyes laid on it he felt the pulse within it.

"Finally... let me see Him"

The two massive beings knelt and opened the box using the mechanisms on each side letting a gas of compressed air that kept the being that was in it alive and sedated during this whole travel. Frozen in Carbonite and beginning to thaw was the oh so familiar face of [member="Adas James Malgus"]. Mythos' only son. The boy slowly was thawed out and as he regained consciousness the image he saw was of his father and the last time he saw his father was at the battle of Atrisia watching him die. "D-Dad...?"

Mythos neither smiled nor frowned, he simply nodded. The darkside of the force had clearly grown in him, fully maturing him into a user of its power and the mark of the ancient Sith Lord Soeht still heavy on his skin. He wanted the boy to see him again, see the light in his eyes. "But... how?" the boy asked, an understandable question. "Did you think death could keep me for very long my son?" Now he did smile, his old confident smile of nurturing care, love for his own son... They embraced in a hug as the boy regained his strength, Mythos could feel his tears wetting his cloths as the boy understandably sobbed. It was then the boy began to feel his lifeforce begin to fade away. A green glow began to wrap around the boy, each passing second taking away from him decades. He tried to scream, tried to ask why? What was happening? but nothing could come out but short breaths of impotence and futility. Mythos grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up almost without effort then opened his mouth agape. The lifeforce of his son began to be passed into his as he slowly not only devoured the force inside him but his very soul as they were connected by blood. When it was done Mythos let go of the body and the lifeless husk that hit the floor of the ship was nothing more than a skeleton with skin on it, eyes depressed inside and it looked like a mummy, dead for a thousand years.

"Take us down to play..."
Location: Ord Radama
Objective: Secure the Devestator
Allies: TRE, Vrak Nashar


The wind howled as the Sith Knight made his approach, reaching a blockade of torn down trees. He couldn't pass, if he were a normal person. Though, he was quite the opposite of that. "Hrngh!" With a swing of his arm, the trees were propelled to the side, tumbling into another selection of trees. He took no notice and continued down the path, which led to his destination. Little wild life approached him, during his treck. He could only hope it would stay the same.

The area was quiet. Peaceful. It couldn't stay that way for much longer, he wouldn't allow it. Eventually he would be a few hundred meters away from one of the sides of the ship. He glanced along the horizon for an entrance to no success, turning on his heels he would head for the back of the ship in hopes of finding an entrance. It's what the intel read.

He would slowly make his way down the side, running his fingers across the hull of the ship as he passed. His mask, morphed into another design. Three red lights emitted from the mask, as he looked outwards almost scanning for something. Hopefully he would have another by his side, soon enough.
The Black Library

"It's another war then."

Silence filled the master's chambers. The reality of the situation had been known to them for some time, but acknowledging that reality was something they'd put off as long as they could. No one wanted to accept that the Sith threat had returned for the third time in twenty years.

"We knew this was coming, I told Adron myself. The Dominion's had time to prepare. They'll hold."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Call it faith."

The old master's reptilian lips parted into a wry grin. "Faith misplaced perhaps. We've little to offer them Darius. You are the only student I've managed to train in over a century. It would be a waste for you to die there." The Hutt stared at his pupil with sad eyes. "You bear the title now. What will you do?"

The student rumbled with quiet laughter, "I'm going to go, but you don't need to worry. I've met the Sith and their servants before, and that was without your training, though," his brow furrowed. "I wonder why they're moving the way they are. Ord Radama is not military stronghold, and it has little to offer them save for lost history."

He gestured toward the holodisplay that stood between the two of them with a gloved hand. "Then there's Kushiban. Dominion world, yes, but worth very little from a military standpoint once again. If they can't break Serenno, the Viscount's fleet will just push them back out again."

Garvis barked a thundering chuckle that seemed to reverberate across the walls of the Black Library. "I do not think in matters of guns or ships Darius, you know this. They target these places to sow terror and regain their lost history. That, and they know the people of the Dominion have compassionate hearts. Such attacks will draw resources away from Serenno."

A heavy sigh fell from the student's lips. "So they will," he shook his head. "Where should I go?"

"That, my friend, is up to you." The Hutt held out two bulbous arms. "But you will not go off to war without giving me a hug."

Darius laughed as he stepped forward to embrace the ancient Hutt. The old Jedi was a all wrinkles and bodily odor, but the Corellian youth couldn't bring himself to care. He'd grown rather fond of the Garvis in their time together, the hutt serving as a grandfatherly figure for him in these trying times.

After a long moment, the student drew away.

"You'll do him proud."


"Your father."

A pang of regret shot through the Voidwalker's chest, and he did well to force it aside. His smile softened; his words were laced with the kind of quiet despair that lingered at the bottom of one's heart for years. It was truest and deepest form of sadness Darius had ever experienced.

"He's not watching anymore Garvis. This duty is mine alone," the cowl was drawn over his head; his features were drowned in a darkness the color of a midnight sky. "I won't fail you." Reality was ripped and torn apart as a hole was channeled through the ethereal realm. A tunnel of sorts connected this point, and that of the Voidwalker's destination via a gentle altering of the great ocean's currents.

The portal would not last long, but then the Voidwalker only needed a few seconds. He turned back to give his teacher's a dramatized bow before stepping into the rift. A moment later, and the rift was gone along with any trace of the Voidwalker ever being there.

Garvis shook his head as silence fell over the library. "My boy," he smiled, "you never could."

"Hello Adron," the Voidwalker's voice was all too cheery as he stepped through the rift. His entrance was heralded by a mass of shadowy whisps and a large spot of blue within the star destroyer's bridge. A heartbeat later, and the Voidwalker's shrouded figure stood in the spot's place.

His arms folded over his chest as he turned to watch the conflict raging beyond the vessel's walls. "I don't know if you've gotten the reports or not, but the Sith are moving on Kushiban and Ord Radama," the Voidwalker informed, "I can go where you need me, or I can stay here if you like. How are things looking?"

[member="Adron Malvern"]
Location: Serenno
Objective: Break Expensive Things
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Vraukt"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"] | [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Caid Centurion"]
Broski: [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Maleagant"]
Enemies: [member="Count Marlow Venjuta"] | [member="Formorta"] (Theoretically. But they’re both in Carannia.)
Equipment: In bio

Engines roared as speeders streaked through Carannian outback. Grass shimmered beneath the repulsors. Sun glared at the matte metal finish, rather cross that it wouldn’t blink back.

Then: shuttle.

Aver pulled her ride to a screeching halt – the squad of soldiers behind her did the same, ruining someone’s future crops. If there were any crops at all to be had in the future, that is.

But that wasn’t her concern.

The merc narrowed her eyes, grinned, then called out. “Sourface! Fancy meeting you here, of all places. Guess the Empire went all out on the good stuff.” She leaned back in her seat, still looking every bit the Sith trooper she was pretending to be. “I was gonna give you a call after this side gig, but shet, this is perfect.”

She motioned to a pair of soldiers: “You two, squeeze your arsecheeks. We’re picking up Mal and his… ladyfriend here,” she drawled, tilting her head at the woman. “You got better taste than I expected, stripes. No kidding.”

“I trust you can blow up a generator and talk business at the same time?”

And then they were off.
Tyris quietly listened to Luciens speech. He was always one for public speaking, up and in front. Tyris was similar in a lot of ways, but he was willing to take the back seat if he had to, there was a time for action and a time for words, now was a time for action. Tyris had already received his orders before hand, he just had to pick his team. There was quite the selection of interesting characters to choose from, the merc, the socially awkward lizard, and a bunch of other assorted strangers and freaks, all of them had their own skills, but he knew exactly who he was taking.

He approached his query from behind, they needed a strong authority figure to teach them what soldiering was actually like, he was going to provide that strong role model. They were socially awkward, shy, and most of all, unknowing of their full potential. They had the skills, they just didn't have the confidence to use them. A small little AI figure popped up in the corner of his eye, she was facepalming, hard.

"Please don't scare her, what did she ever do to you."

I need to toughen her up, or she will never survive in real combat

"Just don't give her a heart attack, please."


The AI did not need to hear him to hear him. They shared thoughts, the data interface chip in his head allowed for that, not that he needed it, but whatever, it worked well enough. Tyris approached Xandari from behind, and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Come on, you're with me, we have a special mission straight from the top." Tyris said to the woman.

Tyris then began to make his way towards their craft. It was a boarding craft, it appraoched ships, latched onto the hull, and then drilled a hole in it. After that the soldiers inside boarded. Sadly the depth of hull plating it could cut through was limited, so they were limited in where they could enter.

Once Xandari arrived, he would begin to go over their plan, the shuttle was sound proofed, so nobody could hear them, it was a sensitive mission, of the utmost urgency. It could turn the tides of the war just as it was getting started.

[member="Xandari Eriss"]
Location: Kushibah
Objective: Support TRE Forces
Allies: [member="Darth Metus"]
Enemies: [member="Enzo Carpathia"], @Ra'a'mah, [member="Jakkor Kess"], [member="Fedrig"]

Planet-side, the Valkyrie spun downward towards the Kushibah earth beneath their feet. The Matador was here, backed up by members of the Shield. A total of ten of his elite warriors had been summoned to serve Manda'lor under the guise of assistance for the TRE. On Kushibah, his Mandolorian ally Metus was outnumbered by many. Several groups of Dominion soldiers had arrived in response to his ships orbital arrival, dropping down the Matador and his soldiers nearby Metus' position.

Kushibah was a plant of many mountains and great illustrious forests, not unlike his home planet of Duxn. It reminded him of home, and as far as he was concerned this planet belonged to whoever was strong enough to hold it. This was Mandolorian way, and regardless of what title they bore. They both fought in honor for glory and combat under Manda'Lor. The Matador rallied to Darth Metus' location, following his trail.

"Nayc greater kote than at akaanir par Manda'yaim."

He greeted Metus, carrying his Great-Axe in his left hand. His long black fur coat followed behind him, the dirt and earth of Kushibah gathering on the edge of his cloak, his heavy grey plated ancient Flayer armour glistening in the planet's light a few feet away from Metus now.
Xandari wasn't one for formality. She listened to the speech, sure, but none of it really stuck out to her. It all sort of melded into a simple idea of show the bad guys why messing with them was a poor idea. You know, the stuff that comes from any run of the mill speech. With that in mind, she was quick to dismiss it all, zoning out as she waited for actual orders.

Would it be against regulation if I furnished a snack compartment for my arm? Her thoughts trailed away from the briefing, temporarily forgetting that not even her mind was private anymore.

What is wrong with you?

What? You never know what can happen on these missions. Besides, it'd just take a little rewirin- The tap on the shoulder snapped her out of her thoughts, the girl jumping from the sudden fright, an annoyed sigh could be heard over the sudden increase of heart rate.

Of all the possible hosts, I had to end up with you.

Xandari ignored the comment, her attention now turned to the superior officer, nodding in recognition as she stood, grabbing the discarded helmet. She'd worked with Tyris before, in group excursions. Never had she expected to be on such a small team, at least not so early in her career.

"What are we doing?" She asked once they were in the ship. If she was supposed to address him as 'sir' or by any other special title, she wouldn't know.

[member="Tyris Hayes"]


Space, Serenno.
[member="Anya Loma"] | [member="Adron Malvern"]

Near the ship Cedric's Wrath, an invisible Cathar in a zero g suit floated toward the bridge of the enormous vessel.

The figure had neither touched, nor landed upon the hull. Coal-black lips continued to mutter the illusion's incantation, Sith sorcery that kept him invisible to the eyes of sensor and sentient.

Slowly, but surely he jetted toward the bridge's viewport until at last the nacelles on his suit let out one last puff to leave him floating gently just in front of transparisteel. 'Twas then he stopped his muttering and the sorcery fell away, revealing before the eyes of those on the bridge a strange being in a suit. Thengil produced a simple cylinder and clumsily thumbed the activation panel.

A bar the wrathful pallor of a red giant sprang to life. Thengil drew back and thrusted toward the viewport.

Docked with Shield Gate

Squadrons of Dominion fighters scrambled past as they raced to harry the Sith onslaught. Flight teams littered the deck, flagging down the frazzled Dominion boarding vessel and guiding it safely to its designated berthing. Alkor watched as the crewmen cycled the landing gears. "Keep the engine prepped," the Helmsman reminded his team. "We're all going to hell for this."

"Shuttle Valerian, you are to shut down all systems immediately. All our sensors indicate that you are running at regular levels. Please rectify." The crew glanced back to Alkor warily as he stared out of the deck and into the hangar. Point defense turrets swiveled toward them, a generic precaution but not one to be overlooked.

"Our shields won't hold if they decide we're not compliant. We might take a few shots, but we're not a combat ship-" the Engineering Officer began to tell Alkor.

"I'm aware of that," he held up a hand to pacify the man. It did not settle any of his doubts, but he shut up. "Open the main hatch," he instructed. [member="Alleria Fett"] and her contingent of Mandos were revealed, and the first team out sprayed a destructive wave across the unsuspecting hangar.

"Shuttle Valerian, you have been compromised! Power down your engines and assist in dealing with the new threat in close quarters. They are-"

Alkor grabbed the comm's officer's console controls and switched them offline. "Loud man, that one." He looked to the ship's gunman. "Fire a few shots toward the flight control deck," he instructed.

"Sir, it's not shielded," he protested.

"They're going to die anyway," Alkor growled as he grabbed hold of the man's collar. "Do you want to join them?"

His shoulders slumped. "I thought... I thought we might give them the opportunity to evacuate," he said in a tiny voice. "Most of these men, I trained with. I know them, and their families. I can't-"

"Well, why didn't you say so?" Alkor thrust the blade of his lightsaber through the back of the chair, and the man stared down at his chest, wide-eyed. "Anyone else feeling sentimental?"

The blade slipped away and the gunman slumped to the floor. "Gods," breathed the helmsman. Tears streamed down his cheeks. "Oh gods..."

Alkor stepped over the body and grabbed the gun controls. As Mandalorians flooded the hangar and tore through blast doors with heavy firepower, he joined their efforts with the ship's lasers. Unlike the heavy firepower of a capital ship, they were more effective against smaller targets.

Like the unshielded, very prone flight command tower. One blast shook it and scarred it heavily, and the next opened a torrent of hellfire that flooded up into the control room. Bodies hit the plasteel and died on impact, spared the horrible death by incineration. Others ripped through the windows entirely and were flung out into the hangar, every bone in their bodies broken.

Men behind Alkor uttered prayers. Some cursed. The communications officer stood and leveled his sidearm at the Dark Jedi. "No more," he swallowed his terror and concentrated on shaking less. "We won't sit by and watch as more of our friends die-"

Alkor stood slowly, and the man fired. His shot flew wide, and the man spat on the floor. He fired another shot, only to be misdirected by the white blade of Alkor's lightsaber. They were centimeters apart, and Alkor gripped the muzzle of the blaster tightly. Metal whined as it folded beneath the crushing grip.

"All of your friends are going to die," Alkor assured him. "And millions more that you probably don't even know. That's what war is. Be they Sith or Dominion forces, it does not care. You will watch hundreds of thousands die, and if you're lucky, you will live long enough to tell their tale."

The officer folded to his knees. "You're a goddamned monster," he sobbed. "All of those people-"

"Knew what it meant to go to war," Alkor replied. "If they wanted peace, they would have stayed on backwater worlds and far, far away from this."

He tossed the man back into his seat. "All of you shut up and plot a course for Carannia," he commanded.

The rumble of the first shock charges rattled the Shield Gate. Alkor glanced out into space, and the shield shivered, but held. "Bring us out of the hangar," he instructed.

"Are you insane?" The Helmsman stared at him incredulously.

"If we stay in the hangar, we'll be torn apart by the blasts," Alkor reminded him. "You'll need to maneuver to-"

"Avoid the explosion," he nodded. The man let out a sigh. "Too much damn adventure for one day."

"This is only the beginning," Alkor stated.

Another series of blasts creaked and the Gate shuttered again. The shield began to fluctuate, but held shakily.

It would not persist much longer.

[member="Vraukt"], [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Aver Brand"], [member="Caid Centurion"], [member="Adron Malvern"], [member="Lucien Galtier"], [member="Count Marlow Venjuta"], [member="Formorta"]
What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
News of the strike force attacking the shield gate spread quickly around the ground forces, many of the younger soldiers where panicking thinking that they would have had more time to prepare before TRE started to land troops, "seems as though their committing most of there main force as cannon fodder while the main strike teams disable to shielding in an attempt to catch us off guard. She wanted to go after the other assault team that had landed earlier lead by [member="Aver Brand"] but this new threat posed took priority as NCO's and CO's tried to organize the ground deference in an attempt to repel the impending attack.

She waded though crowds of soldiers ignoring what they where saying, keeping a stoic expression as she mentally went though the possible ways they would land troops to the surface, climbing into a building she surveyed the view, this would make a perfect sniping spot. Placing down a cloaking field and sound dampeners as well as traditional camouflage as back up she prepared herself for the coming attack. Looking through her scope she saw the gate fluctuate, it wouldn't be long before they made it though and started their main attack. Her heart was racing a bit faster than she had anticipated, this battle would be intense and would be a circuital point in her life, trying to calm herself she silently read to herself one of the few poems she like to make in her spare time, "Blood it red, though sometimes its blue, i guess well find out, when i kill you" She was as ready as she could be, now it was a waiting game.

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
Location-serenno, hull of cedrics wrath
Allies-[member="Adron Malvern"]
Enemies-[member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"]

Thank God for the exit being close to the bridge, she moved towards where she felt the being or something moving towards the bridge glass, a breath went out as she stopped. She felt him stop and watched him appear...a strange creature before her...she only notice he was the enemy when his saber activated and was poi yes for the glass

She was quick as lightning, her orange saber sprang to life and moved to quicjly catch his as she started at him with red eyes as she pushed his blade back tip pointed at him

a shame, your something I've not seen...oh well...

She grinned as she would use her other hand to use a force push to get him off the hull, if successful she would then charge at him using the suit to her advantage she would attempt to slice at him hoping to at least catch his suit...or make him move

Aboard the Crimson Dawn, Harrower Class.
Allies: [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Caid Centurion"], [member="Aver Brand"], [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"], [member="Charlyra Araano"]
Enemies: [member="Count Marlow Venjuta"], [member="Formorta"], [member="Adron Malvern"], [member="Lucien Galtier"], [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Anya Loma"],

"Move the Fleet forwards," ordered Drakash from his command chair. Stood before him was Vraukt, watching over the bridge crew, but mostly paying close attention to the holographic display that was before him. Dozens of ships were upon the tactical display and his crimson orbs were forced to keep track of all of them. The enemies navy had moved above their planetary shield, but the multitude of forces within the Resurgent Empire weren't solely assaulting with the ancient Sith fleet, but with plenty of assault craft with proven heroes - if they could be called that.

Limited targets... The Remnant Fleet is in the way... Our weapons are shorter range anyway.

"Arrange the Strike Cruisers into position on the edge of our flanks, Centurions surrounding the Crimson Dawn." The Sith Knight walked back and forth across the bridge as he gave the orders to the communications officers. It was his first true operation commanding a naval fleet of this size, though Drakash had been training him, and before he had even come into his service as his Apprentice, he had been taught at least... A little of naval organization.

"Lancers just outside of the Centurions lines of fire, fill in their gaps. Interdictors to the rear." The Sith Knight's eyes watched as ships of varying sizes, hundreds of metres in length began to move into position as their Imperial allies engaged the enemy. Vraukt himself wasn't as sacrificial of his own flagship to spearhead an attack, and the Imperial lives were much better suited for the slaughterhouse than his crimson skinned brethren.

"Begin the advance. Stick close to the Empire's fleet, we will push through them and into the Dominion forces."

The Galactic Empire was the the First Wave.

The Resurgent Empire was the second one.

There would be no third as far as Vraukt was concerned.

"Apprentice," Vraukt called through the commlink embedded into his ear. "Head to the Hangar." And then the commlink was off.

The boarding teams must've brought explosives... Fighting their way through will take too long.

Terminus-Class Destroyer [x3] [Imagining an armament similar to this;]
Centurion-Class Battlecruisers [4]
Interdictor-Class Cruiser [3]
Lancer-Class Frigates [x4]
Strike-Class Cruisers [x6]

Caid Centurion


Objective: Infiltrate
Allies: [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Vraukt"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"] | [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] | [member="Maleagant"] | [member="Aria Vale"]
Enemies: [member="Count Marlow Venjuta"] | [member="Formorta"] (Eventually)

Aboard the Nightstalker

Within the confines of his personal cabin, Caid took a seat on the floor and centered himself in the Force. Slowly, he utilized a skill that he'd learned during his sequester on Endelaan. As he focused on completely melting his presence into the serene aura of the Force, the Sith Lord's manipulation of Art of the Small forced his own normal presence to reduce in size to a mere microscopic level. In truth - it was as if his entire being would be sensed as little more than the existence of the Force, a presence that existed everywhere in the galaxy.

However, the true purpose of the effort was to allow the Force to flood and take control of every element of Caid's senses. The constantly shifting web of the life-binding energy's influence played before his eyes. As his vessel approached the steadily faltering shielding of the planet, Caid saw it as a steady pulse of otherwise unnatural energy - an energy produced not by a living thing but machinery.

The flight crew reduced their approach speed per their orders. It was a difficult task to manage simply because the orbital speed required to keep an object in orbit was...well...considerable with respect to their speed over the ground. They couldn't reduce this energy to too great a degree or they would undoubtedly burn up on re-entry. Too fast...and they would continue to overcome the influence of the planet's atmosphere. All they could do was trust that their commander had the shield well in hand. "Alright. We're at the initial point, start the de-orbit burn."

The co-pilot inhaled steadily as he entered in a program code on the navicomputer. "Here we go..." For a moment, the cloaking device was deactivated as the Infiltrator reoriented to execute an extended engine burn to drop them out of orbit.

Gradually Caid began utilizing Art of the Small to further evaluate the composition of the shielding. Then...he began altering the composite traits of the molecules that composed the protective energy in an isolated area. Thanks to advance reconnaissance, the Resurgent Empire's forces had a pretty good accounting of not only the shield generator's location but the mechanics of the protective field.

By the time the Nightstalker reached interface with the shield, a hole roughly three times the size of the Infiltrator had been created. The flight crew only knew they had succeeded when the flames of upper atmospheric re-entry began to crawl around the viewport. Breathing a sigh of relief, the experienced flight crew returned to the task of completing the re-entry procedure. Once they'd broken through the friction-heavy portion of re-entry, they re-engaged all of the cloaking devices and arced the vessel out towards their destination.
[member="Maleagant"] | [member="Aver Brand"]

She started at the sound of engines, equally wary and inquisitive as the speeders screeched to a halt a distance before her and the Sith opposite. The armored figure at the head of the first spoke and Aria's attention snapped to the woman, eyes surveying the apparent trooper. Evidently she knew Maleagant - Sourface got a grin from her that she tried and failed to hide - but that was all the impression she could gather before the taller woman turned to look at her.

Light on her feet, she closed the distance between herself and the speeders, and in the event that Maleagant didn't follow suit she’d motion him over. Erm,” she began as she walked, with a laugh that was half amused and half flushed, “not his ladyfriend, thank you very much.” Eyebrows raised, she climbed into the indicated speeder when Maleagant did, placing herself next to the soldiers with a faint air of apprehension. The engines roared to life and Aria leant back, hurriedly making herself comfortable as they sped off.

She caught the words blow up a generator and plainly looked cheerful at the prospect.
Whoever the woman was, Aria liked her style.

Which brought her back to another point.

“So - you are?” she asked, voice raised amidst the noise coming from the moving speeders. Aria was fairly certain, after all, that introductions went before partnered generator explosion.

Connor Harrison


LOCATION: Above Serenno
OBJECTIVE: Take the planet
ALLIES: The Resurgent Empire on Serenno | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Caid Centurion"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"]
ENEMIES: The Dominion


The call to arms had been given and the sound of war rang out for the Empire once more.

Joon held onto the railing of her drop ship as it tore down to the surface of their target- Serenno. Departing The Tyrant after the initial assault, the Knight was without the weakling who dared want to be called her apprentice and was here with a unit of Dark Side warriors out to follow Lord Vrak and take the planet.

The journey through the outer defenses had required some expert piloting. But Joon wasn’t gushing with praise. It was their job to pilot them in without getting blow apart – if they wanted praise then they shouldn’t even be here with her.

Those dark amber eyes stared out as the planet opened up before them and she saw pockets of the battle spring forth here and there. Ships flying up and out, some into nothing but an explosion. The fusion of blaster bolts and artillery firing across the landscape and the figures, allies and enemies, on the battlefront.

It was beautiful.

For a moment, she closed her eyes and drank in the fear and violence and pride swelling around all of them. And then she snapped them open, leaning over and activating the com fixed to the side of the cargo hold to contact all those open on the channel from command.

”I’m coming to the planet with a unit,” she spoke louder of the sound of the engines. ”No room for failure and we go in stronger and harder than we did with the Jedi. We will send a shockwave across the galaxy today!”

She threw the unit back and moved to the open door, the landscape below now far closer and the thrill of war rippling across her Force aura. Lightsaber fixed to her side, warrior markings across her face and the basic attire needed to allow fast, fluid and tactile movements, Joon was ready to unleash hell with the Empire once more.

Darth Osano

Allies: [member="Aria Vale"] | Definitely [member="Aver Brand"]
Hostiles: [This Space Intentionally Left Blank]
Location: Serenno
Objective: Destroy the Shield Generator

Abruptly, Maleagant paused just at the end of the loading ramp. A vast stretch of open farmland surrounded them. They were on the outskirts of the city and they were going to have to walk all the way there. Couldn't she have landed closer? Well, whatever. That wasn't why he stopped. "That stench," Maleagant said, voice trailing into an ominous prophecy. "I've smelled it before. Smells like... Ultraviolence."

A squadron of speeders and speeder bikes piloted by masked thugs ground to a halt right in front of them. The one on point, probably the leader, seemed to stare for a few moments before she recognized him. Of course it was Aver Brand. Who else would be riding around with a swoop gang in the middle of a planetary invasion? Maleagant was beginning to doubt the usefulness of this mask. If people were going to know who he was anyway, and start calling him names, was there even any benefit to the loss of peripheral vision?

She wanted to talk business, though, and while this wasn't the best locale, the astute entrepreneur would seize opportunities wherever they rose. "Glad to know I can stop waiting by the commlink." He climbed into one of the speeders without very much ceremony. Hopefully Aria's shuttle would still be here when they got back. Maleagant decided to introduce Aver Brand himself. "This is violent Aver Brand. She runs crime rings and kills people for money. But the jokes come free."

Maleagant elected to hijack the other half of the introduction process as well, just to speed things up.

"And the ladyfriend is charitable Aria Vale. She helps strangers lost in the wilderness. And I didn't even have to pay her."

There. The introductions were complete. Serenno itself trembled at the coming of this trio.
Location: Kaine's ship
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Samka Derith"]
Enemies: The Dominion
Objective: Getting ready
-Two WESTAR 34s
-Assault rifle (in bio)
-Fett-Kal knife
-Two Sonic Grenades
-One thermal detonator
-One flashbang
-Misc equipment (in bio)

The Mand'alor was here for three things. One, to destroy and burn those responsible for trying to take Mandalore, Concord Dawn, and other Mandalorian planets that didn't rightfully belong to them. Two, to get paid. Ever since he signed on with the Dark Lords of the Sith, yet keeping a vigilant and cautious eye, he had participated in major battles such as the Sith Invasion of Dromud Kaas that was a success and rid out unwanted pests that influenced against the nature of Kaas. And three, to eliminate those so called Mandalorians that served the Dominion rather than serving their fellow brothers and sisters being led by Vilaz. Would he allow penance from the Dominion Mandalorians and bring them back to the fold? Very unlikely as they had been a blasphemous sect for far too long and in that time they should've realized their atrocities and return to what they truly were.

The Warrior stood proud and tall like a statue along with a small squad of elite Munin warriors that were his preferential special commandos. His head not moving as his 360 HUD system informed him of his surroundings. His broadband antenna could pick up the screams of pain and agony coming from Kaine's chambers. He didn't want to know what was going on behind those doors that only selected priests could enter. Did he do any rituals before battles? None at all. He wasn't religious or zealous like his companions. The only thing he really did before a battle was spend time with his family before heading out to the unforgivable.

He waited and waited along with a girl that observed a polished helmet. Maybe she was another traumatized victim of the Darkside of the Force. All of which he was indifferent about. He personally enjoyed doing business with the Sith as he was rewarded handsomely than other factions, and they shared his views of what to slaughter such as Jedi.

When Carnifex came the Munin turned his head at the man and followed him with his unit of Mandalorians of his Clan.

"How long until we arrive at Serenno," the Warlord asked to the Head of House Zambrano
Location: Serenno
Objective: Break Expensive Things
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Vraukt"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"] | [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Caid Centurion"]
Broski: [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Maleagant"]
Enemies: [member="Count Marlow Venjuta"] | [member="Formorta"] (Theoretically. But they’re both in Carannia.)
Equipment: In bio | Force Disperser makes her look like a NFU

“You’re free, then? Excellent.”

She couldn’t drawl quite like she wanted to – they didn’t share comlinks (yet), so the mercenary had to raise her voice to be heard over the whipping of the wind. Tad miffing, but not insurmountable.

“And— well,” she quirked an eyebrow at her fellow criminal. “Shet, Mal. You’re way nicer when you want something from me.”

The shadow of a well-guarded facility rose above the horizon. Towering walls, reinforced doors, a couple weapon emplacements – whole shebang. It wasn’t unexpected. Planetary shields were kinda important… which is why Aver brought her favorite toy over from the freezing wastes of Hoth.

The gentle SDC 13

Banking closer to one of the troopers, she hooked up to his speeder for balance, and unclipped the weapon from her back magplate. “Rekhul,” she spoke to one of the squad as she took aim, “link up the cute couple to our comms. We’ll likely be splitting once we’re inside.”

A small light turned from red to green – charging complete.

Violent Aver Brand squeezed the trigger. What was once an imposing turbolaser quad became so many molecules of nothing.

“When in doubt, always use a bigger gun.”
Location: Ord Radam, Southern Hemisphere
Objective: Secure The Devestator
Allies: [member="Rakosh Saqai"]
Enemies: Dominion

The Sith Lord peered at The Devestator as his speeder tore closer and closer towards the crashed Star Destroyer.

The vessel wasn't dissimilar to what the Resurgent Empire now used, though smaller. His lips thinned as they passed through the swamps, an odd sort of feeling beginning to press into the pit of his stomach. Power rolled forth from the crashed vessel, the darkside stewing deep within. He glanced towards one of the troopers in the front of the speeder, motioning for him to take them around the front of the vessel and then back towards the hangar bays. "Alert all forces around The Devestator to keep their distance."

Vrak frowned, knowing that something felt off.

"Tell those close enough to meet at the Hangar." His gaze shifted towards the front of the ship, eyes settling on the hangar bays that were half swallowed up by the swamp all around them. He could just barely make out a glimpse of the silvery inside of the hangar, mostly overgrown with foliage. "There's something here."

His hand reached for his lightsaber.

Vrak's eyes slowly moved towards the swamps, watching as something moved beneath the waters. It didn't strike, but Vrak could feel it's presence. Something lingering beneath the Harrower itself, something guarding whatever Malgus had left behind.
Location: Kushibah
Allies: [member="Enzo Carpathia"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Fedrig"]
Enemies: [member="The Matador"] [member="Darth Metus"]

Ra looked at the sky as more ships were landed with invading troops. As of yet only three approached their location, but a forth arrived and join the others. She had already deployed a few Dark Troopers to keep the cemetery item safe and motioned to the two Phase Three near her to contend with the two that came along with Darth Metus.

"Apprentice, are you confident enough that you and your troops can keep that one occupied? My droids can take care of his two companions."

She would motion to Lord Metus as she spoke. Turning to Fedrig, Ra couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow at him. Her golden eyes assessing him and nodding slightly.

"We're are the good guys, they are the bad guys."

Pointing a finger in the direction of the oncoming men, Ra took the lead and moved to intercept them.

If they looked at her, the only weapons they would see was a simple blaster on her hip and a double bladed lightsaber hit on the other. That wasn't all she had though. If given the choice, these weren't the weapons she would use and those were the ones hidden.

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