Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All Good Things...

The Obi-Wan Kenobi dropped out of the hyperspace over Midvinter, a glittering blue jewel against the backdrop of space. The lone Star Destroyer was an older model dating back from the days of the Galactic Republic, but it was just perfect for the small mission to the Outer Rim world at the very edge of the galaxy, offering both adequate protection and discretion with its advanced stealth systems. Always thinking with the mindset of a shadow a Shadow, Jyoti didn't want it advertised that she and much of the Silver Assembly was currently away from Kashyyyk right then.

Jyoti was in the operations center with Valae at the time of reversion, the past and current Grandmasters treated to full-color holo-rendering of Midvinter from the ops table. As she stood by Valae, she tried to keep up a good face about events, but she felt quite sullen on the inside.

She wasn't ready to part with her best friend.

Sure, she would always remain in contact, but that wasn't quite the same as being able to see her nearly every day at the Rest. She didn't know when she would be able to come back to see her again after this.

However, there was no turning back. A decision had been made, and she would honor her friend's wishes. She let out a small sigh then straightened up as she took command.

"Decloak after scanning the area," she ordered the ship's Captain at the table with them. "Then activate our IFF transponders. We wouldn't want to spook our friends down on the surface."

She looked over at Valae. "Well, here we are. I'll let you take care of arrangements for a landing party after sensor ops do their job. I trust you packed some of those sweaters for everyone? "

[member="Valae Heavenshield"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

((Hello there! This thread is serving as one final sendoff for Valae as she retires from the position of Grandmaster of the SJO. This thread is open to all SJO and Dawnguard members, and friends of either faction.))
Drystan stood nearby, dressed in a gray & silver jumpsuit; she was dressed for space flight, and wore a lightsaber in a thigh rig which hugged her left leg; around her waist rested a belt with a small number of pouches and a comm-link. Her long, honey-blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, unrestrained, and deep hazel eyes watched scrolling text as it rolled by on a screen before her...

Reaching out, the Jedi touched a button, engaging the IFF Transponders as Jyoti had ordered. "Done, ma'am." She said, glancing up at the two Jedi Masters nearby.

A small smile touched the Sentinel's lips, as she too felt a sense of loss... She had not become close with Valae, accepted things as they had to be, and she felt great sympathy for the silver-haired Echani Jedi Master - even under the best of circumstances, partings were such sweet sorrow.

[member="Valae Heavenshield"] @Josh DragonsFlame @Thurion Heavenshield [member="Coci Heavenshield"][member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Valae sat with ankles crossed, hands resting gently in her lap. Her eyes closed and remained that way for several long minutes. Inside the Jedi Healer there was a complicated mix of feelings, she acknowledged each of them before letting go.

There was sadness, an era was coming to an end. She was no longer the Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi, and she would call their temple home no longer. Valae would leave behind the faithful members of the Order, the calm counsel of the Assembly, and a number of very good friends.

Anticipation was next, her stomach fluttered at the idea Midvinter. She was excited to be with the Heavenshields, her family. The healer was looking forward to starting anew.

And, there was hope.

Hope that the Order of the Silver Jedi continued to carry on just as they always had, hope that she had made the right decisions, and hope that the future would be kind to them.

Standing from her seat, she came to stand next to [member="Jyoti Nooran"] – longtime friend and her successor. She didn't even need to glance to the side to know how the other woman felt, it was all there for her to sense. However, in the face of having to give a difficult goodbye, Valae offered a quiet smile.

It wasn't goodbye forever, after all.

“Of course,” She answered in reference to the sweaters, “I don't want any of you to freeze.”

A small chuckle escaped. While those sweaters were very warm, they were also a bit gaudy. Already, the wintery white glow of the Valkyri world was visible. Valae drew a deep breath, riding a sudden swell of nerves. As their ship set down on the snowy ground, Valae would begin to gather her things. There wasn't much left to her name, her current life fit into a single rucksack: her robes, a holo-image of her father and his last worldly possession – a shirt, a Silver Sigi and an amulet given to her by Darth Metus, and the heraldry of House Heavenshield.

The rest was clipped to her belt, a rarely used lightsaber and a light-imbued dagger.

Their transport set down just outside the Settlement of Fridheim, home to Coci and Thurion Heavenshield. It was a place that Valae hoped to call home as well. There was a healing center here, and some lovely scenic views nearby. It was beautiful, even if cold.

[member="Drystan Marakos"]
It had been impossible to sleep on the eve of the arrival of Valae to Fridheim, and she was bringing with her members of the Order of the Silver Jedi. It had been a long time since Coci had seen them, any of them and she was excited to see how they all where, how things had been for the Silvers since she and Thurion had left the Order to come and live out their retirement. As action packed retirement as it turned out, and probably always would. There is always something, or someone that threatens existence here or in the galaxy at large. So rather than try and sleep, Coci made sure everything was in readiness for their arrival.

Fridheim had become a large city over the years since it's establishment, only second to the capital of Thainbroek, but Fridheim was more modern by comparison. At least in being more accepting of ways beyond the stars, technology was no stranger to the Valkyri now although they still preferred the old ways. Coci had had a large landing pad built outside Fridheim many years ago, mainly to accommodate her ship and the Oathkeep, Thurion's ship from his youth in the Sanctum. And it was manned by the Dawnguard that resided here with them.

Naturally, Val had messaged ahead that she would be arriving soon, and the hour was upon them but exactly who would be coming with her, she did not know. "Thurion?! Are you ready yet?", she asked from the other room just off their main bedroom, as she placed her fur cloak around her shoulders. The two would take a ground vehicle to the landing pad and be there is quick time although through the night it had snowed and the white powder laid along the road to the pad, but they knew the road by heart.

Coci looked out the window her gaze turned to the skies but saw nothing, not yet anyway.

She pushed back from the window and walked back into their bedroom adjusting her collar as she did, "Come on, we are going to be late", not really she just wanted to be out of the house there waiting.
[member="Valae Heavenshield"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Ylva Heavenshield

Fridheim, Midvinter.
A Day of Welcome Tidings.
[member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Valae Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Frideim was much larger than Himmeldal had been, the once hearth and home where she and [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] had lived before the great battle that had roused legions of Thyrian Hearthfire, the King of the Valkyri. A time that had changed a great many things, as to had it awoken Ylva's mind to the possibility of things she had once believed to be nonsense, impossibly myths of folksong and stories...

Gazing skyward, astride the back of the great Bjomolf, Ylva pondered what their future would bring them all. Only in the recent days had she begun to practice this new connection to the presence of life under the tutelage of [member="Coci Heavenshield"], interesting as that was, the relationship dynamic given her connection to Théo certainly made for some awkward silences. Still, the Dawnguard had accepted Ylva among their ranks as quietly and hospitably as the wild woman could have asked, and she were doing her best to fit in, when forced to remain indoors within their established Temple...-If that's what they called it.

Ylva Solveig was Valkyri, though she were raised not of this world but far off upon the world of Nirauan. Her upbringing had taught her well early that there was a need for strength in this Galaxy had you the wish to survive. Her younger years were always a battle, and often required her to act upon circumstance that most would call unruly or uncivilized. Once, it was a past that she would have damned, and yet coming home to Midvinter and being shown the climate, the great winters and often treacheries that trekking the mountain paths could bestow, Ylva realized that her strengths had prepared her for a homecoming that finally filled a hole in her life that she had previously not been able to understand.

And perhaps there might be a similar notion in the Guest that they were to receive, this new woman of whom Coci had informed Ylva, would come to call Midvinter home, also. A Jedi too, though Ylva knew so little about them aside from the constant mentions they received from Coci and Théodred both. Warriors who were skilled in the power and spirit of life, alike her elder Mentor and the family she lived alongside. Among these sort of people, Ylva wasn't entirely certain she could be of much relation, yet for their welcoming, she knew her strengths could at the very least, prepare them for a feast worthy of Frideim's kitchenaries.

The Great Wolf hunkered through the thick snow, carrying both Ylva and a couple of doe carcus' behind him, roped to the harness for which the huntress sat mounted upon. The outside air was where her heart and soul soared, the technologies of Frideim came as something of a distant comfort, especially when compared to the wilds that she had been allowed to hunt freely within. Bringing these fresh kills she had blessed in their final moments of life, Ylva gave a rough pat to the side of Bjomolf's neck speaking affectionately to the beast in order to give him pause; "Alright, that'll do..." she smiled and leaned down to wrap both arms around the great Wolf, pressing her forehead to the top of his.

There were so few in life whom Ylva felt so fondly for, Bjomolf was among the top two. Silently thanking the great beast and Guardian, she soon swung one leg over to the other and slid down against his side with a light huff of air leaving her lips; then setting to work on bringing the cooks their expected meats.
While Yuroic had not been close friends with the previous Grand Master, he couldn't recall much interaction, he wanted to visit the famous world of Midvinter, home to the legendary Heavenshield family. They were the core pillars of the SJO beginnings, it would be interesting to meet them. Yuroic was wearing his simple clothes, shirt and jeans. He hadn't considered the possibility that the planet was a cold one, so was all too happy to accept a sweater when they were offered. Though once he wore it, the sheer itchiness of the sweater made him regret putting it on. Yuroic looked around the ship and noted there were some familiar and not so familiar faces. Grand Master Jyoti was here and a Jedi Shadow in the form of Drystan who he never met before.

Yuroic decided it would be best to leave Masters Nooran and Heavenshield to their private goodbye, heading down to the hangar and make sure he was ready to leave. He had his personal bow and lightsabers, not believing it would be dangerous but he felt more comfortable having them with him than not at all. Yuroic looked at the world from a window, from here it looked fairly beautiful, he could see why people wanted to live there. Didn't have the ugliness of Nar Shaddaa with metal buildings being the only thing visible from space. There was plenty of nature. He was sure that there were stunning views. Some of which he wondered if he could visit while there.

[member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Valae Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"]
The moment was serene and quiet, the moment had come when they were taking former Grandmaster Valae back home. Charlie had accompanied the Masters in the OPS room. The Padawan was too fixated on the holo-rendering of Midvinter. Knowing what awaited on the planet, Charlie made sure she collected one of the sweaters that Master Valae had brought along for the group. Though, while they traveled the young K’paur girl made sure she could snag a couple more and as she stood there, her mind wandered to snatching her Master’s as well.

Standing at the OPS table, Charlie fully bundled up in three layers of the sweater along with a couple of shirts, she stood happily looking at the planet, remnants of her snack cake being wiped off with the sleeve of the sweater.

Jyoti and Valae spoke and Charlie found an opening. “Master um…Valae, will you come back and bring apple pies again?” A toothy grin was met after the request as Charlie remembered fondly of the pie she had snatched for comfort after her disastrous moment at the potluck.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Ylva Solveig"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Valae Heavenshield"] [member="Drystan Marakos"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Allyson had left the OPS room, knowing that there was going to be a time for good byes. She would be able to give her good bye to the former Grandmaster when they touched down on the planetary surface. Moments like this, the less people around the better. Allyson had her own personal thanks for the woman who was part of the healers that were on Kashyyyk, due to Jyoti’s convincing she could see them and receive full treatment.

She wondered how well she would have fared if the Silver Circle didn’t help her, Jyoti had already received thanks for what she had done – it was only right for Allyson to give Valae the same thanks.

Still, that could wait and she made sure she didn’t hover. Yawning slightly, she headed into the hanger, bundled up tightly in her Onyx Squad bomber jacket. She had expected to be alone, but there was someone else. A figure looked out one of the windows and Allyson recognized him instantly. Her heart stopped as she remembered the last time they had met – oddly enough in a hanger back on Kashyyyk.

Unaware that he was without his memories, the Corellian pulled her collar straight and made her way towards the other side of the hanger to try and keep herself busy. A part of her wished she would have stayed up in the OPS room, at least there she didn’t feel uncomfortable.

[member="Charlie Nooran"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Ylva Solveig"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Valae Heavenshield"] [member="Drystan Marakos"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Reggie grabbed one of the sweaters and went down to the hanger. He didn't want to interrupt anyone when saying their personal goodbyes, so he would wait for his own opportunity to do the same. He may not have gotten to know [member="Valae Heavenshield"] as much as the others, but he appreciated the times they did have to talk with one another.

When he arrived at the hanger, he saw that there were two others there as well. Reggie just went to one of the windows and looked out at the environment, waiting for the chance to say his own goodbyes to Valae.
He was in the next room when he heard Coci's call, but for the moment her words fell on deaf ears. After giving his face a wash in the sink, he looked up into the bathroom mirror to gaze upon his scarred face and a dead, grayed eye. It was never a sight he would grow accustomed to; it was as if someone else was staring back at him whenever he caught his own reflection. The four scars ran deep and wide upon the left side of his face, reaching from forehead to cheek, and at times he would even recall the immense pain he'd been subjected to before passing out on the battlefield. He'd wake up at night with a cold sweat from terrible nightmares of that day, and in moments of silence he could still hear the Crone's mad cackling ringing in his head. But still he persevered, going through the mundanities of everyday life in Fridheim one step at a time.

When she called him again, he quickly wiped his face with a towel and ran a hand through his hair, sighing to himself before exiting into the bedroom. "Yeah, I'm ready," he told her with less than stellar confidence. Just seeing her put a smile on his face however, watching her struggle with her collar. Without saying anything he stepped behind her to fix it for her, but not without placing a gentle kiss upon her neck. "You look beautiful." She alone made it all bearable.

As she turned in his arms to face him their eyes met and his forehead touched hers, arms around her waist. "One day at a time," he whispered still smiling before they kissed.

After a moment of closeness the two made for the front door to exit onto the streets of Fridheim, with Thurion grabbing a fur cloak to drape over his shoulders. Just as they did the Silver transport swooped down from the skies, landing outside the city walls. "There they are," he led her by the hand towards the main gate. The arrival was expected and greatly anticipated, for the Valkyri have long memories and they had not forgotten the Silver Jedi who fought alongside them against first the Vinterbound and later the Sith. Once the party of Jedi would disembark and make for the entrance, the huge gates would open inwards to reveal Thurion and Coci awaiting them along with an entire city's worth of people.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Valae Heavenshield"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Charlie Nooran"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"]

The VCX-100 model starship, named Tumbleweed, snapped out of hyperspace above the blue-white marble of Midvinter. Its pilot, Cassius Droma, flipped a few switches to run some diagnostics. He took a contented sigh when everything turned up green. The ship itself was precious cargo, as he’d been personally asked by Valae to deliver it to her future home. He’d been honored, and didn’t hesitate to drop what he was doing to help. Cassius owed the healer a great debt, having taken care of him after a bad hyperspace accident nearly killed him.

Since the destination was so far out, the trip took a few days at cruising speed. During that time, Cassius occupied himself by catching up on some reading, meditation, training, or really anything else he could do. He’d starved himself from the HoloNet and communicating too much, as he saw this as an opportunity for a little retreat. A big ship all to himself… even T-4D4 had been left behind on Teth so he could oversee the repairs of the new A-wings.

As difficult as it was for him to admit, he loved the design of the VCX-100s, especially the auxiliary shuttle docked in the stern. Not to mention the fact that the small cargo loading area on the underside was the perfect size for docking an A-wing. One was docked there now, as Cassius needed a way to get home, and he could detach it when he arrived.

She was a little bulkier, slower, and less maneuverable than his beloved YT-model Stardust Melody, but her ability to move cargo, as well as the capacity to haul auxiliary craft was undeniable. Cassius had played with the idea of getting one for himself, for maybe those longer voyages, when he had a larger crew… or maybe even for those long-term archaeological digs…

While keeping the Stardust Melody as his main vessel, of course. He’d never cheat on his beloved...

Plotting a course, Cassius aimed the ship downwards towards the surface, noticing the Obi-Wan Kenobi in orbit as well. Reaching above him, Cassius flicked on his transceivers on the comm panel, letting those down on the surface know where he was. Not that there would be many people listening; from what Cassius knew about the planet, it didn’t have a lot of technology. Life was probably a lot simpler, that way.

He broke the atmosphere, and the majesty of the frozen gem opened up before him. Even at high altitude, Cassius could see the beauty in the landscape. It reminded him of home, like all frozen wastelands did, only this one seemed more serene. Rinn seemed like a jagged, harsh landscape, whereas Midvinter seemed to have more forests and valleys.

No wonder Valae wanted to spend the rest of her life here.

Cassius navigated to the coordinates provided: a landing pad near the settlement Fridheim. This was the home of the Heavenshields… people that Cassius had heard a great deal about during his time with the Silver Jedi. He’d never had the pleasure of meeting them… perhaps this was his chance.

Hovering over the landing pad in a small, unoccupied corner, Cassius released the magnetic docking clamps on his A-wing and it drifted downwards, deploying gear and landing in a pre-programmed sequence. Shifting over, Cassius lowered the landing gear of the Tumbleweed and locked them in place, the ship hissing out steam as it steadily lowered. With a soft thud, the Tumbleweed touched down on the surface, and it was finally home.

The main ramp lowered, and Cassius stepped out, breathing in that brisk, cold air. He had on a pair of gloves and a thicker jacket that his utility belt was wrapped around, but not much else in regards to cold weather gear. Cold temperatures never bothered him much anyways.

Leaning against the bulkhead of the Tumbleweed, he waited for the others to arrive.

[SIZE=11pt][member="Valae Heavenshield"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] |[member="Ylva Solveig"] |[member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Charlie Nooran"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"][/SIZE]
Turning slightly, Valae blinked as [member="Charlie Nooran"] asked about apple pies. The brunette couldn't help but chuckle, Grandmaster Nooran's apprentice shared her affinity for snacks. It would be a long journey from Midvinter to Kashyyyk to bring apple pies, but it was an excuse to visit, she did suppose.

“Sure,” Valae said, giving Charlie a pat on the shoulder as she passed by. “I'll bring some next time.”

Now that the ship had set down, Valae knew that it was time to move on. The homely sweater, quirky as it was, would give her a bit of warmth but she topped it all off with a heavy parka. Born and raised on Tatooine, where the twin suns blazed every day, it would be quite a contrast to settle on a world constantly dusted with snow.

“Make sure you're all bundled up now,” She said to everyone present and then lifted her rucksack onto her shoulders. “Let's go.”

As the ramp lowered onto the snowy ground, they were met by the crisp, cold air and a few light flurries that were carried inside on the wind. Valae's heart thumped beneath her layers, but a smile spread across her face. Her Master was waiting, she could feel it. Thurion's presence had always given her a sense of strength and calm. He had taken her under his wing, and now he welcomed her into the Heavenshield family.

Her boots sank into the snow as she exited the transport, and she smiled upon seeing that her own ship, the Tumbleweed, had made it safely to Midvinter as well. Valae waved to [member="Cassius Droma"], she would have to give him her thanks. Seeing the Jedi pilot standing there, the snow-capped mountains in the background, reminded her very much of their Life Day celebration. Perhaps Wyyrkrisoookringle would ride again.

Then, her attention turned to the heavy gates as they opened. Valae beamed as she saw [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and [member="Coci Heavenshield"] waiting to greet the Silver Jedi. And it seemed that quite a number of the residents had come as well – the crowd of towering Valkyri people was an impressive sight.

“We made it,” She said, stepping forward to greet her Master and his wife. “It's so good to see you both,” Valae said, but blinked as she looked up to Thurion, noting the new scars that marked his face.

[member="Reggie Faayare"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Ylva Solveig"], [member="Drystan Marakos"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"]​
There was a sense of uncomfortableness entering the hangar, having one last look at Midvinter, turning away Yuroic observed a woman glance his way then away at her own equipment. Yuroic didn't recognise at first, however, something clicked in recognition near the back of his mind. Pulling up the Silver Jedi Order database, he searched through the records and found her as Allyson Locke. Yuroic gazed at the name for several moments before he took a deep breath. Allyson Locke was a name he approached Grand Master Nooran with as someone who was being cold and possible for the rumours about his non-existant spice use. He wasn't sure how to approach the woman. Perhaps saying nothing and leaving the matter was best.

Master Valae walked through the hangar and jumped into the dropship ready to go. Yuroic couldn't help but stop near Allyson. "Padawan Locke, seems we're ready go." He stated in a cold voice, not malice but stern. While most people he was warm and friendly, Allyson was someone he didn't feel comfortable being that way with her. He moved forward and jumped onto the jumpship, prepping himself for descend planetside. Standing near the cockpit as Yuroic watched the pilot work, taking mental notes on their skills as a pilot. Once they reached the surface, Yuroic felt the bitter cold of the planet and smirked to himself.

Looking over the Heavenshields that he did not know. Wrapping himself in the sweater as he fought the cold. "Masters Thurion and Coci, pleasure to finally to meet you." Yuroic offered a short bow to them both.

[member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Valae Heavenshield"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"]
Those that had gathered around Valae as she entered the city of Fridheim, all wore what appeared to be hand knitted jumpers and there was a touch of the Val's about it. There was only so much a sweater would do to keep them warm out side in the crisp conditions of Midvinter, the cold seeps into the bones without notice. There was so many new faces here, some had been with the Silvers from an early age and had grown up into adulthood among the ranks of the Jedi, and others no doubt had found their path to the calling of the Silvers. But it was wonderful to see the new generation before her.

"So you have", she smiled in return and stepped forward to embrace their daughter, it was noticed by Coci Val's reaction to Thurion's face. "It is good to see you too, we have been looking forward to this day for a while". She pulled back from their embrace and look over Val's face. See looked a little tired, maybe from responsibility or travel, but either way now was her time to rest. There was also a sense of relief within her eyes, this both Coci and Thurion could understand. Coci leaned in closer again, "It will be good to give him something to be happy about again". It was said in a whisper to Val. Although Thurion had began to overcome the horrors of the recent war on Midvinter, there was still a long way before he was mended.

Coci stepped back so Thurion could welcome their daughter.

Another of them approached, and bowed, "It is I that has the pleasure of meeting you, all of you Master Jedi", she returned the bow of [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]. The man before her held a sense of detachment around his aura, the life of one that preferred to keep to himself, it was easy to recognise such a soul as she had once been this way herself, both by choice and by duty. "I would know your name Jedi Knight .. If you have a will to share it", this was a question she gave to him and him alone as she neared him to speak privately. "Or at least one you are willing to share", she grinned with a sense of mirth.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Valae Heavenshield"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Cassius Droma"]

Ylva Heavenshield

Washing the grime and blood from her fore-arms, Ylva listened to the Valkyri talking whilst he began to tend to the Stag. "Seems everyone's kicking up a fuss about these new folk" he mused, knowing that it was rare for the red wolf to involve herself in such affairs, "I thought perhaps we'd see the Tanner put to work, not see the Lady Solveig come to pay her due" the large and burly man turned to flash her a grin, that which Ylva returned with a skeptical glare, though smiling a little to herself, she hated being spoken of as if she were high-born yet the man was teasing her in jest and she knew that much.

"I gave my word to [member="Coci Heavenshield"]" Ylva replied plainly, turning to reach for a nearby cloth that she might dry her hands. "She and the DawnGuard have been good to me; one good deed paid in another" she gave something of a half shrug, "And I have a name, Clan Solveig no longer call Midvinter home, Vikar" she reminded the man, he who's expression hardened upon hearing her final words. His reaction causing a quiet laugh to escape Ylva's breath, a history that she was well and truly detached from, yet somehow still concerned those whom knew of her.

"It's not good to muse of such things, Girl".

"The past is dead and buried, Orkarl Havardr has given his loyalty to Thyrian once more. Don't go waking old demons, old man" Ylva waved him off, though there was an edge to her response that too whispered of gentle warning as she moved to take her leave, soon returning to the outside chill of the air and being greeted by Bjomolf once more. The great Ursine Hound was not of the world of Midvinter, the only to roam the land and yet for as fearsome as he appeared, he cared only for she and Théodred Heavenshield, enough so to stay his Predatory instincts. Giving him a heavy pat against his left side, her hand was barely the side of the beasts Jaw.

"Off with you now, I can't have you eating our Guests" She chuckled soflty, pressing her forehead to Bjomolf's before soon pulling away and waving him off too. "Speaking off which, I suppose I should show my face..." She added with reluctance. Ever since she had come under Coci's guidance, the woman had spoken of the Jedi in often mention. It would not do Ylva well to ignore their visit.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Valae Heavenshield"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Cassius Droma"]
They were all new faces that had accompanied their former Grandmaster, people the even-older former Grandmaster did not recognise. It was intriguing to witness the next generation of aspiring Jedi appearing before him, and he was greatly interested in learning more about their character. But part of him was saddened that no old faces seemed to remain within the order; it certainly didn't help make him feel any less old or out of touch with the greater galactic powers. Such news were few and far between on Midvinter, so he would be happy to be enlightened on that subject during the Silver's stay.

He watched Coci embrace Valae as she entered Fridheim, trying his best to maintain composure. Once they'd finished greeting one another, Thurion timidly stepped forward, eyes fixed on hers. His first inclination was to say something, but no words came to him save for a few incoherent mumbles. Instead he threw his arms around her, pulling her close for a firm hug enough to lift her off the ground. "Thank the gods," he finally said, gently putting her back down. "Welcome home, Grandmaster Heavenshield," he now beamed a smile down at her, hands resting upon her shoulders. "You look well, kiddo. Better than this old fool," he referred to himself.

Placing a soft kiss upon her forehead, Thurion then turned to welcome the other Jedi who by now had gathered by the open gates. "Friends, welcome to the realm of Midvinter and the city of Fridheim," his arms opened wide. "My name is Thurion, of House Heavenshield, and this here is my wife, Coci," he took her by the hand. "This city is yours for the day, and you'll find these fine citizens will show you every courtesy during your stay. They have not forgotten the Silver Order coming to their aid in the past, and have prepared a feast in your honour down by the mead hall to get you out of the cold. Please, make yourselves at home!"

"Oh!" he quickly remembered. "And don't mind the gryphons! Just... give them a wide berth."

Slowly the crowd of Valkyri would begin to mingle with the off-worlders, some come bearing gifts while others look to trade goods for things not commonly found on their world. "Now come along," he wrapped his arm around her as they made their way further into town. "I want to show you all this place has to offer, and you must tell me of Kashyyyk and the progress the Order has made."

[member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Valae Heavenshield"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Cassius Droma"]
This wasn't goodbye, and yet it was.

The crowds had made it a bit difficult for Josh to reach Valae, and he'd already had a chance to talk to her before so he didn't want to rob the others of a chance to speak with her and say goodbye, so he kept to the back for the time being. But his eyes always remained on the now-former Grandmaster no matter where he went, always watching over her, always worried about her.

Everyone would bundle up, mainly with... Interesting looking sweaters that were apparently of Valae's make. Josh's boots would let out a loud crunch as his frame hit the snow, and he couldn't help but mutter a curse out of habit at the noises. But he pressed on, walking with the others until they arrived to their destination. They would be greeted by a man he had not seen in some time, [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and his wife, Coci. Listening to the speech and the welcome they were given by Midvinter's citizens, Josh would take a moment to steal the former Grandmaster's attention just before Thurion took her, once he could finally get close enough.

"Just in case I don't get the chance later" Josh would whisper to Valae from nearby as he gingerly took her hand, before wrapping an arm around her in a gentle hug. He was going to miss her, even if he could come see her at anytime... But it wasn't going to be the same on Kashyyyk without her. And odds were both she and he would be so busy, it'd be awhile before he'd get to see her again. Especially as he couldn't just visit her willy nilly when he was at HQ like he used to.

With that, he would release her and back up, giving her a warm but bittersweet smile as he let Thurion take her away. He supposed it couldn't hurt to see what Midvinter had to offer.

[member="Valae Heavenshield"] - [member="Jyoti Nooran"] - [member="Charlie Nooran"] - [member="Allyson Locke"] - [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] - [member="Reggie Faayare"] - [member="Cassius Droma"] - [member="Drystan Marakos"] - [member="Ylva Solveig"]
Jessica kept to herself this entire time; even with those Jedi robes, she knew she would be making this visit with some sort of thermal clothing, given the cold temperatures of Midvinter. She has known [member="Valae Heavenshield"] before Jessica even became a Jedi in the first place. Before the Rogue One Sith. She has known many of the other attendees in various capacities, such as [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"] and [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], and even [member="Charlie Nooran"], but others, such as [member="Drystan Marakos"], [member="Reggie Faayare"], or even [member="Cassius Droma"], the latter she knew only for his involvement in the disastrous engagement known as 27-AJ, which took place just before the Siege of the Machine, on Tartarus. And yet, here she was, in Fridheim, facing the Heavenshields in person for the first time since the very beginning of her life as a Jedi (even though she covered the retreat of the Silvers' ground forces led by [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] once the local populace of Dromund Kaas sold out the planet to the erstwhile Resurgent Empire). But there were a few faces she coudn't recognize ([member="Ylva Solveig"] and maybe [member="Coci Heavenshield"]). The question to her now was: were there procurement needs that needed to be addressed? The Silvers may have won that one battle on Midvinter, but maybe she could appraise the defenses of the planet while at that mead feast. How would Valkyri even procure the honey required to make mead? she thought, while following the others.
"Very good," she said to Drystan with an approving nod.

It was rare to see the blonde around, as she was usually on special assignments all over the galaxy as a Shadow, but lately she had been making more public appearances as Jyoti gave her a taste of diplomacy. It whatever capacity, the senior Knight was a welcome addition to the fold.

"Oh no, it's not about keeping warm," She replied to Valae. "I just think they're the cutest thing. Mine's hanging off my chair right now."

She remembered when as Valae had started working on the sweaters for Life Day a couple years back, she had contributed to the festivities with custom tailored snow speeders.

That had been such a fun time. One of Valae's most important contributions was helping to bring back levity to the Silver Order after their battering in the Outer Rim. Even she was less of a grump these days.

Most days, at least.

While Valae made the arrangments for their landing, she turned away from the Ops Table for the hangar. As she did, she caught Allyson hurrying away without a word. That made her frown. She found her behavior odd - rarely was her friend far from her side when they were together - and something just felt off about her. She'd pull her aside later, there was no reason to cause any undue fuss right before landfall.

"Captain, you now have the bridge. Once we're away, lock the Obi-Wan into geosynchronous orbit, then recloak."

She paused for a few moments to give Charlie a chance to catch up, then exited the operations center for the tram.


As it turned out, the party of Jedi weren't the only ones destined planetside. Several of the Rangers from the 29th Mechanized Group - better known as the Beserkers - were headed down too, either on leave or more permanent separation from the Silver Order.

Jyoti was quite tall by (near) human standards, but next to the Valkyri she appeared as tiny as a child. She could only imagine how terrifying they were to opponents when donned in their power armor.

The giants made for a good place for the Echani to hide, behaving coy out of sense of awkwardness only Valae would understand. They were only more than happy to have the company of the Grandmaster, telling her stories and their plans once they were home (much feasting and drink was in their immediate future).

Even when they touched down and exited the transport, she hung toward the back of the group with her head tilted down, simply smiling and nodding along as the Heavenshields made their introductions, and exchanges were made.

Only when Valae has whisked away by Thurion did she finally speak, and that was to Charlie on her side.

"How are you hanging?"

Her apprentice may had stood out by the fact that she was wearing a hardsuit with built-in life support. Necessary in her case as the cold for her was quite lethal. By contrast, Jyoti only wore a fairly thin gray cloak over her white robes. Echani flourished in arctic climates, not to mention her augments preferring the cold.

"I'm hoping when we get inside, you'll be able to change if you want. Sorry."

[member="Valae Heavenshield"]
[member="Drystan Marakos"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] @Yuroic Xeriac [member="Ylva Solveig"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Charlie Nooran"] (Apolgies if i missed any tags!)
Allyson could feel Yuroic’s uncomfortableness rolling off him. Right now, was the first time since gaining a better connection to the force that she wished she didn’t. He could probably feel it from her too. She should have stayed in the OPS room, at least there she could have avoided this awkward interaction. Why did he have to say something to her, it only made things worse. His tone was stern for some reason and Allyson exhaled and nodded. Any other time she would have requested to be called her military rank over padawan, but she just left it alone. Something told her that it would only have made things worse.

They moved, and Allyson soon found herself with the group that were greeted by the Heavenshields. Lingered in the back seeing that everyone else who knew them had moved their way to the front. Her eyes set to find Jyoti, but all she could see for the moment were the tall rangers. Looking around a bit, she noticed the small padawan in a hard suit and life support. Allyson wasn’t the biggest fan of the cold, but she wasn’t that bad. It was then, Allyson remembered the girl’s health. Nodding, she knew that Jyoti was probably close by.

Letting another group walk past her, she was able to find Jyoti among the rangers hearing tales of feasting and partying. Exhaling softly, she watched as her breath solidified and then disappeared in a small breeze. She wrapped her jacket tighter around her as she thanked the Force she wore layers and knew how to use it to keep warm. Moving through the crowd she smiled, doing her best to push past her weird feeling from the previous interaction with Yuroic.

Running a hand through her brunette hair she nodded towards her friend Jyoti, “Hey, you weren’t kidding about this place being so cold. Bet you’re loving it.” A light chuckle came from the Corellian as she watched everyone and shivered slightly.

[member="Jyoti Nooran"]
[member="Valae Heavenshield"]
[member="Drystan Marakos"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Yuroic Xeriac"] [member="Ylva Solveig"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Charlie Nooran"]

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