Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ain't No Sass in Our Kaas [Silver Sanctum Dominion of Dromund Kaas]

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at her with surprise as the girl helped and asked a question.... The name caught her attention and the smile of enjoyment turned into one of genuine interest as she nodded her head. "Oh yes, she is my mother." She said it casually and well it was known but not many put it together. Helped that the skilled jedi master was one for privacy and teaching her children how to do things on their own. "I am guessing you are one of the students she taught or is teaching." She stood there for a moment and stood as tall as she could stretching out her body while she tilted her head a little. "She loves teaching padawans."
Medical Ships.

Helping the girl was important but the test to prove if she was a jedi or not... was strange. Mostly it involved trying to find a way to protect from cooties. Something she hadn't heard about since she was a little girl on Atrisia but it warmed her heart. She was looking over some of the things there helping her while they moved throughout the ship with her attention going to the others while the sakura healers were working hard on getting them taken care of. The medical supplies produced by Sasori with Sakura provided more relief as some of the ones who had been suvivors could now get implants to help with their hearing loss or old injuries.
Objective:Investigate and/or loot ruins and tombs
Location: Dark Temple
Allies: No known(Perhaps Raylia soon)
Post: 5/20

Kurayami had continued down the hall against both his better judgment and Raylia's admonitions. Great she was sending a bunch of guys to pick him up and extract him. Not how he had hoped this expedition would end.

[[::Yea about that...Kinda in a covered hallway right now, it looks like the place ahead may be a open air atrium or courtyard.::]]

He had to admit that he was in more pain than he had realized at first, it was entirely possible he had missed a few injuries. It wasn't like he was a healer or anything. He continued down the hall and towards the open area he had told Raylia about. Upon reaching the place he stared scanning with the same routine he had used in the main portion of the temple. Once he had run through his normal procedure he sat down to wait leaning against one of the nearby pillars. A couple minutes later he heard Raylia's voice again assuring him that help was on the way.

[[::Alright I guess I'll see you soon enough. I'm just resting in an area open to the elements, they might not need to land to pull me out here since there is no roof.::]]

He was going to give her a better idea of exactly where he was in the temple, but then she cut the channel leaving him in silence. It wasn't for too long though as it was only a few minutes later that he heard the sound of the transport nearing his position. He would have opened a channel but he wasn't sure it was his ride just yet. Soon after the pilot opened a channel to him letting him know that yes, they were there to extract him on Raylia's orders.

[[::Hey cavalry, this is Bloodborn, just sitting down in a small open air courtyard on the right side of the building. Well open air as in there is no roof, there are walls. It isn't too far from the entrance of the temple. Just waiting here, I'm alright just a bit sore. Resting before I continue on. Or ya know, before ya'll find and extract me.::]]



If I was green, I would die.

The line outside the triage tent didn't seem to move but only because new patients were lining up to be seen. Raylia felt like things were starting to repeat. There were contusions, fractures, and concussions in great supply as well as breathing problems from gas attacks, pneumonia, and intestinal problems from a lack of sanitation and clean water. It was starting to become difficult for the Twi'lek to concentrate as she worked, the exhaustion and inherent taint of the dark side wearing on her.

She was diagnosing and treat minor injuries as best she could. The more serious medical issues were being airlifted to the working hospital across town. There were a shortage of transports and beds so she was left to be the stop gap. Force healing could do much to speed the body's natural healing processes, but Raylia was not a doctor. Many of these people needed a true doctor and some drugs. The bacta patches she had brought with her had run out long ago and she did what she could with what she had, though it wasn't much.

Ula had radioed in that she had located Kurayami and that Captain Rutherford of the rangers was moving to intercept. She sighed relief at that as she leaned back in a chair, taking a small break from the treatment of the sick.

Meanwhile, Captain Cullen Rutherford and his team had Ula pull the medium transport ship up and hover over the courtyard where they had identified where Kurayami was. The small team of 4 rangers rappelled down from the ship, landing around him and assessing the area. Captain Rutherford approached him, his weapon pointed at the ground, but still in ready position.

"Afternoon sir. I'm Captain Cullen Rutherford. Master Venci's orders were to escort you out of the temple. Are you ready to head out and are you able to make the trip on your own power?"

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]

Kalinai Soluza

Supreme Ultimate Pirate Empress
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]


If asked about canon the self-proclaimed Empress of the Universe would probably just shrug. Or possibly confuse them with cannons. Either way, her rather fun turn as a Sith Harley Quinn wasn’t really in continuity here, except in a broad sense.

When she received the message back she grinned.
“Told you! Kerri and I go way back! We’re like…yeah….”
“As you say, sir. Now, shall we proceed?”
“Right, right. Give Kerri her present.”

And so a small wrapped gift was sent over to Siobhan. Inside was…Darth Igneous, the first and only pet rock Sith Lord.
Along with it was a small note.
“Sio! Thought you’d like Darth Igneous here. He’s a true and proper friend. He hasn’t been working out with Rocky XXIX so I figured he could use a new home. Also, hi!

And so, on perhaps the most baffling present and message in galactic history, the Pirate Queen exits our story.
Objective:Investigate and/or loot ruins and tombs
Location: Dark Temple
Allies: No known(Perhaps Raylia soon)
Post: 6/20

Kurayami could not say that he was happy with the extraction team arriving. He certainly understood Raylia's concern but really he was not that bad off just sore for the most part right now. If there were other injuries they were not keeping him from being able to do what he needed to, he just needed to rest every so often. Nothing strange there right? Oh, now they were rappelling in. He could have done that had he not forgotten to grab a spare rope before setting out. Then they wouldn't even be here because he wouldn't have fallen, well jumped and then hurt himself in that move of unadulterated genius.

Afternoon captain. I can't say that I am ready, but I am rather sore. I'm sure Master Venci filled you in on the important details when she sent you. So in short I don't have much of a say in leaving. I can move under my own power yes. I'd really rather not leave my ship here but if i Have to return later to pick it up I suppose I can manage that. So how we going to do the extraction? Standard harness and getting pulled back into the transport or do we need to find a way out to walk onboard? I'll follow your lead either way."

While Raylia was right in saying that he would usually fight to stay and insist he was okay, the headache was not getting any better right now and he felt that maybe getting away from here would help to ease that a bit at least. Plus he could do without the feeling of death constantly weighing down on him. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, even if he wanted to understand more as to why he was starting to feel this kind of thing. He'd have to ask Ray later, she would at least have enough patience to deal with the many questions he had that he wanted answers to. Given her knowledge of his past she'd likely be more understanding as to his reasoning. He was patient as he awaited the captain's answer to how they were going to leave since the way he came in was not really an option, he was in no condition to try and make that climb a second time.


If I was green, I would die.
Medical - ish

Captain Rutherford cracked a smile beneath the armored helmet, he didn't see a reason to drag this guy out of the ruins. Sure he was a little banged up, but he wasn't bleeding and by all accounts, he could walk. It wasn't hard to pick up on the fact that he wasn't thrilled to be rescued. Rutherford glanced around and decided to milked this one a little bit.

"Well sir, we were told to help get you out of the temple, however it was not an immediate evac order. So if you wanted to continue your progress through the temple, we can accompany you to be sure that the place is safe and that you make it to your ship at the end of the exploration."

Rutherford signaled to Ula who lifted the bird out of hover and made for the nearby clearing where Kurayami's ship sat. The three other rangers fanned out to check the courtyard for areas of egress and possible routes forward while Rutherford pulled off his helmet and produced a canteen of water to offer some to Kurayami. He grinned as he held it out.

"Women always worrying after their men, eh sir?"

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Objective:Investigate and/or loot ruins and tombs
Location: Dark Temple
Allies: Rescue Rangers (Perhaps Raylia soon)
Post: 7/20

There was an obvious care in the way Kurayami moved, obviously he didn't want to aggravate the injuries further than he was sure he already had. The shoulder was still a source of pain for sure, but the ribs were the worst and more than a bit distracting. That wasn't counting the numerous other bumps and bruises from the drop down and Force knew there were plenty of those to account for with the possibility of hairline fractures in multiple places.

"You do make a good point, but if you have ever worked with Master Venci then you know well that she is one who can be a bit...high strung when things take longer than her mind tells her they should. I know how she can be with her worrying. Then again I suppose I have given her plenty of cases where it was more than warranted. I also think she wants to lessen the chance that I set something on fire as much as possible, again her concern is well founded. So basically I'm saying it would be best to get back to her as soon as we are able. If you can just get me to my ship I'll be happy to go see her straight away since I don't need to anger her on every outing."

He unsealed the helmet on his own armor and took the proffered canteen, handing it back after taking a large swig of the water. He chuckled when the captain made his comment.

"Yes, women do often worry about their men. Though I'm not entirely sure that she sees me in that light...let's just say her and I have a rather complicated history. Very long and very confusing."



If I was green, I would die.
Paging Captain Obvious

Rutherford looked around a little incredulously. Screwing the cap back on the canteen, he stowed it on his pack again, and slung his weapon over his left shoulder.

"Sir, she just scrambled a team of rangers to come for you because she couldn't. You might not be sure, but I'm pretty convinced she is."

Rutherford jammed the helmet down on his head, calling out to Ula and his men over the open channel.

"Alright boys, we're heading out. Ula, bring her on over and we'll get Bloodborn out of here."

The YV-775 appeared back over the wall of the temple, the ropes dangling from the opened ramp above their heads. Rutherford unhooked a harness from one of the ropes and handed it to Kurayami so they could winch him up to the dropship. Locking the carabiner in place, he jerked on it to make sure it was secure before he gave Ula the order to lift off. They swung over the crumbling stone beneath them, swaying from the motion until they were over Kurayami's ship. Rutherford lowered them both down and unhooked him before stepping back.

"We're off, sir. We'll tell Master Venci that you are safe, but I think you can handle the rest of that conversation."

With a jerk on the line, Rutherford was carried back up to the transport and the medium dropship flew off into the distance, leaving Kurayami to consider the situation from Rutherford's point of view.

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]


The Eternal Exile
[member="Naamah Aesham"]
Tamara made no reply to the obvious diversion. Instead she just shrugged.
“I rather like the spiritually uplifting moment when people sing their praises of me,” she said, straight-faced.
“And, it is what I do. I’ve never been one to follow the Jedi rules and codes, and the Sith have always struck me as an absurd death cult. So I follow my own lead. After all, the Jedi seem to think so high scale that they never focus on the little people.”

As they came to the end of the passage an old door, broken and rusted appeared shut. Tamara frowned, then made a stern gesture with one hand. The door was wrenched aside enough for them to pass.

The sickly light of Dromund Kaas awaited them. The wastelands where little spots of life struggled to regain control lay before them.
“So I am tempted to ask why you were down there. But that’s your business, so I will ask something else – I am taking these people back to the Coalition for resettlement. Have you got your own transport or did you want to come along?”
Location: His ship currently
Allies: [member="Rayliav'enci"]
Post: 8/20

The fact that he confused the captain confused him a bit as well. He just watched the captain quietly and tilted his head a bit to the right.

"Yea I guess with how much her and I work together she would consider me basically part of the mission wherever she is, makes sense. I mean we don't always travel together but I do tend to act as security for her quite a bit."

It was clear that Kurayami's mind was otherwise occupied with things going on or at least the pain he was in, one of those two or something. Also clear was that he didn't think hardly at all before talking. It was not long after that the captain put his helmet back on and Kurayami followed suit, there was no way he was dropping thins thing in an ancient Sith temple. He sealed it in place and waitied as the transport got into place and dropped the ropes, winching him and the rest of the squad up. The swaying seemed familiar and he was quiet during the ride to his ship. Once he was back on the ground and the captain spoke to him again, he nodded.

"Thanks for the pick up, getting out was not looking like fun. And thanks for relaying the message, as for the rest, yea it's a conversation that has been coming for a long time."

He snapped off a quick salute to the captain before walking back to his ship once he saw that the captain was back in the transport. It didn't take him as long as he had thought to get up the ramp and into the pilot's chair. he uploaded any data that was not already transmitted to the ship's computer. He fired up the engines and ran through the quick preflight checks as his HUD linked to the displays. As soon as that was done he lifted off while the ramp finished closing. He didn't know exactly where she was but he picked up on the forward medical center and set his course towards that direction. It would be an interesting reunion here, that much he was sure of.

Little feet continued behind the large man known as Zej. His Dad and the other man seemed to be talking as if nothing was happening, perhaps they were strolling in a park. As iced azure eyes looked around they were far away from a park as one could get. Makai could see bits and pieces of space as they went along, stars blinking in and out as he moved.

It seemed the further they got the less of a ship there seemed to be. Large holes into space could be seen. Workers and labor droids seemed unconcerned. He was certainly concerned. The safety line seemed far too flimsy in his mind.

"Mister Zej? Do you have to take the coating off the wires before melting it? Doesn't that take a lot of time?"

"Excellent question son. Yes we do take the coating off. As for time, well, thats where droids and machinery come in. Imagine taking all that off by hand? I'm sure some do, small operations of course."

"Does anyone ever get sucked out into space?"

Zej couldn't help but laugh.

"Not on my watch, not if I can help it anyways. Don't worry I haven't lost guest or crew in all of my years out in the black. Don't make me manager of these operations because I'm letting the good help float away."


If I was green, I would die.
Taking a break

Raylia and Dr. Gallilea managed to get everyone seen shortly before power was restored to the neighborhood. The rest of the folks were shifted to a nearby clinic and another hospital, and with no one left but the staff, Raylia ventured out into the street. She watched the clouds drifting overhead, the day dragging on into night. Raylia had washed up and took some analgesics for her head, which seemed to be pounding at this point.

There as a tightness around her temples that felt like her headdress was on too tight. She rubbed her cool fingers around in circles to ease some of the stress. She was exhausted from her exertions, and there were dark circles under her eyes now. She had figured it out during her shift in the medical tent, in so much that it was remembering it and not piecing it together. Dromund Kaas carried a dark taint and it had gotten no better over the years, and certainly not now that there had been a massive attack on the settlement there.

No wonder she felt the pull of malaise.

She saw what looked like Kurayami's ship heading for a nearby landing zone and she smiled a little. She'd been radioed that they got him out of the temple alright. She had drained herself giving sooth to the wounded of Kaas City. Kurayami might get the last bit of strength she had today. She felt the overwhelming need to get away from the planet, to get back to orbit and a cabin on a Coalition ship. She needed food, a shower and sleep. And to know that he was okay.

She grabbed her bag from just inside the tent and headed for the LZ. Whether it was him or not, she was looking for a way off planet.

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Location: LZ near the med tent
Allies: Rayliav'enci
Post: 9/20

Kurayami had kept the speed lower than usual while he made his way to where it looked to be a temporary med center. He knew her aptitude as a healer well so he was sure if she wasn't digging around she'd be here. Using that incredibly simplistic logic he set his ship down at a nearby landing pad and was getting ready to disembark. He knew that the captain was right about the conversation. He needed to talk to her about a few things, some more difficult or awkward to breach than others. For those topics he might try and lead into them with his best skill, subtlety in language.

He lowered the ramp and was making his way down, still slowly because holy hell did his head hurt. No voices this trip so that was a plus albeit a bit more surprising to him. Especially after hitting the floor, if that wasn't triggering hallucinations not much had a chance to that was left. His chest was still hurting though more of a dull ache than a sharp pain. That was more his shoulder, much sharper pain when he moved. As he made his way towards the med tent he saw a blue Twi'lek headed towards the LZ. She might know where Raylia was.

A good guess on his part since a few seconds later he realized it WAS Raylia walking towards him. He continued on towards her and upon reaching her wrapped her in a warm embrace. He was just relieved to see her doing well. Sure she was tired and looked it, but he could only imagine how tiring it was to find and heal the physical body without bacta or other agents handy. He let go and stepped back, smiling broadly beneath his helmet.

"Raylia! Glad I decided to check here first. Good to see you again hon. Although I didn't need a full squad of rangers to extract me, there weren't any angry things where I was searching, maybe further back but im not sure. Also definitely bringing rope next time. I know, I know, amateur mistake to make but at least it wasn't a bad outcome. I got plenty of food and water in my mobile home back there, still no name for it. Gotta fix that at some point. Anyways, you want something to eat and drink? Also if there is anywhere else you need or want to visit I'm happy to fly you there."

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination

"Sith are an absurd death cult, Jedi are a big ball of institutionalised sanctimony." Of course, what did that make the Inquisition? The personal hit squad of a failed, totalitarian Emperor that held its own members in bondage and manifested a frankly cultish paranoia. Naturally she didn't question that much.

They reached the end of the passage, Tamara wrenched an old, rusted door, aside and they walked out into the light of day. Well, what passed for day on Kaas. It was snowing and Naamah pulled her coat tighter around her shoulders as she walked out. Snow crunched beneath her boots, breath frosted around her. There was little to see beyond a blasted dark side wasteland. Small embers of life struggled to survive.

At Tamara's question she shrugged in response. "I've got my own ship, thanks." Well, she had a crappy freighter that was held together by spit, duct tape and willpower, but it was still serviceable, so it had to count!


The Eternal Exile
[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Tamara nodded thoughtfully. “Thus, I feel independence gets more done, don’t you?”

“Then I shall say farewell to you, dear. Thank you for your assistance. Take this. If you need my assistance in return, contact me.”
She pressed a data chip into Naamah’s hand, a futuristic calling card. And then she was gone, leading the escaped cultists away, down towards a nearby settlement.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Post: 3
Objective: Connect
Ally: [member="Orihime Ike"]

Sorel was pleased she’d asked the question. Better that than bottling it up and looking foolish later. It’s funny how she thinks nothing of facing a rancor or a Sith acolyte – but risking embarrassment was a far greater hurdle to overcome.

“She is very knowledgeable and kind.” In Sorel’s albeit limited experience, the two didn’t always go together. “And yes, she has agreed to teach me – in fact we’ve already started. And I certainly get the feeling she loves to teach.”

“So, are you a member of the Silver Jedi? And if so, what is it like? I mean, I was once a member of the Republic and the Order but after my Master died, I drifted away and now don’t see a way back, given what they’ve done. But I don’t know where to go, what to do.”

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination

"It does," Naamah said simply. They were getting close to the outskirts of Kaas. Once the jewel of the Sith Empire, now the city had been reduced to a broken shell. Only ruins remained. Inhabited by the impoverished, emaciated forsaken, who'd just narrowly escaped another cataclysm.

Perhaps the misery on display should've affected her more. The sight of a broken people that was struggling to survive on such a horrible world. She knew she should care more. It made her think of Jar'kai City, of Atrisia engulfed in flames. She had no regrets about putting a bullet in Madeline's chest. Little did she know that the Empress lived, in a manner of speaking at least.

Naamah felt a strong craving for a smoke. Then the stranger planted a data chip into her hand. The Clawdite seemed a bit surprised. "Thanks," she said. "Maybe I will." Would she? Who knew. Then Tamara and the refugees marched away, and Naamah vanished. No reason to linger on this godforsaken hellhole.

Space. The Final Frontier. These are...oh, wait, this writer already recently plagiarised that line in a recent thread. Anyhow, the orbit of the benighted hellhole called Dromund Kaas was littered with the wrecks of alien warships.

Idly the wrecks floated in space, disabled, disarmed and ripe for the taking. Enterprising opportunists of all stripes and colours had descended upon them like carrions. Unsurprisingly, Elpsis was one of them. Well, strictly speaking Auntie Sio was paying her do it. Speaking of the firemane, Elpsis really needed to visit her soon and check up on her.

For the time being she and her crew of only moderately shady characters were busy salvaging one of the many frigates floating around in the cold void. In Elpsis|s estimation, the thing was a bloody antique, but they could still melt down the durasteel and grab anything else that was not nailed down. So Elpsis and crew raided and pillaged.

Far, far away from Dromund Kaas, Enyo was practicing her skills on the firing range. Her grip on the gun was less uncertain, her shots more precise. She squeezed the trigger, and a red hot kill bolt leapt out to hit the target in what would have been the chest.

Right in the heart. By now she had lost track of how long she had been doing at this, but it must have been a while. It was then that she hit by a surge of the Force. Images flashed through her mind. A devastated planet, ships falling from the sky, and at the centre of it all, Siobhan. The woman who had stolen her life and created her as a meatpuppet. Enyo felt the painful throbbing of a headache as the vision left from her mind. Isolated from the rest of the Galaxy on Gehenna, she had obviously not kept up to date on the news. The dead world meant little to her, the same applied to the aliens. Siobhan...was different. She was the one she wanted to hurt. The sight of the woman made her angry.

Being distracted, she did not notice that training droids had entered the room and levelled their blasters at her. She felt a stinging burn across her knee when one of the machines fired upon her and the shot impacted. Dropping down to one knee, there was no respite when her left shoulder was paralysed by a shot from a Ssi-Ruuvi based blaster weapon.

Anger rose like bile in her stomach. Hands raised, she felt sparks of electricity crackle across her hands. Her technique was primal and unrefined, more based on instinct than skill. A blast of lightning shrieked from her fingertips. Given her inexperience, for her training had only just begun, it was no surprise that the electrical blast ended up scorching her hand and pain shot through her, but she did not let this stop. Two training droids were blasted to scrap. The air was filled with the smell of burnt electronics, ozone and machinery.

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