Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ain't No Sass in Our Kaas [Silver Sanctum Dominion of Dromund Kaas]


"Money making metals for sure. Salacia will sell those off soon. Market fluctuations and all. With all the trouble the Republic is having with their economy, gold is on the up anyways. Might be a tidy bonus for everyone here, especially if I can convince your crew to get to another job quickly. Capitalize on the market."

Zej chuckled and hooked himself to a safety line. They were heading to a more skeletal part of the alien mothership, one where outside salvaging vessels were assisting in the haul. Sentients of various walks of life were busy inside detaching bolts so the durasteel could be collected via tractor beam outside. Beams remained in place for now for structural support.

"Money always talks Mr.Dashiell. A bonus would motivate the workers onto the next job quicker, normally we get to go home, you know? I suppose if its not a big job I could handpick who doesn't mind skipping a break for a little longer."

Judah reached down and hooked Makai to the safety line. In some parts one could see the stars and space beyond and workers and labor droids toiled. Hooking himself to the line, they slowly continued on.

"Having any problems out here? Pirates? Wannabe Sith or Mercs?"


The Eternal Exile
[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Tamara raised an eyebrow at Naamah’s attack.
“Not one for breaking the new gently, yes?” she asked, just a hint disapprovingly. Holding out a hand to the now winded sacrifice, she helped him up. “Whilst I’m pretty sure there is no angels and fountains of wine, I am certain that if you don’t come along with us you’ll end up dead in a non-sacrificial way. Come along,” she ordered the former victims.

They followed pretty readily as Tamara led them out through a side passage.
A glance at Kayla. “So, I was surprised to see another heroic defender of the oppressed there. What good fortune that we were able to work together to disrupt the cult, yes?”

If she sensed or suspected something about Naamah she made no comment on it, simply walking along the passages to take them out into the dreary sunlight of Dromund Kaas.


If I was green, I would die.

There had been many tears shed in Kaas City the last few days; fear and sorrow. Uncertainty. Despair. In this little townhouse, on the far side of a ruined city, on a planet that thrived on hatred and death, there were different tears today. There was pain, and frustration, and finally overwhelming joy as life began anew, the circle turning again. In the midst of so much death, the cries of a child rang out, defiant against the gloom of Kaas City. Blood stained Raylia's blue skin as she cleaned the baby, washing away the amniotic fluid and swaddling the infant in a keepsake blanket the father had handed her.

Raylia checked the crying child carefully, but from what she could gather, there was a slight miscalculation in the progression of the newborn. Raylia would have put the labor at about 38 weeks. A little early but nothing truly serious.

She carried the precious one to the mother, her fearful brown eyes looking at Raylia, scared to see if everything was alright. She set the baby down, the cries of the child loud as the mother reached for it with hungry hands, famished to touch the life she had carried with her. Raylia's green eyes overflowed with empathy.

"She's here, mama. She's here."

The new family beamed at her and promptly forgot that the Jedi healer was in the room as they held each other, tears of relief as calm and peace emanated from the tall Twi'lek. She gathered her things together, the sound of an ambulance outside causing a little commotion. The medics rushed in and took over, there were tests and an IV for the mother as they got her on a gurney and got them ready to go to the makeshift hospital.

Raylia excused herself, her robes streaked with blood, a gruesome sight to those who might not know that she had delivered a baby. She needed to call Kurayami. She couldn't explain why she needed to talk to him, but the urge to call overwhelmed her. Walking up the street, her fingers fumbling with her comlink, she was in her own world when she left a tug at her sleeve. She turned to see the eyes of the father, his face grateful.

"Please, what is your name?"

She smiled softly, offering her hand.


He took her hand in both of his, raising it to his lips to kiss the deep blue flesh.

"You saved them both. I have them because of you. I will never forget you."

He ran off as the medic called him to the ambulance, and she watched them leave, sweat on her own brow. She took a deep breath and went back to her comlink, the tone beeping on as she walked on. It was unlike [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] not to answer immediately. She wanted to chalk up the creeping sensation of dread she carried to being on Dromund Kaas. However, until he picked up, she couldn't be sure.
Objective:Investigate and/or loot ruins and tombs
Location: Dark Temple
Allies: No known
Post: 3/20

Kurayami was intently focused as he walked through the connecting hallway, making sure to pay attention for any local wildlife that may have made a home here, or for any loose rocks. His chest, back and shoulder still ached from the earlier fall and resetting of his shoulder, so he decided to take a short break and review some of the footage from his time here. Granted it was only a few hours worth, but one never knew what they may have missed the first go round. It was during this that his commlink began beeping. At first he didn't pay it much attention as he was a bit absorbed in the video, besides it could just be the software picking up a signal nearby. And yet the beep continued.

He took a moment to pause the ever so engrossing video he was reviewing and checked to see if it was someone he knew trying to get in touch with him. The lightning that seemed constant was a bit annoying but not anything too serious. Plus he could just dampen the outside noise and...oh right temple open to all sorts of fauna, thankfully no carnivorous flora this round though. As he messed with the commands in his HUD still getting used to everything, a name popped up on the readout...[member="Rayliav'enci"]. Oh boy she was comming him this didn't seem like a good thing, but maybe it was. Oh well.

He switched the microphone on and tapped the left side to answer the call.

[[::Hey Ray, sorry bout the wait there, still getting used to the new lighter armor. After Korriban I figured I didn't need quite as much protection if I wasn't diving headfirst into firefights. Certainly makes the long treks for exploring or recovering artifacts, far more bearable. I mean if you get technical it is still looting since we are taking things that don't belong to us. Not that we could really ask permission since the former owners have long since become dust. So anyways, whats goin' on? I'm just taking it easy after falling into a Dark Temple thats older than the times of the Cold War. Sadly it collapsed alot, so I'm not sure how much good info there is, but there are a few or more corpses laying around, and ya know, piles of bones and multiple rooms to check for old data files. Oh yea also taking sensor readings using millimeter wave radar, ultrasound, thermal, and lowlight vision modes. So pretty sure there won't be any secrets left when I am done. Sorry, kinda went on a tangent there...what can I do ya for?::]]

He was prone to rambling at times so he was sure she'd tune that out, and he did a good enough job of hiding the fact that he was in quite a bit of pain right now, but his voice would have sounded a bit strange and his breathing was certainly heavier than normal. He was still getting used to the oppressive feeling of despair here, but even more than that this place radiated desperation, hatred, and most notably, death. He needed to know what caused these feelings to be so great in this building. It was wearing on him mentally, but none could say he was ever not a stubborn person. Also why did he have a headache now? That seemed new, or maybe it had been there since the fall and he just hadn't noticed?
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"], [member="Kalinai Soluza"]

Siobhan returned the embrace when Mara hugged her, holding the younger woman close. She appreciated the fact that the Heir to the Hyperlanes was mindful of her exhaustion. "There, there, sweetie, I'm here," she said softly. She cocked her head slightly when Mara produced the shiny Ankarres Sapphire. A massive amount of pure Light Side goodness radiated from it and she had enough experience with Phylis' Alkahest toys to know not to touch it!

Coryth would love this thing. However, she could soon feel the artefact work its healing magic upon her and visibly relaxed. For one, her headache started to recede into background noise and then peter out. Her back also stopped giving her grief. Mara was rewarded with a bright smile from Siobhan. "Aww, thank you, dear. Works like a charm. Look at you, I remember when you were so little, and now you're all grown up, a Master and on the AEI board. Makes me feel a little old." Incredibly lame joke, but hey, she was not known for great feats of wittiness. "Sit down, sweetie. We can talk for as long as you like."

It was at this moment that the most insufferable woman ever arrived with her ship. The comm whatever thingie beeped and a minion was on the line. "Sorry for interrupting, my Lady, but a Kalinai Soluza has arrived and claims she has permission to salvage. She said she knows you...and, uh, has a present."

Siobhan frowned. She and the self-proclaimed Pirate Queen, who never seemed to do anything really piratical, had a weird history. They'd fought on another board when Sio travelled back in time. Back then Kally had been a Sith, but it was unclear whether that adventure was still canon. Oh, and Kally had appeared in the dreamlands and helped Sio wake up from coma once. That probably counted for something.

"Uh, yeah. Give her permission. Make sure she gives the present, whatever it is, and a share of anything valuable she finds. And don't call me again unless it's really important." That done she switched the device off. The admiral could deal with any further incoming calls!
Location: Ruins of Kaas City
Objective: Provide Aid
Allies: [member="Valae Kitra"]
Post: 2

What he found the most chilling about the ruined city wasn't the ruins themselves, but the lack of people. On top of being a broken shell of its former self, Kaas City appeared to have become little more than a ghost town. Valae's question did not pass him by unnoticed, but in truth he did not have an answer for her. Instead he stepped forward and addressed the silence. "Hello! Is there anybody out there? This is the Silver Sanctum Coalition, come here to provide whatever aid needed; food, water, clothes! We're here to help!" His voice carried through the desolate rubble and echoed between crumbled buildings. At first it seemed there was no-one alive to hear his message, until a lone figure emerged from the quiet chaos. A little girl, her hair all disheveled and her skin and ripped clothes layered with dust and grime.

Her appearance prompted Thurion to get on his knees, beckoning the girl to come to him. When she got hesitant to do so, he searched his pockets to find a pack of crackers he'd enjoy munching on when given little else to do. It wasn't very often, turns out. "Here you go, it's yours," he told the timid little thing who now felt more prone to step into his embrace, taking the treat from the palm of his hand to carefully munch on. As her lips curled into a soft smile, Thurion looked over her shoulder to find several more people sticking their heads out from makeshift shelters cleverly disguised as part of the scenery. Gently he picked the girl up off the ground and into his arms, holding her as he turned to Valae.

"We have our work cut out for us," he simply said as his expression would tell her all she needed to know. With the girl still in his arms, he moved forward through the rubble to meet with the many onlookers now having crawled out of their holes, their frowns from earlier slowly turning into hopeful smiles. The others would know to begin operations, with medical personnel setting up shop to treat the wounded while clean-up crews began clearing the streets of debris.


If I was green, I would die.

"You fell?! Are you ok?" Technically, it was a stupid question. She could hear the pain in his voice. She'd known him long enough now to know when he was down playing his injuries.

"Did you go alone? Is there anyone there who can help you?" Once again, she knew this was probably a stupid question. Kurayami liked to be fairly independent most of the time, but she could have hoped that maybe he hadn't decided to just go off by himself and explore potentially dangerous ruins on his own.

She could hope.

She looked up at the area, looking around for a transport or a speeder, but there was nothing close by that could be of any use to her. She turned a corner to run into a line of people waiting to be seen at a triage tent. They looked at the Jedi with pleading eyes and faces immune to the blood and gore staining her clothes. She was needed here, despite wanting to be there.

She stood there, her heart ripped in two between duty and devotion.

"Can you get back to your ship alright or do you need assistance?"

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Location: Kaas City
Objective: Provide Aid
Allies: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Post: 2

Valae stood silent as Thurion called out to the citizens of Kaas City, and she wrung her hands in nervous anticipation. Small steps attracted the padawan’s attention and she looked in shocked awe to see a small girl moving towards her master. The sight of the small child tugged at Valae’s heart, she couldn’t imagine the trials that such a young girl had already endured. When the girl’s face finally broke into a smile, Valae felt her eyes growing watery; it was difficult not to be touched by such an emotional scene. Valae drew in a deep breath when her master turned back to her. Indeed, they did have their work cut out for them, and it was time to set to work.

“Yes, Master.” Valae nodded a couple times, and she moved forward into the ruins. She felt encouraged that more people were beginning to make their presence known, and she soon felt a tug at the sleeve of her robes. Slowly she turned to see an elderly woman; her eyes were pale and filled with sorrow. The woman was barely more than skin and bones; her tattered clothing nearly drowned her tiny form. Wordlessly she beckoned for Valae to come with her, and the padawan went along immediately. They descended into a nearby cellar door; it looked to be the only part of their family home that had survived. Valae’s eyes blinked as they were met by a mist of dust, and she spied a crumpled shadow in the corner.

“Please... help him.” The woman pointed. “My Grandson.”

Quickly Valae made her way over to the young man; he was bundled lightly in some cotton blankets. It was clear that the fabric wrapped around him was doing very little to warm him. Valae knelt down next to him, she saw that his hair was matted with blood and his body was quite bruised. She noticed that the woman’s son looked to be in his mid-twenties, far too long to meet such a fate. Valae stood up again and walked back towards the exit. She put a hand on the woman’s shoulder and offered a kind smile.

“Wait here, I’ll get help.”

Valae climbed out of the cellar and motioned for members of the medical team to her location. She watched as they went about their task and began treating the injured man. Now she turned her gaze towards the broken city center, wondering what would await them there. Before setting out, she decided she would grab a bag of rations and medical supplies, just in case.

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination

Naamah/Kayla noticed the disapproval in Tamara's tone, but made no comment. Perhaps she didn't care. Or she was simply not feeling particularly talkative. The former victims soon fell in line and followed their rescuers out of the dark temple through a side passage. By and large, they had stopped complaining, since it seemed the ones who actually wanted to be eaten by a mythical snake god were in the minority. Outside it was dreary, miserable and snow was falling from the heavens.

Fine layers of snow crunched beneath her army boots, and her breath frosted around her. Despite her coat, she shivered a bit, for it was chilly. Beneath the snow-covered hills lay Kaas City, or rather the ruins that remained of it. In the far distance, Coalition dropships could be seen descending from the sky towards a ghost town that was a broken shell of its former self, populated by the impoverished forsaken. One could almost understand why some people would choose sacrifice to an insane cult over living and wasting away here.

"I suppose it was," Naamah said laconically and noncommittally. Hell had done wonders for her social skills. If Tamara sensed or suspected anything about her, she hid it well, but the shifter could not help being on edge. Once, the former Inquisitor had been adept at obscuring her Force Signature, but those days were long gone. "So is playing white knight a regular thing for you?" Totally not trying to deflect any questions about herself.
Objective:Investigate and/or loot ruins and tombs
Location: Dark Temple
Allies: No known(Perhaps Raylia soon)
Post: 4/20

Raylia's tone and concern asking if he was okay brought a smile and slight laugh from Kurayami, though the laugh ended with a bit of a cough.

[[::Yea, slight miscalculation on how far it was to the ground. It looked to be about 15 at first, so no big there right? Turns out it was more along the lines of 25 feet. It's okay though I broke my fall on a couple chunks of rubble around maybe 15 feet and 10 feet off the ground. Landed mostly on my shoulder, but that was easy enough to pop in joint again. Other than that just a bruised rib or two and the mother of all headaches. That last one seems a bit more recent, dunno though. No major injuries to report though. Just those minor ones.

Of course I went alone, could find anyone else who wanted to poke around a darkside nexus with me. That's alright I did basically the same on Korriban minus the fall. New armor held up pretty well I got to say. Maybe a couple small scratches to the paint and a little bit of work to buff out any scuffs on the plated parts. You know, in hindsight I blame the new systems for my fall. I mean sure it hurts a bit but I've had worse before I'm sure. Maybe I can ask one of the Sith spirits or something for help in navigating the place, I sat down and took your call once I started to feel a bit tired and to let the soreness wear off a bit before I go through the rest of this place. Man it is huge and from what is left, I know it was beautiful in it's heyday. Well, at least in that gothic, darkly imposing/beautiful way at least.

Now as to getting back to my ship, well I could probably do that easy enough, but most of the easy entrances are blocked by rubble, and I don't want to anger any Sith here by exploding a chunk out of a temple wall. Can you imagine how much it would cost to rebuild with matching almost five thousand year old stone? I'd rather not think about that, plus just think of the amount of data that might be lost if I had to do that on my way out...oh wait. On the way out I guess there wouldn't be as much of an issue since I would have already scanned the whole place. Which I should probably start doing again. I'm sure you could easily find the Dark Temple if you want me to wait for you to join me in the fun times. Kinda hard to miss since it is on top of a hill. Want me to wait for ya? I could meet you back at the hole I fell into, unless you know of some other backdoor entrance. Either way going to finish up this hallway and the connected room. Looks more like an atrium or courtyard maybe off to the right of the structure if you are approaching from the front. I'll keep the channel open so you can let me know what you decide to do. Whether or not you come with, I'll see you soon hon.::]]

Kurayami did as he promised and left the comm channel open so Raylia could keep tabs on him. Perhaps he should have cut it for a moment while he stood up as it was made far more clear that he was hurt given the cursing in multiple languages along with the 'clink' of his helmet falling back against the wall as he took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. He didn't want her to worry about him, but if he was honest with himself he worried about her at least as much, even if she was here just to help set up medical tents and a temporary infirmary. Something he knew a healer of her caliber would have no issue with, but beyond that he didn't want to take her away from what she had signed up to do just because of a few cuts and scrapes, Corellian pride was not always easy to deal with. It was also a very nice way to express the level of stubbornness that Kurayami possessed. His attempt at humor was likely to not go over too well with her right now but it was the way he was, he had to at least try.


If I was green, I would die.

Raylia's eyes were locked on the face of a woman caked with dirt and dried blood. The gasp of his pain echoed in her ear. She closed her eyes and took a long slow breath in through her nose. She knew what she had to do, even if it was heart wrenching.

"I'm going to see if I can find someone to come help get you out. Hang tight."

She started moving fast up the line towards the triage intake, her eyes looking for anyone in a Coalition uniform. Some waiting in line called out to her as she passed, but she kept moving, green eyes searching. As she reached the tent flaps, she ducked under it to find whoever was in charge. There was a doctor, tiredness in his face, probably hadn't slept in days. She dropped her bag at the table acting as intake.

"I'm a medic with the Coalition. I'm here to help but I need to get a message out first."

The nurse at the table seemed to be relieved that there was some help. Raylia smiled as best she could but she opened a new channel to the transport she caught down. It didn't take long to hear the voice of the young pilot on the other end.

"Ula, it's Ray. Kurayami has been stranded and injured in the ruins of an old Sith temple at the coordinates I am sending you. I need you to evac him and get him some help. He's gonna bellyache, but don't let him talk you out of seeing a doctor."

Ula acknowledged, and Raylia switched back over to him.

"Help is on the way. I can't come get you myself, I'm sorry. Sit tight. Ula's coming."

Raylia killed the line, and slipped the comlink back into her pocket. She hit the handwashing station and went to work, her first patient was a small girl with a broken arm. She flinched when Raylia moved to set it, but she seemed mesmerized by the deep blue sheen of Ray's lekku. A very serene air settled in the tent as she worked, not just to heal their hurts, but sooth their souls.

Meanwhile, Ula took off from the LZ on the other side of Kaas City and headed for the coordinates Raylia had sent her. When she came over the horizon, she sighted Kurayami's ship outside the temple. She spun the YZ-775 around and gave Cullen the go ahead as the transport touched down. The ranger nodded to his team as they headed down the ramp. He opened a channel to Bloodborn.

"The cavalry is here, sir. What's your location?"

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Post: 1
Objective: Connect

Sorel raised the hood of her cloak as she stepped off her ship, a shield against the wind and pelting rain. Storms were apparently common here on Dromund Kaas; dark clouds perpetually blocked out the sun, rendering terms like day and night meaningless. The only natural illumination came from the frequent bursts of lightning arcing across the sky, but the glow from the spaceport provided more than enough light to see where she was going.

She’d heard the powerful electrical storms were a physical manifestation of the dark side power that engulfed the entire planet — a power that had brought the Sith here a millennium or two before, when their very survival had been in doubt.

Another burst of lightning split the sky, momentarily illuminating the devastation that was once proud to be called a planet. The SSC were here to help. And Sorel? She was here to help too. And if possible, find answers. She owed it to the Silver Jedi and herself. Her mind was confused. She’d been taught Dark Jedi were to be opposed but of late the lines had been blurred. And instead of finding – as she expected – a haven that followed the Code the way she believed it to be adhered to, she’d found she was the odd one out.

Aware she was still standing on the landing pad, she could feel the dark side all around her. She pulled her hood up against the rain, covering her features, but the water found a way in. It always did.

Not a member of the SSC, but I’d love to meet one. To help out in the Dominion but also to discuss the Silver Order and what it stands for. To allow Sorel to understand if she’d fit in.
Location: Ruins of Kaas City
Objective: Provide Aid
Allies: [member="Valae Kitra"]
Post: 3

Looking over his shoulder, he watched as Valae immediately sought to help the poor survivors. The girl shared his love for helping people, bless her kind heart. His attention then turned to the little girl in his arms who suddenly decided to hold onto him, clutching his robes and nuzzling against his shoulder. "Shh, it'll be alright," he attempted to soothe her. Despite her malnourished features and disheveled looks, she reminded him of Nina when she was her age, which only made him hold onto her tighter. Every second it seemed another survivor popped their head out to see what all the ruckus was about, and soon Thurion found himself surrounded by them people begging in broken voices for food and water.

Fortunately the shuttles were already being unloaded and supply stations were being set up where the food would be distributed. Once operational Thurion would point them in their direction, but for now they all seemed more interested in him. An elderly woman even fell to her knees in an effort to kiss his feet, she was so overtaken by gratitude. With the girl still on his arm he leaned down to help the woman back up, offering her a kind smile while shaking his head lightly. "No more suffering, mother dearest," he told her, causing her face to light up. Moving further through the sea of people, Thurion found a place to sit down in the form of a crumbled statue depicting an emperor of old.

With the girl now sat in his lap, Thurion observed as the medical teams got to work, checking each and every one for diseases and injuries alike. A crewman came up to him and handed him a canteen full of cold water, which Thurion offered to the girl who began to gently sip from it, as if thinking it rude to chug it down all at once. It would take time for these people to unsee what they had all witnessed and to make up for the incomprehensible loss they've all suffered, but the healing process had already begun. They'd brought enough supplies to feed an entire city, and from the looks of it they might need it.
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Orihime was standing there with the transport on the landing pad before she started unloading and the padawan helped some of the ranger's in the transport with them. They were getting what they could out of the debris fields to clear it away. The drones continued to buzz around her and the others before she finished up seeing some more people. With all of the work there they could use some help she was going onto thing as she spoke. "Excuse me, are you one of the padawan?" She said it seeing a cloaked woman while standing there with most of her attention on lifting the crates while pointing towards Sorel.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Post: 2
Objective: Connect
Ally: [member="Orihime Ike"]

A crash of thunder nearly drowned out her very thoughts, heralding an increase in the storm’s intensity. The driving rain started to come down in stinging sheets. It also made hearing the young woman that was addressing her almost impossible to hear, but she snapped her head up in time and through a combination of lip-reading and limited sound, she understood what was said.

"I'm here to help. In any way." It was shouted rather than said but a drop in the rain meant it sounded much louder than it should have. "And sorry, I should have offered sooner." She ignored the rain and walked over, seeing others unload and clear away, she simply followed suit. Now was not the time for long conversations. "I'm Sorel by the way."
Medical Ships

"There we go, now you are looking better." Junko pulled away from her first real attempt at bandaging one of the people up who had hurt himself and it wasn't looking good as she looked over his hand... that was a ball from the amount of wrapping she had put it in. THe droids seemed to be looking at her and she thought for a moment she could hear it audibly sigh for her. "Yep you'll be healed up in no time." Offering him a smile to braighten his time and one of the red berry saori drinks to dull the pain. SHe was glad he could make a joke about it while trying to unscrew the top with his free hand and shirt.

She saw [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] take a child to look after it, she half smiled as she saw it. Then chaos as always would begin on Drummond Kass, one of the locals shouted behind, hate those Jedi are stealing children. This was something they believed Jedi did, after all they trained younglings as they called them. She smiled she liked chaos, even though she knew it was an act kindness, but as her old gang master use to tell her, No Good Deed, Goes Unpunished. The people where begin to have the forms of a mob, as there was generations of mistrust aimed at Jedi, and this would take them long time to over come. Harley knew she had little work to do here, the people would do it them selves. She just wanted to hang around and revel in the madness, that was sure to come by night fall.....
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Orihime looked at her as she came over and offered her hand getting a smile from the padawan. More then that there was the aura from the girl that was very different then many of the others she had met. Didn't seem dirty or unclean as a jedi, no hint of the darkside was there and that... was refreshing to her as she heard her name. "I am Orihime Ike." She offered it with a smile while motioning to the crates to move and where on the repulsor sled to go into the cargo hauler. "We have been clearing away ships and temple debris to work on getting access to some of the other buildings and labs under the city."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Post: 3
Objective: Connect
Ally: [member="Orihime Ike"]

The name caught her attention. It wasn't the least common surname in the galaxy, but she was a Jedi - and trained to disbelieve in coincidences. She nodded at the instructions, the rain now forgotten as she got to work. It was simple enough and required the minimum of instruction, so she quite literally rolled up her sleeves and got on with the job of loading and clearing.

It was one of those questions. If she didn't ask, she'd rue not making the connection. And if she wasn't related, Sorel risked looking foolish. But she took the chance. "I met someone called Ike recently. A Jedi. Master Matsu Ike. It's a long-shot, but are you in any way related?"
Medical Ships

Lets get them hooked up to the beds and bring in our healers." Junko was looking at them as the patients were being hokked up and brought in with most of their medical equipment. She could see some were mostly malnourished which could be handled with some soup. They had it cooking and delicious as a hearty beef stew before the knight felt a hand tugging on her robes and it brought her attention down towards the little girl. "Yes, how are you doing little one?" THere was a look at the little girl with her front teeth missing before she heard her soft voice. "Are you really a jedi?" THe small atrisian princess smiled bowing her head in agreement. "Yes I am and we are here to help in any way we can."

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