Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Adventure into the Unknown (Open To All Jedi)

Just as the masked Jedi activated his glaive weapon, Donatos was actually looking at the sudden change of the forward view port, from the orbit of the plane, to the surrounding stars and in a quick instance through the vastness of hyperspace. He found the travel of light speed to be very soothing, in his home fleet making jumps were on rare occasions usually used as a last resort when avoiding potential conflicts. His people would most likely associate a hyper jump with a sense of caution, uncertainty and fear. Not because of the immense speed, but because going through a jump usually was because of a hostile fleet, a spacial natural disaster or even artificial.

Looking back towards Meta, Donatos observed the blades and the Sith markings etched into them. "Perhaps you should sheath it again, though it is very impressive." Donatos brows or what passed for brows, arched as he tried to read the Sith markings, but could not clearly see what they translated to. "How did this weapon come into you possession, Meta?" How a Padawan held onto a Sith artifact with or even without the Council's consent seemed odd.
@Phylis Alince | @Vexander Graves | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa | @Rianna Organa | @Nala Tu

Je'daii looked at the jedi master and gave a nod of her head while she took the bags off of her shoulders and set them at her feet. Her hands fidgeting under her poncho as she sat down in a seat and let out a breath. Flying to the planet wasn't going to be the problem but she looked at the rest before pulling out a datapad and looking it over while flicking over to some of the stories she could review about others who had went on trips and ran into dangers or ones who went on expedition while finding nothing of interest that helped or did anything. She wanted to hope that the first would be it and they would find something plus an adventure. That could be quite fun.
@Je'daii | @Vexander Graves | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa | @Rianna Organa | @Nala Tu | @Donatos

Phylis eyed Meta's weapon. Being a researcher, archivist and general bookworm, she knew Sith symbols when she saw them, and the red lightsabre was a 'little' taboo to Jedi. It would be like someone showing up in the Galactic Senate with an 'I love Palps' badge.

Still, she didn't mention it for now. The cockpit of a spaceship in hyperspace was not the time to ask about Dark Side weapons. She made a mental note to raise it with the Padawan later.

"Yes, very...distinctive," she murmured. "Well, when you're set, gather with me in the main room and I'll discuss our objective with everyone on board."

This done, she headed off to gather all her passengers for Ye Olde Exposition Speeche. Hopefully no one would fall asleep like when she started talking about her three volume work on levitation in the early Tython period.
@[member="Phylis Alince"]
Donatos nodded in agreement with Master Phylis on her brief opinion of the Sith weapon, the fact it was 'bestowed' upon the Padawan simply claimed to be a story worth telling. Perhaps once they reached the planet, Donatos would probe a bit more. The Mon Calamari unfastened his safety harness and made his way with the others to follow Master Phylis back to the center of the ship. He was looking forward to hearing a more detailed mission brief on this 'Pur-goria' planet that he never heard of and for some reason had trouble pronouncing. It could have simply been a dialect problem on a anatomical level of his vocal cords being slightly different than most humanoid races.

Once Donatos and the other Jedi had made there way to the main room, gathering around Master Phylis before she began her speech. He wondered if she had visual holo-graphic aid in her presentation. The technology of holo programming seemed like an art form to the young Mon Cal. He began to daydream as he often did in the mean time of discussions or lectures, he wondered if 'Pur-Goria' had any native life, its history with either the Republic or Sith. Were they researching a specific ruin or dig site? or was the Jedi Master brought her by her own theories and desires...what if Donatos actually found something valuable. It would most likely be confiscated by Phylis and her research department for evaluation with some slight credit given to whomever finds an artifact.

The Mon Cal was lost in his imagination until the Master would begin to bring him back to reality. He leaned against one of the archways to the main chamber, allowing others to take seats if they wished.
| @[member="Nala Tu"] | @[member="Meta "]| @[member="Donatos"] | @[member="Phylis Alince"] |

When Nala took the transport up into the air and began to rise through the clouds, Ella lowered her eyes and fell silent, entering the Moving Meditation. Tuning into her control abilities, she tapped into Altus Sopor and began to connect to the Living Force. She had been feeling tired following the fall of Hion the Herglic and still had the bruises to show for it. Using Curato Salva to replenish herself, she had been doing this for the past week following the emergence of the Sith Lord, Darth Orcus. In her Moving Meditation, the vision of the Soulsaber came into mind. It's power was almost frightening, but alas she was a Jedi and couldn't allow herself to feel fear. When her eyes opened again, she found herself feeling much better.

Smiling at Nala, she unbuckled herself from her seat and said, "I'm sure we can put this ship on auto pilot. Let's go and see what Master Alince has to say." Moving up from the co-pilot seat, she whispered to Meta, "I'd get rid of that Lightsaber, Meta. It's a Sith weapon and it's dangerous, especially given your circumstances with the council already. We all heard that you were summoned to meet with them." She gave him a reassuring warm smile before moving out into the back to listen to Master Alince.
Hearing @[member="Ella Nova"]'s advice Nala nodded before setting the ship's auto-pilot. She glanced back at @Meta, noting his weapon and how it had negative feedback from most of the others. It was true, it was a Sith weapon and Nala was aware of what had happened when the Council summoned him before them, discussing his unethical means with the force. It wasn't Nala's place to say anything but she would have had enough to say. She got up from her seat and joined the others as @Phylis Alince would speak with the team.
@[member="Phylis Alince"]
Donatos snapped out of his day dreams upon hearing Master Phylis. "My people have scraped and refurbished vessels that are centuries old, would that qualify as archaeological experience, Master?"
Je'daii raised her hand to the question of previous experience as she spoke. "Ah yes master @[member="Phylis Alince"] I was in charge of investigating the ruined temple ship after Elrood." She averted her eyes back down to the datapad and offered a small smile as she flicked the files until she had her notes on the dig and touched the sigil around her necl. "It was quite an interesting thing to explore and do."
@Phylis Alince | @Vexander Graves | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa | @Rianna Organa | @Nala Tu

Rianna had little experience in the field, Master "@[member="Phylis Alince"] , I have no experience in this field." It was rather odd that a Master of her age would not have much experience in this. She had experience finding things but not in the careful cataloguing, or fact based findings that were needed for such endeavors. She was truly the student at this time.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Aika could but stay quiet as she scratched at her own head. Experience in research? Archeology? Not a chance. Other than questioning herself and losing control of her own telepathic abilities, her only experience came in meditating. But no one here needed to know how utterly useless she would be to them in this excursion. Nope. She could keep that to herself. "This will be a learning experience for me, Master. the first time I've done something of this nature. Hopefully, that won't prove to be an issue."

@[member="Phylis Alince"]
@Je'daii | @Vexander Graves | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa | @Rianna Organa | @Nala Tu | @Donatos

Phylis smiled around at them all. Some newbies, some old hands. Perfect.

"Archaeology, as my Master once said, was like trying to recreate a history with 1% of the jig-saw. You find things, but unless you match it with other puzzle pieces from elsewhere you'll get nowhere. The aim of archaeology is patience, diligence and serious study. I have already got everything approved for our destination. And that destination is Perugia...oh yes, I told you that. Well, there's more as to why I chose it and so on."

"The planet of Perugia was once the site of a small but very important Jedi Enclave during the time of the Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War. It was later abandoned during the war with the then Sith Empire. The Enclave, barely known even at the time, slipped out of knowledge and memories in the thousands of years hence. However, it came to my attention a few years ago when I found references to it in old records from the Pre-Mandalorian Wars era. The name given to the Enclave was code; Sanctuary. Through some admittedly clever detective work I found the actual location. Hmm, a hard struggle," she said with a pleased smile.
| @[member="Phylis Alince"] |

Ella nodded her head as she listened to Master Alince. She asked, "What will we be doing when we arrive at the enclave, master?"
Meta stood silently amongst the crowd. Watching Ella as she asked her question, curious little one she was. A fiery little Jedi indeed, however those thoughts were cast from his mind as he looked back tithe Master in the centre of them all. Awaiting her reply to Ella's question.
@Je'daii | @Vexander Graves | @Tracyn Ordo | @Aika Kawakami | @Nala Tu | @Caid Centurion | @Meta | @Ella Nova | @Aronis Vilgar | @Rianna Organa | @Rianna Organa | @Nala Tu | @Donatos
Phylis was glad someone had spoken, breaking the rather awkward pause after her lecture. For some reason people weren’t used to her explanations and would often just stare slackly at her afterwards. It was very confusing why people weren’t as interested in what she talked about as she was!

“When we get there we will be investigating a wing of the enclave. I’m wanting us to start exploration of the training and archive area. I will show you all how to excavate carefully, how to catalogue items and how to properly notate finds. Won’t that be fun!” she said brightly, and seemingly without any irony at all.
Rianna thought about it, it could be fun to find something that told them of the past. She smiled thinking of how someone else in her life also liked brushing away cobwebs and revealing the truth. She continued to listen to instruction though, and take heed.

This was very much like a criminal investigation, everything carefully noted, and secured. Yes Rianna believed she would enjoy this very much.
| @[member="Phylis Alince"] | @[member="Meta "]|

"Lets get this done then." She nodded her head and looked around, catching Meta looking at her. She gave him a wink and a grin before turning back to Master Alince, so she could instigate the expedition.
Meta's eyebrows were raised dramatically due to surprise. 'What was that?' He wondered. His inner voice peeping up. She's obviously flirting. 'Oh, of course she is...' He said sarcastically his mask hiding his embarrassed/surprised features. However, these thoughts were swept from his mind as she turned away again. He smiled under his mask, and returned his mind to the task at hand.

@[member="Ella Nova"]

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