Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Act III: Insurrection

Canal saw Bluejay and felt happy to see her. But he felt confused and some what betrayed when he saw her taking cover from him and his comrades. He felt angry, upset, betrayed, and all the other dark things that you could imagine. He didn't want to harm her but unfortunately he has to. He pooped his knuckles, cracked his head, so he could be ready for the little traitor. "You scum...."

He said to Calico, "Sir, I got good news and bad news. The bad news is that Bluejay turned on us and we're gonna have to put her down. The good news is that she'll be the one who will provide us with some valuable info." He aimed his rifle at BlueJay's position and dodged her fire. "Come out you little scum, you traitor. I'll show you my true side. And it's gonna make you feel a thousand hells!!!!" He barked and yelled at Bluejay.

He took out a detonator and threw it at Bluejay's position. Let's see how you like this. As he threw the detonator and landed at her cover Canal shot at the detonator and made it explode. I'll see you in a couple of years, or until I'm dead.

@[member="CC-935 Bluejay"] @Galaar CC-252 @Kira Liadain @Vulpesen @Commander Calico CC-247
Rebels, alley, all that magic.

Calico didn't waste a moment. He stamped the thin strip of gauze onto Kira's face like it needed to be there. "I'm still stamping your face." He paused as he heard Canal's voice. That boy was...odd, but he was becoming a man. Slowly.

"Assist the Sergeant. I want that building- He pointed with one hand across the way. "Gone!"

He was too preoccupied making sure Kira didn't run out into the street doing some...Kira type of thing to notice just who was firing at his motley team. His heart rose up into his throat as something exploded. The Commando moved up slightly to protect Kira and Canal from any shrapnel; having better kit than Canal and well...actually. wearing armor in Kira's case.

"These are my men. The Dreadguard, Galaar and Canal." He paused to retrieve one of his sidearms and fire three stray bolts at the position bearing down on them. "And I wouldn't look good in bathrobes. My shebs are too big."

Something threw him forward slightly. His armor sizzled all around as its shielding fizzled out. He'd been hit, and he wouldn't have a second chance. "No idea what's going on...Jedi, sir!- He roared over at Vulpesen. "Seeing any kind of refuge? We need to regroup and come up with a plan--not sit out here in for the--whatever we're fighting to use us as target practice!"

The Commando turned on his knee and continued firing off at the building with his twin DC-15s. "Where is my explosive solution Five-Two?"

@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="CC-117 Canal"] @[member="CC-935 Bluejay"] @[member="Kira Liadain"]
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
The Tower Rebels

Now this was a party, the jedi master stood with a torn robe exposing the gungnir MK IV armor over the sasori bodysuit so it gleamed silver. His sabers activated and he relished it the feeling of battle making the blood boil within him. He didn't even care who he was fighting in the end all that mattered was they they were fighting as the pale and dark purple blades hummed. He took a stance for a moment before trying his cams. "This is jedi councilor Synlidwirh to any friendly forces, make way towards the tower." With a look though he smirked and prepared to go back to fighting. "War always a classic"
Calico's Location - Kursed

That was not how to calm Bluejay down. "You callin' me a traitor, you two-faced hrakking rebel ja'rab?" She roared back, diving out of the way as she saw the thermal detonator arcing towards her. The explosion made her stagger back a half-step, but the now-fully enraged Dread Sister tossed personal safety most of the way out the window and charged (indirectly), darting from cover to cover as she made straight for Canal. "I'll flay you alive and have your head on my wall!"

@[member="CC-117 Canal"] @Galaar CC-252 @Kira Liadain @Vulpesen @Commander Calico CC-247
@[member="Sochi Ru"]


Thunk. Before Sochi landed a dark figure, his breathing was heavy, and his mask screamed darkness and death. It was a far cry from the man under the mask that she once knew, but that was a long time ago, so long. Igniting his lightsaber in a reverse grip, the bright blue blade sprung to life, but color meant nothing, Sochi could tell that this thing was very hostile.

Something about her, it seemed familiar, had he met her before? It didn't matter, she had to die, he had his orders, and he would carry them out. Surging forward, the possessed Marek attacked his former padawan, but she couldn't know it was him, not yet anyway.
@[member="CC-935 Bluejay"]

Streets- Rebels

Andreas did not know how he got here, but he knew warfare when he saw it. And it was happening right now. From his vantage point, he peeked a woman hiding behind cover and shooting at others. He could sense that she was just like all the others that had tried to kill him since he got here.

Well, time to dispatch her like the rest. Swift and silent, Andreas descended from his position to land behind her and open fire with his DC-17, aiming two shots into her vertebrae silent as a mouse.
Rebel - Alley

"Oww," Phoebe groaned as she reached to place her hand on her head. Looking up she found herself in an alley way. She could hear voices, some familiar but she couldn't see anybody. Pushing herself off of the ground she reached to her belt to find her weapons were still there. She had been a little worried that someone had taken her crap after all she had no idea why she was in an alleyway or what had happened in like the last 48 hours. Her head hurt and something seriously was wrong here however Phoebe couldn't place her finger on what it was that was wrong.

Brushing the dirt off her pants she headed in the direction of voices in hopes of finding some friendly faces that could cast some light on what was going on here because she certainly had no idea. "Hello? Anyone here?"

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]@[member="CC-117 Canal"]@[member="Galaar CC-252"]@[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Vulpesen"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
"Canal! Guns down! If you kill her, I'll skin you alive you di'kutla runt!" His voice boomed across through the loudspeaker in his helmet. He was frozen in time for a brief moment; his stomach burned and lurched forward as if it was going to launch from his gut and spill across the ground in a convulsed mass.

He then shook his head at Calico's voice and growled over the comms. "On it, all supreme overlord of the Clone Race and Culture." The Strill now darted across to the cover where Calico and Kira hid, staring at the two with a growling yip.

He quickly changed out his Deecee to the Anti-Armor version. He aimed and shot the gun at the fire position, the red grenade whizzing through the air and impacting with a loud pop and incendiary flare with a brilliant wave of concussive force.

"Bluejay! Stand down ner'vod! Gar shuk meh kyrayc!"

@CC-117 Canal @Galaar CC-252 @Kira Liadain @Vulpesen @Commander Calico CC-247 @CC-935 Bluejay
Hearing the footsteps of the young man behind her she continued, running towards the end of the alleyway which would take them towards the street, there was no other way. Almost making it to the end of the alley way, there was an explosion in the street. Debris flew everywhere and smoke filled the air. She came to a halt, and began coughing. Then another transmission came through on her comlink. This one she could make out barely. It was the voice of Syn, and then it was all slowly coming back to her. Her mental block was slowly subsiding, and she knew they needed to regroup. They had to make their way towards the tower. It was better than just sitting in one of these buildings waiting to be found. She spoke into her comlink, surely any surrounding friendly forces would be able to hear her, hopefully.

"This is Jedi Knight Sochi Ru, I have a young man with me, were on our way to the tower." She said before turning to the young man. Before taking off once more she presented him with a question, "what's your name?" She said softly. She gave him all the time he needed for him to answer her, and after she took off into the street, immediately blocking blaster fire with her lightsaber.

@[member="Syn"] @[member="Drake Blackwood"]

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
KURSED - Rooftop

Ayumi remained still for the most part, it wasn't time to work yet but she looked -up- and was seeing others off the edge of her sight before she crouched low and walked on all fours to a section of the building to obscure herself. The gravity leveler doing its job while she was able to hang upside down and stalk her prey or do whatever else was needed. There was a lot that could be happening in the end and this war had been going on a great deal of time and now she was here to do what she always did, what her family always did. Capitalize on it.
"Look who's talking, you back stabber!!!!!!" Canal put away his blaster and took out his pistol and fired at Bluejay whenever she went from cover to cover. It's best to keep a shotgun and a rifle then a pistol." he didn't want to waste anymore detonators so he decided to keep them but whenever Bluejay came close it would be time for the climatic finale to put her down with his shotgun.

He heard Galaar ordering him to put his gun down. "It's no use Galaar. She's no longer one of us." He said through his loud speeker. He didn't put his gun down but he wouldn't fire unless if he had to. "Come on Jay. Stop being a little coward. Face me as if you had the guts to." He yelled again to Bluejay. He concentrated on Bluejay cause to be honest she has skill. "I know that I'm disobeying orders Galaar but its for our safety."

@Galaar CC-252 @Kira Liadain @Vulpesen @Commander Calico CC-247 @CC-935 Bluejay

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
@Vulpesen @Galaar CC-252 @CC-117 Canal @CC-935 Bluejay @Kira Liadain @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @Pheobe Verd

Well there was no arguing with Calico, her temple got stamped with a self adhesive gauze, the cut temporarily taken care of. Of course, now her ears were hurting from the nearby blast. And apparently, they were getting shot at.

This is where Kira, coughing, and apparently a bit closer to Calico as he turned into her own personal suit of armor, said "... a smoke grenade might be handy right about now," she suggested, voice cracking, as the smoke could provide cover for them to get moving.
Calico's Position - Kursed

Bluejay grunted as the two shots slammed into her back - then got hurled forward about three feet by the grenade. Which of course just made her even angrier. "Stand down? Stand down?!" Bluejay screamed, voice rising to a furious scream. "You tell me to stand down after you try and hit me with a grenade?!" Cue the crazy laugh. "You can rot in hell! And your fething stink with you! And you, Canal! You'll be watching while I kill the rest of them!" She howled, pouring a steady stream of blasterfire at Canal. "YOU. WILL. DIE!"

@CC-117 Canal @Galaar CC-252 @Kira Liadain @Vulpesen @Commander Calico CC-247
@Mia Monroe @Siobhan Kerrigan @Verz Horak @Basaba Willamina @[member="Kila Cadau"] @[member="Noah Corek"]

Preliat glanced up from his gear check, and look to Noah throwing a fit. He was tempted to grab his collar and give him the old punch in the face, but he stared at him instead."Settle down....we don't know anything. And I'm glad to see you all. Verz.."He patched into the local comm network."Come to the building near the old River cafe."The cafe in question was a popular destination for those familiar with this part of the city, and it would deter people who might be listening in who weren't intimidately familiar with the city from their location. Besides, they were going to be on the move in a moment. He glanced as two went on the rooftop to get a better look. He could use his jetpack, but he didn't want to create noise or create a flame that could be visible.

Preliat blinked, and then turned on his comm again.

"See anything, Mia?"
Street - Rebels

As they ran out into the street, Drake saw the Jedi Knight's lightsaber flash up, blocking fire, and he followed suit. Drake used the lightsaber his master had given him to block a few shots. "Jedi Padawan Drake Blacck wood. Apprenticed to Vexander Graves, if you know him." Drake responded more roughly than he had been asked. The heat of battle always seemed to harden him. Even if they were just running and deflecting blaster fire. Drake twirled his lightsaber, hitting a shot back into the chest of the man who'd fired it.

He continued jogging behind Sochi.

@[member="Sochi Ru"]
Kursed - The Alley of Spawning

When the concept of free will was within the grasp of the Mandalorian, simply treading upon the streets of Mandalore would have filled him with that warmness that came from being home. What's more, seeing the world upon which he was born in such a sordid state would have resulted in bitter tears and anger...yet, there was nothing, for Isley was not himself. In place of the honor-driven warrior was a hollow shell, filled to the brim with the whims and commands of a being known as Akala. She commanded his limbs forward in a confident walk. emerging from the space between a duo of buildings with silence characterizing his every step. His beskar'gam, though now twenty years of age, still functioned just as well as the day it was created; and its HUD began scanning the area for life forms.

"Hmm..." he began, speaking over the open comm, "who dies first today?"

Through the Force, the Mandalorian plucked the first of three sabers from his utility belt and ignited its crimson blade into existence. 'Twas Vitiate, a curved hilt saber gleaned from the body of a dead man. As he strolled forth about the ghost town that the Mandalorian people called home, the sounds of thunder and blaster fire reached his ears. Turning his attention to the direction of the din, Isley then pumped the Force through his limbs and began to rush forward. His footsteps, then swift and thunderous, bore him to the site of a very...very familiar woman. She was blonde, stunning, and would have normally set the Mandalorian's heart aflutter. His very own wife: @[member="Phoebe Verd"]. However, in his current state, a cold smirk formed upon his lips.


His offhand rose, as if reaching out to offer her protection in his embrace. Yet this...was deception at its finest; for in the beat of a heart, the Force gripped his outstretched hand. The Will of Akala manifested itself as a torrent of Force Lightning, erupting spontaneously through his outstretched hand. It moved swift across the space between the two lovers and was poised to collide with her torso. All the while, a cool laughter erupted from the Mandalorian's lips, filling the air and the channel with peals of his twisted joy.

@[member="CC-117 Canal"], @[member="CC-935 Bluejay"], @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"], @[member="Galaar CC-252"].
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Tower - Rebels
@[member="Drake Blackwood"] @[member="Sochi Ru"]

He heard her and gave a nod of his head while sitting there. Oh there were plenty of things about this he was liking but as the swamp of Dagobah had taught him.. Better to have a group which is why he wondered if @[member="HK-36"] was still around. This massive battle wasn't something he normally missed and the droid would make a good dance partner for maiming the enemy... if nothing else they could tear into them with great vengeance and furious anger. "I hear you Sochi, tell me when your get close and I'll meet you at the bottom." He looked his head over and off the roof for a moment before popping his shoulders ready for a fight.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Rebels - Gunfight on the streets!

Galaar fired yet another grenade into the direction of the hostile fire on the opposite end of the road from Bluejay. He really was avoiding a lethal shot, he was however, gladly culling the minions around her. "Ca'ika! Maybe you should stop woozing your cyare and help me? It would be dutifully appreciated ner'vod or you can continue being the kandosii ad'ika with a Jedi." It was all aloud, the whole group could hear it more than likely.

Bluejay wasn't the worst of his issues though, Isley patched into their comms and what he heard nearly made him throw up. I'm going to drop you in the middle of a wookiee village covered in roba paste, Is'ika.

@CC-117 Canal, @CC-935 Bluejay, @Commander Calico CC-247, @Galaar CC-252 @[member="Kira Liadain"]
Alley with resistance and getting shot at

[OOC: Sorry went to watch a show for a sort of family night]

Vulpesen's blade danced before him, slapping back the various bolts as he did what he could to survive. "I might have something like that!" He took his comlink from his coat and tossed it to @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]. "Comm channel 335210, tell the Rodian you are speaking on behalf of Valde and ask them where the safe house is!" He didn't have the luxury of being easy going, right now he was becoming as he was all those years a go. To the jedi, he was a street rat. To the streets, he was a mercenary for good, and it seems like the streets had found him again in the twenty years that had past. He covered @[member="Kira Liadain"] with his saber and continued fighting. He wasn't ready to drop just yet and he was far from out of tricks. He had called to Ace earlier and now the wolf was finally doing his job. Vulpesen looked up from his cover just as several things from atop the building to their left fall upon the first row of soldiers, giving the rebels a temporary reprieve.
I'd like to see you kill me who is like an immortal even though I'm not. Before you kill any of my comrades, you'll have to get past through me and my arsenal. Canal did a somersault and took cover from Bluejay's fire. "Stop with hide and seek Jay. Let's be honest. I can take you down and pin you down. Back at the academy when it came to hand to hand combat or a firefight I always won. I was 40-0"

"Galaar, we have to do something. Its either the bucket or life," He said to Galaar through the speaker. He then called to Calico, "Sir, we got to do something is there an opening for us to escape or something," He returned fire at Jay with his pistol. "Stop being such a coward Jay. You have no honor at all." He peaked from the side of his cover to keep an eye on Jay if she was going to make a move or not. He heard the colonel and felt betrayed more. Why is this happening to us? Why?

@CC-117 Canal @Galaar CC-252 @Kira Liadain @Vulpesen @Commander Calico CC-247

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