Kira Talith
Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee

General Information
Name: Kira Talith née Liadain
Position: Jedi
Rank: Master
Species: Lorrdian
Gender: Female
Age: 42
Physical Appearance
Height: 5’1 (with shoes)
Weight: 110
Eye Color: Ice blue
Hair Color: Pale blonde
Physique/Build/Frame: Petite
Skin Tone: English Rose Complexion
Distinguishing Marks: Scars riddle her legs and abdomen with no rhyme or reason, save a select precision cut over her lower abdomen where Nemene tortured her.
Avatar Specs
Avie- A mix of Kristen Bell and drawings.
Parents – unknown
Siblings – unknown
Soliael Devin Shamalain Talith...[Husband] ( AKA [member="Soliael Devin Talith"])
Aela Esmae Shamalain Talith .....[Daughter] (AKA Aela Talith )
Maleah Kharyi Shamalain Talith ..[Daughter] (AKA [member="Maleah Talith"])
Micah Draith Shamalain Talith .........[Son] (AKA @Micah Talith )
Kaili Nohei Shamalain Talith..........[Daughter] ( AKA [member="Kaili Talith"])
Kira is very much an outgoing, bubbly, and at times, prone to snarky comments. She is very loyal, a prankster, and has a weakness for pretty little intricate things. As she is an orphan, she has a tendency to value what little she has to call her own.
While silly and a joyful tease, she is very much mission oriented when it comes down to it. Just prepare for bad jokes all around, especially when she is nervous or anxious, as if making light of it will make it a bit better.
No formal known history other than the orphanage she grew up in Kuat. She is a Lorrdian, and by nature, she is skilled in kinetic communication.
+ Kira is a Lorrdian, and well adapt in communicating in a system of subtle gestures, facial expressions, and body postures to talk to each other. Beginning as a simple battle tongue used to co-ordinate guerrilla groups, this eventually became a sophisticated language known as "kinetic communication."
+ She also know how to interpret the body language of others to determine their emotional state and intentions with uncanny accuracy. She is an expert mimics, able to imitate a wide variety of mannerisms and voices (even those of many non-Humans).
+ Mental Resistance and higher Willpower: Her time in the Protectorate gave her some training in POW tactics and mental countering resistances to your average Sith Mentalism; Torture of Chagrin, Drain Knowledge, Fear, Pain, and Control mind take more to really get to her. Her torture under Nemene and Eve also gave her the experience to be able to endure more physical pain and agony.
~ Not a blanket labeler: Kira takes the standpoint that actions speak louder than words, and the actions of your family, friends, and anything else should not be held against you. Until one does something so abhorrent to revoke her trust, she will treat everyone equally and will protect them if necessary ( well jokes are not included here). This also means that one can easily manipulate her with children or take advantage of her genuine desire to help.
~ Not quite a pacifist, but a protector. If at all possible she will not use the Force or a saber in a fight. Unless she absolutely has to, she will not partake in a battle, seeking to instead aide in evacuating the younglings at the Temple first and foremost.
- She is heavily against any kind of slavery, coming from a culture that had once been completely enslaved. At times, she is quick to act without thinking, often jumping with both feet before looking, especially if it's to protect a youngling.
- She is unable to use telepathy and her use of telekinetics is minimal, with anything larger than herself taking much energy to do, if at all.
- She is unable to adequately use much of the Sense powers, as her strengths lie in alter and control. She is attempting none the less to use her strength in mimicry and kinetic communication to explore the possibilities of utilizing and learning Theran Force-Listening.
- Klutzy and accident prone: Pretty self explanatory here. Has 9 toes. ( one got cut off!)
Little is known about the Kira's background. She has trained under Master Ben Watts, Master Samara Galloway, and Master Cord Bacquin, finally knighted under Master Bacquin.
During the early years of her time in the Jedi Order, Kira spends the bulk of her time with the younglings, enjoying spending time training and, because of the orphan like similarity, making them laugh.
When she first joined the Order, the first person she met was a fellow Jedi Knight by the name of Ben Watts. They quickly became the best of friends, so much that Ben gave her an electrum lightsaber that he handcrafted himself. It is her most cherished possession, considering how frugal and spartan a Jedi's and orphan's way of life is. He even became her Master, teaching her a bit of his healing focus to accelerate healing.
Unfortunately, tragedy struck, and Ben had been reported missing and presumed dead on a long term mission. Heartbroken, Kira focused instead on her work with the younglings. During the great split after the razing of Taris, Kira left the Order to pursue a different path with the Rogue Jedi Order. Here she learned how to focus herself and burn soulfire true. While brief, her time with the Rogue Jedi Order gave her a measure of perspective.
She returned to the Jedi Order and was reassigned to Master Samara Galloway. From her, she stated that she desired to be a Jedi Investigator, perhaps, in an unconscious desire to determine just what happened to Ben. From Samara, she learned Force Illusion, mind tricks, and the way to fortify her mind to ensure a higher resistance to mental attacks.
This is also where she began to focus on her innate ability to harness electric fields and Force Spark. Training allowed her to gain a measured resistance against energy attacks, although she mainly used these as a method of providing entertainment for the younglings in the manner of light tricks instead of actually attacking an enemy.
Alas, it appeared that Kira's luck in maintaining a Master for a lengthy period of time would not be in her favor. Samara soon left the Jedi Order to pursue a venture in dealing with her homeworld of Hapes, leaving Kira behind masterless. Another master was appointed to her, Master Cord Bacquin, who agreed to aid the young Lorrdian in her path of a Jedi Investigator. She advanced her skills with a lightsaber, and began to train with Theran Force-Listening.
Tragedy struck again, when her Master ultimately fell to the Darkside, leaving Kira masterless once more, but not before being brought to the council for her knighthood. It was here that she was given her first task as a Jedi Investigator... to infiltrate and report on Omega Pyre. In turn, Kira began to train for her mission, providing the footwork needed to make sense for a Jedi to leave the order.
It took months of preparation, all the while in the mean time providing training to younglings and new Force Adepts like Hion, her padawan, and involving herself in the protection of civilians during the invasion of Metalorn -- In which she totally brought the hunky @[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] (dubbed Sparky, for he shot lightning at her) to the ground with an awesome tackle, stunning him while waving her boot under his nose! They then conducted parlay, with the sassy Jedi demanding the then Sith Apprentice's surrender, promising his life.
Instead, he offered her his comm frequency. She still has it.
This is also the first time she met @[member="Morna Imura"], while saving him from a Republic Terminatrix determined to bring the proverbial house down on him. Using the last dregs of the Force, Kira used a force bubble to protect them from the debris, only to knock herself out in the wake of it all. Little does she know, this Chick-e-dee shall meet our sassy Lorrdian in the future again!
Invasion over, finally, the time came. It was during a period of mass dissension within the Jedi Order, where many Jedi Masters and Knights left it in order to pursue other venues. With this as an alibi, Kira soon joined the ranks of Omega Pyre, and finally the Omega Protectorate.
During her time, she made use of training and focusing her defenses in mental attacks and lightsaber forms. Here she trained two Elderai females, guiding them into focusing their power through the Force and applying defensive and offensive saber techniques. She also aided in the liberation of many worlds into Protectorate custody, learning to fight against the Bando Gora Reavers and the threats from Wild Space and Unknown Regions. She aided in the protection of the wounded and fought the infected during the outbreak that plagued Polis Massa and Eradieu.
She spent the better part of a year within the Protectorate ranks, finally leaving after the the destruction of Rhommamol and Osarian. From then on, she returned to the Jedi Order to report her findings.
Her return to the Jedi Order led to a series of developments that would ultimately lead to a very drastic change in her life. Reporting her findings, she came to the Jedi Order in the midst of an aggressive push to eradicate the Sith Empire.
Confusion would span in the wake of one bloody path after the next, prompting the young Lorrdian to question if they were doing the right thing. It was at this time that she met and befriended a Zelosian knight she considers to be her most treasured friend, [member="Talon Vosra"]. They met and through a series of missions, grew closer as they both joined under the Ossus Academy's secret founding of the Jedi Shadows. The young Jedi Investigator would be appointed as the Master of Shadows, leading various teams in secret covert operations across the galaxy to investigate threats of the most dire against the Jedi Order and the Republic.
However, in the wake of the genocide of the Graug, Kira was compelled to bring forth her concerns to the Jedi Council about their current path. She was met with a single mission; investigate her concerns and then bring it back to the Council.
She did -- and with that came her announcement to the Jedi Order for a Vote of No Confidence against the then Jedi Grandmaster Joshua Dragonsflame.
The motion was met with mixed views; ultimately this led to Master Dragonsflame abdicating his position, with Master Carn Dista taking his place.
However, the after affects of such a motion would set in place an irreparable motion. Sects from the Jedi Order would soon break away -- The Silver Jedi Order would emerge, as many Jedi Masters in the Jedi Order would leave the Galactic Republic for Voss space and a distaste for war.
Months would pass, and Kira would then come across a new hurdle; that of her past as her only padawan @Hion the Herglic was found to have fallen to the Darkside. Blaming herself, she set out to attempt to place the Hergelic under her guardianship during his appearance before the senate when he was cast as a traitor.
Reacting violently, a fight would break out among the Jedi and the Herglic as he would have in his hands the blade that would only fan his connection to the Darkside.
Knowing that the Herglic could be so much more than this, Kira was sent by High Councilor [member="Kiskla Grayson"] to subdue the Herglic for questioning and if possible, to prevent harm to innocent bystanders and to the Hion himself.
However, it would only end in tragedy; with the Herglic dying in Kira's arms after having had no choice but to use Electric Judgement to affect the orbalisk armor he wore.
Guilt at her failure to her Padawan would linger. She would tentatively take another Padawan; [member="Jannik Morlandt"]. Well beyond the age of a standard Jedi Padawan, but there was something about the young man tortured by visions that drew Kira to him.
Perhaps it was his accent and casual drawl.
As the weeks would go by training Jan, Kira would slowly start to feel that things were getting better. That perhaps she could be a good master and still be able to teach in a way that wasn't stifled by training rooms but dealt more with life.
However, unbeknownst to her, the public flagging of her existence with Hion would draw the attention of the two Queens of Rattatak.
They would use her goodwill and affection towards younglings against her, using a orphan by the name of Oliver to spring a trap; a trap that would result in weeks of the most wretched torture imaginable specifically concocted with the intention of making Kira break.
Yet she would not give Nemene and Evelynn that satisfaction.
The results of such would lead into the death of the youngling and a far more intimate punishment for the Lorrdian, taking away her ability to conceive her own child.
Sold as a slave into the Cauldren and subsequently into a Geonosian gladiator arena, Kira spent months barely surviving her wounds. What made it worse was the implanted chip that Nemene had surgically implanted to randomly relive the torture in that white room. A final laugh that in death Nemene could still be smug about.
AWOL for months, investigations would go underway by the Jedi Order for the missing master. Now Jedi MasterTalon Vosra and Jedi Knight Ryan Korr would investigate, but it was at the special behest of Kiskla Grayson to the Bounty Hunter Ember Rekali that would produce results. Using a tracker by collecting the medical genetic blood samples of the Lorrdian, Ember would track the whereabouts of Kira.
He would collect her from the slave area, and in turn, remove the chip in her head. She was finally free; but not out of the nightmare just yet.
Placed within the care of Sanctum vagrant spacers on an neutral planet, Kira would slowly heal, but it would not be until a man from her past stood before her anew that her life would once again turn a hundred and eighty degrees.
....more to come.