Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Walk in Shadows (Hawk Solo)

@[member="Satine D'ulin"]

"Routine and structure is good. It helps to know what to expect in your day. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a slavs to routine. I like to fly by the seat of pants when I fl." He didn't want her to think that he was boring or stick in the mud.
@[member="Hawk Solo"]

He was a stick in the mud, he liked routine, but. As the after thought he liked flying. Strange man. "Then the missions they send you on must be very exciting. For. You." She asked sorta.
@[member="Satine D'ulin"]

"Yes, they are exciting. Especially if it somewhere I haven't been or have done before. I know a Jedi shouldn't crave excitement and adventure. I can't help get excited about it. It so much fun. Do you enjoy what you do?"
@[member="Hawk Solo"]

Did she enjoy what she did, "Yes I do, what I do helps my clan, no higher calling than that" It would seem they had some common ground perhaps it was her lack of knowledge about Jedi that made giving him such a hard time so easy.

"So you will call for me tomorrow?" She looked at him, she thought she could almost mimick his movements now. Any good shadow guard would, or should be able to by now.
@[member="Satine D'ulin"]

"Yes, I will call on you. How about we meet around noon? The Natural Museum opens at 11am." He suggest to her. "We could meet there or I could pick you up at your place?" He would rather pick her up. It seem like a more gentlemen thing to do.
@[member="Hawk Solo"]

Satine considered, should she allow him to do this? Would it cause much damage? "That is acceptable for you to pick me up" What would that do? She smiled, "I must be getting back"

Truth was she needed to check in.
@[member="Satine D'ulin"]

Hawk grin. "Yeah, it is getting late." He pays their bill leaving a nice tip for the waitress. "Would you like to be escorted home?" He ask her politely. This had been a strange day. He meets a girl who really didn't care for him and by the end of day they have plans to see each other.
@[member="Hawk Solo"]

"You can if you like Jedi Solo" though she was pretty good in a fight all by herself, but he didn't know that. And she wasn't sure he was going to find out, ...........yet.
@[member="Satine D'ulin"]

He was about to offer his arm than he remembers that Satin wouldn't take it. "It just Hawk. My friends call me Hawk." He escorts her back to her place. It was nice quiet walk. Not many people were on the streets. "I like this time. It so quiet." He says once they reach her place. "Night Satine"
@[member="Hawk Solo"]

"Night Jedi Solo" She nodded, "You will be on time" she quipped. She was trying very hard not to like him, to give him a hard time on everything just to see if he would react. She would be disappointed if he were late.

"Till the morning" Satine walked inside the building where her quarters were currently located. As she entered the rooms, the lights came up, "I want a full disclosure on one Jedi known as Hawk Solo. Also of all messages received and any new ...developments"

Satine made her way to the bar, getting a bottle of cold water, she pulled off the crimson robes she had worn all day. She was tired, hot, and in need of distraction.
@[member="Satine D'ulin"]

"Yes. I will be on time." He watches her go into the building than leaves. He couldn't help but smile. Satin was a stubborn one. She wouldn't even use his name yet. He could tell that she was beginning to like him. They were going out tomorrow. He heads back to the temple to get a good night sleep.

Next day.

Hawk's morning was like every other morning. He showered dressed had light breakfast with the other Padawans. The other Padawans were talking about their assignment. Hawk told them about his assignment to Senate. He left out his meeting with Satine. They didn't need to know that. Hawk excused himself and left. He didn't want to be late for their date.

On the way back to Satine's place, Hawk bought her a small bouquet of flowers. It had many different types of flowers. He hoped that she would like it. He meant as a friendly gesture. Ok maybe it had elements of romance. He was romantic at heart. He arrived a few mintues early.
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Going out, is that what this was to be called, going out. Satine didn't think on it too much it would probably give her a headache to do so.

The next day

The house droid went to answer the door, "Come in Jedi Solo you are expected" The droid turned and headed back into what most would call the living room. "The Mistress will be out in a moment please sit" And then the droid disappeared having performed its duty.

Satine heard the conversation, having dressed now into something more fitting of a day at the museum she put on a pair of comfortable jean like pants, with a green short sleeved top, and a brown short waist coat. She took a breath and walked into the livingroom. She noticed the flowers.

Interesting, why flowers?" She nodded, "Nice that you are a little early, have you had breakfast?"
[member="Satine D'ulin"]

Hawk followed the droid in. He hoped that he wasn't too early. "Good morning. Here these are for you? I hope you like them." He says feeling sorta embarrass for getting them. Satine didn't seem like a flower girl.

"Yes, I had a little breakfast but can always eat." He says.
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Flowers. How, um. unusual no one ever brought her flowers, it was a kind thought. She smiled, "Thank you, I like them" Satine wandered toward the table, "I have not eaten yet, so if you just prefer stimcaf have some I must eat" Satine laid the flowers on the table looking at them again.

She removed the cover on the dishes the usual, eggs, fruit, a grain that had been toasted, and juice. Stimcaf in a pitcher. Satine sat down and motioned for Hawk to sit as well. "how was the rest of your evening?"

Ok, small talk for the morning.
[member="Satine D'ulin"]

"I'll have some stim caf." He pour himself a cup than sit down across from her. Her breakfast looked good especially the bacon. "It was good. I mediate some then went to bed. How about you?" He takes a sip from his cup.
Satine made sure the stimcaf was poured carefully, "I went over contracts, and sent off responses, and then I went to bed" She smiled she had exercised too but he did not need to know everything. "it is good that you keep in shape, a round Jedi would be quite...odd, wouldn't it?"

She continued to eat her breakfast, carefully chewing and enjoying each bite.

[member="Hawk Solo"]
[member="Satine D'ulin"]

"Yes. It would be. It all part of the body mind connection." He took another sip of his caf as he watch her eat breakfast. "I am glad that you were able to come today to the museum. It should be fun."
[member="Hawk Solo"]

"It should be" it was actually going to be able to help her do a little research too. She smiled at Hawk now, this time. "I believe in fitness mind and body otherwise we could not do our jobs very well" She wouldn't be able to do hers at all, one slip of a foot and she could fall, without the ability to hide in shadows she would be near worthless. But he did not need to know those things. nope.

Satine pushed back the plate, she was full. "I am ready to go, I think" She looked around did she need something...she didn't think so. "Are you?"
[member="Satine D'ulin"]

"Yes. I am ready." He stood. Normally he would have offered his arm but he already knew from experience with Satine that she wouldn't accept it. Together they walked to the museum. It was going to another beautiful day at the Capital.

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