Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev A Noble Project

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

There it was.

Valery had her own smile whenever he had this goofy grin on his face, and she couldn't stop it. This was her third time pregnant already, but every single time felt just as exciting and important. She settled back down a moment later, and swayed a little from side to side as he mentioned the clothes. That wasn't too important to her, of course, but the support he offered definitely was. It always made her feel happy.

"Maybe I'll see if Aris wants to come shopping with me," Valery said with a grin. "If he's not too busy studying, of course." She wouldn't drag him away from something more important.

"You should go catch some sleep. Try to get our little star up early for another fun day, hm?"



Kahlil let out a sigh, but he wasn't going to argue with her. She was right, he should sleep. Even if he just wanted to talk to her more about how she was feeling and seeing more of her belly. He was just so excited for it. More than she likely realized. But, no, he wasn't going to let himself continue to feel the desire to keep the call going forever.

She needed her sleep too.

"I love you, Valery. Sleep well, alright?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Oh my.

She could tell that he'd much rather just stay on the call with her for a while longer. Valery felt the same way, but she knew that if she skipped out on more sleep, that she'd end up exhausted. So, despite an urge to be up all night talking to him, she decided it was for the best to get some rest.

"I love you too, baby," Valery said with an even warmer smile now. "See you tomorrow evening again? Good night!" She blew him a kiss, and stood up to show off the belly once more, before the call ended.



Vera was the type to sleep in and not crawl out of bed until someone dragged her out, but not this day. She was up early, and standing in front of his room with her backpack on. "Come on! We gotta go soon!" They really weren't in a rush, but she was just super excited to go to the caves.

Which ones would they go to?




Kahlil smirked just a little before he turned from the holodevice to lay back down on his bed and sleep for the night. Only to be awoken far sooner than he expected by Vera of all people. He yawned aloud as he sat up, rubbed his eyes, glanced to the door where Vera was with a chuckle. It certainly was rare for her to be the first one to wake them up.

"I'll be out in a moment. You should get some breakfast, yeah?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"You didn't spend all night talking to Mom, did you?"
She squinted at the door now and sighed. Usually Dad was up fairly early, or maybe she was up very late? Vera shrugged and decided he was the ond being lazy right now for the sake of not being wrong. She then grinned, and turned around.

"Fine, I'll be waiting!"

Vera hopped away and headed into the mess hall to prepare breakfasy for both of them. Even coffee dor her father, as a little surprise. By the time he'd arrive, there would be scrambled eggs, bacon and his favorite #1 Dad mug filled with coffee.

Vera was on top of things today.



"Of course I did."

Not all night, but he did indeed spend some time talking to mom. And he wasn't going to hide it. Eventually he made his way towards the mess hall. And blinked as he saw the breakfast already laid out for him. He bit back a laugh as he took a seat and lifted up his mug to take a sip. A gift from Vera herself, now filled with coffee and breakfast already ready.

"You're really excited, huh?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I really am!"
Vera exclaimed while she vibtrated in her seat. She had gone to bed early for it, and gotten up extra early too. This whole trip was exciting and important to her, and today they had something very special planned. Sure, she had seen the caves on Ilum already, but now she wondered what they would be like here on Ossus!

Still, there was one other thing she was curious about, too...

"What did Mom think?" She asked. If he talked to her all night, then surely it had come up! She really hoped Mom was also very proud.

"How is the coffee?"

Okay, maybe she was curious about two things.



Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera perked up and smiled even brighter, "Really?! I'm glad!" She grinned and pricked her fork into the scrambled eggs to stuff her mouth. Much like her mother would, and with a similar lack of shame doing it around her own family.

She was becoming more like Dad, but some Noble traits would never change.

"I ate some, but I really can't wait to go! Are the Kybers here different than on Ilum?" Vera bounced, but then remembered something too.

"I also hope Mom is doing okay with us here, and with the baby!" She was a bit all over the place with her thoughts, but excitement always made her chaotic.



"Mom and the baby are fine, don't worry. She's starting to show actually."

That was what he was going to explain first. Then, he shrugged. Just a little. "Kyber is Kyber. They're as unique as any person, so there's not much I can say on if they're different if I'm being honest."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I'm not worried. If something was wrong, I'd know and well, you would too."
Vera knew she relied a lot on her parents at times, but they could rely on her too. Her visions saw everything related to her family, and if anything hinted at trouble for her pregnant Mom, she'd be leaving Ossus in a heartbeat. "I was just hoping that she's happy and not too sad that we're away." Which didn't seem to be the case, so Vera was relieved.

Maybe Mom could visit in a few days or weeks, when they had some good progress!

"Mkay! I just read that there are other types of crystals with unique properties too. I was wondering if we'd find things like that and if they are more difficult to work with." She pushed her plate forward, and stared down at her Dad's plate to see if he was done eating too.

Because being done meant field trip time.



He was not done eating, since he was taking his time. The Kyber wasn't going anywhere, and being in a hurry was something a Jedi should never do if there was a choice. Patience was important. And he was still going to teach her that, even now. "There might be other types of crystals there, but I'm not sure. We'll see when we get there, though."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

A sudden rattling noise echoed through the room.

Vera was shifting so much in her seat, and tapped her feet on the ground so much, that her chair was rattling against the stone floor. Her multi-colored eyes narrowed at him, and she could swear he was putting that piece of bacon into his mouth purposefully slow. She didn't know why, but it had to be some kind of lesson.

Or he was just teasing her? He did tease Mom a lot, too.

"Yeah... when we get there..." she glanced at his plate, then back up to him. Her hand reached for her own cup of hot chocolate, and she took a looong sip, while she stared at him.



"Patience, Vera."

Kahlil did his best not to laugh aloud. Vera was as impatient as her mother, and it made him smile none the less. He didn't make her wait too much longer at least. A couple more bites finished off his food, and he just lifted up his mug and put it's cover back on so he could bring his caf with him. He wasn't going to rush and finish that after all.

"We can leave now."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I am patient,"
she stubbornly insisted, knowing that she was very much not patient right now. How could she be? They were going on a field trip on an ancient Jedi world to find and connect with Kyber crystals! Not for a lightsaber either, but to create guardian golems!

She wasn't impatient, just excited - or so she convinced herself.

"Yay! Are we getting the Bastion?" Vera asked when he finished and stood up. "Or are we getting speeders to get there?" She was bouncing in her step a little and followed after him to get going.

She couldn't wait.



"The temple was built close to the caves. We can take the speeders." He paused, thought about that for a moment. Speeders. Plural. He glanced down to Vera for a moment. When did she learn how to pilot a speeder? It was different from a ship. Though, certainly not as complex. Yet why did he have a bad feeling about this?

"We'll take one. Alright?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Are they the famous caves? Or different ones? I read that the Ossus caves have a vergence,"
she paused and tried to remember what she read up on prior to their departure. From the vergence that nade people inside feel like they were being watched, down to the most recent history, which included another member of thr family.

"Mom guided a group of Padawans there once. Did you too?" She was curious about anything that involved her parents. Their stories always seemed so exciting and full of adventure, even if some had also been very difficult.

One speeder only?

"...Does that mean I get to drive?"



"The same, yes."

There was no reason to go to a different cave, he imagined. Though he did chuckle at her next question. "I have not lead any such expedition." Perhaps it was something he'd have to look into doing himself, at some point. He hadn't found a reason to do it yet, but wasn't it the duty of a Jedi Master to at least lead one?

".. Yes. It does. So long as you drive carefully at least."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

The same caves? Now that made all of this even more exciting. It made sense to her that Crystal Caves could have a vergence, but this one had very specific properties. It was going to be a challenge, and also a fun adventure to get through them and find the Kybers they were looking for.

"We do have new Padawans, and maybe it's fun to do a gathering somewhere else for once. I could help you lead one in the future! It was always a Jedi Master with a Padawan who would organize it." She grinned at the idea of guiding a gathering on Ossus with her Dad.

They would have the most experience with it, so it only made sense.

"... what?" Vera asked with a little grin, "I'm not Mom." Or was she? The little grin turned into a far bigger one when they neared the speeder. Which brought up a question that she probably shouldn't ask, "Are their traffic laws here?"



"That's true. Then, perhaps when you're older we both hold our first crystal hunt together?" He smiled faintly, looking towards Vera. Something for her to look forward to, honestly. And something for him to feel the same. It'd be really cool for them both to host such a lesson together. For now, though, he squinted at her later question.

"You're very much like you're mom, you know. Just be careful, alright?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble

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