Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev A Noble Project

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera nodded, "That makes sense. It'd be sad if Serenity wasn't helping you in your lightsaber anymore. They do a good job!" She said with a smile meant for the little fox. Then, she giggled a little too, "It's probably good that we're testing it with Serenity too, instead of Chaos." Who knows what would happen if that chaotic little thing got a body for a while. Sure, it wasn't malicious or dangerous to anybody.

But it was Chaos.

"I will still be very careful, Serenity." Vera nodded and seemed a lot more serious. It was unlikely she'd end up hurting them, especially with her Dad able to step in, but she didn't want to rely on anything or anybody to use the Force safely. She wanted to be able to do this herself, too.

"Serenity? Can you find us a good place here to try it?" She asked, knowing that they'd be much faster to locate a good spot around the Temple somewhere.



"I don't see why I can't."

And with that Serenity hopped off through the walls to go and find a more open area for testing. It wasn't going to take long for Kahlil to hear a reply, though he did glance to Vera first. There was nothing that made him more proud than seeing how much she wanted to make this work. How excited she was, and how much effort she'd already put in. The sequence for the first would be hers after all.

With some of his help, of course. They wanted to make it work. If he needed to help, he would.

"There's a training room a couple doors down we can use. No one is using it currently. Help me gather what we need, yeah?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Hey Dad?"
Vera asked while they walked after Serenity, who was hopping from one room to another, "I know you wanted me to make my first big sequences. But can we still do it together? I want this to be our project." Vera was excited to show off just how far she had gotten with her practice, but it was far more important that she was sharing this experience with him. She also knew just how much it meant to her father, so why not make him smile some more?

She was starting to understand that growing up wasn't easy on Mom and Dad, so taking these little moments to do something amazing together was important.

"I'll take a picture for Mom, too. When she calls you tonight, you can score some brownie points with it." She had a bit of a hehe in her eyes now, and nodded when he asked about gathering things. With her practice of Telekinesis, she could move heavier materials easily, and she was eager to show that off.

"Great work, Serenity! This room is perfect!"



"We can, certainly."

Kahlil had a calm smile, but there was an obvious proudness and excitement in his eyes. He absolutely wanted to help make runes together with his little star, but he also wanted to see how much she'd progressed on her own thus far. Grant it, he still could. And would. Maybe with her knowing, maybe without, they'd see as they went to work. He gathered up the materials, idly carrying them with him behind him as they walked to the room Serenity had found.

Once in side, he'd set it down.

"Alright. Let's get to work, then."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

With one hand raised, Vera telekinetically lifted up many of the materials her Dad otherwise would have to carry, and started nudging them along. Mom was amazing at Telekinesis, so while she learned her runes from Dad, she had asked her Mom for some pointers too. Just to be able to show off to her Dad, and learn something new that could help her protect other people. Telekinesis had many different applications, after all.

Many of which could be used to protect.

"Alright, let's do it!" Vera set the materials down, and reached for her little notebook. After checking her sequence one last time, she drew in a small breath and began to create them. One rune after another formed to reposition the materials, align them, expand them, mold and shape them.

One building block at a time, she'd make this smaller golem.

"Like this, Dad?"



"Yes, though, I'm thinking we should make it easier to access the inner workings. Something we can lock of course, but the runes should be underneath. Out of sight so even if someone figures out our runes, they won't be able to easily access them to change them." As much as he'd like the runes and the Kyber to be the shield for one another and stop any corruption, there was always a chance. It'd be good to help make sure that chance was as low as possible.

"You ready to start the sequence?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"That makes sense! We can easily keep the runes out of clear sight if we just rotate what they've been inscribed on."
That way, they could also reverse it and bring the runes to be more visible. Make it easier for them to access the inner workings because they knew where to look. But a potential enemy would have no idea, and they'd have to confront their golem head-on instead! Vera's eyes sparked with Noble excitement at the idea.

Now, they just needed to make it work.

"I'm ready, we do this." Vera put her notebook away, and held up her hand. Rocks were starting to move, and runes were starting to form in the air between her and the materials. A sequence to position and form them - mold the rocks and shape them to what she had envisioned for the golem.

"Serenity, maybe you can help guide our design?" It was going to be their body, after all.



Kahlil only watched for a moment before reaching a hand out to lower hers with a smile.

"Not that way. Do you know why I made the chalk?" He raised a hand to make his own rune, letting it flair to life. Fire, so it formed a small flame in his palm. One that faded after a moment. Then, he took out some chalk before drawing the same rune on the ground. It was inert, but as he let the Force flow through it the same flame returned.

But similarly, when it ran out, the rune was gone.

Then he took up a piece of scrap. He took out a chisel, carved the same rune before letting it once again flare to life. This time when the fire ran out, the rune remained.

"Chalk allows you to set something up ahead of time, wherever you might need it. It takes less focus, less energy. But for what we're making, we need permanent runes. We'll be carving those into the metal."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera blinked when he lowered her hand, and observed quietly. She was progressing a lot with her runes, and was perhaps a little too eager to show them off. But Dad was something else entirely, and the way he explained things just made it all click for her. When to use regular runes, when to use chalk, and now he showed her about carving runes into materials, too.

It did leave her with a question, though.

"How do you get the Force to connect with the carved runes? It's easy when I make the rune with the Force, and the chalk feels very connected, too." She looked down at the scrap he had scribbled a rune into. "Do I just... make it flow into the rune?" Maybe she was overthinking it, but that was a very Noble thing to do.

"Also... serenity?" she asked. "Do you want the golem to look like you?" She giggled at the idea of putting a familiar that looked like a fox into a bipedal golem. Maybe a design fitting for their little friend would be better.



"Yes. The grooves are there, you just need to guide the flow to follow it. Like a riverbed after a long drought. But you have to keep some control. It's easier with the grooves to guide you, but if you let it fill too much it'll overflow and flood." There was a lot behind it all. But at the same time, there wasn't. Everything about it was controlled by her beliefs, her focus. The most he wanted to do was help make sure he guided her thoughts to get for the right result. Everything else, it was up to her to find the path with it.

"My form isn't really anything to base off of. You should make it like what you plan the others to be, to make sure it can hold the weapons you want them to have."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera nodded to her father, "That makes sense! Let's get to work." She smiled warmly at him, and then also dipped her head to Serenity. What they said made sense, but Vera was a carebear when it came to these things. If Serenity had wanted anything specific, she would have loved to do her best for them. The familiars were a part of the family too, with their connections to Mom and Dad.

"I want to try a few designs for the Golems. Some on two legs with weapons, but maybe others can be different." She had mental images for what she liked, but the most complicated ones were those who looked most like humans. They needed to be able to walk, but also hold things like weapons and be more interactive that way.

More complex and intricate.

"Dad, can you try some of the protection runes? I want to try and shape the body with mine." She smiled at him, and turned to the rocks to start carving the runes she had memorized. Luckily, guiding the Force was an easy thing for the Jedi Seer, so it was time to show off what she could do.

She wanted to make him proud.

"Getting it to connect with your Kyber will be the hardest part, I think."



"That I can do."

Kahlil took up the outer plates, already started to carve his runes within them as she requested. She had a lot of ideas, but he was in agreement with Serenity that they focus on the one for now. And he knew she knew the same. Focus small, then build up further. That's how they were going to make this all work together.

"Perhaps. But, you can hear them, can't you? Better than most."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I can hear them very well,"
Vera said with a smile. "I can hear the crystals that are meant for others. It's how I helped Aris find his way through the caves. I just... don't want to do anything to hurt them." Runes didn't seem like the type of Force application that would cause much trouble, especially not with her father helping, but she wanted to be mindful of the risks.

"At least I know they won't hate it. The crystald in our lightsabers are the heart of the blade, as the Crystal Code says. Now they will be the heart of these golems, and become our guardians another way." Vera smiled a little at that thought.

Aris wws clearly not the only one who could get a little nerdy. She knew her crystals, and she was learning her runes.

"There! I think I got a solid base now, dad! Come look!"



"It's never good to hurt Kyber. They are the most selfless of us all."

It was all Kahlil was going to say on it. He had already bled his own, once. Before Vera had even been born, but it wasn't a story that he was going to share right now. Perhaps when she was older. Or, when she already knew. Her visions were always accurate in his experience. He got up from his plating work, having already been finished, to sit beside her and look over the runes she'd made.

"These are good. You've made a lot of progress you know. Though, you could add this one here and.." It was all constructive criticism, mostly to take the core of her work and slowly add more onto it. All to enhance her work and help her figure out new ideas she might not have thought of.

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera nodded, "I will never harm them." Her eyes fell on her father, and she noticed just a little shift in him for a moment. But just like when Aris got quieter, she wasn't going to push the subject. What nattered most was that they'd be extremely careful and left no room for mistakes. Serenity was going to be using their creation as body, so everything needed to be perfect.

Even with this technically just being a test. Sometimes, there just wasn't a single chance to mess up, as far as Vera was concerned.

Dad then showed her a few little improvements on her sequence, and Vera just seemed to love it. Where most in the Jedi would have taken notes on their datapad, the young Seer pulled out an actual Notepad and pencil, and began to scribble them down. Unlike her Mother, she was very good with tech, but Vera just preferred writing over typing.

"These are really clever, Dad," she said with her own proud grin. "Now we form the body and integrate Serenity, huh?"



"Yes, though we don't need to worry about putting Serenity in it, mm?"

He smirked, glancing towards Serenity, who had found a spot in the room to curl up and take a nap. Not that they were actually sleeping. It was more the want to try the act himself than having any use. "I can influence the runes you make from the outside if I attune to it properly. Like how a Jedi bonds with their lightsaber. Just need some time to get used to it."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I wish I could pet them."
Vera looked over at curled-up Serenity and smiled. It reminded her a lot of Fuzzy when he was being lazy, and even made her miss him just a little bit. Only for a moment though — she'd see him again soon enough, and she was spending some quality Jedi time with her father now.

"Huh, I didn't know that!" Vera said in response to Serenity's explanation. "That will make things easier." She grinned, and quickly continued scribbling more of her runes into the rocks. This wouldn't be a giant golem just yet, but still a project she was going to be very proud of.

"We should take pictures to document everything, and maybe write it down, too. That way, other people could maybe learn to do the same thing, one day!"



Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera chuckled at Serenity, and reached over to gently pet their head. She made sure her hand didn't go through, because she wanted them to feel like it was real. It was the thought that mattered most, after all! Multi-colored eyes then turned back to her Dad, and she smiled a little more at his idea.

"You could ask Mom for help. She made several holocrons!" The two of them had gotten one of those holocrons back on Gala, even though Dad hadn't really given her much of a chance to look at the stuff they found there.

What was up with that?

Turning back to the Golem under construction, Vera finished up another sequence and wiped a little sweat from her forehead. It was demanding on her, but she was pushing herself hard to keep going. This was too important to her. "I think we almost got something worth testing?"



"Oh I know. I'll ask for her help when we get to that point. Right now though, it's all about getting the first done, mm?"

Which, they were almost at that point. Part of him wanted to have Vera take a break given how tired she seemed to be, but with how close they were to finishing the golem rest wasn't going to be restful. So he doubled down, fitting the last pieces together and making sure the sequence was correct. Then, with a smile, he nodded.

"Alright. Just one moment." Serenity spoke up, clearly already aware of the intent before hopping up. Then into the golem. It stayed seating where it was for a moment longer before it sat up. Stood shortly after. It was chunky movements, but it stood none the less.

"Well this is interesting."

Vera Noble Vera Noble

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