Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev A Noble Project

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera just chuckled some more, "You and Mom always seem happy, so don't change it." She didn't know much about relationships yet, but she could easily tell how close her Mom and Dad were. They rarely fought, and when they did, they always made up so quickly again. Of all the things kids could be worried about, Vera knew she'd never need to fear her parents growing apart and separating that way.

Til death do us part.

"Maybe let Mom win sometime, though. She gets scary with how much she tries." Then again, letting her win would probably make her even scarier, so maybe Dad was doing the right thing.

After their little exchange, the environment shifted back to cave scenery — Vera was no longer phased by the rainy world that took her father, so she had passed her little trial. Instead, the two stepped into a large, open chamber filled with colorful crystals. Her eyes went wide, and she turned to her father and said, "Woah..."

"Hey Serenity? You should come see this!"



"She can win, when she does."

He would never go easy on Valery. They were competitive for a reason, after all. Just letting her win would only sour the fun, and they both knew it. She just needed to get good, as the kids said. Soon though, they were back in the cave, and Kahlil smiled. So it was a little trial. It was good she had passed. He turned his gaze to his lightsaber though, before Serenity hopped up onto Vera's shoulder with a loud yawn.

"Mm..? Oh. Hey, home."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

<Just wait until you're home...>

Vera blinked when she felt the Force swirl around her father — Mom had reached out to him. She had a feeling what it was about, and looked at him with a little grin. He was in trouble. Or, well, Mom was probably going to get herself in trouble, as she always did. Vera blinked again, and decided not to think about that much more.

She didn't want to think about Mom and Dad being... eugh.

"Yeah!" Vera exclaimed, even though Serenity seemed tired. "I was hoping you could guide us to connect with the crystals. I can feel them all, but... we need a bridge."



Kahlil snickered, just a little. He was aware she knew, but that was the point. They were meant to keep competing, and him teasing her would certainly light that fire in her to burn brighter.

That was always the goal.

"I can, yeah. I came from these caves." Serenity smiled and nodded before reaching a paw out towards one of the creatures. Kahlil had already made sure he knew to bring Vera and Vera alone into the bond of Kyber. The moment Serenity touched it, she'd feel it all. Like her own Kyber, warm and inviting. No real thoughts or consciousness, almost like a dream, but aware she was there.

And waiting for her to speak.

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I didn't know you were from Ossus!"
Vera grinned, and seemed to not pick up on her father's chuckling being about his battles with Mom. She was focused on her little fox friend atop her shoulder, and inched closer to the other crystals, as if he needed her to help him move. With a big smile, she watched their cute little paw reach out, and then she felt it.

The surge of life, the bonds that formed, and the complex relationships between them all.


"Hello!" Vera exclaimed loudly, as she always did, "I'm Padawan Noble, and this is my Dad, Master Noble. I know the Jedi ask a lot of you with the bond we form, but there's one request I'd like to make. We're working on a project to help defend people, but we need your help."

"We need you at the heart of the protective golems we're making."




Serenity puffed up a little proudly, but he didn't stay that way for long. He closed his eyes and let himself fall into the familiar flow of the crystals around them. They didn't respond to Vera with words. Emotions and intentions were all they had to offer. Understanding of what she was asking, of her own intents. They knew and understood more just through their connection than the words she said.

It wasn't all harmony though. Some weren't as keen to become the hearts of these golems. Weapon wielding automatons, built with the intent to hold spears or swords as she had suggested before didn't seem to sit well with a portion of the crystals within.

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"It's your choice,"
Vera reassured the crystals. She could feel the mix of emotions, and while predominantly in support of her ideas, some seemed hesitant to become the heart of a golem. It only made sense. Some Jedi, like Mom, had no trouble striking down their enemies if they had, while others were essentially pacifists. Those differences would always exist, and the Kybers weren't going to be an exception.

But Vera would never force them.

"The golems will only be used to defend, but if you wish not to be a part of it, we will never make you. Just... give me a sign if you are willing to help, and you have my word that I'll treat you well." She looked back over her shoulder now, at her father, and smiled at him.

She really hoped to have his approval with this.



Kahlil was all smiles as he watched her. This was as much a trial for her as a Padawan as it was him as a father watching how much his daughter had grown. There was a lull in the Kyber before they replied. Some replied, anyway. Not all were so keen on becoming the guardians she'd asked for, but enough certainly brightened throughout the cavern to show their willingness.

"I think that's a favorable response, don't you Padawan?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I think so too, Master Noble."
Vera giggled, then walked over to the first crystal that had brightened in response, and carefully plucked it from the wall. She held it in the palm of her hand, brushed over it with her thumb, and smiled.

Then, she turned and did the same with every other crystal. It would be much faster to use Telekinesis to retrieve them, but she wanted to personally thank each crystal, and did so by carefully plucking them from the walls herself.

Finally, once she had finished, she looked back at her father and grinned, "What do you think, Dad? Mom is going to be proud too, huh?!"


"Mom will be very proud. Is very proud."

That was the advantage of their bond, after all. Kahlil chuckled as he watched Vera's smile, then looked to Serenity. The familiar nodded. Vera had the collection handled, to say the least. She was going to be careful, thank every one of them, and bring them back. There was no reason for him to do anything but trust her choices. "We'll head back once you're done, and we'll start with the first real suit. What do you think?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Hearing that not just her father was proud of her, but her Mother too, brought a huge smile to the young Noble's face. This project was something special to offer the Jedi more protection, but on a personal level, it was all about growing her skills. To have her parents be proud of that meant the world to her.

It gave her a huge boost of confidence and motivation that would have her keep going.

"That sounds great, Dad!" Vera called out while she collected the last of the crystals. "Are these all friends, Serenity?" Vers asked, wondering if there was such a thing as friendship among them.

"Do you miss them sometimes? Or do you like being with Dad, Mom and Chaos?"



"Its not like that, I think. At least for us. You have friends that you don't see when you're not around them, right?" Serenity tilted his head as he looked down at Vera from his perch atop her head. He hadn't left from there, even if he didn't actually have any weight or physical form. "We're not separated, even when we're apart. The Force connects us no matter where we are. It's only if the Kyber has been bled or destroyed that we no longer feel each other."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera's eyes shifted up, her lips tugged into a grin, while Serenity sat atop her head. She wasn't even bothering to try and get him off — they had always been way too adorable. "Kinda like a Force bond! Even if I'm very far away, I can feel Mom, Dad and all my siblings. Even Aurra and Aris... they just can't feel me back." It offered her immense strength and comfort to always be aware of her family.

If something bad happened, she'd always know.

"It also means I can appear!" Chaos suddenly blurted out as they appeared, and as always, tackled Serenity. The two little foxes would roll over each other, until chaos managed to nibble down on Serenity's ear.

Vera snickered and looked up at her Dad, "Chaos really does fit Mom, huh-" before her voice could make it clear that she was asking a question, Vera's eyes widened. Her body froze, and through the Force, it would be easy enough to tell that Vera was seeing something.

Something troubling.



"More or less exactly that, but more.. Passive, I guess? It's not something like what your mom and dad have where they can physically appear beside each other, but we ca-"

He was cut right off as Chaos appeared and tackled him. There was a sigh as he stayed on Vera's head, but he didn't seem to be against the nibbles once Chaos found their way on him. Though, he blinked as Vera herself froze. Kahlil stepped over, gently setting a hand on her shoulder. Smiled softly.

"Tell me what you see, little star."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera had giggled when Chaos appeared to tackle Serenity, right as they tried to explain how they can't physically appear like Mom or Dad can. Sure, this was different, but it still felt ironic. Her laughter, however, was cut off the moment her mind was drawn into another vision. She stood frozen and seemed focus, but this time, she didn't panic.

She wouldn't, not with Dad close to support her.

"Someone is waiting for us outside the caves," Vera said, though with a frown. "Multiple people and they feel really dangerous, Dad. They have something to hide their presences from us, and they have weird tattoos on their faces." She dragged three fingers horizontally across her forehead to draw the pattern.

"What should we do? They seem prepared."



Kahlil's gaze narrowed. People outside? Armed? He reached down to pat his lightsaber on his hip. He could handle this immediately, if they were a threat. But they might not be. If they were prepared, they knew who was here. Which meant they knew Vera would be key to weakening him if they were. "Serenity, Chaos, guide her somewhere deeper in the caves. Keep the kyber safe, Vera."

He would handle talking to them himself. He glanced to her, giving a smile. "I'll greet our guests."

Then he looked ahead as he made his way out of the cave to greet the group with a simple, calm smile. "Is there anything we can help you with? The caves here aren't open to the public."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera blurted out, "I can't leave you alone, Dad!" She clearly didn't like that one bit, and the Noble stubbornness was burning in her eyes now. She was a Jedi Padawan! She could easily stand with him and deal with the people outside. People she already knew to be trouble.

The vision said as much.

Chaos swirled around the young Noble and sat on top of her left shoulder, "Your Dad needs you to do this for his own safety too, Vera," they said, and Vera's frown just grew deeper.

She really wanted to help him.

"Fine. But if anything happens, I'm coming back." She gave her Dad a big squint, then turned around to leave with a frustrated huff. These were the moments where she'd be more like her Mom, rather than her Dad. Though... she had a feeling that he understood just as much. It wasn't easy to leave behind family.

"Serenity? Chaos? When Dad leaves the cave, I want to go back and be closer. Just in case he needs me, okay?"

Outside the caves, Kahlil wouldn't see anybody, and while his senses were clouded too, the tip from Vera made the bit of pressure he felt stand out more. He wasn't alone. When he spoke up, only one figure emerged, dressed in long white robes, with light-brown accents along the edges.

The tattoo Vera had mentioned across his forehead.

"It would be wise for you to surrender your weapon and come with us, Master Jedi. You wouldn't want to risk your daughter today, would you?"



"Vera, you should know better."

Serenity glanced down towards her with a slight frown from where he was still perched on her head. "You staying safe is what will help your father the most right now. He can't fully act if he knows you're in danger, and it seems they know that. Stay safe, and don't get caught. It's more likely there are people already coming here to capture you. We'll do what we can to keep you safe, but-"

He went quiet immediately as his ear twitched and his gaze shifted. He couldn't feel anything.

And that was the problem. He lowered, glancing to Chaos before whispering in Vera's ear. "They suppress the Force. We need to run. You won't be able to see them."


"If you know anything about me,"

Kahlil spoke calmly, but as he did the Force tensed around him. The dirt, rocks, even the air vibrated with the unspoken tension he had. The smile on his face certainly didn't reach his face as he watched the tattooed man before him.

"You should know to never threaten my family. Take your people and leave, stranger. I will not spare you otherwise."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera pouted.

She knew it was a bad idea to go after her father. If there was one thing that made him intense, it was his family being threatened. Mom, the little ones, Vera herself — he had always done everything in his power to keep them safe. So, rather than act the stubborn Noble, Vera sighed and nodded, "Fine, I'll leave it to him." She glanced up to the top of her head, where the little fox was still looking down at her from.

But Serenity was aware of far more danger than she had anticipated.

"We must protect her," Chaos said from atop Vera's shoulder, as the young girl began to run. She didn't know the way in these caves, but just tried to go for an erratic path, especially once subtle sounds began to reach them. Footsteps, splashing against little puddles of water in the caves.

"I have an idea," Vera said. "We need to have the Caves confront them with their fears. When they're stunned, we can take them out!" She clearly didn't want to keep running. What if she got herself stuck?

"If you know anything about us, you would leave those threats at home, Master Jedi," the man responded coldly. "My people are already inside. Your daughter's life is at our mercy." He narrowed his gaze, as he noticed the trembling air. This was a risky tactic in most situations, but he showed very little concern about his own life.

"If you kill me, we'll kill not just her, but your wife and your oldest son as well."

He looked down at the lightsaber Kahlil had and dipped his head, "The lightsaber. On the ground with it, now." As he spoke, his form suddenly seemed to shimmer. Much like a hologram would.



Harmony was frowning. It was unnatural for anything but the serene expression he usually had to be on his face, but he was very much frowning. Neither Chaos or him could actually sense the people correctly. How many there were, who they were, their intentions, there was nothing. It was all muffled, as if.. His ears twitched up before he looked to Vera.

"They have a void stone. They won't see any visions. They're suppressing the Force."


Kahlil looked from the man to the next individual, keeping the calm expression on his face as he did. "If you're real, I would suggest you tell your people to pull back. You seem to think my family is weak. You've chosen a very poor time to attack us, you know. I'll give you a chance, since this one is such a coward that he won't come here in person."

Vera Noble Vera Noble

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