Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev A Noble Project

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera exclaimed while she worked as hard as she could for the last stretch. Her brows were furrowed in focus, the tip of her tongue was sticking out a little, and her eyes were intensely narrowed at the rock she had shaped into the head of this first golem. The final piece of the puzzle, before Serenity could attune themselves to the body.

When the little fox friend began to do just that, she eagerly watched and felt her palms getting sweaty. She really wanted this to work! She had put so much effort into studying and inscribing the runes, that all she wanted was for this to work.

For Dad to see it.

Then, the golem sat up, stood, and Vera jumped up with a loud squeal, "Dad! Look! We did it!" She laughed and bounced a few more times before she turned to Serenity and grinned. Her hand extended and she patted them atop the golem head.

"Now I can pat you."



It stood up, which was already a good sign. There was some jankiness to it, but that could be smoothed out with some additional runes and sequences. There was a lot they could improve on, but that was the point. He smiled warm, nodding once to Vera. Then laughed as she patted the golem. Serenity within tilted it's head curiously.

"I can't feel you pat, you know. .. But thank you. It is nice."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I'm glad it's nice! You deserve it,"
Vera said with a nod, before she turned to look at her father. "Dad? I think we should add more mobility runes to its joints especially. Smooth things out, and make it easier for Serenity to control it." Already, her mind was coming up with ideas, and there seemed to be no stopping her. She wasn't thinking about eating or drinking, or the fact that she was sweating and quite exhausted already.

She was just having too much.

"Oh! Can you take a picture with the golem and me? I think Mom will luv you for it," she said with a cheeky giggle. "I can make a picture of you too, if you want."



Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera ran over to offer her Dad the camera, then ran back to Serenity and wrapped one arm around the Golem's neck as best as she could. Her other arm then wildly came up for a big wave, and her eyes closed as her entire expression shifted into a grin. The classic Vera Noble experience when it came to taking pictures.

This way, the golem could hopefully mirror it, and they'd be on the photo together.

"We get some rest now?" Well, after he made an important call home, of course. "Then maybe we could try to find the crystal caves? Even if we wait with finding kyber, it'd be cool to see, right?"



Kahlil snickered just a bit as he took the picture and promptly sent it off to Valery before setting down the device. He wasn't going to spend much time on that while they were still looking over the golem. "Rest would be good. Then, yes. We'll go to the Kyber and talk to them about helping out. It won't be anything too crazy, so we should be able to take it easy while we go through the caves."

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Right after Kahlil sent the picture he took, the device began flashing to signal that several messages were coming in. Vera just blinked when she noticed, and started to laugh as she looked up at her Dad, "Seems like Mom is excited, too." She giggled, then turned back to look at the first version of the golem they had made. It was small, it walked a little funny, but it was their first prototype for a project that would likely take years.

"That sounds good! I'm going to eat and get some rest. I'll call Mom in the morning, and you can call her now if you want." She smiled, then picked up her backpack and looked at the golem again.

And blinked.

"...Serenity? Are you stuck in the golem now?"



"No, why? I figured you might want to test it more, so I haven't left yet. But I am not stuck, no."

Technically they could be. Kahlil had already thought about that much. There were runes that acted like a Leviathin's blister traps to take souls. In a way, they could give golem souls. But it wasn't something he'd tell Vera, though. And hopefully no one else would try to attempt it themselves.

"Yes, yes. I'll call her now. You go rest, alright?"

Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I just want to make sure. I never want you or any of the Kybers we get to feel stuck."
It needed to be their choice to be within the golems, and if for whatever reason they wanted or needed to get out, she wanted them to be able to. These golems were meant to help protect people — they couldn't just become a trap.

Vera then turned to her father, ran up and gave him a kiss goodnight on the cheek, "Okay, sleep well, Dad!" She smiled once more, then ran off to her own room. The Temple had more than enough space to accommodate two Jedi staying, so Vera had her own little room for doing homework, and to rest at night.

Meanwhile, Kahlil would call up Valery from his room, and she answered quickly.

"Hey babe!" Valery smiled from the other side of the holo-call, and she definitely seemed eager to see him. There was a jar of jelly by her on the table, and she was wearing some comfortable clothing now that the pregnancy was really starting to show. "I saw the picture you sent - she looked so cute."

"Are you two having fun? Anything you need that you forgot? Oh and how are the golems?"
Yes, she was very much bombarding him with questions, before she picked up her spoon and shoved more jelly into her mouth.



Serenity hopped out if the golem once Vers had run off, smiling ever so faintly in the process. Kahlil and him were bonded in such a way they didn't need to speak, they were both so very proud of her.

But, Serenity faded for the night so he could sleep, and Kahlil returned to his own room after giving Vera a hug good night in response.

There, Kahlil snickered. He left the holodevice on the nightstand as he got changed, glancing to the image of Valery only briefly in rhe process.

"As far as I can tell, absolutely yes. No, nothing forgotten. And the first went well. It operates and Serenity is able to control it. Need to change some of rhe runes so it can move easier, but very successful."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Oh my~" Valery said once she finished bombarding him with questions to notice that he was getting changed, "Stand still for a moment," she said once his shirt came off, just so she could get a good look at him. If he wasn't going to be sleeping in the same bed tonight, might as well get some fun this way, right?

"I'm glad you two are having a great time, though," Valery said, her eyes still glued to his body. How could it not be?

"'re doing this to me on purpose, aren't you?" Valery squinted. "You know, I could play this game, too."



Kahlil just grinned as he looked over his shoulder towards her. Yes, he absolutely knew what he was doing. And yes, he was going to keep doing it. He turned to her, casually leaning over the holodevice as he watched her with an even wider smirk.

"That so? I don't think you can, you know."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery couldn't stop herself from biting her lower lip when he loomed over the holo-device without a shirt. She had been very happy if they just talked about his nerdy rune project with Vera, but now he was teasing her, too? He knows that she isn't going be seeing him for at least a few days, so he knows exactly what he's doing here.

He's driving her insane, for when they do see each other again.

"Oh yeah?" Valery squinted, reached for the hem of her shirt, and pulled it off. She was still wearing a bra, of course, but leaning forward a little, and positioning her girls between her elbows did more than enough, she figured. "You're also not getting more until you're home again." She winked and looked at him with quite a happy sigh.

", you and Vera are having a good time with the runes?" She was clearly struggling to keep it together now.



"I wonder which of us is the more patient."

He already knew the answer. It was him. He smirked before stepping away to actually get ready for the night. Pajamas and such. As much as he enjoyed teasing Valery, he was a guest in another Jedi Temple. He couldn't break too many rules.

"We are. She's putting her all into learning them, you know. She really wants to master them."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery narrowed her eyes, and stared at him a moment longer, before she got up and started undressing without warning too. Just to get in her own night gown, and nothing else, of course. When she turned around again, she looked at him in his Pajamas and started chuckling.

Fine, she was definitely not the most patient one.

"You look cute in those Pajamas, babe~" she teased with a waggle of her eyebrow. But after taking her little jab, she did focus on their little star again, too.

"Awe, really? She's a lot more like you with some things, huh?" Valery smiled at the thought and leaned forward onto her elbows, so she could place her chin on her hands. "Just make sure she eats well and gets some homework done, too. I hate to be the party pooper, but... it's important."



"I know."

He was pretty damn cute.

"Don't worry, she is. She's more responsible than me, if I'm being honest. She's very focused, but not to the point she forgets other things around her. It's nice to see, if a bit embarrassing for my own tunnel vision." He was proud, though. There was no denying how proud he really was about all this.

"She's gonna be an amazing Jedi."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"But I'm the cutest~"

Damn right, she was, and she would fight him over this, even now. All it took was one moment of tapping into their Dyad and she'd be right there, ready to pounce on him. These were the silly little things she'd get feisty over.

Valery then settled back down, and just...watched him. She smiled warmly, nodded along, then snirked a little more playfully, "You know, Aris has his little smiles from you, but... you're beaming. This really means the world to you, hm?" Valery clearly was full of joy and chuckled a bit.

"I'm really glad you two get to do this together. It's important for Vera, but...I think it's Important for you, too." With that said, Valery seemed to remember something.

"Oh! I want to show you something!"



"You absolutely are, you know."

Kahlil wasn't going to argue that point. To him, there was no one cuter than his wife. He chuckled and nodded though, not even bothering to hide his emotions this time around. He was excited for this. For where Vera would go with all this eventually. Their children were the future. They'd be the ones to change the Galaxy soon enough.

".. Oh? What do you have to show me?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I'm glad we agree," she said with a playful grin before she just enjoyed his smile and emotions a moment longer. There was no hiding the affection they had for their kids, and they never really wanted to hide it. Still, it just felt adorable for her to see it so vividly, now that Vera was doing something that really made him proud.

But she also had something to show him.

Valery stood up and started lifting her nightgown, though this time, she stopped right underneath her breasts, and turned sideways to show the little curve. "Loooook," Valery said, knowing that doing this without warning was still teasing, but it had something adorable to it as well. "It's starting to show, babe," Valery gently traced her hand over her stomach, where soon their newborn would grow even bigger.

"Gosh, I'm going to need to get new clothes again..."



Kahlil stared.

He didn't say anything for a couple moments before he ended up smiling. Not the calm, normal smile either. A wide, goofy childlike grin unlike anything many had ever seen before. Valery had of course. It was the same smile he had the last time she was pregnant. When their children were born. Even as they grew.

"We'll get you new clothes. All the new clothes. Don't you worry about the cost."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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