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Order of the Silver Jedi

An alliance of Jedi and their beneficiaries seeking to restore peace and stability to the galaxy.

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A Brief Guide to the Silver Jedi Concord

A Brief Guide to the Silver Jedi Concord

The Silver Jedi Concord is the latest iteration of the governments that have worked alongside the Silver Jedi Order since its founding dozens of years ago. While the Silver Jedi Order has worked alongside local governments for years, this has largely been in an ad hoc matter, with the recent and more closely knit Concord only coming into existence with the rise of the Bryn’adul threat. Despite this establishment, the Silver Jedi Concord remains a loose confderation of various nation states and other local powers largely held together by their backing of the Silver Jedi Order itself.


The majority of the Silver Jedi Concord’s citizens are human on most worlds, but there are several planets with sizeable alien populations that are often in control of the government, such as Kashyyyk, homeworld of the wookiees and the Silver Jedi Order’s main temple. These extensively represented alien races include the aforementioned wookiees, valkyri, zeltrons, umbarans, neimodians, and many traditionally Hutt servant species. There is also notable diversity even among the human cultures that make up the Concord, from simple plain mid rim worlders to more exotic Hapans and Echani and Mandalorians.
75% Human
3% Wookiees
22% Other

Government of the Silver Jedi Concord

Individual local governments continue to govern themselves as they wish; but because of the nature of the Concord, the vast bulk of these are democracies and representative democracies. Several planets do, however, run on other types of governments, such as corporate-run Telti or the tribal systems of the Wookiee worlds. However, all are joined via the Silver Assembly, which is both a legislative and executive body. The assembly consists of one leader or representative from each planet who gather at the political capital of the Concord which is Chasin City, Commenor. There, representatives deal with issues regarding the Concord as a whole, or particularly urgent local concerns. This where the Concord’s internal political battles are fought, and internal alliances are formed (usually to benefit certain groups of planets within the Concord itself). While the entire Assembly votes to enact laws, most drafting and executive work is done in small working committees composed of interested representatives, members of the Silver Jedi Order itself, and professional bureaucrats of related federal organizations. In order to ensure that power does not corrupt, and to ensure that there is no single dominant group within the Assembly the Assembly’s leader, the Speaker, is not elected through popular vote. Instead, each of the planet’s representative takes a scheduled turn in leading and directing the Assembly’s affairs for a few months. The Speaker works closely with members of the Silver Jedi Council. The representatives (as they legally known within the federal Concord system, though they may use other local titles in actual practice) rotate out of the Confederation based on their home government’s rules. Because of the everchanging political head, most people know the Masters of the Silver Jedi Council’s name more so than that of the Speaker. There is no federal judicial branch. Instead, local judicial court systems are used. In case of crimes against the state or other cases where local judicial law seems inappropriate, a public tribunal is convened headed by elements of the relevant government agencies (both federal and local) as well as a member of the Silver Jedi Order.

Notable Subfactions within the Silver Jedi Concord
Silver Jedi Order: A long and storied organization of Force-users, the Silver Jedi Concord in many ways harkens back to the ways of the Jedi during the waning days of the Old Republic. Masters, Knights, and padawans largely live together communally in Jedi temples, with the main temple being the Silver Rest on Kashyyyk and the Silver Jedi Academy on Commenor. Leading this Order, the Silver Jedi Council typically is seated on Kashyyyk, except when matters of the state bring the group to Commenor. While most Silver Jedi follow the traditional paths of the Sentinel, Guardian and Consular, the Silver Jedi Order is also home to many free spirited and unorthodox Jedi. Regardless of their background and calling, this diverse set of characters forms the heart and soul of the Silver Jedi Concord.

Mandalorian Covenant: The Covenant is a group of Mandalorian clans and individual warriors that have pragmatically decided that working alongside the Silver Jedi Order is in their best interest, at least for now. Many in the Covenant come from traditional Mandalorian territories that joined the Concord for protection against the Sith Empire and the Bryn’adul.

Directorate: A complex network of hundreds of different companies working together for the betterment of the galaxy, the Directorate strictly speaking isn’t solely a subfaction of the Silver Jedi Concord. However, several key companies within the Directorate to include Mon Calamari Shipyards and Lucerne Labs, are staunch supporters of the Silver Jedi. Directorate companies not only have been responsible for supplying much of the Concord’s military technology, but also providing their own personnel and security assets in the Concord’s service. The Directorate’s business links to outside powers has resulted in them using their influence to try and accelerate the centralization of power within the Silver Jedi Concord and more interventionist to the outside galaxy.

Silver Intelligence Network
The Silver Intelligence Network is a merging of a variety of intelligence organizations that existed before the Concord was formed. Perhaps the most famous of these organizations are the Silver Shadows, Force users who follow the path of the Jedi Shadow, who specialize in infiltration and espionage. But other lesser organizations including local intelligence agencies, Hutt infochants, as well as a budding federal agency all funnel information to the Silver Intelligence Network which then analyzes and forwards information to the relevant government agencies.

Silver Service Corps
The Silver Service Corps provides key humanitarian and ecological support to the worlds within the Silver Jedi Concord, as well as the worlds of allies and some neutral powers. While the talents and abilities of the Silver Service Corps are vast and varied, the Silver Circle, an order of healers, is probably among the most famous along with the Explorer/AgriCorps. The aquatic world of Kattada hosts a temple that is host to many Service Corps schools including Technical Experts, Exploration Corps, and other Force user traditions. The Silver Merchant Fleet as well as the Salyrini-class Terraformers also call the Silver Service Corps home. The Service Corps has been key in rehabilitating worlds devastated by the Bryn’adul.

Silver Jedi Concord Defense Forces
The Silver Jedi Concord Defense Forces are loosely organized on those of the New Republic in bygone eras. Consequently, its three main branches are the Silver Concord Navy, the Silver Concord Starfighter Corps, and the Silver Concord Army. While the Concord does have a number of strictly federal units in all branches that can immediately be called upon by the Silver Assembly or the Silver Jedi Order for immediate response, most units within the Defense Forces are locally raised and maintained. The Directorate also not only supplies much of the material for these forces, but often augments federal forces with their own company security forces.

Silver Concord Navy
The Silver Concord Navy (sometimes referred to simply as the “Silver Fleet”) is a very diverse force due in large part to the decentralized nature of the Silver Jedi Concord, with individual states within the Concord often choosing to buy and maintain different warships based on their own wants, needs, and cultural preferences. It’s not uncommon to see Hapan and Mandalorian starships in formation with the latest warships from the Directorate or updated legacy designs that originally date back thousands of years ago, like the X-wing. Over the years, the federal fleet has managed to build four, massive star dreadnaughts which frequently serve as the administrative cores of the Navy. A small professional federal navy has been built around these warships, but the Silver Fleet’s numerical strength largely remains in the fleets of its member states.

Star Dreadnaughts of the Silver Jedi Concord

Silver Concord Starfighter Corps
The localized nature of the Silver Jedi Concord means that many nation states of the Concord prefer to maintain large numbers of relatively cheaper starfighters in lieu of expensive capital ships. Their speed and versatility have become key to not only rapidly respond to hostile incursions, but also engaging in the many external missions that the Silver Jedi Concord finds itself involved in, whether escorting supplies to plague-wracked worlds or fighting alongside the Concord’s allies hundreds of light years away from Concord space.

Silver Jedi Concord Army
The Silver Jedi Concord Army can be divided into three basic groups: Antarian Rangers, Concord Guards, and Local Defense Forces.

Antarian Rangers
A storied organization that dates back thousands of years, the Antarian Rangers are elite troops and specialists that work closely among members of the Silver Jedi Order in field environments. It’s not uncommon for antarian rangers to become trusted friends and confidantes of individual jedi. Among the military, antarian rangers are often considered to be special assets outside of the traditional chain of command or only reporting to the highest level of command present.

Concord Guards
The Concord Guards are federal level regular troops, roughly analogous in role to the Stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire. Well-equipped and trained, Concord Guard units garrison federal bases and Concord Fleet starships and typically form the core of most expeditionary forces sent outside of Silver Jedi Concord space. Because the political draw of the central government is fairly weak, many of the Concord Guards units are actually formed out of synthetic soldiers. Concord Guard units are not entirely uniform due to the varying needs of different environments and combat roles. Common examples of Concord Guards units include Antarian Shock Marines, Expeditionary Army Regiments, and the clone army raised to fight against the Bryn'adul Empire.

Local Defense Forces
The powers that make up the Silver Jedi Concord continue to hold onto many of their own local defense forces, whether it is the Hapan War Fleet, the wookiee warriors of Kashyyyk, or Hutt levies of servant species. These highly varied forces actually constitute the bulk of the Silver Jedi Concord Army’s actual manpower strength, though the quality and numerical strength vary greatly among the different nation states within the Concord. Some internal treaties between different nation states or even between the federal Concord and nation states mean that some local forces actually are based on worlds different than their homes or actually work in practice for the Concord Guard. Examples of Local Defense Forces include the Hapan Royal Guard, the Wookiee Army, and the Bimm Mercantile Guard.

Territories of the Silver Jedi Concord:

Most of the Confederation’s members are situated on the eastern and south swath of the galaxy in relatively close proximity to each other known commonly as the “Slice”. This joins densely populated Core Worlds such as Tirahn and Commenor to almost unknown Outer Rim backwaters such as Affavan and Irith, but most worlds within the Silver Jedi Concord are in the Mid Rim, notably Kashyyyk.

Relations with other Factions
Ashlan Crusade: While the Concord is not as aggressive as the Crusade, the two governments have enough commonality to be on marginally friendly terms, especially when it comes to pursuing the destruction of the dark side organizations like the Brotherhood of the Maw.
Brotherhood of the Maw: The Brotherhood of the Maw is almost the antithesis of the Silver Jedi Concord, so it should come as little surprise that the two powers are at odds. The Silver Jedi Concord recently led an invasion that failed to liberate Lao-Mon from the Sith Marauders of the Brotherhood, and also saw the death of the Silver Jedi Order’s grandmaster, Kiara Ayres.
New Imperial Order: A reincarnation of the Galactic Empire in the Silver Jedi Concord’s eyes, the two are uneasy allies in their pursuit of the destruction of Sith, Bryn’adul, and other Dark Side powers. Just how long this alliance will last remains to be seen.
The Bryn’adul: Exotic alien invaders from the far reaches of the galactic edge, the Bryn’adul Empire was responsible for massive devastation and genocide in the galactic southeast that almost saw the destruction of the Silver Jedi Concord. Now beaten back (for now), the Bryn’adul survivors represent a residual threat that the Silver Jedi Concord seeks to remove from the galaxy.
Confederacy of Independent Systems: Old allies of the Silver Jedi Concord, the Confederacy of Independent Systems has many political similarities to the SJC despite the inclusion of some Dark Siders within the CIS’s ranks. The two powers continue to remain on friendly terms with each other, bolstered by the close proximity of the two powers and extensive corporate connections.
Eternal Empire: An uneasy neutrality exists between the Eternal Empire and the Silver Jedi Concord, with neither power having had much formal interaction with the other. However, individual Force Users from each power have fought against each other on the other’s own territory. It remains to be seen how this relationship will evolve.
Galactic Alliance: Perhaps the Silver Jedi Concord’s second oldest ally, the Galactic Alliance is a fellow democracy which shares many values with the Concord. The ties between the Silver Jedi Order and the Alliance’s New Jedi Order are fairly close, and it’s not uncommon to see them working side by side in the field or making frequent trips to the other’s temples.
The Enclave: While there are some common ties through the Mandalorian Covenant, the Concord has had no interaction with the Enclave. The Concord regards the Enclave with benign neutrality, at least until the intentions of the Enclave become more clear to the outside galaxy.
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