Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. T

    Boyhood and Basic Training: The Story of Onyx Larson, AKA Torch "Chapter 1"

    ​​The Following is the story of a young boy, separated at birth, and forever known as nothing but 'another soldier.... ​IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY ​(QEUE THE USUAL MUSIC AND SUCH...) ​​A YOUNG BOY IS TAKEN FROM HIS HOMELAND OF TATOOINE, DESTINED TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE FAMED FIRST ORDER...
  2. Nyx

    Been A Long Time, Romeo

    Mos Eisley, Tatooine In 24 years of life, Nyx had learned one thing: the more things change, the more they stay the same. Different planet, different people, different names, but they were just the same as back home. Here on Tatooine, the former mercenary was doing something she had almost...
  3. Nyx

    There Have Been Happier Reunions

    Dune Sea, Tatooine As the twin suns moved across the sky in their eternal arc, on their way to retirement for the night, the desolate sands of the Dune Sea were almost empty. Tatooine had seen much over its history, with many of the galaxy's greatest heroes and villains originating from its...
  4. Orion Darkstar

    Gate of Twilight, Planet Tatooine [Chaos Lore Challenge]

    Artist Name: Force Rift | The surveyors call it "Gate of the Twilight" Image Source: [x] | [x] | [x] Classification: Wasteland | Badlands | Desert: No properties of sand. Location: On Tatooine in the Jundlands, located just beyond Roiya Rift. Size: 4 Kilometers, Massive. Corrupted...
  5. Rhurek Thane


    Tatooine. Of all the planets to be stranded on. It had to be Tatooine. Dr. Rhurek Thane was en route to a speech he was being blackmailed to do. But that was another story for another thread. Somehow, his transport ship was faulty and he had to make a pit stop to get it fixed. Looks like he was...
  6. S

    Start Your Engines (Open)

    Tatooine at a podrace "Start your engines! On your mark, get set, GO!" The announcer screamed. Sadran smiled as the podracers blasted by her. She pushed her long green hair from her face took a deep breath, this felt like home. The dry dessert air, mixed with thousands of screaming fans...
  7. Aston Jacobs

    The Force will be...

    Mos Eisley Spaceport Rumors have been flooding in that the suspect in connection with the series of grisly murders has fled somewhere towards the outer rim territories, an image of the individual has been released and Local Governments and officials are corroborating with the Republic and Jedi...
  8. WolfMortum

    The Search for Candidates.

    Coruscant had been a mess and yet between there and travelling to Nar Shadaa, drawing in the attention of two others and considering where he felt the Darkside of the Force to be calling him, Zarack's ambitions had slowly changed over time moving away from what was isolated and self contained to...
  9. Ria Misrani

    Prologue: Desert Meditation

  10. Nyx

    Fresh From the Desert

    Most dared not leave the few settlements on Tatooine. The desert was dangerous, and few who entered it survived. Luckily for the two Jawas walking through the Dune Sea, their kind had been traversing the dunes for thousands of years. As long as they avoided the hated Sand People, they would be...
  11. RC 212

    On Desert Sands I Ride.

    Tatooine... After escaping Sekalus Ellie had flown directly to Chazwa to drop off her delivery. It was a long trip, and she'd spent most of it tinkering with the hyperdrive, trying to figure out what exactly had shorted out her containment fields. Except there was nothing there to see, they all...
  12. Gray Raxis

    The Dragon Lady and Gray

    Gray was prepping himself for what lay ahead. He had hunted down a krayt dragon on Tatooine once before, and after telling [member="Stardust"] about it she wanted to go as well. He knew he couldn't tell her no, she knew he couldn't tell her no. She wanted to go get some leather to make herself...
  13. A

    Blood and Sand

    [member="Majis"] Tatooine. This world. This stain on the galaxy. Aellin had always hated this world. Not because of the sand, not because of the heat or the twin suns, not even because of it's lack of resources, no. Aellin hated this world for what it was, what it had always been, a rock that...
  14. Warren Century

    Shielding Solutions (PM for invite.)

    Tatooine: The Sith and the Jedi would simply not get along. Given that, Warren needed a way to protect himself against decapitation or loss of limbs via lightsabers. Armor alone wasn't enough as the metals needed to create a suitable armor would be too expensive. Growling in frustration...
  15. Kaile Vera

    500 PARSECS ~

    TATOO SYSTEM Tatooine "So I was scouring the Holo-Bazaar." Kaile's cheerful voice would float over to Kurt from her perch. She was in cut off jeans, one of his old shirts, and a messy ponytail that sat at the crown of her head. She had her server driver in one hand, and her datapad in...
  16. D

    The Last Templar: Part One

    Tatooine. "So, you gonna pay for that?" It was a late day on Tatooine. The suns had set, leaving the star filled sky to illuminate the city of Mos Eisley. It was another peaceful night, if one could call a night in the outlaw planet. Behind the backs of the little amount of law the...
  17. Valae Heavenshield

    A day in the dunes

    Valae Kitra was sitting at a small desk inside the white domed shelter that served as their office. It was a cramped and unkempt place that hadn't seen any business in quite a while. The Kitra Family Scrap Yard was struggling, just as it always had been. The salvager and his daughter were the...
  18. T

    Sand on the Horizon

    TD-31404 walked across Tatooine. His assignment had been to exterminate a group of Tusken Raiders attacking Bestine, but when he and his group drove them out of town, they followed. Now he was out alone in the deserts of Tatooine, lost wandering. He couldn't even locate the Tuskens anymore, and...
  19. scarletsurf

    Rough Landing

    Rough Landing at the Mos Eisley Spaceport Niyla pulled back the shield covering her eyes and sighed of relief, pushing her pink hair back as she gathered her thoughts, the Mos Eisley band playing in the background. Everything seems to be in...
  20. Giovannti Alicence

    Escort Mission: 'Venture For Evidence, and Justice!

    'VENTURE FOR EVIDENCE, AND JUSTICE Come the arrival of noon, The Galactic Republic official: Giovannti, adorned herself figure with a noble's quality of robes, accessories and other pleasentries. "Senator Alicence, we're ready to escort you to the drop off zone," Two women spoke in unison...
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